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use 5.006;
use strict;
no warnings qw(uninitialized);
use strict;
use Apache::Wyrd::Services::SAK qw(slurp_file token_parse);
our $VERSION = '0.83';
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(get_cached);
my %_file_cache_register = ();
my %_file_timestamp_register = ();
my $_previous_checktime_register = undef;
my $timeout = 30;
=head1 NAME
Apache::Wyrd::Services::FileCache - Cache service for frequently-accessed files
use Apache::Wyrd::Services::FileCache;
The FileCache is designed to reduce the number of disk accesses required
for Wyrds to make use of frequently-used files. It stores such files in
memory, checking every 30 seconds to see if they are changed. As the
perl environment persists under mod_perl, the cache persists with it.
For areas where changes are very frequent (such as during development),
the caching behavior can be turned off within the apache config by
setting C<NoFileCache> to a true value:
PerlSetVar NoFileCache 1
=head1 FLAGS
=item allow_nonexistent_files
Do not report a fatal error if the file can't be found. Instead, return
undef for contents.
=head1 METHODS
I<(format: (returns) name (arguments after self))>
=item (scalar) C<get_cached> (scalar)
Get the file contents. If the file has never been read by this process,
it is read into memory. The argument should be an absolute path to the
sub get_cached {
my ($self, $file) = @_;
my $time = time;
my @stats = (undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,$_file_timestamp_register{$file});
if ($self->dbl->req->dir_config('NoFileCache') or ($_previous_checktime_register < ($time - $timeout))) {
#$self->_info("checking $file against file cache");
@stats = stat($file);
delete($_file_cache_register{$file}) if ($stats[9] > $_file_timestamp_register{$file});
$_previous_checktime_register = $time;
return $_file_cache_register{$file} if (exists($_file_cache_register{$file}));
unless (-r $file and -f _) {
$self->_raise_exception("File $file cannot be read or is not a proper file.")
unless ($self->_flags->allow_nonexistent_files);
$self->_info("reading $file for file cache");
$_file_cache_register{$file} = ${slurp_file($file)};
$_file_timestamp_register{$file} = $stats[9];
return $_file_cache_register{$file};
reserves the private global variables: $_file_cache_register,
$_file_timestamp_register, and $_previous_checktime_register.
=head1 AUTHOR
Barry King E<lt>wyrd@nospam.wyrdwright.comE<gt>
=head1 SEE ALSO
=item Apache::Wyrd
General-purpose HTML-embeddable perl object
=head1 LICENSE
Copyright 2002-2004 Wyrdwright, Inc. and licensed under the GNU GPL.
See LICENSE under the documentation for C<Apache::Wyrd>.