Nephia::Plugin::ResponseHandler - A plugin for Nephia that provides response-handling feature
use Nephia plugins => [
'View::MicroTemplate' => {...},
### now you can as following ...
app {
my $type = param('type');
$type eq 'json' ? +{foo => 'bar'} :
$type eq 'html' ? +{foo => 'bar', template => 'index.html'} :
$type eq 'js' ? +{foo => 'bar', template => 'hoge.js', content_type => 'text/javascript'} :
$type eq 'str' ? 'foo = bar' :
[200, ['Content-Type' => 'text/html'], 'foo = bar']
### or you may sepcify your original handler
use Nephia plugins => [
'ResponseHandler' => {
HASH => \&hash_handler,
ARRAY => \&array_handler,
SCALAR => \&scalar_handler,
sub hash_handler {
my ($app, $context) = @_;
my $res = $context->get('res');
### here make some changes to $res
$context->set(res => $res);
sub array_handler {
sub scalar_handler {
Nephia::Plugin::ResponseHandler provides response-handling feature for Nephia app.
When hashref passed
Basically, content-type becomes 'application/json; charset=UTF-8', and content-body becomes json-string that is transformed from passed hashref.
If 'template' attribute contains in hashref, content-type becomes 'text/html; charset=UTF-8', and content-body becomes string that is rendered with view plugin. (ex. Nephia::Plugin::View::MicroTemplate, Nephia::Plugin::View::Xslate, or other)
If 'template' and 'content_type' contains in hashref, content-type becomes specified thing as 'content_type' in hashref, and content-body becomes string that is rendered by view plugin.
When arrayref passed
It expects three elements into arrayref, as response of PSGI.
When scalar passed
Content-type becomes "text/html; charset=UTF-8", and content-body becomes passed scalar.
Copyright (C) ytnobody.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
ytnobody <>