Apache::Wyrd::Chart - Embed Dynamically-redrawn PNG charts in HTML
<BASENAME::Chart img="chart.png" type="bars" height="200" width="300">
select month, price
from monthly_prices
order by month
Chart-graphic Wyrd wrapping the GD::Graph
Module. Creates a graphic file (PNG) and a meta-data file based on data handed it to by an Apache::Wyrd::Query
The Chart Wyrd accepts nearly all the attributes of the GD::Graph module and the <img> tag, producing an <img> tag which points to the graphic file produced by GD::Graph, having most attributes (such as onClick, border, but not src) given to the Chart Wyrd.
- Wyrd attributes:
- data_col
Which column of the query to plot. Default: 2.
- labels
A comma or whitespace-separated list of label names. If not enough labels are given, the remainder will be labeled "unknown"
- label_col
Which column of the query to use for labels. Default: 1.
- other_limit
Items with values under this number will be lumped together under the item name "Other".
- label_filters, value_filters
A whitespace or comma delineated list of builtin filters to apply to the labels or values respectively. Current filters:
- zero
Replace undefined values with 0.
- dollar_sign
Put a dollar sign to the left
- percent_sign
Put a percent sign to the right
- commify
Put numbers into (north american style) comma splits, i.e. 3,000,000 for 3E6
- Flags
- nochache
Always generate the graphic, instead of checking to see if it has changed
- percent
Convert values to percentages of total
- rotate
Pivot the table returned by the query to make X Y and vice-versa
- value_labels
Add the value to the label, as in "Foobars (2), Widgets (23)"
- IMG-style attributes:
- GD::Graph-style attributes
See GD::Graph documentation for more details. Files are always document-root-relative. Colors may be in GD::Graph name format or in in HTML "#XXXXXX" format. Edge-positions are in the GD::Graph standard of UL for Upper-Left, LL for Lower-Left, etc. 1 is the usual value for "yes" in boolean attributes. Lists are in a whitespace-separated or comma-separated list of items (using Apache::Wyrd::Services::SAK::token_parse). Angles are in degrees.
- type
What type of graph, per the GD::Graph subclasses. Valid types are: lines, hbars, bars, points, linespoints, area, or pie
- b_margin t_margin l_margin r_margin
edge-to-graphic margins
- transparent interlaced
PNG options
- bgclr fgclr boxclr textclr labelclr axislabelclr legendclr valuesclr accentclr shadowclr
Colors for the respective chart elements
- dclrs borderclrs
Data element and border colors, in list format.
- show_values values_vertical values_space values_format
Whether (1=yes) to show values, whether vertically, what space (pixels) around them and what (sprintf-style) format to display them in.
- logo logo_position logo_resize
logo file, corner for logo, and resize factor
- legend_placement legend_spacing legend_marker_width legend_marker_height lg_cols
Legend attributes (axestype graphs only)
- x_label y_label box_axis two_axes zero_axis zero_axis_only x_plot_values y_plot_values y_max_value y_min_value x_tick_number x_min_value x_tick_number x_min_value x_max_value y_number_format x_label_skip y_label_skip x_tick_offset x_all_ticks x_label_position y_label_position x_labels_vertical long_ticks tick_length x_ticks y_tick_number axis_space text_space
Axis attributes (for applicable chart types)
- overwrite bar_width bar_spacing shadow_depth borderclrs cycle_clrs cumulate
Bar-chart attributes, foo_clrs are lists. Cumulate is boolean, and means to stack values within a bar
- line_types line_type_scale line_width skip_undef
Line-chart attributes. Line types are 1: solid, 2: dashed, 3: dotted, 4: dot-dashed. skip_undef leaves a gap for an undefined point
- markers marker_size
Marker types (1: filled square, 2: open square, 3: horizontal cross, 4: diagonal cross, 5: filled diamond, 6: open diamond, 7: filled circle, 8: open circle, 9: horizontal line, 10: vertical line) and size (in pixels)
- 3d pie_height start_angle suppress_angle
Pie chart attributes. suppress_angle is a limit below which no line is drawn
- legend_font title_font x_label_font y_label_font x_axis_font y_axis_font
Fonts. Either a file (if your system supports TTF) or one of the builtin fonts: gdTinyFont gdSmallFont gdMediumBoldFont gdLargeFont gdGiantFont
(format: (returns) name (arguments after self))
- (void)
(GD Object) -
"Hook" method for putting final changes on the plotted GD graphic. Accepts the graphic as a GD object. Does nothing by default.
- (undef)
(GD::Graph Object) -
"Hook" method for putting final changes on the GD::Graph object. Accepts the chart as a GD::Graph object. Does nothing by default.
- (void)
(void) -
"Hook" method for setting default attributes. Does nothing by default.
- (scalar)
(scalar, scalar) -
"Hook" for filtering data/labels. Should accept a value for the filter and the data to perform filters upon.
Reserves the register_filter, _setup and _format_output methods. Also reserves the methods _set_default_attributes, _get_data, _process_data, _filter_labels, _filter_values, _filter. Also reserves the standard register_query method.
Produces, by default, a second file (<graphic_name>.tdf) in the same directory as the graphic which has the HTML fingerprint and the data stored in tab-delineated-text format.
Barry King <>
Copyright 2002-2007 Wyrdwright, Inc. and licensed under the GNU GPL.
See LICENSE under the documentation for Apache::Wyrd
2 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 224:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'
- Around line 407:
'=item' outside of any '=over'