Changes for version 2.0016 - 2025-02-05

  • Added an encoding parameter to slurp. It now can be asked to read utf8 or any other valid encoding correctly. Removed an accidental =cut in POD that was causing a problem with it. Adjusted rmdir behavior on errors to be as close as possible to CORE::rmdir in such cases Added missing dependency on File::Copy::Recursive to Makefile.PL Fixed numeric() (used for sort) to correctly sort version strings in cases where the code module version was failing to do so Added new function fout, a quick way to write content to a file. Opposite of slurp. Updated POD to reflect current (and some previous) changes. Added function decimals($number) to return only de decimals value of a given number. Added function ceil($number) to round up a number (or ceil(@list) to round all elements up). Added function avg(@list) to obtain the average value of numbers in a list. Added all functions from List::Util, importable individually or via :list import tag. Added function is_integer($number) to identify numbers that are not floating point numbers. Added function flatten($ref_of_refs), which makes a flat array out of a list/array containing nested scalars, arrayrefs, hashrefs and objects. Added function columnize($columns, @array), which orders an array in a given number of columns with a vertical order of elements.


A collection of helper functions powered by Perlmazing::Engine.
Have your functions load their code and associated modules only when needed, automagically.
Use strict and warnigns and enable all modern features from your Perl version in a single call. Currently, the maximum version features we enable here is 5.028, as some of the later versions of Perl have features that can cause unexpected compatibility problems. You can change the value of $Perlmazing::Feature::VERSION to $] or to any other limit.


in lib/Perlmazing/Engine/
in lib/Perlmazing/
in lib/Perlmazing/Perlmazing/