Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

#!perl -w
use strict;
use Config;
my $trysource = "try.c";
my $tryout = "try.i";
getopts('fF:ekvI:X', \my %opt) or pod2usage();
my($expr, @headers) = @ARGV ? splice @ARGV : "-";
pod2usage "-f and -F <tool> are exclusive\n" if $opt{f} and $opt{F};
foreach($trysource, $tryout) {
unlink $_ if $opt{e};
die "You already have a $_" if -e $_;
if ($expr eq '-') {
warn "reading from stdin...\n";
$expr = do { local $/; <> };
my($macro, $args) = $expr =~ /^\s*(\w+)((?:\s*\(.*\))?)\s*;?\s*$/s
or pod2usage "$expr doesn't look like a macro-name or macro-expression to me";
if (!(@ARGV = @headers)) {
open my $fh, '<', 'MANIFEST' or die "Can't open MANIFEST: $!";
while (<$fh>) {
push @ARGV, $1 if m!^([^/]+\.h)\t!;
push @ARGV, 'config.h' if -f 'config.h';
my $header;
while (<>) {
next unless /^#\s*define\s+$macro\b/;
my ($def_args) = /^#\s*define\s+$macro\(([^)]*)\)/;
if (defined $def_args && !$args) {
my @args = split ',', $def_args;
print "# macro: $macro args: @args in $_\n" if $opt{v};
my $argname = "A0";
$args = '(' . join (', ', map {$argname++} 1..@args) . ')';
$header = $ARGV;
die "$macro not found\n" unless defined $header;
if ($^O =~ /MSWin(32|64)/) {
# The Win32 (and Win64) build process expects to be run from
# bleadperl/Win32
chdir "Win32"
or die "Couldn't chdir to win32: $!";
open my $out, '>', $trysource or die "Can't open $trysource: $!";
my $sentinel = "$macro expands to";
# These two are included from perl.h, and perl.h sometimes redefines their
# macros. So no need to include them.
my %done_header = ('embed.h' => 1, 'embedvar.h' => 1);
sub do_header {
my $header = shift;
return if $done_header{$header}++;
print $out qq{#include "$header"\n};
print $out <<'EOF' if $opt{X};
/* Need to do this like this, as cflags.sh sets it for us come what may. */
#undef PERL_CORE
do_header('XSUB.h') if $opt{X};
print $out <<"EOF";
#line 4 "$sentinel"
close $out or die "Can't close $trysource: $!";
print "doing: $Config{make} $tryout\n" if $opt{v};
my $cmd = "$Config{make} $tryout";
system( $cmd ) == 0
or die "Couldn't launch [$cmd]: $! / $?";
# if user wants 'indent' formatting ..
my $out_fh;
if ($opt{f} || $opt{F}) {
# a: indent is a well behaved filter when given 0 arguments, reading from
# stdin and writing to stdout
# b: all our braces should be balanced, indented back to column 0, in the
# headers, hence everything before our #line directive can be ignored
# We can take advantage of this to reduce the work to indent.
my $indent_command = $opt{f} ? 'indent' : $opt{F};
if (defined $opt{I}) {
$indent_command .= " $opt{I}";
open $out_fh, '|-', $indent_command or die $?;
} else {
$out_fh = \*STDOUT;
open my $fh, '<', $tryout or die "Can't open $tryout: $!";
while (<$fh>) {
print $out_fh $_ if /$sentinel/o .. 1;
unless ($opt{k}) {
foreach($trysource, $tryout) {
die "Can't unlink $_: $!" unless unlink $_;
=head1 NAME
expand-macro.pl - expand C macros using the C preprocessor
expand-macro.pl [options]
[ < macro-name | macro-expression | - > [headers] ]
-f use 'indent' to format output
-F <tool> use <tool> to format output (instead of -f)
-e erase try.[ic] instead of failing when they're present
-k keep them after generating (for handy inspection)
-v verbose
-I <indent-opts> passed into indent
-X include "XSUB.h" (and undefine PERL_CORE)