genpass - Quickly create secure passwords


genpass [-c | --config FILE] [--read-config | --no-read-config] [-l | --length LENGTH] [-n | --no-special] [-r | --repeat NUMBER] [--verify | --no-verify]

-c | --config FILE     read config file from FILE (default is $HOME/.genpassrc)
     --read-config     read the configuration file (this is the default behavior)
     --no-read-config  do not read the configuration file, opposite of the above option
-l | --length          password length
-r | --repeat NUMBER   NUMBER of passwords to output
-n | --no-special      do NOT include special characters: '!','@','#','$','%','^','&','*','(',')' 
-e | --readable        print only easily readable characters (no "o", "O", "0", "l", "1", "I")
   | --verify          makes sure it's got every type of char (a tad slower), default behavior
   | --no-verify       doesn't make sure you get every type of char (a tad faster)
-h | --help            print a small usage line


if you've ever needed to create 10 (or even 10,000) passwords on the fly with varying preferences (lowercase, uppercase, no confusing characters, special characters, minimum length, etc.), you know it can become a pretty pesky task.

This script makes it possible to create flexible and secure passwords, quickly and easily.

Starting version 0.07 it also supports a configuration file (default is .genpassrc is your home folder) across multiple operating systems (thanks to Ken Williams and Adam Kennedy's great modules: Path::Class and File::HomDir, respectively).

You can configure the following things in the configuration file:

- lowercase_chars ( default is 'a'..'z' )

- uppercase_chars ( deafult is 'A'..'Z' )

- numerical_chars ( default is '0'..'9' )

- unreadable_chars ( default is o,O,0,l,1,I )

- special_chars ( default is !,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,(,) )

- readable ( default is 0 )

- special ( default is 1 )

- verify ( default is 1 )

- repeat ( default is 10 )

- length ( default is 15 )

See POD of Config::General (perldoc Config::General) for more information on the file format.


None that I know of. Please report if and when you find any.


If you have any problems or questions, contact me using the details below.


Sawyer X


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.

A Word on Moral

Our lives depend on the decisions of others in the world, and so, other lives depend on our decisions. When we decide to consume animals, we dedicate the death of others, and it is something to consider giving up. Please review and . Thank you.

