version 0.03
Recoga creation, destruction and access
L_RECOGA *recogaCreateFromRecog()
L_RECOGA *recogaCreateFromPixaa()
L_RECOGA *recogaCreate()
void recogaDestroy()
l_int32 recogaAddRecog()
static l_int32 recogaExtendArray()
l_int32 recogReplaceInRecoga()
L_RECOG *recogaGetRecog()
l_int32 recogaGetCount()
l_int32 recogGetCount()
l_int32 recogGetIndex()
l_int32 recogGetParent()
l_int32 recogSetBootflag()
Recog initialization and destruction
L_RECOG *recogCreateFromRecog()
L_RECOG *recogCreateFromPixa()
L_RECOG *recogCreate()
void recogDestroy()
Appending (combining two recogs into one)
l_int32 recogAppend()
Character/index lookup
l_int32 recogGetClassIndex()
l_int32 recogStringToIndex()
l_int32 recogGetClassString()
l_int32 l_convertCharstrToInt()
L_RECOGA *recogaRead()
L_RECOGA *recogaReadStream()
l_int32 recogaWrite()
l_int32 recogaWriteStream()
l_int32 recogaWritePixaa()
L_RECOG *recogRead()
L_RECOG *recogReadStream()
l_int32 recogWrite()
l_int32 recogWriteStream()
l_int32 recogWritePixa()
static l_int32 recogAddCharstrLabels()
static l_int32 recogAddAllSamples()
The recognizer functionality is split into four files:
recogbasic.c: create, destroy, access, serialize
recogtrain.c: training on labelled and unlabelled data
recogident.c: running the recognizer(s) on input
recogdid.c: running the recognizer(s) on input using a
document image decoding (DID) hidden markov model
This is a content-adapted (or book-adapted) recognizer (BAR) application.
The recognizers here are typically bootstrapped from data that has
been labelled by a generic recognition system, such as Tesseract.
The general procedure to create a recognizer (recog) from labelled data is
to add the labelled character bitmaps, and call recogTrainingFinished()
when done.
Typically, the recog is added to a recoga (an array of recognizers)
before use. However, for identifying single characters, it is possible
to use a single recog.
If there is more than one recog, the usage options are:
(1) To join the two together (e.g., if they're from the same source)
(2) To put them separately into a recoga (recognizer array).
For training numeric input, an example set of calls that scales
each training input to (w, h) and will use the averaged
templates for identifying unknown characters is:
L_Recog *rec = recogCreate(w, h, L_USE_AVERAGE, 128, 1, "fonts");
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { // read in n training digits
Pix *pix = ...
recogTrainLabelled(rec, pix, NULL, text[i], 0, 0);
recogTrainingFinished(rec, 0); // required
It is an error if any function that computes averages, removes
outliers or requests identification of an unlabelled character,
such as:
(1) computing the sample averages: recogAverageSamples()
(2) removing outliers: recogRemoveOutliers()
(3) requesting identification of an unlabeled character:
is called before an explicit call to finish training. Note that
to do further training on a "finished" recognizer, just set
recog->train_done = FALSE;
add the new training samples, and again call
recogTrainingFinished(rec, 0); // required
If using all examples for identification, all scaled to (w, h),
and with outliers removed, do something like this:
L_Recog *rec = recogCreate(w, h, L_USE_ALL, 128, 1, "fonts");
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { // read in n training characters
Pix *pix = ...
recogTrainLabelled(rec, pix, NULL, text[i], 0, 0);
recogTrainingFinished(rec, 0);
// remove anything with correlation less than 0.7 with average
recogRemoveOutliers(rec, 0.7, 0.5, 0);
You can train a recognizer from a pixa where the text field in each
pix is the character string:
L_Recog *recboot = recogCreateFromPixa(pixa, w, h, L_USE_AVERAGE,
128, 1, "fonts");
This is useful as a "bootstrap" recognizer for training a new
recognizer (rec) on an unlabelled data set that has a different
origin from recboot. To do this, the new recognizer must be
initialized to use the same (w,h) scaling as the bootstrap recognizer.
If the new recognizer is to be used without scaling (e.g., on images
from a single source, like a book), call recogSetScaling() to
regenerate all the scaled samples and averages:
L_Recog *rec = recogCreate(w, h, L_USE_ALL, 128, 1, "fonts");
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { // read in n training characters
Pix *pix = ...
recogTrainUnlabelled(rec, recboot, pix, NULL, 1, 0.75, 0);
recogTrainingFinished(rec, 0);
recogSetScaling(rec, 0, 0); // use with no scaling
l_int32 l_convertCharstrToInt ( const char *str, l_int32 *pval )
Input: str (input string representing one UTF-8 character;
not more than 4 bytes)
&val (<return> integer value for the input. Think of it
as a 1-to-1 hash code.)
Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
l_int32 recogAppend ( L_RECOG *recog1, L_RECOG *recog2 )
Input: recog1
recog2 (gets added to recog1)
Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
(1) This is used to make a training recognizer from more than
one trained recognizer source. It should only be used
when the bitmaps for corresponding character classes are
very similar. That constraint does not arise when
the character classes are disjoint; e.g., if recog1 is
digits and recog2 is alphabetical.
(2) This is done by appending recog2 to recog1. Averages are
computed for each recognizer, if necessary, before appending.
(3) Non-array fields are combined using the appropriate min and max.
L_RECOG * recogCreate ( l_int32 scalew, l_int32 scaleh, l_int32 templ_type, l_int32 threshold, l_int32 maxyshift, const char *fontdir )
Input: scalew (scale all widths to this; use 0 for no scaling)
scaleh (scale all heights to this; use 0 for no scaling)
templ_type (L_USE_AVERAGE or L_USE_ALL)
threshold (for binarization; typically ~128)
maxyshift (from nominal centroid alignment; typically 0 or 1)
fontdir (<optional> directory for bitmap fonts for debugging)
Return: recog, or null on error
(1) For a set trained on one font, such as numbers in a book,
it is sensible to set scalew = scaleh = 0.
(2) For a mixed training set, scaling to a fixed height,
such as 32 pixels, but leaving the width unscaled, is effective.
(3) The storage for most of the arrays is allocated when training
is finished.
L_RECOG * recogCreateFromPixa ( PIXA *pixa, l_int32 scalew, l_int32 scaleh, l_int32 templ_type, l_int32 threshold, l_int32 maxyshift, const char *fontdir )
Input: pixa (of labelled, 1 bpp images)
scalew (scale all widths to this; use 0 for no scaling)
scaleh (scale all heights to this; use 0 for no scaling)
templ_type (L_USE_AVERAGE or L_USE_ALL)
threshold (for binarization; typically ~128)
maxyshift (from nominal centroid alignment; typically 0 or 1)
fontdir (<optional> directory for bitmap fonts for debugging)
Return: recog, or null on error
(1) This is a convenience function for training from labelled data.
The pixa can be read from file.
(2) The pixa should contain the unscaled bitmaps used for training.
(3) The characters here should work as a single "font", because
each image example is put into a class defined by its
character label. All examples in the same class should be
L_RECOG * recogCreateFromRecog ( L_RECOG *recs, l_int32 scalew, l_int32 scaleh, l_int32 templ_type, l_int32 threshold, l_int32 maxyshift, const char *fontdir )
Input: recs (source recog with arbitrary input parameters)
scalew (scale all widths to this; use 0 for no scaling)
scaleh (scale all heights to this; use 0 for no scaling)
templ_type (L_USE_AVERAGE or L_USE_ALL)
threshold (for binarization; typically ~128)
maxyshift (from nominal centroid alignment; typically 0 or 1)
fontdir (<optional> directory for bitmap fonts for debugging)
Return: recd, or null on error
(1) This is a convenience function that generates a recog using
the unscaled training data in an existing recog.
void recogDestroy ( L_RECOG **precog )
Input: &recog (<will be set to null before returning>)
Return: void
(1) If a recog has a parent, the parent owns it. A recogDestroy()
will fail if there is a parent.
l_int32 recogGetClassIndex ( L_RECOG *recog, l_int32 val, char *text, l_int32 *pindex )
Input: recog (with LUT's pre-computed)
val (integer value; can be up to 3 bytes for UTF-8)
text (text from which @val was derived; used if not found)
&index (<return> index into dna_tochar)
Return: 0 if found; 1 if not found and added; 2 on error.
(1) This is used during training. It searches the
dna character array for @val. If not found, it increments
the setsize by 1, augmenting both the index and text arrays.
(2) Returns the index in &index, except on error.
(3) Caller must check the function return value.
l_int32 recogGetCount ( L_RECOG *recog )
Input: recog
Return: count of classes in recog; 0 if no recog or on error
l_int32 recogGetIndex ( L_RECOG *recog, l_int32 *pindex )
Input: recog
&index (into the parent recoga; -1 if no parent)
Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
L_RECOGA * recogGetParent ( L_RECOG *recog )
Input: recog
Return: recoga (back-pointer to parent); can be null
L_RECOG * recogRead ( const char *filename )
Input: filename
Return: recog, or null on error
(1) Serialization can be applied to any recognizer, including
one with more than one "font". That is, it can have
multiple character classes with the same character set
description, where each of those classes contains characters
that are very similar in size and shape. Each pixa in
the serialized pixaa contains images for a single character
L_RECOG * recogReadStream ( FILE *fp )
Input: stream
Return: recog, or null on error
l_int32 recogReplaceInRecoga ( L_RECOG **precog1, L_RECOG *recog2 )
Input: &recog1 (old recog, to be destroyed)
recog2 (new recog, to be inserted in place of @recog1)
Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
(1) This always destroys recog1.
