App::ZofCMS::Plugin::DBI - DBI access from ZofCMS templates
In your main config file or ZofCMS template:
dbi => {
dsn => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",
user => 'test', # user,
pass => 'test', # pass
opt => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 },
In your ZofCMS template:
dbi => {
dbi_get => {
layout => [ qw/name pass/ ],
sql => [ 'SELECT * FROM test' ],
dbi_set => sub {
my $query = shift;
if ( defined $query->{user} and defined $query->{pass} ) {
return [
[ 'DELETE FROM test WHERE name = ?;', undef, $query->{user} ],
[ 'INSERT INTO test VALUES(?,?);', undef, @$query{qw/user pass/} ],
elsif ( defined $query->{delete} and defined $query->{user_to_delete} ) {
return [ 'DELETE FROM test WHERE name =?;', undef, $query->{user_to_delete} ];
In your HTML::Template template:
<form action="" method="POST">
<label for="name">Name: </label>
<input id="name" type="text" name="user" value="<tmpl_var name="query_user">"><br>
<label for="pass">Pass: </label>
<input id="pass" type="text" name="pass" value="<tmpl_var name="query_pass">"><br>
<input type="submit" value="Add">
<tmpl_loop name="dbi_var">
<td><tmpl_var name="name"></td>
<td><tmpl_var name="pass"></td>
<form action="" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="user_to_delete" value="<tmpl_var name="name">">
<input type="submit" name="delete" value="Delete">
Module is a App::ZofCMS plugin which provides means to retrieve and push data to/from SQL databases using DBI module.
Current functionality is limited. More will be added as the need arrises, let me know if you need something extra.
This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template
dbi => {
dsn => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",
user => 'test', # user,
pass => 'test', # pass
opt => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 },
last_insert_id => 1,
do_dbi_set_first => 1,
You can set these either in your ZofCMS template's dbi
key or in your main config file's dbi
key. The key takes a hashref as a value. The keys/values of that hashref are as follows:
dsn => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",
Specifies the DSN for DBI, see DBI
for more information on what to use here.
and pass
user => 'test', # user,
pass => 'test', # pass
The user
and pass
key should contain username and password for the database you will be accessing with your plugin.
opt => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 },
The opt
key takes a hashref of any additional options you want to pass to connect_cached
DBI's method.
last_insert_id => 1,
last_insert_id => [
Optional. When set to a true value, the plugin will attempt to figure out the LAST_INSERT_ID()
after processing dbi_set
(see below). The result will be placed into d
ZofCMS Template special key under key last_insert_id
(currently there is no way to place it anywhere else). The value of last_insert_id
argument can be either a true value or an arrayref. Having any true value but an arrayref is the same as having an arrayref with three undef
s. That arrayref will be directly dereferenced into DBI's last_insert_id()
method. See documentation for DBI for more information. By default is not specified (false)
do_dbi_set_first => 1,
Optional. Takes either true or false values. If set to a true value, the plugin will first execute dbi_set
and then dbi_get
; if set to a false value, the order will be reversed (i.e. dbi_get
first and then dbi_set
will be executed. Defaults to: 1
In your ZofCMS template the first-level dbi
key accepts a hashref two possible keys: dbi_get
for retreiving data from database and dbi_set
for setting data into the database. Note: you can also have your dsn
, user
, pass
and opt
keys here if you wish.
dbi => {
dbi_get => {
layout => [ qw/name pass/ ],
single => 1,
sql => [ 'SELECT * FROM test' ],
on_data => 'has_data',
process => sub {
my ( $data_ref, $template, $query, $config, $dbh ) = @_;
dbi => {
dbi_get => sub {
my ( $query, $template, $config, $dbh ) = @_;
return {
sql => [
'SELECT * FROM test WHERE id = ?',
{ Slice => {} },
on_data => 'has_data',
dbi => {
dbi_get => [
layout => [ qw/name pass/ ],
sql => [ 'SELECT * FROM test' ],
layout => [ qw/name pass time info/ ],
sql => [ 'SELECT * FROM bar' ],
The dbi_get
key takes either a hashref, a subref or an arrayref as a value. If the value is a subref, the subref will be evaluated and its value will be assigned to dbi_get
; the @_
of that subref will contain the following (in that order): $query, $template, $config, $dbh
where $query
is query string hashref, $template
is ZofCMS Template hashref, $config is the App::ZofCMS::Config object and $dbh
is a DBI database handle (already connected).
