App::ZofCMS::PluginReference - docs for all plugins in one document for easy reference


I often found myself reaching out for docs for different plugins cluttering up my browser. The solution - stick all docs into one!.

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::AccessDenied (version 0.0101)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::AccessDenied

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::AccessDenied - ZofCMS plugin to restrict pages based on user access roles


plugins => [
    { AccessDenied => 2000 },

# this key and all of its individual arguments are optional
# ... default values are shown here
plug_access_denied => {
    role            => sub { $_[0]->{d}{user}{role} },
    separator       => qr/\s*,\s*/,
    key             => 'access_roles',
    redirect_page   => '/access-denied',
    master_roles    => 'admin',
    no_exit         => 0,

# this user has three roles; but this page requires a different one
d => { user => { role => 'foo, bar,baz', }, },
access_roles => 'bez',


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS that provides means to restrict access to various pages. It's designed to work in conjunction with App::ZofCMS::Plugin::UserLogin plugin; however, the use of that plugin is not required.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template



plugins => [
    { AccessDenied => 2000 },

Mandatory. You need to include the plugin in the list of plugins to execute.


# default values shown
plug_access_denied => {
    role            => sub { $_[0]->{d}{user}{role} },
    separator       => qr/\s*,\s*/,
    key             => 'access_roles',
    redirect_page   => '/access-denied',
    master_roles    => 'admin',
    no_exit         => 0,

# or
plug_access_denied => sub {
    my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
    return $hashref_to_assign_to_plug_access_denied_key;

Optional. Takes either a hashref or a subref as a value. If not specified, plugin will still run, and all the defaults will be assumed. If subref is specified, its return value will be assigned to plug_access_denied as if it was already there. The @_ of the subref will contain $t, $q, and $config (in that order): where $t is ZofCMS Tempalate hashref, $q is query parameters hashref, and $config is App::ZofCMS::Config object. Possible keys/values for the hashref are as follows:


plug_access_denied => {
    role => sub { $_[0]->{d}{user}{role} },

Optional. Takes a subref as a value. This argument tells the plugin the access roles the current user (visitor) posseses and based on these, the access to the page will be either granted or denied. The @_ will contain $t, $q, and $config (in that order), where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref, $q is query parameter hashref, and $config isf App::ZofCMS::Config object. Defaults to: sub { $_[0]->{d}{user}{role} } (i.e. attain the value from the $t->{d}{user}{role}). The subref must return one of the following:

a string

plug_access_denied => {
    role => sub { return 'foo, bar, baz' },

If the sub returns a string, the plugin will take it as containing one or more roles that the user (visitor of the page) has. Multiple roles must be separated using separator (see below).

an arrayref

plug_access_denied => {
    role => sub { return [ qw/foo  bar  baz/ ] },

If sub returns an arrayref, each element of that arrayref will be assumed to be one role.

a hashref

plug_access_denied => {
    role => sub { return { foo => 1, bar => 1 } },

If hashref is returned, plugin will assume that the keys of that hashref are the roles; plugin doesn't care about the values.


plug_access_denied => {
    separator => qr/\s*,\s*/,

Optional. Takes a regex (qr//) as a value. The value will be regarded as a separator for page's access roles (listed in key key, see below), the value in role (see above) if that argument is set to a string, as well as the value of master_roles argument (see below). Defaults to: qr/\s*,\s*/


plug_access_denied => {
    key => 'access_roles',

Optional. Takes a string as a value. Specifies the key, inside {t} ZofCMS Template hashref's special key, under which a string with page's roles is located. Multiple roles must be separated with separator (see above). User must possess at least one of these roles in order to be allowed to view the current page. Defaults to: access_roles (i.e. $t->{t}{access_roles})


plug_access_denied => {
    redirect_page => '/access-denied',

Optional. Takes a URI as a value. If access is denied to the visitor, they will be redirected to URI specified by redirect_page. Defaults to: /access-denied


plug_access_denied => {
    master_roles => 'admin',

Optional. Takes the string a value that contains "master" roles. If the user has any of the roles specified in master_roles, access to the page will be granted regardless of what the page's required roles (specified via key argument) are. To disable master_roles, use empty string. To specify several roles, separate them with your separator (see above). Defaults to: admin


plug_access_denied => {
    no_exit => 0,

Optional. Takes either true or false values as a value. If set to a false value, the plugin will call exit() after it tells the browser to redirect unauthorized user to redirect_page (see above); otherwise, the script will continue to run, however, note that you will no longer be able to "interface" with the user (i.e. if some later plugin dies, user will be already at the redirect_page). Defaults to: 0 (false)

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::AntiSpamMailTo (version 0.0101)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::AntiSpamMailTo

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::AntiSpamMailTo - "smart" HTML escapes to protect links from not-so-smart spam bots


In your Main Config file or ZofCMS template:

# include the plugin
plugins => [ qw/AntiSpamMailTo/ ],

# then this: 
plug_anti_spam_mailto => 'bar',
# or this:
plug_anti_spam_mailto => [ qw/foo bar baz/ ],
# or this:
plug_anti_spam_mailto => {
    foo => 'bar',
    baz => 'beer',

In your HTML::Template template:

<tmpl_var name="mailto">
# or this:
<tmpl_var name="mailto_0"> <tmpl_var name="mailto_1"> <tmpl_var name="mailto_2">
# or this:
<tmpl_var name="foo"> <tmpl_var name="baz">


The module is an App::ZofCMS plugin which provides means to deploy a technique that many claim to be effective in protecting your <a href=""></a> links from dumb spam bots.

The technique is quite simple (and simple to circumvent, but we are talking about dumb spam bots) - the entire contents of href="" attribute are encoded as HTML entities. Dumb spam bots miss the mailto: and go their way. Anyway, on to the business.

This documentation assumes you have read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template



plug_anti_spam_mailto => 'bar',

plug_anti_spam_mailto => [ qw/foo bar baz/ ],

plug_anti_spam_mailto => {
    foo => 'bar',
    baz => 'beer',

The plugin takes it's data from plug_anti_spam_mailto first-level key that is in either ZofCMS template or config file. The key takes either a string, arrayref or a hashref as its value. If the key is specified in both main config file and ZofCMS template and the value is of the same type (string, arrayref or hashref) then both values will be interpreted by the plugin; in case of the hashref, any duplicate keys will obtain the value assigned to them in ZofCMS template. Note: if the value is of "type" string specified in both main config file and ZofCMS template it will interpreted as an arrayref with two elements. Now I'll tell you why this all matters:

value is a string

plug_anti_spam_mailto => 'bar',

When the value is a string then in HTML::Template template you'd access the converted data via variable mailto, i.e. <tmpl_var name="mailto">

value is an arrayref or a string in both ZofCMS template and main config file

plug_anti_spam_mailto => [ qw/foo bar baz/ ],

To access converted data when the value is an arrayref you'd use mailto_NUM where NUM is the index of the element in the arrayref. In other words, to access value bar in the example above you'd use <tmpl_var name="mailto_1">

value is a hashref

plug_anti_spam_mailto => {
    foo => 'bar',
    baz => 'beer',

You do not have to keep typing mailto to access your converted data. When value is a hashref the values of that hashref are the data to be converted and the keys are the names of <tmpl_var name"">s into which to stick that data. In the example above, to access converted data for beer you'd use <tmpl_var name="baz">


ZofCMS template:

plugins => [ qw/AntiSpamMailTo/ ],
plug_anti_spam_mailto => '',

HTML::Template template:

<a href="<tmpl_var name="mailto">">email to John Foo</a>

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::AutoDump (version 0.0101)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::AutoDump

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::AutoDump - debugging plugin to quickly dump out query parameters and ZofCMS Template hashref


plugins => [
    { Sub => 200 },
    { AutoDump => 300 },

plug_sub => sub { ## this is optional, just for an example
    my ( $t, $q ) = @_;
    $t->{foo} = 'bar';
    $q->{foo} = 'bar';


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS that provides means to quickly use Data::Dumper to dump query parameters hashref as well as ZofCMS Template hashref.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template


plugins => [
    { Sub => 200 },
    { AutoDump => 300 },

This plugin requires no configuration. To run it simply include it in the list of plugins to execute with the priority set at the right point of execution line.


Plugin assumes that you're using CGI::Carp (should be on by default if you've used zofcms_helper script to generate site's skeleton). When plugin is run it calls die Dumper [ $q, $t ] where $q is query parameters hashref and $t is ZofCMS Template hashef... therefore, in the browser's output the first hashef is the query.

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::AutoEmptyQueryDelete (version 0.0101)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::AutoEmptyQueryDelete

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::AutoEmptyQueryDelete - automatically delete empty keys from query parameters


plugins => [
    { AutoEmptyQueryDelete => 100 },
    # plugins that work on query parameters with larger priority value


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS that I made after I got sick and tired of constantly writing this (where $q is query parameters hashref):

    if defined $q->{foo}
        and length $q->{foo};

By simply including this module in the list of plugins to run, I can save a few keystrokes by writing:

    if exists $q->{foo};

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template


The plugin doesn't do much, but simply delete()s query parameters that are not defined or are of zero length if they are. With that being done, we can use a simple exists() on a key.


Plugin does not need any configuration. It will be run as long as it is included in the list of the plugins to run:

plugins => [
    { AutoEmptyQueryDelete => 100 },
    # plugins that work on query parameters with larger priority value

Make sure that the priority of the plugin is set to run before your other code that would check on query with exists()

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::AutoIMGSize (version 0.0102)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::AutoIMGSize

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::AutoIMGSize - automatically get image sizes and generate appropriate <img> tags


In your Main Config or ZofCMS Template file:

plugins => [ qw/AutoIMGSize/ ],
plug_auto_img_size => {
    imgs => {
        logo    => 'pics/top_logo.png'
        kitteh  => 'pics/kitteh.jpg',
        blah    => { 'somewhere/there.jpg' => ' class="foo"' },

In your HTML::Template template:

Logo: <tmpl_var name="img_logo">
Kitteh: <tmpl_var name="img_kitteh">
blah: <tmpl_var name="img_blah">


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS. It provides means to generate HTML <img ... > tags with automatic image size generation, i.e. the plugin gets the size of the image from the file. Personally, I use it in templates where the size of the image is unknown, if the image is static and you can physically type in the address, it would be saner to do so.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template



plugins => [ qw/AutoIMGSize/ ],

You would obvisouly want to add the plugin to the list of plugins to run. Play with priorities if you are loading image paths dynamically.


plug_auto_img_size => {
    xhtml       => 1,
    t_prefix    => 'img_',
    imgs => {
        logo    => 'pics/logo.png',
        kitteh  => { 'pics/kitteh.jpg' => ' class="kitteh' },

The plug_auto_img_size first-level Main Config file or ZofCMS Template file is what makes the plugin run. If you specify this key in both ZofCMS Template and Main Config file then keys set in ZofCMS Template will override the ones set in Main Config file. Note: the imgs key will be completely overridden.

The key takes a hashref as a value. Possible keys/values of that hashref are as follows:


imgs => [ qw/foo.jpg bar.jpg/ ],
#same as
imgs => {
    'foo.jpg' => 'foo.jpg',
    'bar.jpg' => 'bar.jpg',

Mandatory. The imgs key takes either an arrayref or a hashref as a value. If the value is an arrayref, it will be converted to a hashref where keys and values are the same.

