Changes for version v1.0.15 - 2016-10-14
- DNSSEC:EXTRA_PROCESSING_BROKEN when not authoritative #210
- Remove dependency on Net::IP::XS, use Net::IP (#174)
- remove-JSON-XS-from-installation (#208)
- Add filters to hostnames / messages (#206)
- Bug in comparison between parent and child (dotse/zonemaster#439)
- Fixing can't call method "rcode" on an undefined value at (dotse/zonemaster#463)
- Fixing french FAQ last version (dotse/zonemaster#210)
- Modify the "Notice" information when DNSSEC not signed (#193)
- Fixing CONNECTIVITY:NAMESERVER_NO_UDP_53 (and TCP) when ns not authoritative (#209)
- Fix perl warning about unquoted 'refs' (#229)
- Fixing issue while running "make test" in "CentOS Linux (#230)
- Add missing dependency in dotse/zonemaster-engine/docs/
The Zonemaster Test Engine
A tool to check the quality of a DNS zone
do lookups of ASNs for IP addresses
configuration access module for Zonemaster
module holding constants used in test modules
class representing DNS names
base class for Zonemaster exceptions
class that holds Zonemaster::Logger::Entry objects.
module for single log entries
Class implementing arrays that lazily looks up name server addresses from their names
object representing a DNS nameserver
shared caches for nameserver objects
wrapping object for Net::LDNS::Packet objects
recursive resolver for Zonemaster
module to find, load and execute all test modules
module implementing tests focused on the Address specific test cases of the DNS tests
module implementing test for very basic domain functionality
module implementing tests of nameservers reachability
Consistency module showing the expected structure of Zonemaster test modules
dnssec module showing the expected structure of Zonemaster test modules
Tests regarding delegation details
example module showing the expected structure of Zonemaster test modules
module implementing tests of the properties of a name server
test validating the syntax of host names and other data
module implementing tests of the zone content in DNS, such as SOA and MX records
Methods common to Test Specification used in test modules
translation support for Zonemaster
utility functions for other Zonemaster modules
Object representing a DNS zone
in lib/Zonemaster/Net/