Test::DescribeMe - Tell test runners what kind of test you are
version 0.001
Maybe you're an author test and users shouldn't run you:
use Test::DescribeMe qw(author);
Or maybe you are a really slow test you don't want to bother most people with:
use Test::DescribeMe qw(extended);
Or perhaps you only want to run on smokers
use Test::DescribeMe qw(smoke);
Or a combination there of
use Test::DescribeMe qw(smoke extended);
Or you require user input
use Test::DescribeMe qw(interactive);
Sometimes you want to run (or not run) tests under certain conditions. This module provides a way to identify what kind of test a test is and will skip the test if the matching conditions aren't met. See "BACKGROUND" below for a longer description.
To describe what kind of test you are, you use()
this module and pass test types to the import list. This SHOULD be done before importing Test::More if you set explicit plans or tests will break!
use Test::DescribeMe qw(smoker);
use Test::More tests => 5;
(Although you probably want "done_testing" in Test::More without explicit plans).
The available test descriptions and effects are:
smoke - This test only wants to run on smoke boxes.
interactive - This test requires user interaction and should not be run in cases where this isn't wanted or available
extended - This test should only be run if someone really wants to - as it may take a long time or use lots of resources.
author - This is an author test and should only be run during development time.
release - This is a release test and should onyl be run pre-release to ensure a build is insane.
More Control
If this doesn't provide the control you're looking for - for example, NOT running a test if on a smoker, see Test::Settings.
With the Lancaster Consensus at the Perl QA Hackathon 2013, a 'new' system has been defined which provides two new test environment variables and reaffirms an existing one.
AUTOMATED_TESTING was meant to be used by smokers, but has been abused to say things like "Only run this test on smokers since it takes a long time." The problem with this is install tools want to say "Run all tests but don't prompt the user" and the only way to do that is with AUTOMATED_TESTING, and so they end up running the long running tests and wasting time.
In order to support this, AUTOMATEDTESTING> will once again mean "I am a smoker running these tests" and two new environmental variables EXTENDED_TESTING and NON_INTERACTIVE will handle the two other cases.
EXTENDED_TESTING is for tests that want
Test::Settings - Ask or tell when certain types of tests should be run
Test::Is - Skip test in a declarative way, following the Lancaster Consensus
Matthew Horsfall (alh) - <>
You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself.