Apache::AxKit::Language::YPathScript - An XML Stylesheet Language


AxAddStyleMap "application/x-xpathscript => \


YPathScript is a fork of the original AxKit's XPathScript using XML::XPathScript as its transforming engine.

As it is mostly backward compatible with the classic Axkit XPathScript module, the definitive reference for XPathScript, located at, also applies to YPathScript, excepts for the differences listed in the sections below.




A copy of the Apache::AxKit::request object -- which is itself a wrapper around the Apache::request object -- tied to the current document.

<%	%args = $r->args() %>
<p>args: <%= join ' : ', map "$_ => $args{$_}", keys %args %></p>


$node = XML::XPathScript::current->document( $uri )

Fetch the xml document located at $uri and return it as a dom node.


$xps = new Apache::AxKit::Language::YPathScript($xml_provider, $style_provider)

Construct a new YPathScript language interpreter out of the provided providers.

$rc = handler( $class, $request, $xml_provider, $style_provider )
The handler function called by Apache. 
$file_content = include_file( $filename )
$file_content = include_file( $filename, @includestack )

Overloaded from XML::XPathScript in order to provide URI-based stylesheet inclusions: $filename may now be any AxKit URI. The AxKit language class drops support for plain filenames that exists in the ancestor class: this means that include directives like

<!-- #include file="/some/where.xps" -->

in existing stylesheets should be turned into

<!-- #include file="file:///some/where.xps" -->

in order to work with AxKit.

$doc = get_source_tree( $xml_provider )

Read an XML document from the provider and return it as a string.

$string = read_stylesheet( $stylesheet )

Retrieve and return the $stylesheet (which can be a filehandler or a string) as a string.

$self->debug( $level, $message )

Print $message if the requested debug level is equal or smaller than $level.

$self->die( $suicide_note )

Print the $suicide_note and exit;

$nodeset = $self->document( $uri )

Read XML document located at $uri, parse it and return it in a node object.

The $uri can be specified using the regular schemes ('', ''), or the Axkit scheme ('axkit://baz.xml'), or as a local file ('/home/web/foo.xml', './foo.xml' ).

3 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 47:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 64:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'

Around line 66:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

=over without closing =back