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use strict;
use autodie;
use Git;
sub say (@) { print @_, "\n" }
my %opt;
GetOptions( \%opt,
'help' => sub { pod2usage(1) },
'man' => sub { pod2usage( verbose => 2 ) },
) or pod2usage( "for a list of all valid options, do 'git cpan-squash --help'" );
my $repo = Git->repository;
my $branch = shift || die "Usage: git cpan-squash new-branch-name\n";
my $head = $repo->command_oneline("rev-parse", "--verify", "HEAD");
$repo->command_noisy("checkout", "-b", $branch, "cpan/master");
$repo->command_noisy("merge", "--squash", $head);
say "";
say "Changes squashed onto working directory, commit and run git cpan-sendpatch";
=head1 NAME
git-cpan-squash - Combine multiple commits into one patch
% git cpan-squash temp_submit_branch
% git ci -m "This is my message"
% git cpan-sendpatch --compose
# delete the branch now that we're done
% git checkout master
% git branch -D temp_submit_branch
This command creates a new branch from C<cpan/master> runs
C<git merge --squash> against your head revision. This stages all the files for
the branch and allows you to create a combined commit in order to send a single
patch easily.