Ref::Util::Rewriter - Rewrite your code to use Ref::Util


version 0.003


use Ref::Util::Rewriter qw< rewrite_string >;
my $new_string = rewrite_string(
    q! if ( ref($foo) eq 'HASH' ) { ... } !

# $new_string = q! if ( is_hashref($foo) ) { ... } !;

use Ref::Util::Rewriter qw< rewrite_file >;
rewrite_file(""); # file was now rewritten


Warning: You should take into account that the meaning of Ref::Util's functions are subject to change with regards to blessed objects. This might change the rewriter code in the future to be smarter. This might also mean this won't necessarily achieve what you're expecting.

Run it, check the diff, check your code, run your code, then (maybe) - knowing the risk you take and absolutely no liability on me, my family, nor my pets - merge it.

This module rewrites Perl code to use Ref::Util instead of your regular calls to ref. It is much substantially faster and avoids several mistakes that haunt beginning and advanced Perl developers.

Please review Ref::Util to fully understand the possible implications of using it in your case instead of the built-in ref function.

The following constructs of code are supported:

  • Simple statement conditions

    ref($foo) eq 'CODE'; # -> is_coderef($foo)
    ref $foo  eq 'CODE'; # -> is_coderef($foo)
    ref $foo;            # -> is_ref($foo)
  • Compound statement conditions

    if ( ref($foo) eq 'HASH' ) {...} # -> if( is_hashref($foo) ) {...}
    if ( ref $foo  eq 'HASH' ) {...} # -> if( is_hashref($foo) ) {...}
    if ( ref $foo )            {...} # -> if( is_ref($foo) )     {...}
  • Postfix logical conditions

    ref($foo) eq 'ARRAY' and ... # -> is_arrayref($foo) and ...
    ref($foo) eq 'ARRAY' or  ... # -> is_arrayref($foo) or  ...
    ref($foo)            or  ... # -> is_ref($foo)      or  ...

The following types of references comparisons are recognized:

  • SCALAR = is_scalarref

  • ARRAY = is_arrayref

  • HASH = is_hashref

  • CODE = is_coderef

  • Regexp = is_coderef

  • GLOB = is_globref

  • IO = is_ioref

  • REF = is_refref



Receive a string representing Perl code and return a new string in which all ref calls are replaced with the appropriate calls to Ref::Util.


Receive a filename as a string and rewrite the file in place (thus the file is altered) in which all ref calls are replaced with the appropriate calls to Ref::Util.

Careful, this function changes your file in place. It is advised to put your file in some revision control so you could see what changes it has done and commit them if you accept them.

This does not add a new statement to use Ref::Util, you will still need to do that yourself.


The guts of the module which uses a direct PPI::Document object and works on that. It is used internally, but you may call it yourself if you so wish.


Sawyer X


This software is Copyright (c) 2016 by Sawyer X.

This is free software, licensed under:

The MIT (X11) License