Changes for version 0.161000_01 - 2015-08-28
- GH #947, #948: Escape file paths in regex patterns. (A. Sinan Unur)
- GH #944: Setting response content in before hook when a serializer is set no longer triggers an error. (Russell Jenkins, Dmitrii Tcyganov)
- GH #965: Remove non-existant role from Response::Delayed. (Vernon, Russell Jenkins)
- GH #971: Route options matching no longer uses each iterator. (Tina Müller)
- GH #959: Custom error template rendering fixed. (Russell Jenkins)
- GH #961: Render custom error templates in before hooks. (Russell Jenkins)
- GH #978: Tests - fix response regex after html_encode (Vernon)
- GH #972: Exceptions thrown by serializers no longer masked. (Russell Jenkins)
- Optimize the s*#t out of basic routing. Faster than Dancer 1 now. (Sawyer X)
- Only load HTTP::Server::PSGI when asked to start a development server not under Plack. (Sawyer X, Mickey Nasriachi)
- GH #949: Produce cleaner, non-verbose test output (Vernon)
- GH #950: Decode characters in param keys (Patrick Zimmermann)
- GH #914: Include stack trace on default error page when show_errors is true. (Vernon)
- GH #980, #981: halt keyword sets response content if provided, as Dancer 1 does. (Achilles Kars)
- GH #909, #957, #983: HTML5 templates in generated apps and default error template (Gabor Szabo, Kadir, Vernon)
- GH #972, #719, #969, #644, #647: Streamline serializer helpers. to_json/from_json now faster. (Russell Jenkins)
Configure Dancer2 to suit your needs
Example-driven quick-start to the Dancer2 web framework
A gentle introduction to Dancer2
common ways to put your Dancer app into use
Migrating from Dancer to Dancer2
Writing tests for Dancer2
Recommended Dancer2 plugins
Dancer core and community policy and standards of conduct
An example to get you dancing
Dancer2 command line interface
Lightweight yet powerful web application framework
Dancer2 cli application
create new Dancer2 application
display version
Core libraries for Dancer2 2.0
encapsulation of Dancer2 packages
A cookie representing class
Dancer2's Domain Specific Language (DSL)
Class for dispatching request to the appropriate route handler
Class representing fatal errors
Instantiate components by type and name
helper for rendering HTTP status codes for Dancer2
Manipulate hooks with Dancer2
Class to ease manipulation of MIME types
Interface for accessing incoming requests
Class representing file upload requests
Response object for Dancer2
Delayed responses
Config role for Dancer2 core objects
Role for DSL
Role for engines
Role for Handlers
Role for application location "guessing"
Role for hookable objects
Role for logger engines
Role for Serializer engines
Role for session factories
Role for file-based session factories
Role to provide commonly used responses
Role for template engines
Dancer2's route handler
Top-layer class to start a dancer app
class to represent any session object
class to handle common helpers for time manipulations
Moo types for Dancer2 core.
File utility helpers
Class for handling the AutoPage feature
class for handling file content rendering
Capture dancer logs
a place to store captured Dancer2 logs
Console logger
Test::More diag() logging engine for Dancer2
file-based logging engine for Dancer2
Test::More note() logging engine for Dancer2
Blackhole-like silent logging engine for Dancer2
Extending Dancer2's DSL with plugins
Serializer for handling Dumper data
Serializer for handling JSON data
Serialize and deserialize content based on HTTP header
Serializer for handling YAML data
in-memory session backend for Dancer2
YAML-file-based session backend for Dancer2
Dancer2 own implementation of Template::Tiny
Pure Perl 5 template engine for Dancer2
Template toolkit engine for Dancer2
Template::Tiny engine for Dancer2
Useful routines for testing Dancer2 apps