List::Lazy - Generate lists lazily


version 0.3.2


use List::Lazy qw/ lazy_range /;

my $range = lazy_range( 1, undef )->grep(sub{ $_ % 2})->map( sub { '!' x $_ } );

say $_ for $range->next(3); # prints ! !!! !!!!!


List::Lazy creates lists that lazily evaluate their next values on-demand.


Lazy::List doesn't export any function by default, but will export the three following functions on request.


my $list  = lazy_list $generator_sub, $state;

A convenience shortcut for the List::Lazy constructor. The $state will be available (and can be changed) by the generator subroutine. The generator subroutine is expected to return a list of one or more next items of the list. Returning an empty list means that the list has reached its end.

my $even_numbers = lazy_list { $_ += 2 } 0; # will return 2, 4, 6, ...

In additional of regular values, the generator can also return lazy lists, which will be seamlessly expanded.

my $list = lazy_range( 1, undef )->map(sub { lazy_range( 1, $_ ) });
# will return 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...


my $range = lazy_range $min, $max, $iterator;

Creates a list iterating over a range of values. $min and $max are required, but $max can be undef (meaning no upper limit). The $iterator is optional and defaults to the value 1. The $iterator can be a number, which will be the step at which the numbers are increased, or a coderef that will be passed the previous value as $_, and is expected to return the next value.

my $palinumbers = lazy_range 99, undef, sub { do { $_++ } until $_ eq reverse $_; $_ };

say join ' ', $palinumbers->next(3); # 99 101 111


my $list = lazy_fixed_list @some_array;

Creates a lazy list that will returns the values of the given array.



my $list = List::Lazy->new(
    state => 1,
    generator => sub {

Creates a lazy list.



The state will be passed to the generator as $_. If it is modified by the generator, its new value will be saved for the next invocation.


A coderef that generates one or more next items for the list. If it returns an empty list, the stream will be considered to be exhausted.


Returns true is the list is exhausted.


Returns the next $num items of the list (or less if the list doesn't have that many items left). $num defaults to 1.

my $range = lazy_range 1, 100;

while( my $next = $range->next ) {


my $value = $list->reduce( $reducing_sub, $initial_value );

Iterates through the list and reduces its values via the $reducing_sub, which will be passed the cumulative value and the next item via $a and $b. If $initial_value is not given, it defaults to the first element of the list.

my $sum = lazy_range( 1, 100 )->reduce( sub { $a + $b } );


my $new_list = $list->batch($n);

Creates a new list where the items of the original list are batched in groups of $n (or less for the last batch).

my $list = lazy_fixed_list( 1..100 )->batch(3);

my $x = $list->next;           # $x == [ 1, 2, 3]


my $new_list = $list->map( $mapper_sub );

Creates a new list by applying the transformation given by $mapper_sub to the original list. The sub ill be passed the original next item via $_ and is expected to return its transformation, which can modify the item, explode it into many items, or suppress it,

Note that the new list do a deep clone of the original list's state, so reading from the new list won't affect the original list.

my $recount = ( lazy_range 1, 100 )->map( sub { 1..$_ } );
# will return 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 ...


my $new_list = $list->grep( $filter_sub );

Creates a new list by applying the filtering given by $filter_sub to the original list. The sub will be passed the original next item via $_ and is expected to return a boolean indicating if the item should be kept or not.

Note that the new list do a deep clone of the original list's state, so reading from the new list won't affect the original list.

my $odd = ( lazy_range 1, 100 )->grep( sub { $_ % 2 } );


my $new_list = $list->spy( $sub );

Creates a new list that will execute the spy $sub for every value it sees (with the value assigned to $_).

If $sub is not given, it'll carp the values.


my $new_list = $list->until( $condition );

Creates a new list that truncates the original list as soon as the condition is met.

my $to_ten = $list->until(sub{ $_ > 10 });


my $new_list = $list->append( @other_lists );

Creates a new list that will return first the elements of $list, and those of the @other_lists.

Note that the new list do a deep clone of the original lists's state, so reading from the new list won't affect the original lists.

my $range = lazy_range 1..100;
my $twice = $range->append( $range );


my $new_list = $list->prepend( @other_lists );

Like append, but prepend the other lists to the current one.

Note that the new list do a deep clone of the original lists's state, so reading from the new list won't affect the original lists.


my @rest = $list->all;

Returns all the remaining values of the list. Be careful: if the list is unbounded, calling all() on it will result into an infinite loop.


Yanick Champoux <>


This software is copyright (c) 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 by Yanick Champoux.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.