

version 0.03



    Gray seedfill (source: Luc Vincent:fast-hybrid-grayscale-reconstruction)
             void   seedfillBinaryLow()
             void   seedfillGrayLow()
             void   seedfillGrayInvLow()
             void   seedfillGrayLowSimple()
             void   seedfillGrayInvLowSimple()

    Distance function:
             void   distanceFunctionLow()

    Seed spread:
             void   seedspreadLow()



void distanceFunctionLow ( l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 d, l_int32 wpld, l_int32 connectivity )



void seedfillBinaryLow ( l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 hs, l_int32 wpls, l_uint32 *datam, l_int32 hm, l_int32 wplm, l_int32 connectivity )


    (1) This is an in-place fill, where the seed image is
        filled, clipping to the filling mask, in one full
        cycle of UL -> LR and LR -> UL raster scans.
    (2) Assume the mask is a filling mask, not a blocking mask.
    (3) Assume that the RHS pad bits of the mask
        are properly set to 0.
    (4) Clip to the smallest dimensions to avoid invalid reads.


void seedfillGrayInvLow ( l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpls, l_uint32 *datam, l_int32 wplm, l_int32 connectivity )


    (1) The pixels are numbered as follows:
            1  2  3
            4  x  5
            6  7  8
        This low-level filling operation consists of two scans,
        raster and anti-raster, covering the entire seed image.
        During the anti-raster scan, every pixel p such that its
        current value could still be propogated during the next
        raster scanning is put into the FIFO-queue.
        Next step is the propagation step where where we update
        and propagate the values using FIFO structure created in
        anti-raster scan.
    (2) The "Inv" signifies the fact that in this case, filling
        of the seed only takes place when the seed value is
        greater than the mask value.  The mask will act to stop
        the fill when it is higher than the seed level.  (This is
        in contrast to conventional grayscale filling where the
        seed always fills below the mask.)
    (3) An example of use is a basin, described by the mask (pixm),
        where within the basin, the seed pix (pixs) gets filled to the
        height of the highest seed pixel that is above its
        corresponding max pixel.  Filling occurs while the
        propagating seed pixels in pixs are larger than the
        corresponding mask values in pixm.
    (4) Reference paper :
          L. Vincent, Morphological grayscale reconstruction in image
          analysis: applications and efficient algorithms, IEEE Transactions
          on  Image Processing, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 176-201, 1993.


void seedfillGrayInvLowSimple ( l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpls, l_uint32 *datam, l_int32 wplm, l_int32 connectivity )


    (1) The pixels are numbered as follows:
            1  2  3
            4  x  5
            6  7  8
        This low-level filling operation consists of two scans,
        raster and anti-raster, covering the entire seed image.
        The caller typically iterates until the filling is
    (2) The "Inv" signifies the fact that in this case, filling
        of the seed only takes place when the seed value is
        greater than the mask value.  The mask will act to stop
        the fill when it is higher than the seed level.  (This is
        in contrast to conventional grayscale filling where the
        seed always fills below the mask.)
    (3) An example of use is a basin, described by the mask (pixm),
        where within the basin, the seed pix (pixs) gets filled to the
        height of the highest seed pixel that is above its
        corresponding max pixel.  Filling occurs while the
        propagating seed pixels in pixs are larger than the
        corresponding mask values in pixm.


void seedfillGrayLow ( l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpls, l_uint32 *datam, l_int32 wplm, l_int32 connectivity )


    (1) The pixels are numbered as follows:
            1  2  3
            4  x  5
            6  7  8
        This low-level filling operation consists of two scans,
        raster and anti-raster, covering the entire seed image.
        This is followed by a breadth-first propagation operation to
        complete the fill.
        During the anti-raster scan, every pixel p whose current value
        could still be propagated after the anti-raster scan is put into
        the FIFO queue.
        The propagation step is a breadth-first fill to completion.
        Unlike the simple grayscale seedfill pixSeedfillGraySimple(),
        where at least two full raster/anti-raster iterations are required
        for completion and verification, the hybrid method uses only a
        single raster/anti-raster set of scans.
    (2) The filling action can be visualized from the following example.
        Suppose the mask, which clips the fill, is a sombrero-shaped
        surface, where the highest point is 200 and the low pixels
        around the rim are 30.  Beyond the rim, the mask goes up a bit.
        Suppose the seed, which is filled, consists of a single point
        of height 150, located below the max of the mask, with
        the rest 0.  Then in the raster scan, nothing happens until
        the high seed point is encountered, and then this value is
        propagated right and down, until it hits the side of the
        sombrero.   The seed can never exceed the mask, so it fills
        to the rim, going lower along the mask surface.  When it
        passes the rim, the seed continues to fill at the rim
        height to the edge of the seed image.  Then on the
        anti-raster scan, the seed fills flat inside the
        sombrero to the upper and left, and then out from the
        rim as before.  The final result has a seed that is
        flat outside the rim, and inside it fills the sombrero
        but only up to 150.  If the rim height varies, the
        filled seed outside the rim will be at the highest
        point on the rim, which is a saddle point on the rim.
    (3) Reference paper :
          L. Vincent, Morphological grayscale reconstruction in image
          analysis: applications and efficient algorithms, IEEE Transactions
          on  Image Processing, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 176-201, 1993.


void seedfillGrayLowSimple ( l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpls, l_uint32 *datam, l_int32 wplm, l_int32 connectivity )


    (1) The pixels are numbered as follows:
            1  2  3
            4  x  5
            6  7  8
        This low-level filling operation consists of two scans,
        raster and anti-raster, covering the entire seed image.
        The caller typically iterates until the filling is
    (2) The filling action can be visualized from the following example.
        Suppose the mask, which clips the fill, is a sombrero-shaped
        surface, where the highest point is 200 and the low pixels
        around the rim are 30.  Beyond the rim, the mask goes up a bit.
        Suppose the seed, which is filled, consists of a single point
        of height 150, located below the max of the mask, with
        the rest 0.  Then in the raster scan, nothing happens until
        the high seed point is encountered, and then this value is
        propagated right and down, until it hits the side of the
        sombrero.   The seed can never exceed the mask, so it fills
        to the rim, going lower along the mask surface.  When it
        passes the rim, the seed continues to fill at the rim
        height to the edge of the seed image.  Then on the
        anti-raster scan, the seed fills flat inside the
        sombrero to the upper and left, and then out from the
        rim as before.  The final result has a seed that is
        flat outside the rim, and inside it fills the sombrero
        but only up to 150.  If the rim height varies, the
        filled seed outside the rim will be at the highest
        point on the rim, which is a saddle point on the rim.


void seedspreadLow ( l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datat, l_int32 wplt, l_int32 connectivity )


  See pixSeedspread() for a brief description of the algorithm here.


Zakariyya Mughal <>


This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Zakariyya Mughal.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.