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use strict;
# use raw ES filter on a { match_all => {} } query
# find 'latest' status releases with at least 700 failing tests
# which consist at least 50% of their overall number of tests.
my $release = MetaCPAN::Client->new->all(
es_filter => {
and => [
{ range => { '' => { gte => 700 } } },
{ term => { 'status' => 'latest' } }
fields => [qw/ name tests /],
while ( my $r = $release->next ) {
my $fail = $r->tests->{fail};
my $all = 0; $all += $_ for @{ $r->tests }{qw/pass fail na unknown/};
($fail / $all) >= 0.5 and printf "%4d/%4d: %s\n", $fail, $all, $r->name;