The key in the hashref specifies the "name" of the key in {t} ZofCMS Template special key to which the t_prefix (see below) will be prepended. The value specifies the image filename relative to ZofCMS file (root dir of your website, basically). The value of each key can be either a string or a hashref. If it's a string, it will be taken as a filename of the image. If it is a hashref it must contain only one key/value pair; the key of that hashref will be taken as a filename of the image and the value will be taken as extra HTML attributes to insert into <img> tag. Note that the value, in this case, should begin with a space as to not merge with the width/height attributes. Note 2: unless the value is a hashref, the alt="" attribute will be set to an empty string; otherwise you must include it in "extra" html attributes. Here are a few examples (which assume that t_prefix (see below) is set to its default value: img_; and size of the image is 500px x 500px):

# ZofCMS template:
imgs => [ qw/foo.jpg/ ]

# HTML::Template template:
<tmpl_var name="img_foo.jpg">

# Resulting HTML code:
<img src="/foo.jpg" width="500" height="500" alt="">

Note: that image src="" attribute is made relative to root path of your website (i.e. starts with a slash / character).

# ZofCMS tempalte:
imgs => { foo => 'pics/foo.jpg' },

# HTML::Template template:
<tmpl_var name="img_foo">

# Resulting HTML code:
<img src="/pics/foo.jpg" width="500" height="500" alt="">

Now with custom attributes (note the leading space before alt="" attribute):

# ZofCMS template:
imgs => { foo => { 'pics/foo.jpg' => ' alt="foos" class="foos"' } }

# HTML::Template template:
<tmpl_var name="img_foo">

# Resulting HTML code:
<img src="/pics/foo.jpg" width="500" height="500" alt="foos" class="foos">

Note: if plugin cannot find your image file then the <img> tag will be replaced with ERROR: Not found.


t_prefix => 'img_',

Optional. The t_prefix takes a string as a value, this string will be prepended to the "name" of your images in {t} ZofCMS Template special key. In other words, if you set t_prefix => 'img_', imgs => { foo => 'pics/bar.jpg' }, then in your HTML::Template template you'd insert your image with <tmpl_var name="img_foo">. Defaults to: img_ (note the underscore (_) at the end)


xhtml => 1,

Optional. When set to a true value the <img> tag will be closed with />. When set to a false value the <img> tag will be closed with >. Default to: 0 (false)


The module relies on Image::Size to get image sizes.

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Barcode (version 0.0103)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Barcode

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Barcode - plugin to generate various bar codes


In your Main Config File or ZofCMS Template:

plugins => [

# direct output to browser with default values for optional arguments
plug_barcode => {
    code => '12345678901',

# or

# save to file with all options set
plug_barcode => {
    code    => '12345678901',
    file    => 'bar.png',
    type    => 'UPCA', # default
    format  => 'png',  # default
    no_text => 0,      # default
    height  => 50,     # default

In your HTML::Template template (in case errors occur):

<tmpl_if name='plug_barcode_error'>
    <p>Error: <tmpl_var escape='html' name='plug_barcode_error'></p>


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS that provides means to generate various types of barcodes and either output them directly to the browser or save them as an image.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template



plugins => [

Mandatory. You need to add the plugins to the list of plugins to execute. Note: if you're outputting directly to the browser instead of saving the barcode into a file, the plugin will call exit() as soon as it finishes print()ing the image UNLESS an error occured, so make sure to run anything that needs to be run before that point.


# direct output to browser with default values for optional arguments
plug_barcode => {
    code => '12345678901',

# save to file with all options set
plug_barcode => {
    code    => '12345678901',
    file    => 'bar.png',
    type    => 'UPCA', # default
    format  => 'png',  # default
    no_text => 0,      # default
    height  => 50,     # default

# set config with a sub
plug_barcode => sub {
    my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;

Mandatory. Specifies plugin's options. Takes a hashref or a subref as a value. If subref is specified, its return value will be assigned to plug_barcode as if it was already there. If sub returns an undef, then plugin will stop further processing. The @_ of the subref will contain (in that order): ZofCMS Tempalate hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object. Possible keys/values of the hashref are as follows:


plug_barcode => {
    code    => '12345678901',

# or

plug_barcode => {
    code    => sub {
        my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
        return '12345678901';

Mandatory. Takes either a string or a subref as a value. If the value is a subref, it will be called and its value will be assigned to code as if it was already there. The @_ of the subref will contain (in this order): ZofCMS Template hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object.

Specifies the code for the barcode to generate. Valid values depend on the type of the barcode you're generating. If value is an invalid barcode, plugin will error out (see ERROR HANDLING section below). If value is either undef or an empty string, plugin will stop further processing (no exit()s)


plug_barcode => {
    code    => '12345678901',
    file    => 'bar.png',

Optional. Takes a string that represents the name of the file (relative to into which to save the image. When is not defined (or set to an empty string) the plugin will print out the right Content-type header and output the image right into the browser and then will call exit() UNLESS an error occured . Plugin will NOT call exit() if saving to the file. By default is not specified (output barcode image directly to the browser).


plug_barcode => {
    code    => '12345678901',
    type    => 'UPCA',

# or
plug_barcode => {
    code    => '12345678901',
    type    => sub {
        my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
        return 'UPCA';

Optional. Takes a string or a subref as a value. If the value is a subref, it will be called and its value will be assigned to type as if it was already there. The @_ of the subref will contain (in this order): ZofCMS Template hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object.

Represents the type of barcode to generate. See GD::Barcode distribution for possible types. As of this writing these are currently available types:


If value is either undef or an empty string, plugin will stop further processing (no exit()s) Defaults to: UPCA


plug_barcode => {
    code    => '12345678901',
    format  => 'png',

Optional. Can be set to either string png or gif (case sensitive). Specifies the format of the image to generate (png is for PNG images and gif is for GIF images). Defaults to: png


plug_barcode => {
    code    => '12345678901',
    no_text => 0,

Optional. Takes either true or false values. When set to a true value, the plugin will not generate text (i.e. it will only make the barcode lines) in the output image. Defaults to: 0


plug_barcode => {
    code    => '12345678901',
    height  => 50,

Optional. Takes positive integer numbers as a value. Specifies the height of the generated barcode image. Defaults to: 50


<tmpl_if name='plug_barcode_error'>
    <p>Error: <tmpl_var escape='html' name='plug_barcode_error'></p>

In an error occurs while generating the barcode (i.e. wrong code length was specified or some I/O error occured if saving to a file), the plugin will set the $t->{t}{plug_barcode_error} (where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref) to the error message.



App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Base (version 0.0106)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Base

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Base - base class for App::ZofCMS plugins


package App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Example;

use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Base';

sub _key { 'plug_example' }
sub _defaults {
    qw/foo bar baz beer/
sub _do {
    my ( $self, $conf, $t, $q, $config ) = @_;


The module is a base class for App::ZofCMS plugins. I'll safely assume that you've already read the docs for App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template

The base class (currently) is only for plugins who take their "config" as a single first-level key in either Main Config File or ZofCMS Template. That key's value must be a hashref or a subref that returns a hashref or undef.



sub _key { 'plug_example' }

The _key needs to return a scalar contain the name of first level key in ZofCMS template or Main Config file. Study the source code of this module to find out what it's used for if it's still unclear. The value of that key can be either a hashref or a subref that returns a hashref or undef. If the value is a subref, its return value will be assigned to the key and its @_ will contain (in that order): $t, $q, $conf where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref, $q is hashref of query parameters and $conf is App::ZofCMS::Config object.


sub _defaults { qw/foo bar baz beer/ }

The _defaults sub needs to return a list of default arguments in a key/value pairs. By default it returns an empty list.


sub _do {
    my ( $self, $conf, $template, $query, $config ) = @_;

The _do sub is where you'd do all of your processing. The @_ will contain $self, $conf, $template, $query and $config (in that order) where $self is your plugin's object, $conf is the plugin's configuration hashref (what the user would specify in ZofCMS Template or Main Config File, the key of which is returned by _key() sub), the $template is the hashref of ZofCMS template that is being processed, the $query is a query parameters hashref where keys are names of the params and values are their values. Finally, the $config is App::ZofCMS::Config object.


Feel free to email me the requests for extra functionality for this base class.


Below is a "template" documentation. If you're going to use it, make sure to read through the entire thing as some things may not apply to your plugin; I've added those bits as they are very common in the plugins that I write, some of them (but not all) I marked with word [EDIT]


The module is a plugin for L<App::ZofCMS> that provides means to [EDIT].

This documentation assumes you've read L<App::ZofCMS>, L<App::ZofCMS::Config> and L<App::ZofCMS::Template>


=head2 C<plugins>

    plugins => [
        { [EDIT] => 2000 },

B<Mandatory>. You need to include the plugin in the list of plugins to execute.

=head2 C<[EDIT]>

    [EDIT] => {

    # or
    [EDIT] => sub {
        my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;

B<Mandatory>. Takes either a hashref or a subref as a value. If subref is specified,
its return value will be assigned to C<[EDIT]> as if it was already there. If sub returns
an C<undef>, then plugin will stop further processing. The C<@_> of the subref will
contain (in that order): ZofCMS Tempalate hashref, query parameters hashref and
L<App::ZofCMS::Config> object. [EDIT]. Possible keys/values for the hashref
are as follows:

=head3 C<cell>

    [EDIT] => {
        cell => 't',

B<Optional>. Specifies ZofCMS Template first-level key where to [EDIT]. Must be
pointing to either a hashref or an C<undef> (see C<key> below). B<Defaults to:> C<t>

=head3 C<key>

    [EDIT] => {
        key => '[EDIT]',

B<Optional>. Specifies ZofCMS Template second-level key where to [EDIT]. This key will
be inside C<cell> (see above)>. B<Defaults to:> C<[EDIT]>

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::BasicLWP (version 0.0104)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::BasicLWP

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::BasicLWP - very basic "uri-to-content" style LWP plugin for ZofCMS.


In your ZofCMS Template or Main Config File:

plugins => [ qw/BasicLWP/ ],
plug_basic_lwp => {
    t_key   => 't',
    uri     => ''

In your HTML::Template template:

<div id="funky_iframe">
    <tmpl_if name='plug_basic_lwp_error'>
        <p>Error fetching content: <tmpl_var name='plug_basic_lwp_error'></p>
        <tmpl_var name='plug_basic_lwp'>


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS. It provides basic functionality to fetch a random URI with LWP::UserAgent and stick the content into ZofCMS Template hashref.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template



plugins => [ qw/BasicLWP/ ],

You need to add the plugin to the list of plugins to execute. Since you are likely to work on the fetched data, make sure to set correct priorities.


plug_basic_lwp => {
    uri     => '', # everything but 'uri' is optional
    t_name  => 'plug_basic_lwp',
    t_key   => 'd',
    decoded => 0,
    fix_uri => 0,
    ua_args => [
        agent   => 'Opera 9.2',
        timeout => 30,

The plugin won't run unless plug_basic_lwp first-level key is present either in Main Config File or ZofCMS Template. Takes a hashref or a subref as a value. If subref is specified, its return value will be assigned to plug_basic_lwp as if it was already there. If sub returns an undef, then plugin will stop further processing. The @_ of the subref will contain (in that order): ZofCMS Tempalate hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object. If the same keys are specified in both Main Config File and ZofCMS Template, then the value set in ZofCMS template will take precedence. The possible keys/values of that hashref are as follows:


uri => '',

uri => sub {
    my ( $template, $query, $config ) = @_;
    return $query->{uri_to_fetch};

uri => URI->new('');

