Changes for version 1.81 - 2021-12-24

    • Run nonassigned pl/sql tests based off versions known to have the issue. - (GH#70, Wesley Hinds) Oracle Instant Client 21 support - (Tux) Add rpath to ORACLE_HOME to DBD/Oracle/Oracle.bundle - (GH#128, hakonhagland) fix materialised views being misclassified as tables in ->table_info - (GH#132, John Smith) Fix bugtracker ref in dist metadata github - (GH#130, John Smith)
    • Updates to POD and README file Moved old README file to t/ Updated links


Tips and Hints to Troubleshoot DBD::Oracle
Tips and Hints to Troubleshoot DBD::Oracle on AIX
Tips and Hints to Troubleshoot DBD::Oracle on Cygwin
Tips and Hints to Troubleshoot DBD::Oracle on HP-UX
Tips and Hints to Troubleshoot DBD::Oracle on Linux
Tips and Hints to Troubleshoot DBD::Oracle on MacOs
Tips and Hints to Troubleshoot DBD::Oracle on Sun
Tips and Hints to Troubleshoot DBD::Oracle on Vms
Tips and Hints to Troubleshoot DBD::Oracle on Win32
Tips and Hints to Troubleshoot DBD::Oracle on Win64


Oracle database driver for the DBI module
Wrapper to get Oracle information
Wrapper for Oracle objects