App::ZofCMS::Plugin::LinkifyText - plugin to convert links in plain text into proper HTML <a> elements
In ZofCMS Template or Main Config File:
plugins => [
plug_linkify_text => {
text => qq| foo\nbar\|,
encode_entities => 1, # this one and all below are optional; default values are shown
new_lines_as_br => 1,
cell => 't',
key => 'plug_linkify_text',
callback => sub {
my $uri = encode_entities $_[0];
return qq|<a href="$uri">$uri</a>|;
In HTML::Template template:
<tmpl_var name='plug_linkify_text'>
The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS that provides means convert URIs found in plain text into proper <a href=""> HTML elements.
This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template
plugins => [
Mandatory. You need to include the plugin to the list of plugins to execute.
plug_linkify_text => {
text => qq| foo\nbar\|,
encode_entities => 1,
new_lines_as_br => 1,
cell => 't',
key => 'plug_linkify_text',
callback => sub {
my $uri = encode_entities $_[0];
return qq|<a href="$uri">$uri</a>|;
plug_linkify_text => {
text => qq| foo\nbar\|,
encode_entities => 1,
new_lines_as_br => 1,
cell => 't',
key => 'plug_linkify_text',
callback => sub {
my $uri = encode_entities $_[0];
return qq|<a href="$uri">$uri</a>|;
plug_linkify_text => sub {
my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
return {
text => qq| foo\nbar\|,
Mandatory. Takes a hashref or a subref as a value; individual keys can be set in both Main Config File and ZofCMS Template, if the same key set in both, the value in ZofCMS Template will take precedence. If subref is specified, its return value will be assigned to plug_linkify_text
as if it was already there. If sub returns an undef
, then plugin will stop further processing. The @_
of the subref will contain (in that order): ZofCMS Tempalate hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object. The following keys/values are accepted:
plug_linkify_text => {
text => qq| foo\nbar\|,
plug_linkify_text => {
text => [
plug_linkify_text => {
text => sub {
my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
return $q->{text_to_linkify};
plug_linkify_text => {
text => \[ qw/replies reply_text/ ],
text2 => 'post_text',
text3 => [ qw/comments comment_text comment_link_text/ ],
Pseudo-Mandatory; if not specified (or undef
) plugin will not run. Takes a wide range of values:
plug_linkify_text => {
text => sub {
my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
return $q->{text_to_linkify};
If set to a subref, the sub's @_
will contain $t
, $q
, and $config
(in that order), where $t
is ZofCMS Template hashref, $q
is query parameter hashref, and $config
is App::ZofCMS::Config object. The return value from the sub can be any valid value accepted by the text
argument (except the subref) and the plugin will proceed as if the returned value was assigned to text
in the first place (including the undef
, upon which the plugin will stop executing).
plug_linkify_text => {
text => qq| foo\nbar\|,
If set to a scalar, the plugin will interpret the scalar as the string that needs to be linkified (i.e. links in the text changed to HTML links). Processed string will be stored into key
key under cell
first-level key (see the description for these below).
plug_linkify_text => {
text => [
# output:
$VAR1 = {
't' => 'plug_linkify_text' => [
{ text => '<a href=""></a>' },
{ text => '<a href=""></a>' },
If set to an arrayref, each element of that arrayref will be taken as a string that needs to be linkified. The output will be stored into key
key under cell
first-level key, and that output will be an arrayref of hashrefs. Each hashref will have only one key - text
- value of which is the converted text (thus you can use this arrayref directly in <tmpl_loop>
a ref of a ref
plug_linkify_text => {
text => \[ qw/replies reply_text/ ],
text2 => 'post_text',
text3 => [ qw/comments comment_text comment_link_text/ ],
Lastly, text
can be set to a... ref of a ref (bare with me). I think it's easier to understand the functionality when it's viewed as a following sequential process:
When text
is set to a ref of a ref, the plugin enables the inplace edit mode. This is as far as this goes, and plugin dereferences this ref of a ref into an arrayref or a scalarref. Along with a simple scalar, these entities can be assigned to any extra text
keys (see below). What inplace edit mode means is that text
no longer contains direct strings of text to linkify, but rather an address of where to find, and edit, those strings.
