Astro::UTDF - Manipulate Universal Tracking Data Format data


use Astro::UTDF;
my @data = Astro::UTDF->slurp( $file_name );
foreach my $utdf ( @data ) {
    print join( "\t", $utdf->decode( 'measurement_time' ),
        $utdf->azimuth(), $utdf->elevation(),
    ), "\n";


This code should be considered alpha software. It was written without access to the full specification, and has been exposed to a very limited set of honest-to-Heaven UTDF data (the data in the test suite are artificial). The wise user will perform his or her own tests on this code, since it may produce results other than those intended by either author or user.


This class represents a record from a Universal Tracking Data Format (UTDF) file. The UTDF file can be read using the Astro::UTDF->slurp() method, which returns a list of Astro::UTDF objects.


Most of the following methods are accessor/mutators of some sort. When called with no argument, they return the desired value. When called with an argument, they set the value from the argument, and return the object so that calls can be chained. Validation is minimal to non-existent, and data range problems seem to be most likely to show up when calling $utdf->raw_record() as an accessor.

This class supports the following public methods:


my $utdf = Astro::UTDF->new( raw_record => $buffer );

This method instantiates an Astro::UTDF object. You can pass name/value pairs, where the name is the name of a mutator and the value is the value to pass to it. If you pass no arguments, you get an object with all attributes initialized to 0, except:

front is initialized to its predefined value;
router is initialized to '  ';
tdrss_only is initialized to 18 null bytes;
rear is initialized to its predefined value.


print 'AGC is ', $utdf->agc(), "\n";

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning the value of the AGC signal level at the receiver.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the value of the AGC signal level at the receiver.

This information comes from bytes 39-40 of the record.


print 'Azimuth is ', $utdf->azimuth(), " radians\n";
$utdf->azimuth( 1.23098 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning the antenna azimuth in radians, in the range 0 <= azimuth <= TWO_PI. If "enforce_validity" is true, this method returns undef if "is_angle_valid" (bit 2 (from 0) of the "data_validity" attribute) is false.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the antenna azimuth to the angle given (in radians) in its argument. The angle will be normalized before storage. Setting the azimuth does not set is_angle_valid( 1 ); you must do this yourself.

This information comes from bytes 19-22 of the record.


my $clone = $utdf->clone();

This method returns a new object whose attributes are the same as those of the object cloned. Be aware that this means $clone->prior_record() returns the same object as $utdf->prior_record() until you change one of them.

You can pass name/value pairs as arguments, in which case the names are the names of mutator methods, and the arguments are arguments to them. The mutators are called on the clone, not the original object.

If you call this as a static method, it is equivalent to new().


printf 'Data interval = ', $utdf->data_interval(), " seconds\n";
$utdf->data_interval( 1 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning the data interval in seconds, from bits 0-10 (from 0) of "tracker_type_and_data_rate". It is possible to get fractions of a second.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the data interval in seconds. The argument must not be negative.


printf "Data validity is 0x%02x\n", $utdf->data_validity();

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning the data validity mask.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the data validity mask.

The bits of the data validity mask (from bit 0 = least significant) are:

0 - range valid
1 - range rate valid
2 - angle valid
3 - angle delta correction ( 1 = corrected )
4 - refraction correction to angles ( 1 = corrected )
5 - refraction correction to range, rate ( 1 = corrected )
6 - destruct range rate ( 1 = destruct )
7 - side lobe ( 1 = side lobe )

This information comes from byte 51 of the record.


print 'Measurement time: ',
$utdf->decode( 'measurement_time' );

This method is a general-purpose accessor, producing human-readable output when it knows how. It takes as its arguments the name of a method, and its arguments if any. If this method knows how to produce human-readable output from the given method, it does so and returns the human-readable output. Otherwise it simply calls the method and returns its output.

This method knows how to produce human-readable output from the following methods. Generally, the output comes pretty much verbatim from the description of the given method's output.

data_validity (in hexadecimal)
frequency_band_and_transmission_type (in hexadecimal)
front (in hexadecimal)
measurement_time ( = scalar gmtime )
mode (in hexadecimal)
raw_record (in hexadecimal)
rear (in hexadecimal)
tdrss_only (in hexadecimal)


print 'Doppler count is ', $utdf->doppler_count(), "\n";
$utdf->doppler_count( 123456789 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning the Doppler count. If "enforce_validity" is true, this method return undef if "is_doppler_valid" (bit 1 (from 0) of the "data_validity" attribute) is false.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the Doppler count to the number given in its argument. Setting the Doppler count does not set is_doppler_valid( 1 ); you must do this yourself.

