XML::Flow - Store (restore) perl data structures in XML stream.
#read - write by imported functions ref2xml() and xml2ref()
use XML::Flow qw( ref2xml xml2ref);
my $data = {1=>2,4=>[1,2,3]};
my $xml_string = ref2xml($data);
my $data_restored = xml2ref($xml_string);
my $ref1 = xml2ref(\*DATA); #from embedded __DATA__
#Write XML
use XML::Flow;
my $wr = new XML::Flow:: "test.xml";
$wr->startTag("Root"); #start root tag
my $fs = new IO::File:: "<test.xml";
my $rd = new XML::Flow:: $fs;
my %tags = (
Data=>sub { print Dumper(\@_) },
Easy store and restore perl data structures. It use XML::Parser for read and XML::Writer for write xml.
ref2xml( $ref )
Serilize reference to XML string. Where $ref is reference to SCALAR, HASH or ARRAY. This function will return XML string.
use XML::Flow qw( ref2xml xml2ref);
my $test = {1=>2,4=>[1,2,3]};
print ref2xml($test);
The above example would print out the message:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<value type="hashref">
<key name="4">
<value type="arrayref">
<key name="1">2</key>
<key name="0">1</key>
<key name="2">3</key>
<key name="1">2</key>
xml2ref($string || reference to GLOB)
This function will deserilize string generated by ref2xml.Return reference. For example:
use XML::Flow qw( ref2xml xml2ref);
use Data::Dumper;
my $testxml = q{<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<value type="hashref">
<key name="4">
<value type="arrayref">
<key name="1">2</key>
<key name="0">1</key>
<key name="2">3</key>
<key name="1">2</key>
print Dumper(xml2ref($testxml))
will print:
$VAR1 = {
'1' => '2',
'4' => [
new($filehandle|$filename| a reference to a text string )
Create a new XML::Flow object. The first parameter should either be a string containing filename, a reference to a text string or it should be an open IO::Handle. For example:
my $wr = new XML::Flow:: "test.xml";
my $rd = new XML::Flow:: \$string_with_xml;
my $fs = new IO::File:: "<test.xml";
my $rd = new XML::Flow:: $fs;
my $fz = IO::Zlib->new($file, "wb9");
my $wr = new XML::Flow:: $fz;
my $string_for_write_xml;
my $wr = new XML::Flow:: \$string_for_write_xml;
startTag($name [, $aname1 => $value1, ...])
Add a start tag to an XML document. This method is wraper for XML::Writer::startTag.
Add a end tag to an XML document. This method is wraper for XML::Writer::endTag.
write($ref1[, $ref2, ...])
Serilize references to XML. Where $ref is reference to SCALAR, HASH or ARRAY. This method used only for write XML mode.
my $a="1";
read({tag1=>sub1{}[, tag2=>\&sub2 })
Run XML parser. Argument is a reference to hash with tag => handler. If handler eq undef, then tag ignore. If subroutine return non undef result, it passed to parent tag handler. Handler called with args: ( {hash of attributes}, <reference to data> [,<reference to data>] ). For example:
Source xml :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<value type="scalarref">
<key name="scalar">3</key>
<value type="hashref">
<key name="1" value="undef"></key>
Read code:
my $rd = new XML::Flow:: "test.xml";
my %tags = (
Obj=>sub { print Dumper(\@_) },
Also=>sub {
shift; #reference to hash of attributes
return @_},
$VAR1 = [
{}, #reference to hash of xml tag attributes
'1' => undef
Close all handlers (including internal).
XML::Parser, XML::Writer
Zahatski Aliaksandr, <>
Copyright (C) 2006-2007 by Zahatski Aliaksandr
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.