Test::Chimps::Smoker - Poll a set of SVN repositories and run tests when they change


This module gives you everything you need to make your own build slave. You give it a configuration file describing all of your projects and how to test them, and it will monitor the SVN repositories, check the projects out (and their dependencies), test them, and submit the report to a server.

use Test::Chimps::Smoker;

my $poller = Test::Chimps::Smoker->new(
  server      => '',
  config_file => '/path/to/configfile.yml'



new ARGS

Creates a new Client object. ARGS is a hash whose valid keys are:

  • config_file

    Mandatory. The configuration file describing which repositories to monitor. The format of the configuration is described in "CONFIGURATION FILE".

  • server

    Mandatory. The URI of the server script to upload the reports to.

  • simulate

    Don't actually submit the smoke reports, just run the tests. This does, however, increment the revision numbers in the config file.


Calling smoke will cause the Smoker object to continually poll repositories for changes in revision numbers. If an (actual) change is detected, the repository will be checked out (with dependencies), built, and tested, and the resulting report will be submitted to the server. This method does not return.


There are read-only accessors for server, config_file, simulate.


The configuration file is YAML dump of a hash. The keys at the top level of the hash are project names. Their values are hashes that comprise the configuration options for that project.

Perhaps an example is best. A typical configuration file might look like this:

  configure_cmd: perl Makefile.PL --skipdeps && make
    - Jifty
  revision: 555
  root_dir: trunk/foo
  svn_uri: svn+ssh://
  configure_cmd: perl Makefile.PL --skipdeps && make
    - Jifty-DBI
  revision: 1332
  root_dir: trunk
  svn_uri: svn+ssh://
  configure_cmd: perl Makefile.PL --skipdeps && make
    JDBI_TEST_MYSQL: jiftydbitestdb
    JDBI_TEST_MYSQL_USER: jiftydbitest
    JDBI_TEST_PG: jiftydbitestdb
    JDBI_TEST_PG_USER: jiftydbitest
  revision: 1358
  root_dir: trunk
  svn_uri: svn+ssh://

The supported project options are as follows:

  • configure_cmd

    The command to configure the project after checkout, but before running tests.

  • revision

    This is the last revision known for a given project. When started, the poller will attempt to checkout and test all revisions (besides ones on which the directory did not change) between this one and HEAD. When a test has been successfully uploaded, the revision number is updated and the configuration file is re-written.

  • root_dir

    The subdirectory inside the repository where configuration and testing commands should be run.

  • svn_uri

    The subversion URI of the project.

  • env

    A hash of environment variable names and values that are set before configuration, and reverted to their previous values after the tests have been run. In addition, if environment variable FOO's new value contains the string "$FOO", then the old value of FOO will be substituted in when setting the environment variable.

  • dependencies

    A list of project names that are dependencies for the given project. All dependencies are checked out at HEAD, have their configuration commands run, and all dependencys' $root_dir/blib/lib directories are added to @INC before the configuration command for the project is run.

  • dependency_only

    Indicates that this project should not be tested. It is only present to serve as a dependency for another project.


Zev Benjamin, <zev at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-test-chimps at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Test::Chimps::Smoker

You can also look for information at:


Copyright 2006 Best Practical Solutions.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.