Just a listing of all enum and flags types defined for $NAME, in one place for convenience. For more information, see the description of flags and enums in Glib.
while (<>) { s/#.*//; (undef, $cname, $base, undef) = split; next unless $cname; next unless $base eq 'GFlags' or $base eq 'GEnum';
eval {
# do the name to package conversion first, in case we have
# hijacked enum registrations with names that aren't the same
# as the C type names. (i've pulled that trick in a couple
# of places, can't remember exactly where, so play it safe.)
my $name = Glib::GenPod::convert_type ($cname);
my @values = Glib::Type->list_values ($name);
next unless @values;
my $type = UNIVERSAL::isa ($name, 'Glib::Flags')
? 'flags' : 'enum';
print "=head2 $type $name\n\n"
. "=over\n\n"
. join ("\n\n",
map { "=item * '$_->{nick}' / '$_->{name}'" }
. "\n\n=back\n\n";
} or print STDERR $@;
print " =head1 SEE ALSO
Glib, Glib::Flags, Gtk2::enums
Generated by $0, using Gnome2-Perl version ". $Gnome2::VERSION .".