Data::Consumer::MySQL - Data::Consumer implementation for a mysql database table resource


Version 0.09


use Data::Consumer::MySQL;

my $consumer = Data::Consumer::MySQL->new(
    dbh => $dbh,
    table => 'T',
    id_field= > 'id',
    flag_field => 'done',
    unprocessed => 0,
    working => 1,
    processed => 2,
    failed => 3,

$consumer->consume( sub {
    my $id = shift;
    print "processed $id\n";
} );



Constructor for a Data::Consumer::MySQL instance.

Options are as follows:

connect => \@connect_args

Will use @connect_args to connect to the database using DBI-connect()>. This argument is mandatory if the dbh argument is not provided.

dbh => $dbh

Use $dbh as the database connection object. If this argument is provided then connect will be ignored.

table => 'some_table_name'

Process records in the specified table.

id_field => 'id'

The column name of the primary key of the table being processed

flag_field => 'process_state'

The column name in the table being processed which shows whether an object is processed or not.

lock_prefix => 'my-lock-name'

The prefix to use for the mysql locks. Defaults to $0-$table.

unprocessed => 0

The value of the flag_field which indicates that an item is not processed. If not provided defaults to 0.


May also be a callback which is responsible for marking the item as unprocessed. This will be called with the arguments ($consumer, 'unprocessed', $id, $dbh)

working => 1

The value of the flag_field which indicates that an item is currently being processed. If not provided defaults to 1.


May also be a callback which is responsible for marking the item as working. This will be called with the arguments ($consumer, 'working', $id, $dfh).

processed => 2

The value of the flag_field which indicates that an item has been successfully processed. If not provided defaults to 2.


May also be a callback which is responsible for marking the item as processed. This will be called with the arguments ($consumer,'processed',$id,$dfh)

failed => 3

The value of the flag_field which indicates that processing of an item has failed. If not provided defaults to 3.


May also be a callback which is responsible for marking the item as failed. This will be called with the arguments ($consumer, 'failed', $id, $dfh)

init_id => 0

The value which the first acquired record's id_field must be greater than. Should be smaller than any legal id in the table. Defaults to 0.


These arguments are optional, and will be synthesized from the other values if not provided.

SQL select query which can be executed to acquire an item to be processed. Should return a single record with a single column contain the id to be processed, at the same time it should ensure that a lock on the id is created.

The query will be executed with the arguments contained in select_args array, followed by the id of the last processed item.


These arguments are optional, and will be synthesized from the other values if not provided.

SQL update query which can be used to change the status the record being processed.

Will be executed with the arguments provided in update_args followed the new status, and the id.


These arguments are optional, and will be synthesized from the other values if not provided.

SQL select query which can be used to clear the currently held lock.

Will be called with the arguments provided in release_args, plust the id.


Reset the state of the object.


Aquire an item to be processed.

Returns an identifier to be used to identify the item acquired.


Release any locks on the currently held item.

Normally there is no need to call this directly.


returns the database handle the object is using to communicate to the db with.


Yves Orton, <YVES at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-data-consumer at, or through the web interface at

I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


Igor Sutton <> for ideas, testing and support.


Copyright 2008 Yves Orton, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.