PerlBean::Attribute::Multi::Unique::Ordered - contains unique ordered MULTI bean attribute information


use strict;
use PerlBean::Attribute::Multi::Unique::Ordered;
my $attr = PerlBean::Attribute::Multi::Unique::Ordered->new ({
	attribute_name => 'locations_in_traveling_salesman_itinerary',
	short_description => 'the locations in a traveling salesman\'s itinerary',

use IO::File;
-d 'tmp' || mkdir ('tmp');
my $fh = IO::File->new ('> tmp/');
$attr->writeMethods ($fh);
$attr->writeDocMethods ($fh);


Unique, ordered MULTI bean attribute information


PerlBean::Attribute::Multi::Unique::Ordered contains unique ordered MULTI bean attribute information. It is a subclass of PerlBean::Attribute::Multi. The code generation and documentation methods from PerlBean::Attribute are implemented.`



Creates a new PerlBean::Attribute::Multi::Unique::Ordered object. OPT_HASH_REF is a hash reference used to pass initialization options. OPT_HASH_REF is mandatory. On error an exception Error::Simple is thrown.

Options for OPT_HASH_REF inherited through package PerlBean::Attribute may include:


Passed to "setAttributeName ()". Mandatory option.


Passed to "setDefaultValue ()".


Passed to "setExceptionClass ()". Defaults to Error::Simple.


Passed to "setMandatory ()". Defaults to 0.


Passed to "setMethodBase ()".


Passed to "setPerlBean ()".


Passed to "setShortDescription ()".

Options for OPT_HASH_REF inherited through package PerlBean::Attribute::Single may include:


Passed to "setAllowEmpty ()". Defaults to 1.


Passed to "setAllowIsa ()". Must be an ARRAY reference.


Passed to "setAllowRef ()". Must be an ARRAY reference.


Passed to "setAllowRx ()". Must be an ARRAY reference.


Passed to "setAllowValue ()". Must be an ARRAY reference.


getOverloadedAttribute ()

This method is inherited from package 'PerlBean::Attribute'. Searches superclass packages for an identically named PerlBean::Attribute. If found it is returned otherwise undef is returned

getPackage ()

This method is inherited from package 'PerlBean::Attribute'. Returns the package name. The package name is obtained from the PerlBean to which the PerlBean::Attribute belongs. Or, if the PerlBean::Attribute does not belong to a PerlBean, main is returned.

getPackageUS ()

This method is inherited from package 'PerlBean::Attribute'. Calls getPackage () and replaces :+ with C <_>.

type ()

This method is inherited from package 'PerlBean::Attribute'. Determins and returns the type of the attribute. The type is either BOOLEAN, SINGLE or MULTI.

writeAllowIsa (FILEHANDLE)

This method is inherited from package 'PerlBean::Attribute::Single'. Writes %ALLOW_ISA line for the attribute. FILEHANDLE is an IO::Handle object.

writeAllowRef (FILEHANDLE)

This method is inherited from package 'PerlBean::Attribute::Single'. Writes %ALLOW_REF line for the attribute. FILEHANDLE is an IO::Handle object.

writeAllowRx (FILEHANDLE)

This method is inherited from package 'PerlBean::Attribute::Single'. Writes %ALLOW_RX line for the attribute. FILEHANDLE is an IO::Handle object.

writeAllowValue (FILEHANDLE)

This method is inherited from package 'PerlBean::Attribute::Single'. Writes %ALLOW_VALUE line for the attribute. FILEHANDLE is an IO::Handle object.

writeDefaultValue (FILEHANDLE)

This method is inherited from package 'PerlBean::Attribute::Multi'. Writes %DEFAULT_VALUE line for the attribute. FILEHANDLE is an IO::Handle object.

writeDocClauses (FILEHANDLE)

This method is inherited from package 'PerlBean::Attribute'. Writes documentation for the clauses to which the contents the contents of the attribute must adhere. FILEHANDLE is an IO::Handle object.

writeDocInheritMethods (FILEHANDLE)

This method is overloaded from package 'PerlBean::Attribute::Multi'. Writes documentation for the access methods for the attribute in the case the attibute methods are inherited. FILEHANDLE is an IO::Handle object. As package PerlBean::Attribute::Multi is intended to group its subclasses this method actually throws an exception. Access methods are set..., push..., pop..., shift..., unshift..., exists... and get....

writeDocInit (FILEHANDLE)

This method is inherited from package 'PerlBean::Attribute::Multi'. Writes documentation for _initialize () for the attribute. FILEHANDLE is an IO::Handle object.

writeDocMethods (FILEHANDLE)

This method is overloaded from package 'PerlBean::Attribute::Multi'. Writes documentation for the access methods for the attribute. FILEHANDLE is an IO::Handle object. As package PerlBean::Attribute::Multi is intended to group its subclasses this method actually throws an exception. Access methods are set..., push..., pop..., shift..., unshift..., exists... and get....

writeMethods (FILEHANDLE)

This method is overloaded from package 'PerlBean::Attribute::Multi'. Writes the access methods for the attribute. FILEHANDLE is an IO::Handle object. As package PerlBean::Attribute::Multi is intended to group its subclasses this method actually throws an exception. Access methods are set..., push..., pop..., shift..., unshift..., exists... and get....

writeOptInit (FILEHANDLE)

This method is inherited from package 'PerlBean::Attribute::Multi'. Writes _initialize () option parsing code for the attribute. FILEHANDLE is an IO::Handle object.


To access attribute named attribute_name:

setAttributeName (), getAttributeName ()

To access attribute named default_value:

setDefaultValue (), getDefaultValue ()

To access attribute named exception_class:

setExceptionClass (), getExceptionClass ()

To access attribute named mandatory:

setMandatory (), isMandatory ()

To access attribute named method_base:

setMethodBase (), getMethodBase ()

To access attribute named perl_bean:

setPerlBean (), getPerlBean ()

To access attribute named short_description:

setShortDescription (), getShortDescription ()

INHERITED METHODS FROM PerlBean::Attribute::Single

To access attribute named allow_empty:

setAllowEmpty (), isAllowEmpty ()

To access attribute named allow_isa:

setAllowIsa (), addAllowIsa (), deleteAllowIsa (), existsAllowIsa (), valuesAllowIsa ()

To access attribute named allow_ref:

setAllowRef (), addAllowRef (), deleteAllowRef (), existsAllowRef (), valuesAllowRef ()

To access attribute named allow_rx:

setAllowRx (), addAllowRx (), deleteAllowRx (), existsAllowRx (), valuesAllowRx ()

To access attribute named allow_value:

setAllowValue (), addAllowValue (), deleteAllowValue (), existsAllowValue (), valuesAllowValue ()


PerlBean, PerlBean::Attribute, PerlBean::Attribute::Boolean, PerlBean::Attribute::Factory, PerlBean::Attribute::Multi, PerlBean::Attribute::Multi::Ordered, PerlBean::Attribute::Multi::Unique, PerlBean::Attribute::Multi::Unique::Associative, PerlBean::Attribute::Multi::Unique::Associative::MethodKey, PerlBean::Attribute::Single, PerlBean::Collection, PerlBean::Method


None known (yet.)


First development: November 2002


Vincenzo Zocca


Copyright 2002, 2003 by Vincenzo Zocca


This file is part of the PerlBean module hierarchy for Perl by Vincenzo Zocca.

The PerlBean module hierarchy is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

The PerlBean module hierarchy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the PerlBean module hierarchy; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA