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{ use 5.006; }
use strict;
Module::Build->subclass(code => q{
unless(__PACKAGE__->can("cbuilder")) {
*cbuilder = sub { $_[0]->_cbuilder or die "no C support" };
unless(__PACKAGE__->can("have_c_compiler")) {
*have_c_compiler = sub {
my $cb = eval { $_[0]->cbuilder };
return $cb && $cb->have_compiler;
if($Module::Build::VERSION < 0.33) {
# Older versions of Module::Build have a bug where if the
# cbuilder object is used at Build.PL time (which it will
# be for this distribution due to the logic in
# ->find_xs_files) then that object can be dumped to the
# build_params file, and then at Build time it will
# attempt to use the dumped blessed object without loading
# the ExtUtils::CBuilder class that is needed to make it
# work.
*write_config = sub {
delete $_[0]->{properties}->{_cbuilder};
return $_[0]->SUPER::write_config;
sub find_xs_files {
my($self) = @_;
return {} unless $self->have_c_compiler;
return $self->SUPER::find_xs_files;
sub compile_c {
my($self, $file, %args) = @_;
my $cc0_h =
unless(-f $cc0_h) {
my $content = eval {
local $SIG{__DIE__};
} || "";
require IO::File;
my $fh = IO::File->new($cc0_h, "w") or die $!;
$fh->printflush($content) or die $!;
$fh->close or die $!;
return $self->SUPER::compile_c($file, %args);
sub link_c {
no strict "refs";
my($self, $spec) = @_;
my $cb = $self->cbuilder;
my $cbclass = ref($cb);
my $orig_cb_link = $cb->can("link");
local *{"${cbclass}::link"} = sub {
my($self, %args) = @_;
if($args{module_name} eq "Params::Classify") {
my $cc_linkables = eval {
local $SIG{__DIE__};
} || [];
$args{objects} = [
@_ = ($self, %args);
goto &$orig_cb_link;
module_name => "Params::Classify",
license => "perl",
configure_requires => {
"Module::Build" => 0,
"perl" => "5.006001",
"strict" => 0,
"warnings" => 0,
configure_recommends => {
"ExtUtils::CBuilder" => "0.15",
build_requires => {
"ExtUtils::ParseXS" => "2.2006",
"Module::Build" => 0,
"Test::More" => 0,
"perl" => "5.006001",
"strict" => 0,
"warnings" => 0,
build_recommends => {
"Devel::CallChecker" => "0.003",
"ExtUtils::CBuilder" => "0.15",
requires => {
"Exporter" => 0,
"Scalar::Util" => "1.01",
"parent" => 0,
"perl" => "5.006001",
"strict" => 0,
"warnings" => 0,
recommends => {
"Devel::CallChecker" => "0.003",
"XSLoader" => 0,
needs_compiler => 0,
dynamic_config => 0,
meta_add => { distribution_type => "module" },
sign => 1,