This information comes from bytes 33-38 of the record.


print 'Doppler shift is ', $utdf->doppler_shift(), " Hertz\n";

This method returns the Doppler shift of the data, in Hertz.

This information is calculated from the biased Doppler frequency, which in turn comes from the difference between the Doppler counts of this record and the previous record (accounting for count wrap if needed), divided by the difference between the observation times of this record and the previous record. Accordingly, this information is not available for the first record in the file.

If "enforce_validity" is true, this method returns undef if "is_doppler_valid" (bit 1 (from 0) of the "data_validity" attribute) of either of the two records involved is false.

Assuming both Doppler counts are valid, the Doppler shift in Hertz is

+-               -+
| N1 - N0         |
| ------- - 2.4e8 | / M
| T1 - T0         |
+-               -+

where the Ns are the Doppler-plus-bias counts, the Ts are the corresponding times, and the M is the frequency-dependent factor returned by the "factor_M" method.


print 'Elevation is ', $utdf->elevation(), " radians\n";
$utdf->elevation( 0.65321 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning the antenna elevation in radians, in the range -PI <= elevation < PI. If "enforce_validity" is true, this method returns undef if "is_angle_valid" (bit 2 (from 0) of the "data_validity" attribute) is false.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the antenna elevation to the angle given (in radians) in its argument. The angle will be normalized before storage. Setting the elevation does not set is_angle_valid( 1 ); you must do this yourself.

This information comes from bytes 23-26 of the record.


print "Validity is ", $utdf->enforce_validity() ?
    " enforced\n" : " not enforced\n";
$utdf->enforce_validity( 1 );

When called without an argument this method is an accessor, returning the current value of the enforce_validity attribute.

When called with an argument this method is a mutator, setting the value of the enforce_validity attribute and returning the mutated object.

The enforce_validity attribute is not part of the UTDF standard. If set true (in the Perl sense, meaning any value but undef, '' or 0), those methods which return data having associated validity bits will return undef if the relevant validity bit is not set. If false, those methods will ignore the validity bit and return whatever value the attribute has.

This attribute defaults to undef (that is, false).


print "Factor M is ", $utdf->factor_K(), "\n";
$utdf->factor_K( 100 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor, returning the factor K to be used in the calculation of "range_rate".

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator, specifying the value of factor K to be used in the calculation of "range_rate".

By default, this is 240/221 if the frequency is >= 2e9 Hertz, and 1 otherwise. Setting the value to undef restores the default.


print "Factor M is ", $utdf->factor_M(), "\n";
$utdf->factor_M( 100 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor, returning the factor M to be used in the calculation of "doppler_shift".

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator, specifying the value of factor M to be used in the calculation of "doppler_shift".

By default, this is 100 if the frequency is >= 1.2e10 Hertz, and 1000 otherwise. Setting the value to undef restores the default.


printf "Frequency band is 0x%01x\n",
$utdf->frequency_band( 3 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning the frequency band encoded as a number from 0 to 15.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the frequency band to a number from 0 to 15; this number comes from the low 4 bits of the argument.

The frequency band is found in the high nybble of the "frequency_code_and_transmission_type", and the encoding is documented there.


printf "The frequency band and transmission type are 0x%02x\n",
$utdf->frequency_band_and_transmission_type( 0x11 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning the frequency band and transmission type.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the frequency band and transmission type.

This field represents two data items packed into a byte. The most significant nybble encodes the frequency (in hexadecimal) as follows:

0 - unspecified
1 - VHF
2 - UHF
3 - S-band
4 - C-band
5 - X-band
6 - Ku-band
7 - visible
8 - S-band uplink/Ku-band downlink
9-F - unused

The least significant nybble encodes the transmission type (in hexadecimal) as follows:

0 - test
1 - unused
2 - simulated
3 - resubmit
4 - real time (normal setting)
5 - playback

This information comes from byte 52 of the record.


printf "The front 3 bytes are 0x%06x\n", $utdf->front();
$utdf->front( "abc" );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning the front 3 bytes of the record. This should always be 0x0d0a01.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the front 3 bytes of the record.

