Helper::Deck - Work with a deck of playing cards in the fashion engineered by Duane O'Brien of I.B.M. developerWorks.

SYNOPSIS use common::sense; use Helper::Deck;

my $d1 = Helper::Deck->new;
my $roll1 = $d1->roll(6);

my $nick1 = $d1->random_nick(('nd', 'jp', 'smoke', 'gehenna'));
my $name1 = $d1->random_name(('james doe', 'john doe', 'jason doe', 'justin doe'));

my %scene1 = $d1->random_scenario(
    settings => [ 'the beach', 'the Yaht' ],
    objectives => [ 'get suntan', 'go swimming' ],
    antagonists => [ 'gull', 'kid' ],
    complications => [ 'very thirsty', 'very drunk' ],

print "I'm ", $scene1{'complication'}, " so I will ", $scene1{'objective'}, ".", "\n";

my $deck1 = $d1->build_deck;
my $deck1 = $d1->shuffle_deck($deck1);

my $tc = $d1->top_card($deck1);

print $d1->card_to_string($tc), " was drawn.", "\n";

my $deal1 = $d1->draw($deck1, 5);

print "Player 1 has been given ", $d1->card_to_string($deal1->[0]), "\n";
print "Player 2 has been given ", $d1->card_to_string($deal1->[1]), "\n";
print "Player 3 has been given ", $d1->card_to_string($deal1->[2]), "\n";
print "Player 4 has been given ", $d1->card_to_string($deal1->[3]), "\n";
print "The dealer gave himself ", $d1->card_to_string($deal1->[4]), "\n";

my $odds = $d1->calculate_odds($deck1, $tc);


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam scelerisque id nunc nec volutpat. Etiam pellentesque tristique arcu, non consequat magna fermentum ac. Cras ut ultricies eros. Maecenas eros justo, ullamcorper a sapien id, viverra ultrices eros. Morbi sem neque, posuere et pretium eget, bibendum sollicitudin lacus. Aliquam eleifend sollicitudin diam, eu mattis nisl maximus sed. Nulla imperdiet semper molestie. Morbi massa odio, condimentum sed ipsum ac, gravida ultrices erat. Nullam eget dignissim mauris, non tristique erat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;


method1 usage :

Parameters : 
    Let a1 be argument one,
    Let a2 be argument two,
Results :
    Let r be description of return value,
my $r = $obj->method1($a1, $a2);

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam scelerisque id nunc nec volutpat. Etiam pellentesque tristique arcu, non consequat magna fermentum ac. Cras ut ultricies eros. Maecenas eros justo, ullamcorper a sapien id, viverra ultrices eros. Morbi sem neque, posuere et pretium eget, bibendum sollicitudin lacus. Aliquam eleifend sollicitudin diam, eu mattis nisl maximus sed. Nulla imperdiet semper molestie. Morbi massa odio, condimentum sed ipsum ac, gravida ultrices erat. Nullam eget dignissim mauris, non tristique erat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;

roll usage :

Parameters : 
    Let s be the count of sides of the die,
Results :
    Let r be a fair dice roll between 1 and s,
my $r = $obj->roll($s);

This method provides a simulation of a fair dice roll. The roll method takes a parameter indicating the count of sides of the die. The roll method returns a value, proven to be pseudo-random, as a whole integer value. The result of this method is a number between 1 and the count of sides of the die.

random_nick usage :

Parameters : 
    An array of strings containing nicks (or handles / aliases / monikers) to be used as a pool from which to draw,
Results :
    A scalar containing a string which is a random nick (or handle / alias / moniker) drawn from the pool supplied,
my $nick1 = $obj->random_nick(('nd', 'jp', 'smoke', 'gehenna')));

This method is supplied with an array of strings containing nicks (or handles / aliases / moniker) to be used as a pool from which to draw a random value. This value is a nick (or handle / alias).

random_name usage :

Parameters : 
    An array of strings containing names to be used as a pool from which to draw
Results :
    A scalar containg a string which is a random name drawn from the pool supplied
my $r = $obj->random_name(('james doe', 'john doe', 'jason doe', 'justin doe'));

This method is supplied with an array of strings containing names to be used as a pool from which to draw a random value. This value is a name.

