# Retrieve current data from Manned Space Flight web page
use strict;
our $VERSION = '0.001';
my %opt;
my $usage = <<eod;
Get manned spaceflight data. An internet connection is needed.
Output goes to standard out.
usage: spaceflight [options]
where the legal options are:
gets all data, rather than just the current data;
displays this message;
retrieves the data as so-called 'NASA 2-line elements', with the
name of the satellite before each element set.
GetOptions (\%opt, qw{all help name}) or die $usage;
$opt{help} and do {print $usage; exit};
# Instantiate the object. The arguments get passed to set().
my $st = Astro::SpaceTrack->new (with_name => $opt{name});
# Retrieve our data. We have to pass '-all' to get all data,
# or no arguments to get the current data.
my $rslt = $st->spaceflight ($opt{all} ? '-all' : ());
# We die if we failed to retrieve the data.
$rslt->is_success or die $rslt->status_line;
# If we're still alive, we print the data we got back.
print $rslt->content;