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Revision history for Business-CyberSource
0.005001 2012-05-23
- remove Test::Exception and Data::Dumper::Concise from deps
- cleanup tests more
0.005000 2012-05-17
- massive test refactoring including use of Bread::Board to simplify tests
- carp on deprecated API's
- move factories into Factory namespace
- improve logic of Factory::Response
- New CreditCard object
- Reject without sending request if credit card expiration date is in the past
- datetimes are no longer strings but DateTime objects
0.004008 2012-05-11
- make optional attributes read-write and setonce
- throw an exception object on receipt of an ERROR from cybersource
0.004007 2012-05-10
- refactor tests
- more documentation improvements
- fix bug where ->create was exposed
0.004006 2012-05-09
- improve documentation
- Message Abstract Class
- Request/Response Extend Message
- Request Subclasses now subclass Request
- trace now exists on both request and response
- update to version 1.71 of CyberSource API
0.004005 2012-05-02
- add debug on BC::Client
- can enable at runtime by setting PERL_BUSINESS_CYBERSOURCE_DEBUG
- create Business::CyberSource::ResponseFactory to manage how responses
are created
0.004004 2012-05-02
- begin refactoring to patterns
- add Business::CyberSource::Client
- Business::CyberSource::Request (as a factory)
- Business::CyberSource::Request::*
- Methods
- submit
- Attributes
- username
- password
- production
0.004003 2011-10-23
- add ->comments field
- switch to decimal based versions
v0.4.2 2011-10-18
- add a field for ->phone_number
- fix the way ->ip_address is transmitted
v0.4.1 2011-10-17
- fix bug in test 403, where it wasn't providing test creds.
- trace setter should be setonce, no init arg, and a private setter, as it
is only to be set internally once.
v0.4.0 2011-10-06
- refactor guts to use moose triggers to build a request data hashref
- DCC requests were supported, but you couldn't have any follow up
requests. Now you can toggle dcc indicator's on Sale, Authorization,
Capture, and Credit.
- add more fields to Items
- add support for Full Name with Credit Cards
v0.3.8 2011-10-04
- change ->is_success to ->accepted, allow aliases ->is_accepted and ->is
- ->is_success success as a name doesn't really make sense
v0.3.7 2011-09-27
- fix bug where valid REJECT on an expired card was causing an exception
to be thrown
v0.3.6 2011-09-27
- fix bug where you could not specify a zip code for US or CA, and the
library would not throw an exception
- test initialization of authoriztion object without real credentials
v0.3.5 2011-09-23
- fix bug where American Express card_type was not being detected
- fix dcc tests
- more exception tests
v0.3.4 2011-09-20
- working DCC request support
v0.3.3 2011-09-19
- add country code conversion from 3 character, and country name
- fix bug where rejected sale's were crashing due to giving responses the
wrong inputs
v0.3.2 2011-09-19
- fix dependancy issue
- add an ->is_success accessor to the response object
v0.3.1 2011-09-15
- Sale wasn't actually added in 0.3.0 due to forgotten merge
- add support for business rules
v0.3.0 2011-09-14
- add support for multiple items
- add Sale (Authorization + Capture) Request Object
v0.2.8 2011-09-12
- make cv_code and cv_code_raw accessors work
- use processor specific value testing
- test CVN and AVS values
- refactor authorization to make values that are somemtimes available on
reject available
v0.2.7 2011-09-11
- use MooseX::StrictConstructor for new checking
- add expermimental cv_code and cv_code_raw accessors on authorization
responses. you can use has_cv_code* predicate to check if defined.
- decision ERROR now returns an actual response object.
v0.2.6 2011-09-09
- no real changes, simply removing trial status
v0.2.5 2011-09-09
- more docs
- Swap out most of the request type response roles for more generic roles
v0.2.4 2011-09-08
- more docs
- more type tightening
- remove Reject role, it was only providing something common to all
- Add StandAloneCredit and FollowOnCredit convenience objects, mostly for
use with our factory
v0.2.3 2011-09-06
- make ->ip a Net::Addr
- more and improved documentation
- tighten down other contraints
v0.2.2 2011-09-04
- make code further DRY by reducing duplicated code
v0.2.1 2011-09-02
- remove much repeated code
v0.2.0 2011-09-02
- use XML::Compile::SOAP instead of SOAP::Lite
v0.1.10 2011-08-31
- use more MooseX::Types
- fix subtle missing use Business::CyberSource::Response
v0.1.9 2011-08-26
- use MooseX::Types and Varchar to make attributes stricter and better
documented accross the board
v0.1.8 2011-08-26
- use MooseX::Types::CreditCard
as this type is based on int the ->credit_card method will no longer
return strings with '-' or ' ' in them
v0.1.7 2011-08-25
- add basic documentation for requests
- disable method documentation generation
- change how traits are applied on credit requests
v0.1.6 2011-08-24
- provide reason_text attribute on responses
v0.1.5 2011-08-24
- Document Business::CyberSource::Request
v0.1.4 2011-08-23
- turn Business::CyberSource::Request into an abstract factory for request
- production attribute no longer has a default, so it must always be
- credit card expiration month/year most now be an integer
v0.1.3 2011-08-22
- experimental CVN and DCC support
v0.1.2 2011-08-18
- first implementation of follow-on credits
v0.1.1 2011-08-16
- skip tests unless environment variables set
v0.1.0 2011-08-16
- Initial release for testing comment and review