Changes for version 0.079 - 2017-04-26

  • Move satpass script from bin/ to script/
  • Mark OID 25041 (Iridium 40) tumbling, and 25042 (Iridium 41) spare per Kelso. The latter appears to have actually been declared spare in July 2016, but somehow I missed updating the canned status table.
  • Kelso added OID 16719 (COSMOS 1743) to magnitudes


Overview of Astro::Coord::ECI and friends
Predict satellite passes over an observer.


Manipulate geocentric coordinates
Provide common methods without multiple inheritance.
Compute the position of the Moon.
Compute the position of a star.
Compute the position of the Sun.
Compute satellite locations using NORAD orbit propagation models
Compute behavior of Iridium satellites
Represent a set of data for the same ID.
Utility routines for astronomical calculations