Mandatory. Takes a string, subref or URI object as a value. Specifies the URI to fetch. When value is a subref that subref will be executed and its return value will be given to uri argument. Subref's @_ will contain the following (in that order): ZofCMS Template hashref, hashref of query parameters and App::ZofCMS::Config object. Plugin will stop if the uri is undefined; that also means that you can return an undef from your subref to stop processing.


t_name => 'plug_basic_lwp',

Optional. See also t_key parameter below. Takes a string as a value. This string represents the name of the key in ZofCMS Template where to put the fetched content (or error). Note: the errors will be indicated by $t_name . '_error' HTML::Template variable, where $t_name is the value of t_name argument. See SYNOPSYS for examples. Defaults to: plug_basic_lwp (and the errors will be in plug_basic_lwp_error


t_key => 'd',

Optional. Takes a string as a value. Specifies the name of first-level key in ZofCMS Template hashref in which to create the t_name key (see above). Defaults to: d


decoded => 0,

Optional. Takes either true or false values as a value. When set to a true value, the content will be given us with decoded_content(). When set to a false value, the content will be given us with content() method. See HTTP::Response for description of those two methods. Defaults to: 0 (use content())


fix_uri => 0,

Optional. Takes either true or false values as a value. When set to a true value, the plugin will try to "fix" URIs that would cause LWP to crap out with "URI must be absolute" errors. When set to a false value, will attempt to fetch the URI as it is. Defaults to: 0 (fixing is disabled)

Note: the "fixer" is not that smart, here's the code; feel free not to use it :)

$uri = "http://$uri"
    unless $uri =~ m{^(ht|f)tp://}i;


ua_args => [
    agent   => 'Opera 9.2',
    timeout => 30,

Optional. Takes an arrayref as a value. This arrayref will be directly dereference into LWP::UserAgent contructor. See LWP::UserAgent's documentation for possible values. Defaults to:

    agent   => 'Opera 9.2',
    timeout => 30,


The code below assumes default values for t_name and t_key arguments (see plug_basic_lwp hashref keys' description).

<tmpl_if name='plug_basic_lwp_error'>
    <p>Error fetching content: <tmpl_var name='plug_basic_lwp_error'></p>
    <tmpl_var name='plug_basic_lwp'>

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::BoolSettingsManager (version 0.0101)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::BoolSettingsManager

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::BoolSettingsManager - Plugin to let individual users manage boolean settings


In HTML::Template template:

<tmpl_var name='plug_bool_settings_manager_form'>

In ZofCMS Template:

plugins => [

plug_bool_settings_manager => {
    settings => [
        notice_forum         => q|new forum posts|,
        notice_flyers        => q|new flyer uploads|,
        notice_photo_library => q|new images added to Photo Library|,

    # everything below is optional; default values are shown
    dsn           => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",
    user          => '',
    pass          => undef,
    opt           => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 },
    table         => 'users',
    login_col     => 'login',
    login         => sub { $_[0]->{d}{user}{login} },
    submit_button => q|<input type="submit" class="input_submit"|
                        . q| value="Save">|,


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS that provides means to present a user a form with a number of checkboxes that control boolean settings, which are stored in a SQL database.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template.



plugins => [ qw/BoolSettingsManager/ ],

Mandatory. You need to include the plugin in the list of plugins to execute.


plug_bool_settings_manager => {
    settings => [
        notice_forum         => q|new forum posts|,
        notice_flyers        => q|new flyer uploads|,
        notice_photo_library => q|new images added to Photo Library|,

    # everything below is optional; default values are shown
    dsn           => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",
    user          => '',
    pass          => undef,
    opt           => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 },
    table         => 'users',
    login_col     => 'login',
    login         => sub { $_[0]->{d}{user}{login} },
    submit_button => q|<input type="submit" class="input_submit"|
                        . q| value="Save">|,

Mandatory. Takes either a hashref or a subref as a value. If subref is specified, its return value will be assigned to plug_user_login_forgot_password key as if it was already there. If sub returns an undef, then plugin will stop further processing. The @_ of the subref will contain $t, $q, and $config (in that order), where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref, $q is query parameters hashref, and $config is the App::ZofCMS::Config object. Possible keys/values for the hashref are as follows:


plug_bool_settings_manager => {
    settings => [
        notice_forum         => q|new forum posts|,
        notice_flyers        => q|new flyer uploads|,
        notice_photo_library => q|new images added to Photo Library|,

plug_bool_settings_manager => {
    settings => sub {
        my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
        return $arrayref_to_assing_to_settings;

Mandatory. Takes an arrayref or a subref as a value. If subref is specified, its return value must be either an arrayref or undef (or empty list). The @_ of the subref will contain $t, $q, and $config (in that order), where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref, $q is query parameters hashref, and $config is the App::ZofCMS::Config object.

If settings is not specified, or its arrayref is empty, or if the subref returns undef, empty arrayref or empty list, plugin will stop further execution.

The arrayref must have an even number of elements that are to be thought of as keys and values (the arrayref is used to preserve order). The "keys" of the arrayref represent boolean column names in table (see below) SQL table in which users' settings are stored (one setting per column). The keys will also be used as parts of id="" attributes in the form, thus they need to also conform to HTML spec ( (or whatever your markup language of choice is).

The "values" must be strings that represent the human readable description of their corresponding "keys". These will be shown as text in the <label>s for corresponding checkboxes.


plug_bool_settings_manager => {
    dsn => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",

Optional, but the default is pretty useless. The dsn key will be passed to DBI's connect_cached() method, see documentation for DBI and DBD::your_database for the correct syntax for this one. The example above uses MySQL database called test which is located on localhost. Defaults to: "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost"


plug_bool_settings_manager => {
    user => '',

Optional. Specifies the user name (login) for the database. This can be an empty string if, for example, you are connecting using SQLite driver. Defaults to: '' (empty string)


plug_bool_settings_manager => {
    pass => undef,

Optional. Same as user except specifies the password for the database. Defaults to: undef (no password)


plug_bool_settings_manager => {
    opt => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 },

Optional. Will be passed directly to DBI's connect_cached() method as "options". Defaults to: { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 }


plug_bool_settings_manager => {
    table => 'users',

Optional. Takes a string as a value that specifies the name of the table in which users' logins and their settings are stored. Defaults to: users


plug_bool_settings_manager => {
    login_col => 'login',

Optional. Takes a string as a value that specifies the name of the column in table table that contains users' logins. Defaults to: login


plug_bool_settings_manager => {
    login => sub {
        my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
        return $t->{d}{user}{login};

plug_bool_settings_manager => {
    login => 'zoffix',

Optional. Takes an undef, a subref or a scalar as a value. Specifies the login of a current user. This is the value located in the login_col (see above) column. This will be used to look up/store the settings. If a subref is specified, its return value must be either an undef or a scalar, which will be assigned to login as if it was already there. If login is set to undef (or the sub returns an undef/empty list), then plugin will stop further execution. The @_ of the subref will contain $t, $q, and $config (in that order), where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref, $q is query parameters hashref, and $config is the App::ZofCMS::Config object. Defaults to: sub { $_[0]->{d}{user}{login} }


plug_bool_settings_manager => {
    submit_button => q|<input type="submit" class="input_submit"|
                        . q| value="Save">|,

Optional. Takes HTML code as a value, which represents the submit button to be used on the settings-changing form. Feel free to throw in any extra code into this argument. Defaults to: <input type="submit" class="input_submit" value="Save">


All of plugin's output is spit out into a single variable in your HTML::Template template:

<tmpl_var name='plug_bool_settings_manager_form'>


The HTML code below was generated after saving settings in the form generated using this plugin's settings argument:

settings => [
    notice_forum         => q|new forum posts|,
    notice_flyers        => q|new flyer uploads|,
    notice_photo_library => q|new images added to Photo Library|,

Notice the "keys" in the settings arrayref are used to generate id="" attributes on the <li> and <input> elements (and for="" attribute on <label>s). The value for page hidden <input> is derived by the plugin automagically.

<p class="success-message">Successfully saved</p>

<form action="" method="POST" id="plug_bool_settings_manager_form">
    <input type="hidden" name="page" value="/index">
    <input type="hidden" name="pbsm_save_settings" value="1">

        <li id="pbsm_container_notice_forum">
            <input type="checkbox"
            ><label for="pbsm_notice_forum"
                class="checkbox_label"> new forum posts</label>
        <li id="pbsm_container_notice_flyers">
            <input type="checkbox"
            ><label for="pbsm_notice_flyers"
                class="checkbox_label"> new flyer uploads</label>
        <li id="pbsm_container_notice_photo_library">
            <input type="checkbox"
            ><label for="pbsm_notice_photo_library"
                class="checkbox_label"> new images added to Photo Library</label>
    <input type="submit" class="input_submit" value="Save">

The <p class="success-message">Successfully saved</p> paragraph is only shown when user saves their settings.


Plugin requires the following modules to survive:

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Base => 0.0106,
HTML::Template            => 2.9,
DBI                       => 1.607,

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::BreadCrumbs (version 0.0103)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::BreadCrumbs

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::BreadCrumbs - add "breadcrumbs" navigation to your sites


In your ZofCMS template:

plugins => [ qw/BreadCrumbs/ ]

In your HTML::Template template:

<tmpl_var name="breadcrumbs">


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS. It provides means to add a "breadcrumbs" ( to your pages.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template


The plugin automagically generates breadcrumb links, if your sites are relatively simple and pages are in good hierarchy the plugin will do the Right Thing(tm) most of the time. The links for breadcrumbs are determined as follows. If the page is not called index then the index page in the current "directory" will be added to the breadcrumbs, the "path" will be broken down to pieces and index page in each piece will be added to the breadcrumbs. Note: the examples below assume that the no_pages argument was not specified:

# page

# crumbs
/index => /foo/index => /foo/bar/index => /foo/bar/baz

# page

# crumbs
/index => /foo/index/ => /foo/bar/index => /foo/bar/beer/index



plugins => [ qw/BreadCrumbs/ ]

First and obvious you need to add BreadCrumbs to the list of plugins to execute. Just this will already make the plugin execute, i.e. having the breadcrumbs key (see below) is not necessary.


breadcrumbs => {}, # disable the plugin

# lots of options
breadcrumbs => {
    direct      => 1,
    span        => 1,
    no_pages => [ '/comments' ],
    key         => 'page_title',
    text_re     => qr/([^-]+)/,
    change      => {
        qr/foo/ => 'foos',
        qr/bar/ => 'bars',
    replace     => {
        qr/foo/ => 'foos',
        qr/bar/ => 'bars',

The breadcrumbs first-level ZofCMS template key controls the behaviour of the plugin. Can be specified as the first-level key in Main Config File, but unlike many other plugins the hashref keys do NOT merge; i.e. if you set the key in both files, the value in ZofCMS Template will take precedence. The key takes a hashref as a value. Do NOT specify this key if you wish to use all the defaults, as specifying an empty hashref as a value will disable the plugin for that given page. Possible keys/values of that hashref are as follows:


{ direct => 1 },

Optional. Takes either true or false values. When set to a false value the breadcrumb links will all be of form / When set to a true value the links will be of form /index which is useful when you are making your URIs with something like mod_rewrite. Defaults to: false


{ span => 1 },

Optional. The span key takes either true or false values. When set to a true value, the plugin will generate <span> based breadcrumbs. When set to a false value, the plugin will generate <ul> based breadcrumbs. Default to: false.


{ no_pages => [ '/comments', '/index' ], }

Optional. Takes an arrayref as a value. Each element of that array must be a dir + page (as described in Note on page and dir query parameters in App::ZofCMS::Config). If a certain element of that array matches the page in the breadcrumbs being generated it will be removed from the breadcrumbs. In other words, if you specify no_pages => [ '/index' ] the "index" page of the "root" directory will not show up in the breadcrumbs. By default is not specified.


