version 0.03
Main function calls:
l_int32 fhmtautogen()
l_int32 fhmtautogen1()
l_int32 fhmtautogen2()
Static helpers:
static SARRAY *sarrayMakeWplsCode()
static SARRAY *sarrayMakeInnerLoopDWACode()
static char *makeBarrelshiftString()
This automatically generates dwa code for the hit-miss transform.
Here's a road map for how it all works.
(1) You generate an array (a SELA) of hit-miss transform SELs.
This can be done in several ways, including
(a) calling the function selaAddHitMiss() for
pre-compiled SELs
(b) generating the SELA in code in line
(c) reading in a SELA from file, using selaRead()
or various other formats.
(2) You call fhmtautogen1() and fhmtautogen2() on this SELA.
This uses the text files hmttemplate1.txt and
hmttemplate2.txt for building up the source code. See the file
prog/fhmtautogen.c for an example of how this is done.
The output is written to files named fhmtgen.*.c
and fhmtgenlow.*.c, where "*" is an integer that you
input to this function. That integer labels both
the output files, as well as all the functions that
are generated. That way, using different integers,
you can invoke fhmtautogen() any number of times
to get functions that all have different names so that
they can be linked into one program.
(3) You copy the generated source code back to your src
directory for compilation. Put their names in the
Makefile, regnerate the prototypes, and recompile
the libraries. Look at the Makefile to see how I've
included fhmtgen.1.c and fhmtgenlow.1.c. These files
provide the high-level interfaces for the hmt, and
the low-level interfaces to do the actual work.
(4) In an application, you now use this interface. Again
for the example files generated, using integer "1":
PIX *pixHMTDwa_1(PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, char *selname);
PIX *pixFHMTGen_1(PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, char *selname);
where the selname is one of the set that were defined
as the name field of sels. This set is listed at the
beginning of the file fhmtgen.1.c.
As an example, see the file prog/fmtauto_reg.c, which
verifies the correctness of the implementation by
comparing the dwa result with that of full-image
l_int32 fhmtautogen ( SELA *sela, l_int32 fileindex, const char *filename )
Input: sela
filename (<optional>; can be null)
Return: 0 if OK; 1 on error
(1) This function generates all the code for implementing
dwa morphological operations using all the sels in the sela.
(2) See fhmtautogen1() and fhmtautogen2() for details.
l_int32 fhmtautogen1 ( SELA *sela, l_int32 fileindex, const char *filename )
Input: sel array
filename (<optional>; can be null)
Return: 0 if OK; 1 on error
(1) This function uses hmttemplate1.txt to create a
top-level file that contains two functions that carry
out the hit-miss transform for any of the sels in
the input sela.
(2) The fileindex parameter is inserted into the output
filename, as described below.
(3) If filename == NULL, the output file is fhmtgen.<n>.c,
where <n> is equal to the 'fileindex' parameter.
(4) If filename != NULL, the output file is <filename>.<n>.c.
(5) Each sel must have at least one hit. A sel with only misses
generates code that will abort the operation if it is called.
l_int32 fhmtautogen2 ( SELA *sela, l_int32 fileindex, const char *filename )
Input: sel array
filename (<optional>; can be null)
Return: 0 if OK; 1 on error
(1) This function uses hmttemplate2.txt to create a
low-level file that contains the low-level functions for
implementing the hit-miss transform for every sel
in the input sela.
(2) The fileindex parameter is inserted into the output
filename, as described below.
(3) If filename == NULL, the output file is fhmtgenlow.<n>.c,
where <n> is equal to the 'fileindex' parameter.
(4) If filename != NULL, the output file is <filename>low.<n>.c.
Zakariyya Mughal <>
This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Zakariyya Mughal.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.