random_scenario usage :

Parameters (as a Hash) : 
    Let settings be an array of strings where each string is an illustrative description of a setting,
    Let objectives be an array of strings where each string is an illustrative description of a objective,
    Let antagonists be an array of strings where each string is an illustrative description of a antagonist,
    Let complications be an array of strings where each string is an illustrative description of a complication,
Results (as a Hash) :
    Let setting be a string which is an illustrative description of the setting,
    Let objective be a string which is an illustrative description of the objective,
    Let antagonist be a string which is an illustrative description of the antagonist,
    Let complication be a string which is an illustrative description of the complication,
my %scene1 = $d1->random_scenario(
    settings => [ 'the beach', 'the Yaht' ],
    objectives => [ 'get suntan', 'go swimming' ],
    antagonists => [ 'gull', 'kid' ],
    complications => [ 'very thirsty', 'very drunk' ],

This method is supplied with a hash which contains 4 arrays of strings. The array of strings accessed by the key titled settings contains illustrative descriptions of settings. The array of strings accessed by the key titled objectives contains illustrative descriptions of objective. The array of strings accessed by the key titled antagonists contains illustrative descriptions of antagonists. The array of strings accessed by the key titled settings contains complications descriptions of complications. This method returns a hash containg keys titled setting, objective, antagonist and complication. These resultant strings are used to describe a randomly generated scenario.

build_deck usage :

Results :
    Let r be a reference to an array containing a ordered deck of playing cards where each card is a hash containg keys titled face and suit.
my $r = $obj->build_deck;

This method is used to build a deck of playing cards. The build_deck method returns a reference to an array containing a ordered deck of playing cards where each card is a hash containg keys titled face and suit.

shuffle_deck usage :

Parameters : 
    Let d1 be a reference to a deck of playing cards (see method titled build_deck),
Results :
    Let d1 shuffled,
my $r = $obj->shuffle_deck($d1);

This method is used to shuffle a deck of playing cards.

top_card usage :

Parameters : 
    Let d1 be a reference to a deck of playing cards (see method titled build_deck),
Results :
    Let tc be a reference to the top card drawn from the deck,
my $tc = $obj->top_card($d1);

This method draws the top card from the deck. The top_card method accepts a refereence to a deck of playing cards. The top_card method draws the top card from the deck then supplies this card as a return value which is a hash containing two strings identified by the keys titled face and suit respectively.

card_to_string usage :

Parameters : 
    Let c1 be a reference to a card,
Results :
    Let r be an illustrative description of this card as a string,
my $r = $obj->card_to_string($c1);

This method accepts a reference to a card, which is a hash containing two values identified by the keys titled face and suit. This method returns an illustrative description of this card as a scalar containing a string of text.

draw usage :

Parameters : 
    Let d1 be a reference to a deck of playing cards (see method titled build_deck),
    Let i be the number of cards to draw,
Results :
    Let r be description of return value,
my $r = $obj->draw($d1, $i);

This method will collect the number of top cards specified and push them into an array. The draw method returns a reference to an array of cards drawn from the top of the deck.

calculate_odds usage :

Parameters : 
    Let d1 be a reference to a deck of playing cards (see the method titled build_deck),
    Let c1 be a reference to a card illustrative of the selected draw,
Results :
    Let r be description of the odds as a string,
my $r = $obj->calculate_odds($d1, $c1);

This method returns a description of the odds as a string. The calculate odds method is passed a reference to a deck of playing cards (see the method titled build_deck) as well as the selected card through which odds are calculated. A reference to a card is a reference to a hash containing values to keys titled face and suit. In the case only face is specified, then odds are calculated for this face in all 4 suits. In the case only suit is specified, then odds are calculated for this suit in all 12 faces.

build_lc_letter_array usage :

Results :
    Let r be an array of lower case letters [a - z],
my $r = $obj->build_lc_letter_array;

The build_lc_letter_array returns an array of lower case letters [a - z].

build_uc_letter_array usage :

Results :
    Let r be an array of upper case letters [A - Z],
my $r = $obj->build_uc_letter_array;

The build_uc_letter_array returns an array of upper case letters [A - Z].


Jason McVeigh, <>


Copyright 2016 by Jason McVeigh

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.