When inplace mode is turned on, you can tell plugin to linkify multiple places. In order to specify another address for a string to edit, simply add another text
postfixed with a number (e.g. text4
; what the actual number is does not matter, the key just needs to match qr/^text\d+$/
). The values of all the extra text
keys do not have to be refs of refs, but rather can be either scalars, scalarrefs or arrayrefs.
A scalar and scalarref have same meaning here, i.e. the scalarref will be automatically dereferenced into a scalar. A simple scalar tells the plugin that the value of this scalar is the name of a key inside {t}
ZofCMS Template special key, value of which contains the text to be linkified. The plugin will directly modify (linkify) that text. This can be used, for example, when you use App::ZofCMS::Plugin::DBI plugin's "single" retrieval mode.
The arrayrefs have different meaning. Their purpose is to process arrayrefs of hashrefs (this will probably conjure up App::ZofCMS::Plugin::DBI plugin's output in your mind). The first item in the arrayref represents the name of the key inside the {t}
ZofCMS Template special key's hashref; the value of that key is the arrayref of hashrefs. All the following (one or more) items in the arrayref represent hashref keys that point to data to linkify.
Let's take a look at actual code examples. Let's imagine your {t}
special key contains the following arrayref, say, put there by DBI plugin; this arrayref is referenced by a dbi_output
key here. Also in the example, the dbi_output_single
is set to a scalar, a string of text that we want to linkify:
dbi_output => [
{ ex => 'foo', ex2 => 'bar' },
{ ex => 'ber', ex2 => 'beer' },
{ ex => 'baz', ex2 => 'craz' },
dbi_output_single => 'some random text',
If you want to linkify all the texts inside dbi_output
to which the ex
keys point, you'd set text
value as text => \[ qw/dbi_output ex/ ]
. If you want to linkify the ex2
data as well, then you'd set text
as text => \[ qw/dbi_output ex ex2/ ]
. Can you guess what the code to linkify all the text in the example above will be? Here it is:
# note that we are assigning a REF of an arrayref to the first `text`
plug_linkify_text => {
text => \[
'dbi_output', # the key inside {t}
'ex', 'ex2' # keys of individual hashrefs that point to data
text2 => 'dbi_output_single', # note that we didn't have to make this a ref
# here's an alternative version that does the same thing:
plug_linkify_text => {
text => \\'dbi_output_single', # note that this is a ref of a ref
text554 => [ # this now doesn't have to be a ref of a ref
'dbi_output', # the key inside {t}
'ex', 'ex2' # keys of individual hashrefs that point to data
plug_linkify_text => {
text => qq| foo\nbar\|,
encode_entities => 1,
Optional. Takes either true or false values. When set to a true value, plugin will encode HTML entities in the provided text before processing URIs. Defaults to: 1
plug_linkify_text => {
text => qq| foo\nbar\|,
new_lines_as_br => 1,
Optional. Applies only when encode_entities
(see above) is set to a true value. Takes either true or false values. When set to a true value, the plugin will convert anything that matches /\r?\n/
into HTML <br> element. Defaults to: 1
plug_linkify_text => {
text => qq| foo\nbar\|,
cell => 't',
Optional. Takes a literal string as a value. Specifies the name of the first-level key in ZofCMS Template hashref into which to put the result; this key must point to either an undef value or a hashref. See key
argument below as well. Defaults to: t
plug_linkify_text => {
text => qq| foo\nbar\|,
key => 'plug_linkify_text',
Optional. Takes a literal string as a value. Specifies the name of the second-level key that is inside cell
(see above) key - plugin's output will be stored into this key. Defaults to: plug_linkify_text
plug_linkify_text => {
text => qq| foo\nbar\|,
callback => sub {
my $uri = encode_entities $_[0];
return qq|<a href="$uri">$uri</a>|;
Optional. Takes a subref as a value. This subref will be used as the "callback" sub in URI::Find::Schemeless's find()
method. See URI::Find::Schemeless for details. Defaults to:
sub {
my $uri = encode_entities $_[0];
return qq|<a href="$uri">$uri</a>|;
'Zoffix, <'zoffix at'>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-app-zofcms-plugin-linkifytext at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc App::ZofCMS::Plugin::LinkifyText
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