This information comes from bytes 1-3 of the record.


print "The hexified record is ", $utdf->hex_record(), "\n";
$utdf->hex_record('0d0a01 ... 040f0f' );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor, returning the "raw_record" hexified by unpack 'H*'.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator, which generates the raw record by pack 'H*' and then passes that to "raw_record".


print 'Angle data are ', (
    $utdf->is_angle_valid() ? '' : 'not' ), " valid\n";
$utdf->is_angle_valid( 1 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning 1 (i.e. true) if angles are valid, and 0 (i.e. false) if not.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the angle validity to 1 if the argument is true and 0 if the argument is false.

The angle data are considered valid if bit 2 (from 0) of $utdf->data_validity() is set.


print 'Angle data are ', (
    $utdf->is_angle_corrected_for_misalignment() ?
    '' : 'not ' ), " corrected for mount misalignment\n";
$utdf->is_angle_corrected_for_misalignment( 1 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning 1 (i.e. true) if angles are corrected for antenna mount misalignment, and 0 (i.e. false) if not.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the angle correction for mount misalignment to 1 if the argument is true and 0 if the argument is false. Note that nothing is actually done to the angle data by setting this bit - it merely asserts (rightly or wrongly) that the data in the object have been corrected.

The angle data are considered corrected for antenna mount misalignment if bit 3 (from 0) of $utdf->data_validity() is set.


print 'Angle data are ', (
    $utdf->is_angle_corrected_for_refraction() ?
    '' : 'not ' ), " corrected for tropospheric refraction\n";
$utdf->is_angle_corrected_for_refraction( 1 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning 1 (i.e. true) if angles are corrected for tropospheric refraction, and 0 (i.e. false) if not.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the angle correction for tropospheric refraction to 1 if the argument is true and 0 if the argument is false. Note that nothing is actually done to the angle data by setting this bit - it merely asserts (rightly or wrongly) that the data in the object have been corrected.

The angle data are considered corrected for tropospheric refraction if bit 4 (from 0) of $utdf->data_validity() is set.


print 'Destruct Doppler was ', (
    $utdf->is_destruct_doppler() ? '' : 'not' ), " used\n";
$utdf->is_destruct_doppler( 1 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning 1 (i.e. true) if destruct Doppler was used, and 0 (i.e. false) if not.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the destruct Doppler use to 1 if the argument is true and 0 if the argument is false.

Destruct Doppler is considered used if bit 6 (from 0) of $utdf->data_validity() is set.


print 'Doppler data are ', (
    $utdf->is_doppler_valid() ? '' : 'not' ), " valid\n";
$utdf->is_doppler_valid( 1 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning 1 (i.e. true) if Doppler counts are valid, and 0 (i.e. false) if not.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the Doppler count validity to 1 if the argument is true and 0 if the argument is false.

The Doppler counts are considered valid if bit 1 (from 0) of $utdf->data_validity() is set.


print 'Range and Doppler data are ', (
    $utdf->is_range_corrected_for_refraction() ?
    '' : 'not ' ), " corrected for tropospheric refraction\n";
$utdf->is_range_corrected_for_refraction( 1 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning 1 (i.e. true) if the range and Doppler data are corrected for tropospheric refraction, and 0 (i.e. false) if not.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the range and Doppler correction for tropospheric refraction to 1 if the argument is true and 0 if the argument is false. Note that nothing is actually done to the range and Doppler data by setting this bit - it merely asserts (rightly or wrongly) that the data in the object have been corrected.

The range and Doppler data are considered corrected for tropospheric refraction if bit 5 (from 0) of $utdf->data_validity() is set.


print 'Range data are ', (
    $utdf->is_range_valid() ? '' : 'not' ), " valid\n";
$utdf->is_range_valid( 1 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning 1 (i.e. true) if the range delay is valid, and 0 (i.e. false) if not.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the range delay validity to 1 if the argument is true and 0 if the argument is false.

