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name = App-Notes
author = William Wolf <>
author = Naveed Massjouni <>
license = CC0_1_0
copyright_holder = William Wolf
copyright_year = 2012
-bundle = @Basic
-remove = Readme
-remove = GatherDir
exclude_filename = Makefile.PL
exclude_filename = CHANGES
push_to = origin
allow_dirty =
allow_dirty = dist.ini
allow_dirty = Makefile.PL
allow_dirty = CHANGES
[ReadmeAnyFromPod / ReadmeMarkdownInBuild]
type = markdown
filename =
location = build
[ReadmeAnyFromPod / ReadmePodInBuild]
type = pod
filename = README.pod
location = build
copy =
copy = Makefile.PL
copy = CHANGES
metacpan = 1