Changes for version 0.045

  • Have the satpass script's geocode command favor Geo::Coder::Geocoder::US. Deprecate the use of SOAP::Lite. Have the satpass script set the height to 0 if the position was set by the geocode command, but height() failed. Update the copy of the GNU GPL in LICENSES/Copying to have the current FSF address. Document the release of Astro-App-Satpass2, and the eventual deprecation of the satpass script. Try to clarify how the atmospheric refraction calculation works.


Predict satellite passes over an observer.
Overview of Astro::Coord::ECI and friends


Manipulate geocentric coordinates
Compute the position of the Moon.
Compute the position of a star.
Compute the position of the Sun.
Compute satellite locations using NORAD orbit propagation models
Compute behavior of Iridium satellites
Represent a set of data for the same ID.
Utility routines for astronomical calculations