(2) If recog1 belongs to a recoga, this inserts recog2 into
the slot that recog1 previously occupied.
l_int32 recogSetBootflag ( L_RECOG *recog )
Input: recog
Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
(1) This must be set for any bootstrap recog, where the samples
are not from the media being identified.
(2) It is used to enforce scaled bitmaps for identification,
and to prevent the recog from being used to split touching
characters (which requires unscaled samples from the
material being identified).
l_int32 recogStringToIndex ( L_RECOG *recog, char *text, l_int32 *pindex )
Input: recog
text (text string for some class)
&index (<return> index for that class; -1 if not found)
Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error (not finding the string is an error)
l_int32 recogWrite ( const char *filename, L_RECOG *recog )
Input: filename
Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
l_int32 recogWritePixa ( const char *filename, L_RECOG *recog )
Input: filename
Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
(1) This generates a pixa of all the unscaled images in the
recognizer, where each one has its character string in
the pix text field, by flattening pixaa_u to a pixa.
(2) As a side-effect, the character class label is written
into each pix in recog.
l_int32 recogWriteStream ( FILE *fp, L_RECOG *recog, const char *filename )
Input: stream (opened for "wb")
filename (output serialized filename; embedded in file)
Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
l_int32 recogaAddRecog ( L_RECOGA *recoga, L_RECOG *recog )
Input: recoga
recog (to be added and owned by the recoga; not a copy)
Return: recoga, or null on error
L_RECOGA * recogaCreate ( l_int32 n )
Input: n (initial number of recog ptrs)
Return: recoga, or null on error
L_RECOGA * recogaCreateFromPixaa ( PIXAA *paa, l_int32 scalew, l_int32 scaleh, l_int32 templ_type, l_int32 threshold, l_int32 maxyshift, const char *fontdir )
Input: paa (of labelled, 1 bpp images)
scalew (scale all widths to this; use 0 for no scaling)
scaleh (scale all heights to this; use 0 for no scaling)
templ_type (L_USE_AVERAGE or L_USE_ALL)
threshold (for binarization; typically ~128)
maxyshift (from nominal centroid alignment; typically 0 or 1)
fontdir (<optional> directory for bitmap fonts for debugging)
Return: recoga, or null on error
(1) This is a convenience function for training from labelled data.
(2) Each pixa in the paa is a set of labelled data that is used
to train a recognizer (e.g., for a set of characters in a font).
Each image example in the pixa is put into a class in its
recognizer, defined by its character label. All examples in
the same class should be similar.
(3) The pixaa can be written by recogaWritePixaa(), and must contain
the unscaled bitmaps used for training.
L_RECOGA * recogaCreateFromRecog ( L_RECOG *recog )
Input: recog
Return: recoga, or null on error
(1) This is a convenience function for making a recoga after
you have a recog. The recog is owned by the recoga.
(2) For splitting connected components, the
input recog must be from the material to be identified,
and not a generic bootstrap recog. Those can be added later.
void recogaDestroy ( L_RECOGA **precoga )
Input: &recoga (<will be set to null before returning>)
Return: void
(1) If a recog has a parent, the parent owns it. To destroy
a recog, it must first be "orphaned".
l_int32 recogaGetCount ( L_RECOGA *recoga )
Input: recoga
Return: count of recog in array; 0 if no recog or on error
L_RECOG * recogaGetRecog ( L_RECOGA *recoga, l_int32 index )
Input: recoga
index (to the index-th recog)
Return: recog, or null on error
(1) This returns a ptr to the recog, which is still owned by
the recoga. Do not destroy it.
L_RECOGA * recogaRead ( const char *filename )
Input: filename
Return: recoga, or null on error
(1) This allows serialization of an array of recognizers, each of which
can be used for different fonts, font styles, etc.
L_RECOGA * recogaReadStream ( FILE *fp )
Input: stream
Return: recog, or null on error
l_int32 recogaWrite ( const char *filename, L_RECOGA *recoga )
Input: filename
Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
l_int32 recogaWritePixaa ( const char *filename, L_RECOGA *recoga )
Input: filename
Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
(1) For each recognizer, this generates a pixa of all the
unscaled images. They are combined into a pixaa for
the set of recognizers. Each pix has has its character
string in the pix text field.
(2) As a side-effect, the character class label is written
into each pix in recog.
l_int32 recogaWriteStream ( FILE *fp, L_RECOGA *recoga, const char *filename )
Input: stream (opened for "wb")
filename (output serialized filename; embedded in file)
Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
Zakariyya Mughal <>
This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Zakariyya Mughal.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.