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$Image::Leptonica::Func::parseprotos::VERSION = '0.04';
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
=head1 VERSION
version 0.04
=head1 C<parseprotos.c>
char *parseForProtos()
Static helpers
static l_int32 getNextNonCommentLine()
static l_int32 getNextNonBlankLine()
static l_int32 getNextNonDoubleSlashLine()
static l_int32 searchForProtoSignature()
static char *captureProtoSignature()
static char *cleanProtoSignature()
static l_int32 skipToEndOfFunction()
static l_int32 skipToMatchingBrace()
static l_int32 skipToSemicolon()
static l_int32 getOffsetForCharacter()
static l_int32 getOffsetForMatchingRP()
=head2 parseForProtos
char * parseForProtos ( const char *filein, const char *prestring )
Input: filein (output of cpp)
prestring (<optional> string that prefaces each decl;
use NULL to omit)
Return: parsestr (string of function prototypes), or NULL on error
(1) We parse the output of cpp:
cpp -ansi <filein>
Three plans were attempted, with success on the third.
(2) Plan 1. A cursory examination of the cpp output indicated that
every function was preceeded by a cpp comment statement.
So we just need to look at statements beginning after comments.
Unfortunately, this is NOT the case. Some functions start
without cpp comment lines, typically when there are no
comments in the source that immediately precede the function.
(3) Plan 2. Consider the keywords in the language that start
parts of the cpp file. Some, like 'typedef', 'enum',
'union' and 'struct', are followed after a while by '{',
and eventually end with '}, plus an optional token and a
final ';' Others, like 'extern' and 'static', are never
the beginnings of global function definitions. Function
prototypes have one or more sets of '(' followed eventually
by a ')', and end with ';'. But function definitions have
tokens, followed by '(', more tokens, ')' and then
immediately a '{'. We would generate a prototype from this
by adding a ';' to all tokens up to the ')'. So we use
these special tokens to decide what we are parsing. And
whenever a function definition is found and the prototype
extracted, we skip through the rest of the function
past the corresponding '}'. This token ends a line, and
is often on a line of its own. But as it turns out,
the only keyword we need to consider is 'static'.
(4) Plan 3. Consider the parentheses and braces for various
declarations. A struct, enum, or union has a pair of
braces followed by a semicolon. They cannot have parentheses
before the left brace, but a struct can have lots of parentheses
within the brace set. A function prototype has no braces.
A function declaration can have sets of left and right
parentheses, but these are followed by a left brace.
So plan 3 looks at the way parentheses and braces are
organized. Once the beginning of a function definition
is found, the prototype is extracted and we search for
the ending right brace.
(5) To find the ending right brace, it is necessary to do some
careful parsing. For example, in this file, we have
left and right braces as characters, and these must not
be counted. Somewhat more tricky, the file fhmtauto.c
generates code, and includes a right brace in a string.
So we must not include braces that are in strings. But how
do we know if something is inside a string? Keep state,
starting with not-inside, and every time you hit a double quote
that is not escaped, toggle the condition. Any brace
found in the state of being within a string is ignored.
(6) When a prototype is extracted, it is put in a canonical
form (i.e., cleaned up). Finally, we check that it is
not static and save it. (If static, it is ignored).
(7) The @prestring for unix is NULL; it is included here so that
you can use Microsoft's declaration for importing or
exporting to a dll. See environ.h for examples of use.
Here, we set: @prestring = "LEPT_DLL ". Note in particular
the space character that will separate 'LEPT_DLL' from
the standard unix prototype that follows.
=head1 AUTHOR
Zakariyya Mughal <>
This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Zakariyya Mughal.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.