MooseX::Attribute::Localize - localize attribute values within a scope


version 0.0.1


package Foo; 

use Moose;
use MooseX::Attribute::Localize;

has 'bar' => (
    traits => [ 'Localize' ],
    is => 'rw',
    handles => {
        set_local_bar => 'localize'

my $foo = Foo->new( bar => 'a' );

print $foo->bar;  # 'a'

    my $sentinel = $foo->set_local_bar( 'b' );
    print $foo->bar;  # 'b'

    print $foo->bar;  # 'c'

print $foo->bar;  # 'a'


Attributes that are given the trait Localize can handle a localize delegation, which stashes away the current value of the attribute and replaces it with a local value, mimicking the behavior of Perl's own local.

The delegated method returns a sentinel variable. Once this variable gets out of scope, the attribute returns to its previous value.

If the delegated method is called in a void context, a warning will be issued as the sentinel will immediately get out of scope, which turns the whole thing into a glorious no-op.


localize( $new_value )

Localizes the attribute. If a $new_value is provided, initializes the newly localized value to it.

The method returns a sentinel object that will return the attribute to its previous value once it gets out of scope. The method will warn if it is called in a void context (as the sentinel will immediately falls out of scope).


Yanick Champoux <>


This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Yanick Champoux.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.