Test::Flatten - subtest output to a flatten
in t/foo.t
use Test::More;
use Test::Flatten;
subtest 'foo' => sub {
pass 'OK';
subtest 'bar' => sub {
pass 'ok';
subtest 'baz' => sub {
pass 'ok';
run it
$ prove -lvc t/foo.t
t/foo.t ..
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# foo
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ok 1 - ok
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# bar
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ok 2 - ok
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# baz
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ok 3 - ok
oh, flatten!
Test::Flatten is override Test::More::subtest.
The subtest I think there are some problems.
- 1. Caption is appears at end of subtest block.
use Test::More; subtest 'foo' => sub { pass 'ok'; }; done_testing; # ok 1 - foo is end of subtest block. t/foo.t .. ok 1 - ok 1..1 ok 1 - foo 1..1 ok
I want FIRST.
- 2. Summarizes the test would count.
use Test::More; subtest 'foo' => sub { pass 'bar'; pass 'baz'; }; done_testing; # total tests is 1 t/foo.t .. ok 1 - bar ok 2 - baz 1..2 ok 1 - foo 1..1
I want 2.
use Test::More; subtest 'foo' => sub { pass 'parent one'; pass 'parent two'; my $pid = fork; unless ($pid) { pass 'child one'; pass 'child two'; fail 'child three'; exit; } wait; pass 'parent three'; }; done_testing; # success...? t/foo.t .. ok 1 - parent one ok 2 - parent two ok 3 - child one ok 4 - child two not ok 5 - child three # Failed test 'child three' # at t/foo.t line 13. ok 3 - parent three 1..3 ok 1 - foo 1..1 ok
oh, really? I want FAIL and sync count.
Yes, We can!!
xaicron <xaicron {at}>
Copyright 2011 - xaicron
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.