{ key => 'title', }

Optional. When walking up the "tree" of pages plugin will open ZofCMS templates for those pages and use the key key's value as the text for the link. Only first-level keys are supported. Defaults to: title


{ text_re => qr/([^-]+)/ }

Optional. Takes a regex (qr//) as a value which must contain a capturing set of parentheses. When specified will run the regex on the value of key (see above) key's value and whatever was captured in the capturing parentheses will be used for the text of the link. By default is not specified.


change => {
    qr/foo/ => 'foos',
    qr/bar/ => 'bars',

Optional. Takes a hashref as a value. The keys of that hashref are regexen (qr//) and the values are the text with which the entire text of the link will be replaced if that particular regex matches. In other words, if you specify change => { qr/foo/ => 'foo' } and your link text is lots and lots of foos it will turn into just foo. By default is not specified.


replace => {
    qr/foo/ => 'foos',
    qr/bar/ => 'bars',

Optional. Same as change key described above, except replace will replace the matching part with the text provided as a value. In other words, if you specify replace => { qr/foo/ => 'BAR' } and your link text is lots and lots of foos it will turn into lots and lots of BARs. By default is not specified.


<tmpl_var name="breadcrumbs">

The plugin set one key - breadcrumbs - in {t} special key which means that you can stick <tmpl_var name="breadcrumbs"> in any of your HTML::Template templates and this is where the breadcrumbs will be placed.

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Captcha (version 0.0102)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Captcha

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Captcha - plugin to utilize security images (captchas)


plugins => [
    { Session => 1000 },
    { Captcha => 2000 },
plugins2 => [

plug_captcha => {},

# Session plugin configuration (i.e. database connection is left out for brevity)


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS that provides means to generate and display security images, known as "captchas" (i.e. protecting forms from bots).

The plugin was coded with idea that you will be using App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Session along with it to store the generated random string; however, it's not painfully necessary to use Session plugin (just easier with it).

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template



plugins => [
    { Session => 1000 },
    { Captcha => 2000 },
plugins2 => [

Mandatory. You need to include the plugin in the list of plugins to execute. I'm using Session plugin here to first load existing session and after Captcha is ran, to save the session.


# all defaults
plug_captcha => {},

# set all arguments
plug_captcha => {
    string  => 'Zoffix Znet Roxors',
    file    => 'captcha.gif',
    width   => 80,
    height  => 20,
    lines   => 5,
    particle => 0,
    no_exit => 1,
    style   => 'rect',
    format  => 'gif',
    tcolor  => '#895533',
    lcolor  => '#000000',

# or set some via a subref
plug_captcha => sub {
    my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
    return {
        string  => 'Zoffix Znet Roxors',
        file    => 'captcha.gif',

Mandatory. Takes either a hashref or a subref as a value. If subref is specified, its return value will be assigned to plug_captcha as if it was already there. If sub returns an undef, then plugin will stop further processing. The @_ of the subref will contain (in that order): ZofCMS Tempalate hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object. To run the plugin with all the defaults, use an empty hashref. Possible keys/values for the hashref are as follows:


plug_captcha => {
    string  => 'Zoffix Znet Roxors',

Optional. Specifies the captcha string. Takes either a scalar string or undef. If set to undef, the plugin will generate a random numeric string. Defaults to: undef.


plug_captcha => {
    file    => 'captcha.gif',

Optional. Takes either a scalar string or undef as a value. If set to a string, it represents the name of the file into which to save the captcha image (relative to If set to undef, plugin will output correct HTTP headers and the image directly into the browser. Defaults to: undef.


plug_captcha => {
    no_exit => 1,

Optional. This one is relevant only when file (see above) is set to undef. Takes either true or false values. If set to a false value, plugin will call exit() as soon as it finishes outputting the image to the browser. You'd use it if you're generating your own string and are able to store it with the Session plugin before Captcha plugin runs. If set to a true value, plugin will not call exit() and the runcycle will continue; this way the Captcha plugin generated random string can be stored by Session plugin later in the runlevel. Note: that in this case, after the image is printed the browser will also send some garbage (and by that I mean the standard HTTP Content-type headers that ZofCMS prints along with whatever may be in your template); even though I haven't noticed that causing any problems with the image, if it does cause broken image for you, simply use App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Sub and call exit() within it. Defaults to: 1


plug_captcha => {
    width   => 80,

Optional. Takes a pisitive integer as a value. Specifies captcha image's width in pixels. Defaults to: 80


plug_captcha => {
    height  => 20,

Optional. Takes a pisitive integer as a value. Specifies captcha image's height in pixels.Defaults to: 20


plug_captcha => {
    lines   => 5,

Optional. Specifies the number of crypto-lines to generate. See GD::SecurityImage for more details. Defaults to: 5


plug_captcha => {
    particle => 0, # disable particles

plug_captcha => {
    particle => 1, # let plugin decide the right amount

plug_captcha => {
    particle => [40, 50], # set amount yourself

Optional. Takes either false values, true values or an arrayref as a value. When set to an arrayref, the first element of it is density and the second one is maximum number of dots to generate - these dots will add more cryptocrap to your captcha. See particle() method in GD::SecurityImage for more details. When set to a true value that is not an arrayref, GD::SecurityImage will try to determine optimal number of particles. When set to a false value, no extra particles will be created. Defaults to: 0


plug_captcha => {
    style   => 'rect',

Optional. Specifies the cryptocrap style of captcha. See GD::SecurityImage create() method for possible styles. Defaults to: rect


plug_captcha => {
    format  => 'gif',

Optional. Takes string gif, jpeg or png as a value. Specifies the format of the captcha image. Some formats may be unavailable depending on your GD version. Defaults to: gif


plug_captcha => {
    tcolor  => '#895533',
    lcolor  => '#000000',

Optional. Takes 6-digit hex RGB notation as a value. Specifies the color of the text (and particles if they are on). Defaults to: #895533


plug_captcha => {
    lcolor  => '#000000',

Optional. Takes 6-digit hex RGB notation as a value. Specifies the color of cryptocrap lines. Defaults to: #000000


$t->{d}{session}{captcha} = 'random_number';

$t->{t}{plug_captcha_error} = 'error message';

Plugin will put the captcha string into $t->{d}{session}{captcha} where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref. Currently there is no way to change that.

If you're saving captcha to a file, possible I/O error message will be put into $t->{t}{plug_captcha_error} where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref.

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Comments (version 0.0102)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Comments

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Comments - drop-in visitor comments support.


In your "main config" file:

comments_plugin => {
    dsn         => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",
    user        => 'test',
    pass        => 'test',
    email_to    => [ '', '' ],

In your ZofCMS template:

plugins => [ qw/Comments/ ],

In your "comments" page HTML::Template template, which we set to be /comments by default:

<tmpl_var name="zofcms_comments_form">

In any page on which you wish to have comments:

<tmpl_var name="zofcms_comments_form">
<tmpl_var name="zofcms_comments">


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS. It provides means to easily add "visitor comments" to your pages. The plugin offers configurable flood protection ( $x comments per $y seconds ) as well as ability to notify you of new comments via e-mail. The "moderation" function is also implemented, what that means is that you (the admin) would get two links (via e-mail) following one of them will approve the comment; following the other will simply delete the comment from the database.

I am an utterly lazy person, thus you may find that not everything you may want to configure in the plugin is configurable. The plugin is yet to undergo (at the time of this writing) deployment testing, as in how flexible it is. If you'd like to see some features added, don't be shy to drop me a line to

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template


So here is how it works, you have some page where you added the plugin's functionality. Visitor enters his/hers comment and pressed "Post" button. The request will be POSTed to a "comments" page and depending on what the visitor entered he or she will either get an error with ability to fix it or a "success" message with an ability to go back to the page on which the comment was created. The reason for this "comments" page is that I couldn't figure out a simple way to have the comments markup inserted with simple <tmpl_var> and keep any page on which the plugin was used small enough for the user to see the error message easily.

The "comments" must have <tmpl_var name="zofcms_comments_form"> on it somewhere for the plugin to work.


If you have a sharp eye, you've noticed that plugin's configuration was placed into the 'main config file' in the SYNOPSIS. You actually don't have to do that and can keep plugin's configuration in your ZofCMS template, but personally I find it much easier to just drop it into the main config and enable it on per-page basis by sticking only Comments in the list of the plugins on ZofCMS templates.


Under the hood the plugin uses DBI to stick data into SQL tables. Generally speaking you shouldn't have trouble using the plugin with $database_of_your_choice; however, the plugin was tested only with MySQL database. Before you can use the plugin you need to create one or two tables in your database. The columns have to be named those names and be in that order:

# comments table
CREATE TABLE comments (name VARCHAR(100), email VARCHAR(200), comment TEXT, page VARCHAR(100), remote_host TEXT, time VARCHAR(11));

#moderation table
CREATE TABLE mod_comments (name VARCHAR(100), email VARCHAR(200), comment TEXT, page VARCHAR(100), remote_host TEXT, time VARCHAR(11), id TEXT);

Now, the note on value types. The name, email and comment is the data that the comment poster posts. Since the maximum lengths of those fields are configurable, pick the value types you think fit. The page column will contain the "page" on which the comment was posted. In other words, if the comment was posted on, the page cell will contain /foo/bar/baz. The remote_host is obtained from CGI's remote_host() method. The time cell is obtained from the call to time() and the id in moderation table is generated with rand() . time() . rand() (keep those flames away plz).


When moderation of comments is turned on in the plugin you will get two links e-mailed when a new comment was submitted. One is "approve" and another one is "deny". Functions of each are self explanatory. What happens is that the comment is first placed in the "moderation table". If you click "approve", the comment is moved into the "comments table". If the comment is denied by you, it is simply deleted from the "moderation table". There is a feature that allows all comments that are older than $x seconds (see mod_out_time argument) to be deleted from the "moderation table" automatically.


You will notice that there is no "captcha" ( thing done with comments form generated by the plugin. The reason for that is that I hate them... pure hate. I think the worst captcha I ever came across was this: But most of all, I think they are plain annoying.

In this plugin I implemented a non-annoying "captcha" mechanizm suggested by one of the people I know who claimed it works very well. At the time of this writing I am not yet aware of how "well" it really is. Basically, the plugin sticks <input type="hidden" name="zofcms_comments_username" value="your user name"> in the form. When checking the parameters, the plugin checks that this hidden input's value matches. If it doesn't, boot the request. Apparently the technique works much better when the <input> is not of type="hidden" but I am very against "hiding" something with CSS.

