Changes for version 0.061 - 2012-08-15

  • Reinstate the headings returned by -notle searches done with space_track_version set to 1. These were lost in version 0.060_09. When the space_track_version attribute is 2, implement the -exclude search option in terms of the OBJECT_TYPE field rather than by simulating the version 1 exclusion rules in the client. This can mean different search results depending on the interface used (e.g. Westford needles are debris under v1, but payload under v2), but since the change seems to be deliberate on the part of Space Track, I am following it.

Changes for version 0.060_12 - 2012-08-07

  • Turn on autoflush in t/query.t to try to prevent overwriting of prompt.

Changes for version 0.060_11 - 2012-07-31

  • Have the REST version of retrieve() issue multiple queries if the number of OIDs is over 50. Add the ability to handle OID ranges to the REST versions of retrieve() and search_oid(). Have the output of names( 'spacetrack' ) depend on the value of the space_track_version attribute. Have the shell() method extract redirections from the command line before un-quoting and un-escaping the data, so that we have a way to force something that looks like a redirection to be taken as an argument.

Changes for version 0.060_10 - 2012-07-27

  • Add ':' to the list of 'safe' characters when URI-escaping arguments to the Space Track REST interface. Percent-encoded colons seemed to stop working some time between 13:15 and 19:15 GMT on July 27 2012. Un-encoded colons go through fine. Accept ':' as well as '/' as punctuation between username and password in environment variable SPACETRACK_USER. Have t/query.t try to load Term::ReadKey. If successful, it uses it to turn off password echoing. If not successful, it adds '(ECHOED)' to the prompt.

Changes for version 0.060_09 - 2012-07-24

  • Fix problem associating RCS data with TLEs when using version 1 of the Space Track interface and the OID in the search results is less than five digits. Change default value of verify_hostname attribute to false. And about time. Add attribute 'pretty' to reqest that JSON text (and potentially others) be pretty-formatted.

Changes for version 0.060_08 - 2012-07-23

  • Expose the name of the Space Track session cookie as an attribute. This is one of those attributes which have distinct values for each value of space_track_version. Have the parser for the retrieve() -start_epoch and -end_epoch options accept time of day as well as just date. Pass time of day to the server when using the Space Track REST interface.

Changes for version 0.060_07 - 2012-07-21

  • Further deprecate celestrak( 'sts' ) and spaceflight( 'shuttle' ) so that they give a warning every time they are used. I jumped the gun a bit, but this is a development release. If both -json and -rcs are in effect, return RCSSOURCE as well as RCSVALUE. Have the attribute_names() method take account of the fact that the 'cookie_expires' attribute does not exist if the space_track_version attribute is set to 2. Ignore the -sort and -descending retrieve() options when using the Space Track REST interface. As things now stand, I have to force the equivalent of -sort=epoch -descending when retrieve()-ing multiple OIDs to get sane results. Add a -json retrieve() option, valid only if the REST interface is in use. This also works with celestrak() and file() if the space_track_version attribute is 2, but with celestrak() the usual restrictions on retrieve() options apply. Retrieve TLEs for multiple OIDs in a single call to the Space Track REST interface.

Changes for version 0.060_06 - 2012-07-12

  • Require HTTP::Status 6.03, because I can't forebear to use the "teapot" status for testing purposes.

Changes for version 0.060_05 - 2012-07-11

  • Expose spacetrack_query_v2(), which is our lowest-level interface to Space Track version 2. Use JSON rather than YAML for serialization in (e.g.) t/spacetrack_request.t, since the former is now a requirement, but the latter never was. Bit-mapped the unsupported dump_headers attribute. Eliminated the unsupported debug_url attribute.

Changes for version 0.060_04 - 2012-07-06

  • Implement epoch selection of TLEs via the Space Track REST interface. Run all the Space Track REST arguments through URI::Escape, which has been added as a requirement. Try to detect Space Track login failure due to a host verification problem, and recommend setting the verify_hostname attribute false.

Changes for version 0.060_03 - 2012-07-02

  • Correct erroneous skip() outside SKIP: block in t/query.t.

Changes for version 0.060_02 - 2012-07-02

  • Add JSON as dependency. It's used by the Space Track V2 interface.

Changes for version 0.060_01 - 2012-07-01

  • Provide access to Space Track v2 REST interface, which is currently in beta. This involves adding attribute space_track_version. Attributes cookie_expires, domain_space_track, and session_cookie now have separate values for each possible value of space_track_version. Due to limitations of the version 2 interface, bulk data downloads throw an exception, and the with_name attribute is ignored by retrieve(), Add a logout() method, which deletes all the session cookies. I considered having it only delete the session cookie for the current space_track_version, but decided that this was too confusing. Fix problem with Astro::SpaceTrack file() method passing its options hash to the retrieve() method as an OID. This was probably introduced in version 0.020. Bump Test::More requirement from 0.88 to 0.96 so I can do subtests. Add method content_interface, which returns the version of the Space Track interface use to fetch the data. If Space Track was not involved, returns undef. Add verify_hostname option to SpaceTrackTk settings window. Add 'Settings ...' button to login screen.


Perl application to fetch satellite orbit data.


Retrieve orbital data from


in lib/Astro/SpaceTrack/