The range delay are considered valid if bit 0 (from 0) of $utdf->data_validity() is set.


print 'Data are ', (
    $utdf->is_side_lobe() ?
    '' : 'not ' ), "side lobe data\n";
$utdf->is_side_lobe( 1 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning 1 (i.e. true) if the data are side lobe data, and 0 (i.e. false) if not.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the side lobe data indicator to 1 if the argument is true and 0 if the argument is false.

The data are considered side lobe data if bit 5 (from 0) of $utdf->data_validity() is set.


print 'This is ', ( $utdf->is_last_frame() ? '' : 'not ' ),
    "the last frame\n";
$utdf->is_last_frame( 1 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning 1 (i.e. true) if the last-frame bit is set, and 0 (i.e. false) if not.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the last-frame bit to 1 if the argument is true and 0 if the argument is false.

The last-frame bit is bit 11 (from 0) of "tracker_type_and_data_rate".


print 'Measured at ',
    scalar gmtime $utdf->measurement_time(),
    " GMT\n";
$utdf->measurement_time( 1238544000 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning the Perl time the measurement was made.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the time the measurement was made to the Perl time represented by the argument.

This information is constructed from the "year" field, the "seconds_of_year" field, and the "microseconds_of_year" field.


print 'Measured at ',
    " microseconds after the second.\n";
$utdf->microseconds_of_year( 2000 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning the number of microseconds after an even second that the measurement was made.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the number of microseconds since an even second.

This information comes from bytes 15-18 of the record.


printf "System-unique mode: 0x%04x\n", $utdf->mode();
$utdf->mode( 12 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning the system-unique mode information.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the system-unique mode information.

The data depend on the system being used, and are encoded in the bits of the mode as follows, 0 being the least-significant bit:

0     0 = beacon, 1 = skin
1     0
2-3   00 = autotrack
      01 = program track
      02 = manual
      03 = slaved
4-15  unused
0     0 = coherent, 1 = incoherent
1     0 = secondary, 1 = primary
2-3   see C-band
4-5   00 = unused
      01 = 1-way
      10 = 2-way
      11 = 3-way
6-7   -1 = lowest sidetone 10 Hz
8-9   00 = not used
      01 = major tone 20 KHz
      10 = major tone 100 KHz
      11 = major tone 500 KHz
10-12 Autotrack MFR, 1-6 (0 = unknown)
13-15 Range MFR, 1-4 (0 = unknown)
0-1   unused
2-3   see C-band
4-5   unused
6-9   see SRE

This information comes from bytes 49-50 of the record.


my $prior = $utdf->prior_record();
$utdf->prior_record( $another_record );

When called without any arguments, this method is an accessor which returns the prior UTDF record. This is the record used to compute "doppler_shift" and from that "range_rate".

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the prior UTDF record. The argument must be an Astro::UTDF object or undef. When called as an accessor, this method returns its object, so that calls can be chained.


print 'Range is ', $utdf->range(), " kilometers\n";

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor which returns the range to the satellite in kilometers, calculated as the speed of light (in kilometers per nanosecond) times half the difference between the "range_delay" and the "transponder_latency".

When called with an argument, this method croaks.


print 'Range delay ', $utdf->range_delay(), " nanoseconds\n";

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning the range delay (tracker to spacecraft to tracker) in nanoseconds. If "enforce_validity" is true, this method returns undef if "is_range_valid" (bit 0 (from 0) of the "data_validity" attribute) is false.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the range delay to the number given (in nanoseconds) in its argument. Setting the range delay does not set is_range_valid( 1 ); you must do this yourself.

According to the specification the value returned by this method includes transponder latency in the satellite, but not latency at the ground station.

This information comes from bytes 27-32 of the record.


print 'Range rate ', $utdf->range_rate(), " km/second\n";

This method returns the range rate, or velocity in recession.

This is calculated from the "doppler_shift", and will be undef if "doppler_shift" returns undef.

Assuming the Doppler shift is valid, the range rate is calculated as


where c is the speed of light, D is the "doppler_shift", F is the transmission frequency, and K is a frequency-dependent factor returned by "factor_K".


print 'Raw record in hex: ', unpack( 'H*', $utdf->raw_record() ), "\n";
$utdf->raw_record( $buffer );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor for the raw UTDF record used to initialize the object. The returned datum will be 75 bytes long, in binary.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator that sets the object's attributes from the given raw record. This record should be binary, 75 bytes long.


printf "The rear 3 bytes are 0x%06x\n", $utdf->rear();

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning the last three bytes of the record.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the last three bytes of the record. These should always be 0x040f0f.

