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Data::Collector::Engine - A base class for collecting engines


This synopsis shows how to write an (almost) full-fledged Telnet engine for Data::Collector.

use Moose;
use namespace::autoclean; # general recommendation
has 'host' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', required => 1 );
has 'telnet' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Net::Telnet', lazy_build => 1 );
has '+name' => ( default => 'Telnet' );
sub _build_telnet {
my $self = shift;
my $telnet = Net::Telnet->new();
sub connect {
my $self = shift;
$self->telnet->open( $self->host );
sub run {
my ( $self, $command ) = @_;
my $telnet = $self->telnet;
my @lines = $telnet->cmd($command);
sub disconnect { ... }

While we all hate long synopsises, this is the best way to demonstrate how Data::Collector::Engine works. You'll see we made a new engine that inherits from this base class. We create a connect, run and disconnect.



This has no default, but should be set. It is currently not used, but it might in the future. It's important that every engine has its own name.

With Moose goodness you can just change the value this way:

has '+name' => ( default => 'MyEngine' );


A boolean to declare whether the engine is connected or not. This is in place because engine are most likely to be connection-based (network, DB, etc.). The connect or disconnect method calling is dependent on this boolean.



This method gets called before the run method, to allow your engine to connect to wherever it needs.

This is also called in a lazy context, which means it will not be called on load but as close as possible to whenever the engine is needed.

At this point you would probably want to set the connected boolean attribute on. Read more below under disconnect.


This is the main method of the engine. The arguments are populated by the info component. It may be a command to run, it may be something else. While there should be an API of argument types and indicating support for them, there isn't one at the moment. This should change.

If you do not provide a run method, your engine will die, literally! :)


A disconnect is attempted if the connected boolean is set.


Tries to run test -f file ; echo $? to check if a file exists. You can subclass it if you're doing it differently (or don't want to support it).


You can also change the path of test and echo from /usr/bin/test and /bin/echo (respectively) to whatever you want using engine_args.

engine_args => {
test => '/usr/local/bin/test',
echo => '/usr/local/bin/echo',


Sawyer X, <xsawyerx at>