If the value is a hashref it is the same as having just that hashref inside the arrayref. Each element of the arrayref must be a hashref with instructions on how to retrieve the data. The possible keys/values of that hashref are as follows:
layout => [ qw/name pass time info/ ],
Optional. Takes an arrayref as an argument. Specifies the name of <tmpl_var name="">
s in your <tmpl_loop>
(see type
argument below) to which map the columns retrieved from the database, see SYNOPSIS
section above. If the second element in your sql
arrayref is a hashref with a key Slice
whose value is a hashref, then layout
specifies which keys to keep, since selectall_arrayref()
(the only currently supported method) will return an arrayref of hashrefs where keys are column names and values are the values. Not specifying layout
is only allowed when Slice
is a hashref and in that case all column names will be kept. By default is not specified.
sql => [ 'SELECT * FROM bar' ],
Mandatory. Takes an arrayref as an argument which will be directly dereferenced into the DBI's method call specified by method
argument (see below). See App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Tagged for possible expansion of possibilities you have here.
single => 1,
Optional. Takes either true or false values. Normally, the plugin will make a datastructure suitable for a <tmpl_loop name="">
; however, if you expecting only one row from the table to be returned you can set single
parameter to a true value and then the plugin will stuff appropriate values into {t}
special hashref where keys will be the names you specified in the layout
argument and values will be the values of the first row that was fetched from the database. By default is not specified (false)
single_prefix => 'dbi_',
Optional. Takes a scalar as a value. Applies only when single
(see above) is set to a true value. The value you specify here will be prepended to any key names your dbi_get
generates. This is useful when you're grabbing a single record from the database and dumping it directly into t
special key; using the prefix helps prevent any name clashes. By default is not specified
dbi_get => {
type => 'loop'
Optional. Specifies what kind of a HTML::Template variable to generate from database data. Currently the only supported value is loop
which generates <tmpl_loop>
for yor HTML::Template template. Defaults to: loop
dbi_get => {
name => 'the_var_name',
Optional. Specifies the name of the key in the cell
(see below) into which to stuff your data. With the default cell
argument this will be the name of a HTML::Template var to set. Defaults to: dbi_var
dbi_get => {
method => 'selectall',
Optional. Specifies with which DBI method to retrieve the data. Currently the only supported value for this key is selectall
which uses selectall_arrayref. Defaults to: selectall
dbi_get => {
cell => 't'
Optional. Specifies the ZofCMS template's first-level key in which to create the name
key with data from the database. cell
must point to a key with a hashref in it (though, keep autovivification in mind). Possibly the sane values for this are either t
or d
. Defaults to: t
(the data will be available in your HTML::Template templates)
dbi_get => {
on_data => 'has_data',
Optional. Takes a string as an argument. When specified will set the key in {t}
name of which is specified on_data
to 1
when there are any rows that were selected. Typical usage for this would be to display some message if no data is available; e.g.:
dbi_get => {
layout => [ qw/name last_name/ ],
sql => [ 'SELECT * FROM users' ],
on_data => 'has_users',
<tmpl_if name="has_users">
<p>Here are the users:</p>
<!-- display data here -->
<p>I have no users for you</p>
dbi_get => {
process => sub {
my ( $data_ref, $template, $query, $config, $dbh ) = @_;
# do stuff
Optional. Takes a subref as a value. When specified the sub will be executed right after the data is fetched. The @_
will contain the following (in that order): $data_ref
- the return of DBI's selectall_arrayref
call, this may have other options later on when more methods are supported, the ZofCMS Template hashref, query hashref, App::ZofCMS::Config object, and finally the database handle.
dbi_set => sub {
my $query = shift;
if ( defined $query->{user} and defined $query->{pass} ) {
return [
[ 'DELETE FROM test WHERE name = ?;', undef, $query->{user} ],
[ 'INSERT INTO test VALUES(?,?);', undef, @$query{qw/user pass/} ],
elsif ( defined $query->{delete} and defined $query->{user_to_delete} ) {
return [ 'DELETE FROM test WHERE name =?;', undef, $query->{user_to_delete} ];
dbi_set => [
'DELETE FROM test WHERE name = ?;', undef, 'foos'
dbi_set => [
[ 'DELETE FROM test WHERE name = ?;', undef, 'foos' ],
[ 'INSERT INTO test VALUES(?, ?);', undef, 'foos', 'bars' ],
Note: the dbi_set
will be processed before dbi_get
. Takes either a subref or an arrayref as an argument. Multiple instructions can be put inside an arrayref as the last example above demonstrates. Each arrayref will be directly dereferenced into DBI's do()
method. Each subref must return either a single scalar, an arrayref or an arrayref of arrayrefs. Returning a scalar is the same as returning an arrayref with just that scalar in it. Returning just an arrayref is the same as returning an arrayref with just that arrayref in it. Each arrayref of the resulting arrayref will be directly dereferenced into DBI's do()
method. The subrefs will have the following in their @_
when called: $query, $template, $config, $dbh
. Where $query
is a hashref of query parameters in which keys are the name of the parameters and values are values. $template
is a hashref of your ZofCMS template. $config
is the App::ZofCMS::Config object and $dbh
is DBI's database handle object.
Fork this module on GitHub:
Zoffix Znet, <zoffix at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests on GitHub or, alternatively and not preferred, RT: bug-app-zofcms-plugin-dbi at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc App::ZofCMS::Plugin::DBI
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Copyright 2008 Zoffix Znet, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.