So, time will show, if this technique proves to be a failure, expect the plugin to have an option to provide a better "captcha" mechanizm. As for now, this is all you get, although, I am open for good ideas.



plugins => [ qw/Comments/ ],

This goes without saying that you'd need to stick 'Comments' into the list of plugins used in ZofCMS template. As opposed to many other plugins this plugin will not bail out of the execution right away if comments_plugin first level key (described below) is not specified in the template (however it will if you didn't specify comments_plugin in neither the ZofCMS template nor the main config file).


comments_plugin => {
    # mandatory
    dsn             => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",
    page            => '/comments',

    #optional in some cases, no defaults
    email_to        => [ '', '' ],

    #optional, but default not specified
    user            => 'test', # user,
    pass            => 'test', # pass
    opts            => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 },
    uri             => '',
    mailer          => 'testfile',
    no_pages        => [ qw(/foo /bar/beer /baz/beer/meer) ],

    # optional, defaults presented here
    sort            => 0
    table           => 'comments',
    mod_table       => 'mod_comments',
    must_name       => 0,
    must_email      => 0,
    must_comment    => 1,
    name_max        => 100,
    email_max       => 200,
    comment_max     => 10000,
    moderate        => 1,
    send_entered    => 1,
    subject         => 'ZofCMS Comments',
    flood_num       => 2,
    flood_time      => 180,
    mod_out_time    => 1209600,

Whoosh, now that's a list of options! Luckly, most of them have defaults. I'll go over them in a second. Just want to point out that all these arguments can be set in the "main config file" same way you'd set them in ZofCMS template (the first-level comments_plugin key). In fact, I recommend you set them all in ZofCMS main config file instead of ZofCMS templates, primarily because you'd want to have it duplicated at least twice: once on the "comments page" and once on the page on which you actually want to have visitors' comments functionality. So here are the possible arguments:


dsn => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",

Mandatory. Takes a scalar as a value which must contain a valid "$data_source" as explained in DBI's connect_cached() method (which plugin currently uses).


email_to => [ '', '' ],

Mandatory unless moderate and send entered are set to a false values. Takes either a scalar or an arrayref as a value. Specifying a scalar is equivalent to specifying an arrayref with just that scalar in it. When moderate or send_entered are set to true values, the e-mail will be sent to each of the addresses specified in the email_to arrayref.


page => '/comments',

Optional. This is the "comments page" that I explained in the HOW IT ALL COMES TOGETHER OR "WHAT'S THAT 'comments' PAGE ANYWAY?" section above. Argument takes a string as a value. That value is what you'd set the page query parameter in order to get to the "comments page". Make sure you also prepend the dir. In the example above the comments page is accessed via Defaults to: /comments


user => 'test_db_user',

Optional. Specifies the username to use when connecting to the SQL database used by the plugin. By default is not specified.


pass => 'teh_password',

Optional. Specifies the password to use when connecting to the SQL database used by the plugin. By default is not specified.


opts => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 },

Optional. Takes a hashref as a value. Specifies additional options to DBI's connect_cached() method, see DBI's documentation for possible keys/values of this hashref. Defaults to: { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 }


uri => '',

Optional. The only place in which this argument is used is for generating the "Approve" and "Deny" URIs in the e-mail sent to you when moderate is set to a true value. Basically, here you would give the plugin a URI to your "comments page" (see page argument above). If you don't specify this argument, nothing will explode (hopefully) but you won't be able to "click" the "Approve"/"Deny" URIs.


mailer => 'testfile',

Optional. When either moderate or send_entered arguments are set to true values, the mailer argument specifies which "mailer" to use to send e-mails. See documentation for Mail::Mailer for possible mailers. By default mailer argument is not specified, thus the "mailers" will be tried until one of them works. When mailer is set to testfile, the mail file will be located at the same place ZofCMS' file is located.


no_pages => [ qw(/foo /bar/beer /baz/beer/meer) ],

Optional. Takes an arrayref as a value. Each element of that arrayref must be a page with dir appended to it, even if dir is / (see the "Note on page and dir query parameters" in App::ZofCMS::Config documentation). Basically, any pages listed here will not be processed by the plugin even if the plugin is listed in plugins first-level ZofCMS template key. By default is not set.


sort => 0,

Optional. Currently accepts only true or false values. When set to a true value the comments on the page will be listed in the "oldest-first" fashion. When set to a false value the comments will be reversed - "newest-first" sorting. Defaults to: 0.


table => 'comments',

Optional. Takes a string as a value which must contain the name of SQL table used for storage of comments. See THE SQL TABLES! section above for details. Defaults to: comments


mod_table => 'mod_comments',

Optional. Same as table argument (see above) except this one specifies the name of "moderation table", i.e. the comments awaiting moderation will be stored in this SQL table. Defaults to: mod_comments

must_name, must_email and must_comment

must_name    => 0,
must_email   => 0,
must_comment => 1,

Optional. The "post comment" form generated by the plugin contains the Name, E-mail and Comment fields. The must_name, must_email and must_comment arguments take either true or false values. When set to a true value, the visitor must fill the corresponding field in order to post the comment. If field is spefied as "optional" (by setting a false value) and the visitor doesn't fill it, it will default to N/A. By default must_name and must_email are set to false values and must_comment is set to a true value.

name_max, email_max and comment_max

name_max    => 100,
email_max   => 200,
comment_max => 10000,

Optional. Same principle as with must_* arguments explained above, except *_max arguments specify the maximum length of the fields. If visitor enters more than specified by the corresponding *_max argument, he or she (hopefully no *it*s) will get an error. By default name_max is set to 100, email_max is set to 200 and comment_max is set to 10000.


moderate => 1,

Optional. Takes either true or false values. When set to a true value will enable "moderation" functionality. See COMMENT MODERATION section above for details. When set to a false value, comments will appear on the page right away. Note: when set to a true value e-mail will be automatically sent to email_to addresses. Defaults to: 1


send_entered => 1,

Optional. Takes either true or false values, regarded only when moderate argument is set to a false value. When set to a true value will dispatch an e-mail about a new comment to the addresses set in email_to argument. Defaults to: 1


subject => 'ZofCMS Comments',

Optional. Takes a string as a value. Nothing fancy, this will be the "Subject" of the e-mails sent by the plugin (see moderate and send_entered arguments). Defaults to: 'ZofCMS Comments'


flood_num => 2,

Optional. Takes a positive integer or zero as a value. Indicates how many comments a visitor may post in flood_time (see below) amount of time. Setting this value to 0 effectively disables flood protection. Defaults to: 2


flood_time => 180,

Optional. Takes a positive integer as a value. Specifies the time in seconds during which the visitor may post only flood_num (see above) comments. Defaults to: 180


mod_out_time => 1209600,

Optional. Takes a positive integer or false value as a value. When set to a positive integer indicates how old (in seconds) the comment in mod_table must get before it will be automatically removed from the mod_table (i.e. "denied"). Comments older than mod_out_time seconds will not actually be deleted until moderation takes place, i.e. until you approve or deny some comment. Setting this value to 0 effectively disables this "auto-delete" feature. Defaults to: 1209600 (two weeks)


The examples/ directory of this distribution contains main config file and HTML/ZofCMS templates which were used during testing of this plugin.


This plugin requires more goodies than any other ZofCMS plugin to the date. Plugin needs the following modules for happy operation. Plugin was tested with module versions indicated:

'DBI'            => 1.602,
'URI'            => 1.35,
'HTML::Template' => 2.9,
'HTML::Entities' => 1.35,
'Storable'       => 2.18,
'Mail::Send'     => 2.04,

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::ConditionalRedirect (version 0.0101)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::ConditionalRedirect

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::ConditionalRedirect - redirect users based on conditions


In Main Config file or ZofCMS template:

plugins => [ qw/ConditionalRedirect/ ],
plug_redirect => sub { time() % 2 ? '' : undef },


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS. It provides means to redirect user to pages depending on certain conditions, e.g. some key having a value in ZofCMS Template hashref or anything else, really.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template



plugins => [ qw/ConditionalRedirect/ ],

plugins => [ { UserLogin => 1000 }, { ConditionalRedirect => 2000 } ],

The obvious is that you'd want to stick this plugin into the list of plugins to be executed. However, since functionality of this plugin can be easily implemented using exec and exec_before special keys in ZofCMS Template, being able to set the priority to when the plugin should be run would probably one of the reasons for you to use this plugin (it was for me at least).


plug_redirect => sub {
    my ( $template_ref, $query_ref, $config_obj ) = @_;
    return $template_ref->{foo} ? '' : undef;

The plug_redirect first-level key in Main Config file or ZofCMS Template takes a subref as a value. The sub will be executed and its return value will determine where to redirect (if at all). Returning undef from this sub will NOT cause any redirects at all. Returning anything else will be taken as a URL to which to redirect and the plugin will call exit() after printing the redirect headers.

The @_ of the sub will receive the following: ZofCMS Template hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object (in that order).

If you set plug_redirect in both Main Config File and ZofCMS Template, the one in ZofCMS Template will take precedence.

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::ConfigToTemplate (version 0.0104)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::ConfigToTemplate

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::ConfigToTemplate - plugin to dynamically stuff Main Config File keys into ZofCMS Template


In Main Config File:

public_config => {
    name => 'test',
    value => 'plug_test',

In ZofCMS Template:

plugins => [
    { ConfigToTemplate => 2000 },

plug_config_to_template => {
    key     => undef,
    cell    => 't',

Now we can use `name` and `value` variables in HTML::Template template...


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS that technically expands functionality of Main Config File's template_defaults special key.

Using this plugin you can dynamically (and more "on demand") stuff keys from Main Config File to ZofCMS Template hashref without messing around with other plugins and poking with ->conf method

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template

Main Config File and ZofCMS Template First Level Keys


plugins => [
    { ConfigToTemplate => 2000 },

You need to include the plugin in the list of plugins to run.


# these are the default values
plug_config_to_template => {
    cell         => 'd',
    key          => 'public_config',
    config_cell  => 'public_config',
    config_keys  => undef,
    noop         => 0,

plug_config_to_template => sub {
    my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
    return {
        cell         => 'd',
        key          => 'public_config',
        config_cell  => 'public_config',
        config_keys  => undef,
        noop         => 0,

The plug_config_to_template must be present in order for the plugin to run. It takesa hashref or a subref as a value. If subref is specified, its return value will be assigned to plug_config_to_template as if it was already there. If sub returns an undef, then plugin will stop further processing. The @_ of the subref will contain (in that order): ZofCMS Tempalate hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object. Keys of this hashref can be set in either (or both) Main Config File and ZofCMS Template - they will be merged together if set in both files; if the same key is set in both files, the value set in ZofCMS Template will take precedence. All keys are optional, to run the plugins with all the defaults use an empty hashref. Possible keys/values are as follows:


cell => 'd',

Optional. Specifies the cell (first-level key) in ZofCMS Template hashref where to put config file data. Defaults to: d


key => 'public_config',

key => undef,

Optional. Specifies the key in the cell (i.e. the second-level key inside the first-level key) of where to put config file data. Can be set to undef in which case data will be stuffed right into the cell. Defaults to: public_config


config_cell  => 'public_config',

Optional. Specifies the cell (first-level key) in Main Config File from where to take the data. Note that config_cell must point to a hashref. Defaults to: public_config


config_keys  => undef,
config_keys  => [
    qw/foo bar baz/,

Optional. Takes either undef or an arrayref. Specifies the keys in the cell (i.e. the second-level key inside the first-level key) in Main Config File from where to take the data. When set to an arrayref, the elements of the arrayref represent the names of the keys. When set to undef all keys will be taken. Note that config_cell must point to a hashref. Defaults to: undef


noop => 0,

Optional. Pneumonic: No Operation. Takes either true or false values. When set to a true value, the plugin will not run. Defaults to: 0



Config File:
plug_config_to_template => {}, # all defaults

public_config => {
    name => 'test',
    value => 'plug_test',

Relevant dump of ZofCMS Template hashref:

$VAR1 = {
    'd' => {
        'public_config' => {
            'value' => 'plug_test',
            'name' => 'test'


Config File:
plug_config_to_template => {
    key     => undef,
    cell    => 't',

public_config => {
    name => 'test',
    value => 'plug_test',

Relevant dump of ZofCMS Template hashref:

$VAR1 = {
    't' => {
        'value' => 'plug_test',
        'name' => 'test'

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Cookies (version 0.0104)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Cookies

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Cookies - HTTP Cookie handling plugin for ZofCMS


In your ZofCMS template, or in your main config file (under template_defaults or dir_defaults):

set_cookies => [
    [ 'name', 'value' ],
        -name    => 'sessionID',
        -value   => 'xyzzy',
        -expires => '+1h',
        -path    => '/cgi-bin/database',
        -domain  => '',
        -secure  => 1,


This module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS which provides means to read and set HTTP cookies.


