Changes for version 0.3.2

  • Explicitly requires perl 5.10. (rt-54368, reported by Jesse Vincent)
  • Preventive dying if we don't see the body_* functions. (rt-46715, reported by Alexandr Ciornii)
  • Moved Module::Build to 'configure_requires'. (rt-44925, reported by Jesse Vincent)
  • create_makefile_pl now set to small


Initialize a repository for a CPAN module with full history from the backpan.
Format patches using cpan/master as the origin reference
Import a module into a git repository
Create a git repository for a CPAN module
Report the last imported version
use git-send-email to submit patches to CPAN RT
create patch files and submit them to RT
Combine multiple commits into one patch
Import the latest version of a module and rebase the current branch
Report the managed module


Patch CPAN modules using Git
The meat of git-cpan-import