# made by: KorG
# vim: cc=119 et sw=4 ts=4 :
use strict;
use feature 'signatures';
use X11::XCB ':all';
sub new($class, $x, $y, $w, $h) {
my $idx = 0;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
$self->{id} = "$x,$y,$w,$h";
$self->{always_on} = [];
$self->{focus} = undef;
$self->{tag_curr} = 0;
$self->{tag_prev} = 0;
$self->{tags} = [ map { X11::korgwm::Tag->new($self) } @{ $cfg->{ws_names} } ];
$_->{idx} = $idx++ for @{ $self->{tags} };
$self->{panel} = X11::korgwm::Panel->new(0, $w, $x,
sub ($btn, $ws) { $self->tag_set_active($ws - 1, noselect => 1) }
$self->{x} = $x;
$self->{y} = $y;
$self->{w} = $w;
$self->{h} = $h;
return $self;
sub destroy($self, $new_screen) {
# Bring always_on windows back to current tag
for my $win (@{ $self->{always_on} }) {
$win->{always_on} = undef;
$self->{always_on} = [];
# Remove tags (maximized window will be transferred AS-IS)
$_->destroy($new_screen) for @{ $self->{tags} };
# Remove panel
# Undef other fields
%{ $self } = ();
# Set $tag_new_id visible for $self screen
# Options:
# - rotate => switch to previously selected tag if $tag_new_id is already active
# Options are also passed to $tag->show() as-is
sub tag_set_active($self, $tag_new_id, %opts) {
$opts{rotate} //= 1;
$tag_new_id = $self->{tag_prev} if $opts{rotate} and $tag_new_id == $self->{tag_curr};
return if $tag_new_id == $self->{tag_curr};
# Remember previous tag
my $tag_old = $self->current_tag();
$self->{tag_prev} = $self->{tag_curr};
$self->{tag_curr} = $tag_new_id;
# Drop appended windows
# Show new tag and hide the old one
my $tag_new = $self->current_tag();
$tag_new->show(%opts) if defined $tag_new;
$tag_old->hide() if defined $tag_old;
# Update panel view
$self->{panel}->ws_set_active(1 + $tag_new_id);
# Return current tag
sub current_tag($self) {
$self->{tags}->[ $self->{tag_curr} ];
sub refresh($self) {
# Just redraw / rearrange current windows
my $tag_curr = $self->current_tag();
$tag_curr->show() if defined $tag_curr;
sub win_add($self, $win, $always_on = undef) {
if ($always_on) {
push @{ $self->{always_on} }, $win;
croak "Trying to override always_on" if $win->{always_on};
$win->{always_on} = $self;
} else {
my $tag = $self->current_tag();
croak "Unhandled undefined tag situation" unless defined $tag;
sub win_remove($self, $win, $norefresh = undef) {
my $tag = $self->current_tag();
croak "Unhandled undefined tag situation" unless defined $tag;
$tag->win_remove($win, $norefresh);
# Remove from always_on
if (($win->{always_on} // 0) == $self) {
my $arr = $self->{always_on};
$win->{always_on} = undef;
@{ $arr } = grep { $win != $_ } @{ $arr };
sub focus($self) {
my $tag = $self->current_tag();
if (defined $self->{focus} and exists $self->{focus}->{on_tags}->{$tag}) {
# self->focus already points to some window on active tag
# This condition just looks prettier in this way, so if-clause is empty
} else {
# Focus some window on active tag. It's ok if it return undef
my $win = $tag->first_window();
$self->{focus} = $win;
# If there is a win, focus it; otherwise just reset panel title and update focus structure
if (defined $self->{focus}) {
# This will set focus->{screen} as well
} else {
$focus->{screen} = $self;
sub set_active($self, $window = undef) {
if ($window) {
} else {
$X->root->warp_pointer(int($self->{x} + $self->{w} / 2 - 1), int($self->{h} / 2 - 1));
sub contains_xy($self, $x, $y) {
$self->{x} <= $x and $self->{x} + $self->{w} > $x and $self->{y} <= $y and $self->{y} + $self->{h} > $y;