# example 1
set_cookies => [ 'name', 'value' ],

# OR

# example 2
set_cookies => {
        -name    => 'sessionID',
        -value   => 'xyzzy',
        -expires => '+1h',
        -path    => '/cgi-bin/database',
        -domain  => '',
        -secure  => 1,

# OR

# example 3
set_cookies => [
    [ 'name', 'value' ],
        -name    => 'sessionID',
        -value   => 'xyzzy',
        -expires => '+1h',
        -path    => '/cgi-bin/database',
        -domain  => '',
        -secure  => 1,

To set cookies use set_cookies first level key of your ZofCMS template. It's value can be either an arrayref or a hashref. When the value is an arrayref elements of which are not arrayrefs or hashrefs (example 1 above), or when the value is a hashref (example 2 above) it is encapsulated into an arrayref automatically to become as shown in (example 3 above). With that in mind, each element of an arrayref, which is a value of set_cookies key, specifies a certain cookie which plugin must set. When element of that arrayref is an arrayref, it must contain two elements. The first element will be the name of the cookie and the second element will be the value of the cookie. In other words:

set_cookies => [ 'name', 'value', ]

# which is the same as

set_cookies => [ [ 'name', 'value', ]

# which is the same as

CGI->new->cookie( -name => 'name', -value => 'value' );

When the element is a hashref, it will be dereferenced directy into CGI's cookie() method, in other words:

set_cookies => { -name => 'name', -value => 'value' }

# is the same as

CGI->new->cookie( -name => 'name', -value => 'value' );

See documentation of CGI module for possible values.

If set_cookies key is not present, no cookies will be set.


All of the cookies are read by the plugin automatically and put into {d}{cookies} (the special key {d} (data) of your ZofCMS template)

You can read those either via exec code (NOT exec_before, plugins are run after) (If you don't know what exec or exec_before are read App::ZofCMS::Template). Other plugins can also read those cookies, just make sure they are run after the Cookies plugin is run (set higher priority number). Below is an example of reading a cookie and displaying it's value in your HTML::Template template using App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Tagged plugin.

# In your ZofCMS template:

    plugins     => [ { Cookies => 10 }, { Tagged => 20 }, ],
    set_cookies => [ foo => 'bar' ],
    t => {
        cookie_foo => '<TAG:TNo cookies:{d}{cookies}{foo}>',

# In one of your HTML::Template templates which are referenced by
# ZofCMS plugin above:

Cookie 'foo': <tmpl_var name="cookie_foo">

When this page is run the first time, no cookies are set, thus {d}{cookies} will be empty and you will see the default value of "No cookies" which we set in Tagged's tag:

Cookie 'foo': No cookies

When the page s run the second time, Cookies plugin will read cookie 'foo' which it set on the first run and will stick its value into {d}{cookies}{foo}. Our Tagged tag will read that value and enter it into the <tmpl_var> we allocated in HTML::Template plugin, thus the result will be:

Cookie 'foo': bar

That's all there is to it, enjoy!

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::CSSMinifier (version 0.0104)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::CSSMinifier

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::CSSMinifier - plugin for minifying CSS files


In your ZofCMS Template or Main Config File:

plugins => [

plug_css_minifier => {
    file => 'main.css',

Now, this page can be linked into your document as a CSS file (it will be minified)


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS that provides means to send minified CSS files.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template


Minified means that all the useless stuff (which means whitespace, etc) will be stripped off the CSS file to save a few bytes. See CSS::Minifier for more info.



plugins => [

Mandatory. You need to include the plugin to the list of plugins to execute.


plug_css_minifier => {
    file        => 'main.css',
    auto_output => 1, # default value
    cache       => 1, # default value

plug_css_minifier => sub {
    my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
    return {
        file        => 'main.css',
        auto_output => 1, # default value
        cache       => 1, # default value

Mandatory. Takes or a subref as a value. If subref is specified, its return value will be assigned to plug_css_minifier as if it was already there. If sub returns an undef, then plugin will stop further processing. The @_ of the subref will contain (in that order): ZofCMS Tempalate hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object; individual keys can be set in both Main Config File and ZofCMS Template, if the same key set in both, the value in ZofCMS Template will take precedence. The following keys/values are accepted:


plug_css_minifier => {
    file        => 'main.css',

Mandatory. Takes a string as an argument that specifies the name of the CSS file to minify. The filename is relative to file.


plug_css_minifier => {
    file        => 'main.css',
    cache       => 1,

Optional. Takes either true or false values. When set to a true value the plugin will send out an HTTP Expires header that will say that this content expries in like 2038, thus set this option to a false value while still developing your CSS. This argument has no effect when auto_output (see below) is turned off (set to a false value). Defaults to: 1


plug_css_minifier => {
    file        => 'main.css',
    auto_output => 1,

Optional. Takes either true or false values. When set to a true value, plugin will automatically send text/css Content-type header (along with Expires header if cache argument is set to a true value), output the minified CSS file and exit(). Otherwise, the minified CSS file will be put into $t->{t}{plug_css_minifier} where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref and you can do whatever you want with it. Defaults to: 1

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::DateSelector (version 0.0112)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::DateSelector

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::DateSelector - plugin to generate and "parse" <select>s for date/time input


In ZofCMS Template or Main Config File

# the Sub plugin is used only for demonstration here

plugins => [ { DateSelector => 2000 }, { Sub => 3000 } ],

plug_date_selector => {
    class           => 'date_selector',
    id              => 'date_selector',
    q_name          => 'date',
    t_name          => 'date_selector',
    start           => time() - 30000000,
    end             => time() + 30000000,
    interval_step   => 'minute',
    interval_max    => 'year',

plug_sub => sub {
    my $t = shift;
    $t->{t}{DATE} = "[$t->{d}{date_selector}{localtime}]";

In HTML::Template template:


    <label for="date_selector">When: </label><tmpl_var name="date_selector">


<tmpl_if name="DATE">
    <p>You selected: <tmpl_var name="DATE"></p>
    <p>You did not select anything yet</p>


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS that provides means to generate several <select> elements for date and time selection by the user. Plugin also provides means to "parse" those <select>s from the query to generate either epoch time, same string as localtime() or access each selection individually from a hashref.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template



plugins => [ qw/DateSelector/ ],

You obviously need to add the plugin to the list of plugins to execute. The plugin does not provide any input checking and sticks the "parse" of query into the {d} special key in ZofCMS Template, thus you'd very likely to use this plugin in combination with some other plugin.


plug_date_selector => {
    class           => 'date_selector',
    id              => 'date_selector',
    q_name          => 'date',
    t_name          => 'date_selector',
    d_name          => 'date_selector',
    start           => time() - 30000000,
    end             => time() + 30000000,
    interval_step   => 'minute',
    interval_max    => 'year',

plug_date_selector => [
        class           => 'date_selector1',
        id              => 'date_selector1',
        q_name          => 'date1',
        t_name          => 'date_selector1',
        d_name          => 'date_selector1',
        class           => 'date_selector2',
        id              => 'date_selector2',
        q_name          => 'date2',
        t_name          => 'date_selector2',
        d_name          => 'date_selector2',

Plugin will not run unless plug_date_selector first-level key is specified in either ZofCMS Template or Main Config File. When specified in both, ZofCMS Template and Main Config File, then the value set in ZofCMS Template takes precedence. To use the plugin with all of its defaults use plug_date_selector => {}

The plug_date_selector key takes either hashref or an arrayref as a value. If the value is a hashref, it is the same as specifying an arrayref with just that hashref in it. Each hashref represents a separate "date selector", i.e. a set of <select> elements for date selection. The possible keys/values of each of those hashrefs are as follows:


class => 'date_selector',

Optional. Specifies the class="" attribute to stick on every generated <select> element in the date selector. Defaults to: date_selector


id => 'date_selector',

Optional. Specifies the id="" attribute to stick on the first generated <select> element in the date selector. By default is not specified, i.e. no id="" will be added.


q_name => 'date',

Optional. Specifies the "base" query parameter name for generated <select> elements. Each of those elements will have its name="" attribute made from $q_name . '_' . $type, where $q_name is the value of q_name key and $type is the type of the <select>, the types are as follows: year, month, day, hour, minute and second. Defaults to: date


t_name => 'date_selector',

Optional. Specifies the name of the key in {t} ZofCMS Template special key where to stick HTML code for generated <select>s. Defaults to: date_selector, thus you'd use <tmpl_var name='date_selector'> to insert HTML code.


d_name => 'date_selector',

Optional. If plugin sees that the query contains all of the parameters from a given "date selector", then it will set the d_name key in {d} ZofCMS Template special key with a hashref that contains three keys:

$VAR1 = {
    'time' => 1181513455,
    'localtime' => 'Sun Jun 10 18:10:55 2007',
    'bits' => {
        'hour' => '18',
        'minute' => '10',
        'second' => 55,
        'month' => '5',
        'day' => '10',
        'year' => 107


'time' => 1181513455,

The time key will contain the epoch time of the date that user selected (i.e. as time() would output).


'localtime' => 'Sun Jun 10 18:10:55 2007',

The localtime key will contain the "date string" of the selected date (i.e. output of localtime()).


'bits' => {
    'hour' => '18',
    'minute' => '10',
    'second' => 55,
    'month' => '5',
    'day' => '10',
    'year' => 107

The bits key will contain a hashref, with individual "bits" of the selected date. The "bits" are keys in the hashref and are as follows: year, month, day, hour, minute and second. If your date selector's range does not cover all the values (e.g. has only month and day) (see interval_step and interval_max options below) then the missing values will be taken from the output of localtime(). The values of each of these "bits" are in the same format as localtime() would give them to you, i.e. to get the full year you'd do bits->{year} + 1900.


start => time() - 30000000,

Optional. The plugin will generate values for <select> elements to cover a certain period of time. The start and end (see below) parameters take the number of seconds from epoch (i.e. same as return of time()) as values and start indicates the start of the period to cover and end indicates the end of the time period to cover. Defaults to: time() - 30000000


end => time() + 30000000,

Optional. See description of start right above. Defaults to: time() + 30000000


interval_step   => 'minute',

Optional. Specifies the "step", or the minimum unit of time the user would be able to select. Valid values (all lowercase) are as follows: year, month, day, hour, minute and second. Defaults to: minute


interval_max => 'year',

Optional. Specifies the maximum unit of time the user would be able to select. Valid values (all lowercase) are as follows: year, month, day, hour, minute and second. Defaults to: year


minute_step => 5,

Optional. Specifies the "step" of minutes to display, in other words, when minute_step is set to 10, then in the "minutes" <select> the plugin will generate only <option>s 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50. Defaults to: 5 (increments of 5 minutes).


second_step => 10,

Optional. Specifies the "step" of seconds to display, in other words, when second_step is set to 10, then in the "minutes" <select> the plugin will generate only <option>s 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50. Defaults to: 5 (increments of 5 minutes).


See description of t_name argument above. The value of t_name specifies the name of the <tmpl_var name=""> plugin will generate. Note that there could be several of these of you are generating several date selectors.