This information comes from bytes 73-75 of the record.


print 'The receive antenna PADID is ',
    $utdf->receive_antenna_padid(), "\n";
$utdf->receive_antenna_padid( 72 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning the receive antenna PADID.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the receive antenna PADID.

This information comes from byte 48 of the record.


printf "The receive antenna diameter code is 0x%x\n",
$utdf->receive_antenna_diameter_code( 3 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning the receive antenna diameter code.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the receive antenna diameter code.

This code is found in the high nybble of "receive_antenna_type", and the encoding is documented there.


printf "The receive antenna geometry code is 0x%x\n",
$utdf->receive_antenna_geometry_code( 3 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning the receive antenna geometry code.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the receive antenna geometry code.

This code is found in the low nybble of "receive_antenna_type", and the encoding is documented there.


print 'The receive antenna diameter/type code is ',
    $utdf->receive_antenna_type(), "\n";
$utdf->receive_antenna_type( 65 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning the receive antenna diameter and type codes.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the receive antenna diameter and type codes.

This datum is a byte, encoded the same way as the "transmit_antenna_type".

This information comes from byte 47 of the record.


print 'Tracking data router: ', $utdf->router(), "\n";
$utdf->router( 'DD' );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning the tracking data router.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the tracking data router.

Known router codes are:

FF = GSFC/France (CNES)
HH = GSFC/Japan
II = GSFC/Germany (ESRO)

This information comes from bytes 4-5 of the record.


print 'Measured at ', $utdf->seconds_of_year(),
    " seconds after the start of the year\n";
$utdf->seconds_of_year( 9999999 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning the number of seconds since the start of the year that the measurement was made.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the number of seconds since the start of the year.

This information comes from bytes 11-14 of the record.


print 'The SIC is ', $utdf->sic(), "\n";
$utdf->sic( 42 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning the SIC. I have no further information on what this is.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the SIC.

This information comes from bytes 7-8 of the record.


my @data = Astro::UTDF->slurp( $file_name );
my @data = Astro::UTDF->slurp(
    $file_name, attribute => $value ... );
my @data = Astro::UTDF->slurp(
    file => $file_name, attribute => $value ... );

This static method reads the given file, returning an array of Astro::UTDF objects. The argument can also be a handle to an open file. The file will be put into binmode and read to the end. Astro::UTDF objects will be constructed from each of the records in the file, and returned in the order they were read. All records but the first will have their "prior_record" attribute set to the previous record read.

You can also pass name/value pairs. These will be passed as arguments to new() when the objects are created. If a value for an attribute normally read from the file is specified, the given value will override the value from the file.

If the number of arguments is odd, the first argument is taken to be the file name or handle. You can also specify the file name or handle explicitly with Astro::UTDF->slurp( file => $file_name );.

This method ignores the value of "is_last_frame".


print 'TDRSS data: ', unpack( 'H*', $utdf->tdrss_only() ), "\n";
$utdf->tdrss_only( 'Hello, sailor!' );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning the TDRSS-only data.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the TDRSS-only data. These are 18 bytes reserved for Space Network (TDRSS) use only.

This information comes from bytes 55-72 of the record.


printf "Tracker type: 0x%01x\n", $utdf->tracker_type();
$utdf->tracker_type( 1 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning the tracker type encoded as a number from 0 to 15.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the tracker type to a number from 0 to 15; this number comes from the low 4 bits of the argument.

The tracker type is found in the high nybble of the "tracker_type_and_data_rate", and the encoding is documented there.


printf "Tracker type and data rate: 0x%04x\n",
$utdf->tracker_type_and_data_rate( 2 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning the tracker type, the last-frame flag, and the data rate.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the tracker type, the last-frame flag, and the data rate.

These data are packed into two bytes. The most significant nybble encodes the tracker type as follows (in hexadecimal):

0 - C-band pulse track
1 - SRE (S-band and VHF) or RER
2 - X-Y angles only
3 - unused
4 - SGLS (AFSCF S-band trackers)
5 - unused
9-F - unused

The high bit of the next-most-significant nybble is 1 for the last data frame.

