Changes for version 0.064 - 2012-09-05

  • Add REST support for as many of the spacetrack() bulk data sets as I can figure out. The analysis is in Astro::SpaceTrack::BulkData. The default -status for a REST query is now 'onorbit'. The default for version 1 queries remains 'all'. Space Track REST queries now use the 'tle_latest' class unless historical data are needed, as indicated by use of -start_epoch, -end_epoch, -since_file, or some -status other than 'onorbit'. Add 'time' and 'olist' meta-commands to the shell() method. The latter is experimental, and may go away. Eliminate superfluous REST queries issued by search_name() and search_oid(). These were introduced in 0.060_07. Suppress appending of '--rcs' to the common name by the REST interface when RCSVALUE is null. Fix problem with merging names from an observing list into JSON REST data.


Perl application to fetch satellite orbit data.


Retrieve orbital data from


in lib/Astro/SpaceTrack/