The following is a sample of the generated code with all the defaults left intact:

<select name="date_year" class="date_selector">
    <option value="107" selected>2007</option>
    <option value="108">2008</option>
    <option value="109">2009</option>

<select name="date_month" class="date_selector">
    <option value="0" selected>January</option>
    <option value="1">February</option>
    <option value="2">March</option>
    <option value="3">April</option>
    <option value="4">May</option>
    <option value="5">June</option>
    <option value="6">July</option>
    <option value="7">August</option>
    <option value="8">September</option>
    <option value="9">October</option>
    <option value="10">November</option>
    <option value="11">December</option>

<select name="date_day" class="date_selector">
    <option value="1" selected>Day: 1</option>
    <option value="2">Day: 2</option>
    <option value="3">Day: 3</option>
    <option value="4">Day: 4</option>
    <option value="5">Day: 5</option>
    <option value="6">Day: 6</option>
    <option value="7">Day: 7</option>
    <option value="8">Day: 8</option>
    <option value="9">Day: 9</option>
    <option value="10">Day: 10</option>
    <option value="11">Day: 11</option>
    <option value="12">Day: 12</option>
    <option value="13">Day: 13</option>
    <option value="14">Day: 14</option>
    <option value="15">Day: 15</option>
    <option value="16">Day: 16</option>
    <option value="17">Day: 17</option>
    <option value="18">Day: 18</option>
    <option value="19">Day: 19</option>
    <option value="20">Day: 20</option>
    <option value="21">Day: 21</option>
    <option value="22">Day: 22</option>
    <option value="23">Day: 23</option>
    <option value="24">Day: 24</option>
    <option value="25">Day: 25</option>
    <option value="26">Day: 26</option>
    <option value="27">Day: 27</option>
    <option value="28">Day: 28</option>
    <option value="29">Day: 29</option>
    <option value="30">Day: 30</option>
    <option value="31">Day: 31</option>

<select name="date_hour" class="date_selector">
    <option value="0" selected>Hour: 0</option>
    <option value="1">Hour: 1</option>
    <option value="2">Hour: 2</option>
    <option value="3">Hour: 3</option>
    <option value="4">Hour: 4</option>
    <option value="5">Hour: 5</option>
    <option value="6">Hour: 6</option>
    <option value="7">Hour: 7</option>
    <option value="8">Hour: 8</option>
    <option value="9">Hour: 9</option>
    <option value="10">Hour: 10</option>
    <option value="11">Hour: 11</option>
    <option value="12">Hour: 12</option>
    <option value="13">Hour: 13</option>
    <option value="14">Hour: 14</option>
    <option value="15">Hour: 15</option>
    <option value="16">Hour: 16</option>
    <option value="17">Hour: 17</option>
    <option value="18">Hour: 18</option>
    <option value="19">Hour: 19</option>
    <option value="20">Hour: 20</option>
    <option value="21">Hour: 21</option>
    <option value="22">Hour: 22</option>
    <option value="23">Hour: 23</option>

<select name="date_minute" class="date_selector">
    <option value="0" selected>Minute: 00</option>
    <option value="5">Minute: 05</option>
    <option value="10">Minute: 10</option>
    <option value="15">Minute: 15</option>
    <option value="20">Minute: 20</option>
    <option value="25">Minute: 25</option>
    <option value="30">Minute: 30</option>
    <option value="35">Minute: 35</option>
    <option value="40">Minute: 40</option>
    <option value="45">Minute: 45</option>
    <option value="50">Minute: 50</option>
    <option value="55">Minute: 55</option>

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::DBI (version 0.0402)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::DBI

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::DBI - DBI access from ZofCMS templates


In your main config file or ZofCMS template:

dbi => {
    dsn     => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",
    user    => 'test', # user,
    pass    => 'test', # pass
    opt     => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 },

In your ZofCMS template:

dbi => {
    dbi_get => {
        layout  => [ qw/name pass/ ],
        sql     => [ 'SELECT * FROM test' ],
    dbi_set => sub {
        my $query = shift;
        if ( defined $query->{user} and defined $query->{pass} ) {
            return [
                [ 'DELETE FROM test WHERE name = ?;', undef, $query->{user}      ],
                [ 'INSERT INTO test VALUES(?,?);', undef, @$query{qw/user pass/} ],
        elsif ( defined $query->{delete} and defined $query->{user_to_delete} ) {
            return [ 'DELETE FROM test WHERE name =?;', undef, $query->{user_to_delete} ];

In your HTML::Template template:

<form action="" method="POST">
        <label for="name">Name: </label>
        <input id="name" type="text" name="user" value="<tmpl_var name="query_user">"><br>
        <label for="pass">Pass: </label>
        <input id="pass" type="text" name="pass" value="<tmpl_var name="query_pass">"><br>
        <input type="submit" value="Add">

    <tmpl_loop name="dbi_var">
            <td><tmpl_var name="name"></td>
            <td><tmpl_var name="pass"></td>
                <form action="" method="POST">
                        <input type="hidden" name="user_to_delete" value="<tmpl_var name="name">">
                        <input type="submit" name="delete" value="Delete">


Module is a App::ZofCMS plugin which provides means to retrieve and push data to/from SQL databases using DBI module.

Current functionality is limited. More will be added as the need arrises, let me know if you need something extra.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template


dbi => {
    dsn     => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",
    user    => 'test', # user,
    pass    => 'test', # pass
    opt     => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 },
    last_insert_id => 1,
    do_dbi_set_first => 1,

You can set these either in your ZofCMS template's dbi key or in your main config file's dbi key. The key takes a hashref as a value. The keys/values of that hashref are as follows:


dsn => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",

Specifies the DSN for DBI, see DBI for more information on what to use here.

user and pass

user    => 'test', # user,
pass    => 'test', # pass

The user and pass key should contain username and password for the database you will be accessing with your plugin.


opt => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 },

The opt key takes a hashref of any additional options you want to pass to connect_cached DBI's method.


last_insert_id => 1,
last_insert_id => [

Optional. When set to a true value, the plugin will attempt to figure out the LAST_INSERT_ID() after processing dbi_set (see below). The result will be placed into d ZofCMS Template special key under key last_insert_id (currently there is no way to place it anywhere else). The value of last_insert_id argument can be either a true value or an arrayref. Having any true value but an arrayref is the same as having an arrayref with three undefs. That arrayref will be directly dereferenced into DBI's last_insert_id() method. See documentation for DBI for more information. By default is not specified (false)


do_dbi_set_first => 1,

Optional. Takes either true or false values. If set to a true value, the plugin will first execute dbi_set and then dbi_get; if set to a false value, the order will be reversed (i.e. dbi_get first and then dbi_set will be executed. Defaults to: 1


In your ZofCMS template the first-level dbi key accepts a hashref two possible keys: dbi_get for retreiving data from database and dbi_set for setting data into the database. Note: you can also have your dsn, user, pass and opt keys here if you wish.


dbi => {
    dbi_get => {
        layout  => [ qw/name pass/ ],
        single  => 1,
        sql     => [ 'SELECT * FROM test' ],
        on_data => 'has_data',
        process => sub {
            my ( $data_ref, $template, $query, $config ) = @_;

dbi => {
    dbi_get => sub {
        my ( $query, $template, $config, $dbh ) = @_;
        return {
            sql     => [
                'SELECT * FROM test WHERE id = ?',
                { Slice => {} },
            on_data => 'has_data',

dbi => {
    dbi_get => [
            layout  => [ qw/name pass/ ],
            sql     => [ 'SELECT * FROM test' ],
            layout  => [ qw/name pass time info/ ],
            sql     => [ 'SELECT * FROM bar' ],

The dbi_get key takes either a hashref, a subref or an arrayref as a value. If the value is a subref, the subref will be evaluated and its value will be assigned to dbi_get; the @_ of that subref will contain the following (in that order): $query, $template, $config, $dbh where $query is query string hashref, $template is ZofCMS Template hashref, $config is the App::ZofCMS::Config object and $dbh is a DBI database handle (already connected).

If the value is a hashref it is the same as having just that hashref inside the arrayref. Each element of the arrayref must be a hashref with instructions on how to retrieve the data. The possible keys/values of that hashref are as follows:


layout  => [ qw/name pass time info/ ],

Optional. Takes an arrayref as an argument. Specifies the name of <tmpl_var name="">s in your <tmpl_loop> (see type argument below) to which map the columns retrieved from the database, see SYNOPSIS section above. If the second element in your sql arrayref is a hashref with a key Slice whose value is a hashref, then layout specifies which keys to keep, since selectall_arrayref() (the only currently supported method) will return an arrayref of hashrefs where keys are column names and values are the values. Not specifying layout is only allowed when Slice is a hashref and in that case all column names will be kept. By default is not specified.


sql => [ 'SELECT * FROM bar' ],

Mandatory. Takes an arrayref as an argument which will be directly dereferenced into the DBI's method call specified by method argument (see below). See App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Tagged for possible expansion of possibilities you have here.


single => 1,

Optional. Takes either true or false values. Normally, the plugin will make a datastructure suitable for a <tmpl_loop name="">; however, if you expecting only one row from the table to be returned you can set single parameter to a true value and then the plugin will stuff appropriate values into {t} special hashref where keys will be the names you specified in the layout argument and values will be the values of the first row that was fetched from the database. By default is not specified (false)


single_prefix => 'dbi_',

Optional. Takes a scalar as a value. Applies only when single (see above) is set to a true value. The value you specify here will be prepended to any key names your dbi_get generates. This is useful when you're grabbing a single record from the database and dumping it directly into t special key; using the prefix helps prevent any name clashes. By default is not specified


dbi_get => {
    type    => 'loop'

Optional. Specifies what kind of a HTML::Template variable to generate from database data. Currently the only supported value is loop which generates <tmpl_loop> for yor HTML::Template template. Defaults to: loop


dbi_get => {
    name    => 'the_var_name',

Optional. Specifies the name of the key in the cell (see below) into which to stuff your data. With the default cell argument this will be the name of a HTML::Template var to set. Defaults to: dbi_var


dbi_get => {
    method => 'selectall',

Optional. Specifies with which DBI method to retrieve the data. Currently the only supported value for this key is selectall which uses selectall_arrayref. Defaults to: selectall


dbi_get => {
    cell => 't'

Optional. Specifies the ZofCMS template's first-level key in which to create the name key with data from the database. cell must point to a key with a hashref in it (though, keep autovivification in mind). Possibly the sane values for this are either t or d. Defaults to: t (the data will be available in your HTML::Template templates)


dbi_get => {
    on_data => 'has_data',

Optional. Takes a string as an argument. When specified will set the key in {t} name of which is specified on_data to 1 when there are any rows that were selected. Typical usage for this would be to display some message if no data is available; e.g.:

dbi_get => {
    layout => [ qw/name last_name/ ],
    sql => [ 'SELECT * FROM users' ],
    on_data => 'has_users',

<tmpl_if name="has_users">
    <p>Here are the users:</p>
    <!-- display data here -->
    <p>I have no users for you</p>


dbi_get => {
    process => sub {
        my ( $data_ref, $template, $query, $config ) = @_;
        # do stuff

Optional. Takes a subref as a value. When specified the sub will be executed right after the data is fetched. The @_ will contain the following (in that order): $data_ref - the return of DBI's selectall_arrayref call, this may have other options later on when more methods are supported, the ZofCMS Template hashref, query hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object.


dbi_set => sub {
    my $query = shift;
    if ( defined $query->{user} and defined $query->{pass} ) {
        return [
            [ 'DELETE FROM test WHERE name = ?;', undef, $query->{user}      ],
            [ 'INSERT INTO test VALUES(?,?);', undef, @$query{qw/user pass/} ],
    elsif ( defined $query->{delete} and defined $query->{user_to_delete} ) {
        return [ 'DELETE FROM test WHERE name =?;', undef, $query->{user_to_delete} ];

dbi_set => [
    'DELETE FROM test WHERE name = ?;', undef, 'foos'

dbi_set => [
    [ 'DELETE FROM test WHERE name = ?;', undef, 'foos' ],
    [ 'INSERT INTO test VALUES(?, ?);', undef, 'foos', 'bars' ],

Note: the dbi_set will be processed before dbi_get. Takes either a subref or an arrayref as an argument. Multiple instructions can be put inside an arrayref as the last example above demonstrates. Each arrayref will be directly dereferenced into DBI's do() method. Each subref must return either a single scalar, an arrayref or an arrayref of arrayrefs. Returning a scalar is the same as returning an arrayref with just that scalar in it. Returning just an arrayref is the same as returning an arrayref with just that arrayref in it. Each arrayref of the resulting arrayref will be directly dereferenced into DBI's do() method. The subrefs will have the following in their @_ when called: $query, $template, $config, $dbh. Where $query is a hashref of query parameters in which keys are the name of the parameters and values are values. $template is a hashref of your ZofCMS template. $config is the App::ZofCMS::Config object and $dbh is DBI's database handle object.

