Changes for version 0.006_02 - 2016-01-19
- Add ProhibitUnusedVarsStricter to xt/author/perlcriticrc
Changes for version 0.006_01 - 2016-01-18
- Use 'our' for $VERSION, exporter symbols
- Have {Makefile,Build}.PL die unless MSWin32 or cygwin. There is a back door if environment variable AUTHOR_BUILD is true, so I can build a kit.
- Have t/basic.t skip if can't load Windows modules.
- Bring Changes file into compliance with Test::CPAN::Changes, and add test xt/author/changes.t to make sure it stays that way.
- Require Test::More 0.88 for building.
- Move the modification history into the Changes file.
- Update minimum Perl from 5.005 to 5.006002, since that is the minimum I have been able to actually build.
- Make the code as perlcritic-compliant as I think reasonable.
- Convert to CPAN-recommented license.
- Tweak t/basic.t to work under ReactOS.
Set file times, even on open or readonly files.