Changes for version 0.018

  • Astro::Coord::ECI 0.018 Update version number and copyright date. No other changes. Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE 0.013 Add semimajor(), to calculate and return the semimajor axis of the orbit. Update Iridium status: mark Iridium 28 (OID 24948) failed, and Iridium 95 (OID 27375) as in service (was spare). bin/satpass 0.018 Under Mac OS X, use Mac::Pasteboard for clipboard operations if available; supress pbcopy warning when run as cron job. Fix 'height' query to track changes in USGS' elevation web service. t/tle_sgp4r.t Correct the code that extracts the needed TLEs from the downloaded zip file.


Predict satellite passes over an observer.


Manipulate geocentric coordinates
Compute the position of the Moon.
Compute the position of a star.
Compute the position of the Sun.
Compute satellite locations using NORAD orbit propagation models
Compute behavior of Iridium satellites
Represent a set of data for the same ID.
Utility routines for astronomical calculations