The rest of this 2-byte field (i.e. the low 11 bits) encode data rate. If the high bit is off, it is the interval between samples in seconds. If the high bit is on, it is the twos complement of number of samples per second.

This information comes from bytes 53-54 of the record.


print 'The tracking mode is ', $utdf->tracking_mode(), "\n";
$utdf->tracking_mode( 2 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning the tracking mode as a number in the range 0-3.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the tracking mode to a number in the range 0-3. This number comes from the low 2 bits of the argument.

The tracking mode comes from bits 2-3 of the "mode" field, and the encoding is documented there.


print 'The transmission type is ', $utdf->transmission_type(), "\n";
$utdf->transmission_type( 4 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning the transmission type encoded as a number from 0 to 15.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the transmission type to a number from 0 to 15; this number comes from the low 4 bits of the argument.

The transmission type is found in the low nybble of the "frequency_code_and_transmission_type", and the encoding is documented there.


print 'The transmit antenna PADID is ',
    $utdf->transmit_antenna_padid(), "\n";
$utdf->transmit_antenna_padid( 72 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning the transmit antenna PADID.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the transmit antenna PADID.

This information comes from byte 46 of the record.


printf "The transmit antenna diameter code is 0x%x\n",
$utdf->transmit_antenna_diameter_code( 3 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning the transmit antenna diameter code.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the transmit antenna diameter code.

This code is found in the high nybble of "transmit_antenna_type", and the encoding is documented there.


printf "The transmit antenna geometry code is 0x%x\n",
$utdf->transmit_antenna_geometry_code( 3 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning the transmit antenna geometry code.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the transmit antenna geometry code.

This code is found in the low nybble of "transmit_antenna_type", and the encoding is documented there.


print 'The transmit antenna diameter/type code is ',
    $utdf->transmit_antenna_type(), "\n";
$utdf->transmit_antenna_type( 65 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning the transmit antenna diameter and type codes.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the transmit antenna diameter and type codes.

This datum is a byte, whose most-significant nybble encodes the antenna size as follows (in hexadecimal):

0 - less than 1 meter
1 - 3.9 meters
2 - 4.3 meters
3 - 9 meters
4 - 12 meters
5 - 26 meters
6 - TDRSS ground antenna
7 - 6 meters
8 - 7.3 meters
9 - 8 meters
A-F - unused

Antennae not on the list are encoded to the nearest size that is on the list. The least-significant nybble encodes the antenna geometry as follows (in hexadecimal):

0 - az-el
1 - X-Y (+X south)
2 - X-Y (+X east)
3 - RA-DEC
4 - HR-DEC
5-F - unused

This information comes from byte 45 of the record.


print 'The transmit frequency is ',
    $utdf->transmit_frequency(), " Hertz\n";

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor which returns the transmit frequency in Hertz.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the transmit frequency in Hertz.

This information comes from bytes 41-44 of the record.


print 'The transponder latency is ',
    $utdf->transponder_latency(), " nanoseconds\n";
$utdf->transponder_latency( 20 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor which returns the satellite transponder latency in nanoseconds.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the satellite transponder latency in nanoseconds.

This information does not come from the UTDF record, but is deducted from the "range_delay" when computing the "range". It defaults to 0.


print 'The VID is ', $utdf->vid(), "\n";
$utdf->vid( 86 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning the vehicle ID.

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the vehicle ID.

This information comes from bytes 9-10 of the record.


printf "The year is %02d\n", $utdf->year();
$utdf->year( 8 );

When called without an argument, this method is an accessor returning the Gregorian year the data were taken, modulo 100 (i.e. the year number in the century).

When called with an argument, this method is a mutator which sets the the year the data were taken.

This information comes from byte 6 of the record.


Support is by the author. Please file bug reports at, or in electronic mail to the author.


This module would not exist without the support and encouragement of Vidar Tyldum Hansen of Kongsberg Satellite Services AS.


Thomas R. Wyant, III wyant at cpan dot org


Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Thomas R. Wyant, III

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl 5.10.0. For more details, see the full text of the licenses in the directory LICENSES.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.