Apache::AxKit::Language::Babel - Lamguage selector for multilingal documents
in httpd.conf or .htaccess
The languages of the document are selected to be the first non-null element of the following:
1. The lang attribute of the query string (e.g.,
2. The default attribute of the <doc_lang> tag.
E.g.: <doc_lang default="fr" available="fr,en" />
3. The first content-language as defined by the browser listed in the available attribute of <doc_lang>.
4. The first language listed in the available attribute of <doc_lang>.
<doc_lang default='en' available='en,fr,ge' />
<lang_menu />
<p lang='en'>Hi there!</p>
<p lang='fr'>Bien le bonjour!</p>
<p lang='ge'>Gutten Tag!</p>
<p>This paragraph will appears in all versions
of the document.</p>
available used by the <lang_menu /> tag
<lang_menu/> generate an html menu of all available languages, as provided in <doc_lang/>
For example, the xml doc above would produce
<p><a href="/your/uri?lang=en">english</a><br/>
<a href="/your/uri?lang=fr">francais</a></p>