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::DBIPPT (version 0.0104)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::DBIPPT

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::DBIPPT - simple post-processor for results of DBI plugin queries


In your ZofCMS Template or Main Config file:

plugins => [
    { DBI => 2000 },  # use of DBI plugin in this example is optional
    { DBIPPT => 3000 },

dbi => {
    # ..connection options are skipped for brevity

    dbi_get => {
        name => 'comments',
        sql  => [
            'SELECT `comment`, `time` FROM `forum_comments`',
            { Slice => {} },

plug_dbippt => {
    key => 'comments',
    n   => 'comment',
    # t => 'time' <---- by default, so we don't need to specify it


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS that provides means to automatically post-process some most common (at least for me) post-processing needs when using App::ZofCMS::Plugin::DBI; namely, converting numerical output of time() with localtime() as well as changing new lines in regular text data into brs while escaping HTML Entities.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template


No, you don't have to use App::ZofCMS::Plugin::DBI, App::ZofCMS::Plugin::DBIPPT can be run on any piece of data that fits the description of <tmpl_loop>. The reason for the name and use of App::ZofCMS::Plugin::DBI in my examples here is because I only required doing such post-processing as this plugin when I used the DBI plugin.


Ok, the name DBIPPT isn't the most clear choice for the name of the plugin, but when I first wrote out the full name I realized that the name alone defeats the purpose of the plugin - saving keystrokes - so I shortened it from DBIPostProcessLargeText to DBIPPT (the L was lost in "translation" as well). If you're suffering from memory problems, I guess one way to remember the name is "Please Process This".



plugins => [
    { DBI => 2000 },  # example plugin that generates original data
    { DBIPPT => 3000 }, # higher run level (priority)

You need to include the plugin in the list of plugins to run. Make sure to set the priority right so DBIPPT would be run after any other plugins generate data for processing.


# run with all the defaults
plug_dbippt => {},

# all arguments specified (shown are default values)
plug_dbippt => {
    cell    => 't',
    key     => 'dbi',
    n       => undef,
    t       => 'time',

# derive config via a sub
plug_dbippt => sub {
    my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
    return {
        cell    => 't',
        key     => 'dbi',
        n       => undef,
        t       => 'time',

Mandatory. Takes a hashref or a subref as a value. If subref is specified, its return value will be assigned to plug_dbippt as if it was already there. If sub returns an undef, then plugin will stop further processing. The @_ of the subref will contain (in that order): ZofCMS Tempalate hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object. To run with all the defaults, use an empty hashref. The keys/values are as follows:


plug_dbippt => {
    cell => 't',

Optional. Specifies the first-level ZofCMS Template hashref key under which to look for data to convert. Defaults to: t


plug_dbippt => {
    key => 'dbi',

# or
plug_dbippt => {
    key => [ qw/dbi dbi2 dbi3 etc/ ],

# or
plug_dbippt => {
    key => sub {
        my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
            unless $q->{single};

        return $q->{single} == 1
        ? 'dbi' : [ qw/dbi dbi2 dbi3 etc/ ];

Optional. Takes either a string, subref or an arrayref as a value. If the value is a subref, that subref will be executed and its return value will be assigned to key as if it was already there. The @_ will contain (in that order) ZofCMS Template hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object. Passing (or returning from the sub) a string is the same as passing an arrayref with just that string in it.

Each element of the arrayref specifies the second-level key(s) inside cell first-level key value of which is an arrayref of either hashrefs or arrayrefs (i.e. typical output of App::ZofCMS::Plugin::DBI). Defaults to: dbi


plug_dbippt => {
    n => 'comments',

# or
plug_dbippt => {
    n => [ 'comments', 'posts', 'messages' ],

# or
plug_dbippt => {
    n => sub {
        my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
            unless $q->{single};

        return $q->{single} == 1
        ? 'comments' : [ qw/comments posts etc/ ];

Optional. Pneumonic: new lines. Keys/indexes specified in n argument will have HTML entities escaped and new lines converted to <br> HTML elements.

Takes either a string, subref or an arrayref as a value. If the value is a subref, that subref will be executed and its return value will be assigned to n as if it was already there. The @_ will contain (in that order) ZofCMS Template hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object. Passing (or returning from the sub) a string is the same as passing an arrayref with just that string in it. If set to undef no processing will be done for new lines.

Each element of the arrayref specifies either the keys of the hashrefs (for DBI plugin that would be when second element of sql arrayref is set to { Slice => {} }) or indexes of the arrayrefs (if they are arrayrefs). Defaults to: undef


plug_dbippt => {
    t => undef, # no processing, as the default value is "time"

# or
plug_dbippt => {
    t => [ qw/time post_time other_time/ ],

# or
plug_dbippt => {
    t => sub {
        my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
            unless $q->{single};

        return $q->{single} == 1
        ? 'time' : [ qw/time post_time other_time/ ];

Optional. Pneumonic: time. Keys/indexes specified in t argument are expected to point to either undef or empty string, in which case, no conversion will be done, or values of time() output and what will be done is scalar localtime($v) (where $v) is the original value) run on them and the return is assigned back to the original. In other words, they will be converted from time to localtime.

Takes either a string, subref or an arrayref as a value. If the value is a subref, that subref will be executed and its return value will be assigned to t as if it was already there. The @_ will contain (in that order) ZofCMS Template hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object. Passing (or returning from the sub) a string is the same as passing an arrayref with just that string in it. If set to undef no processing will be done.

Each element of the arrayref specifies either the keys of the hashrefs (for DBI plugin that would be when second element of sql arrayref is set to { Slice => {} }) or indexes of the arrayrefs (if they are arrayrefs). Defaults to: time

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Debug::Dumper (version 0.0102)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Debug::Dumper

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Debug::Dumper - small debugging plugin that Data::Dumper::Dumper()s interesting portions into {t}


In your Main Config file or ZofCMS Template:

plugins => [ qw/Debug::Dumper/ ],

In your HTML::Template template:

Dump of {t} key: <tmpl_var name="dumper_tt">
Dump of {d} key: <tmpl_var name="dumper_td">
Dump of ZofCMS template: <tmpl_var name="dumper_t">
Dump of query: <tmpl_var name="dumper_q">
Dump of main config: <tmpl_var name="dumper_c">


The module is a small debugging plugin for App::ZofCMS. It uses Data::Dumper to make dumps of 5 things and sticks them into {t} ZofCMS template key so you could display the dumps in your HTML::Template template for debugging purposes.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template



plugins => [ qw/Debug::Dumper/ ],

plugins => [ { UserLogin => 100 }, { 'Debug::Dumper' => 200 } ],

You need to add the plugin to the list of plugins to execute (duh!). By setting the priority of the plugin you can make dumps before or after some plugins executed.


plug_dumper => {
    t_prefix    => 'dumper_',
    use_qq      => 1,
    pre         => 1,
    escape_html => 1,
    line_length => 80,

The plugin takes configuration via plug_dumper first-level key that can be either in ZofCMS template or Main Config file, same keys set in ZofCMS template will override those keys set in Main Config file. As opposed to many ZofCMS plugins, App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Debug::Dumper will still execute even if the plug_dumper key is not set to anything.

The plug_dumper key takes a hashref as a value. Possible keys/values of that hashref are as follows:


{ t_prefix => 'dumper_', }

Optional. The t_prefix specifies the string to use to prefix the names of the HTML::Template variables generated by the plugin in {t} ZofCMS Template key. See HTML::Template VARIABLES section below for more information. Defaults to: dumper_ ( note the underscore at the end)


{ use_qq => 1, }

Optional. Can be set to either true or false values. When set to a true value, the plugin will set $Data::Dumper::Useqq to 1 before making the dumps, this will basically make, e.g. "\n"s instead of generating real new lines in output. See Data::Dumper for more information. Defaults to: 1


{ pre => 1, }

Optional. Can be set to either true or false values. When set to a true value the plugin will wrap all the generated dumps into HTML <pre></pre> tags. Defaults to: 1


{ escape_html => 1, }

Optional. Can be set to either true or false values. When set to a true value the plugin will escape HTML code in the dumps. Defaults to: 1


{ line_length => 150, }

Optional. The line_length key takes a positive integer as a value. This value will specify the maximum length of each line in generated dumps. Strictly speaking it will stick a \n after every line_length characters that are not \n. Special value or 0 will disable line length feature. Defaults to: 150


The plugin will stick the generated dumps in the {t} ZofCMS template special key; that means that you can dump them out in your HTML::Template templates with <tmpl_var name"">s. The following five variables are available so far:

Dump of {t} key: <tmpl_var name="dumper_tt">
Dump of {d} key: <tmpl_var name="dumper_td">
Dump of ZofCMS template: <tmpl_var name="dumper_t">
Dump of query: <tmpl_var name="dumper_q">
Dump of main config: <tmpl_var name="dumper_c">

The {t} and {d} keys refer to special keys in ZofCMS Templates. The query is the hashref of query parameters passed to the script and main config is your Main Config file hashref. The dumper_ prefix in the <tmpl_var name="">s above is the t_prefix that you can set in plug_dumper configuration key (explained way above). In other words, in your main config file or ZofCMS template you can set: plug_dumper => { t_prefix => '_' } and in HTML::Template templates you'd then use <tmpl_var name="_tt">, <tmpl_var name="_q">, etc.

The names are generated by using $t_prefix . $name, where $t_prefix is t_prefix set in plug_dumper and $name is one of the "variable names" that are as follows:


<tmpl_var name="dumper_tt">

The dump of {t} ZofCMS template special key. Mnemonic: template {t} key.


<tmpl_var name="dumper_td">

The dump of {d} ZofCMS template special key. Mnemonic: template {d} key.


<tmpl_var name="dumper_t">

The dump of entire ZofCMS template hashref. Mnemonic: template.


<tmpl_var name="dumper_q">

The dump of query parameters as a hashref, in parameter/value way. Mnemonic: query.


<tmpl_var name="dumper_c">

The dump of your Main Config file hashref. Mnemonic: config.


Note that all properly behaving plugins will remove their config data from ZofCMS templates and Main Config files, that list includes this plugin as well, therefore when dumping the ZofCMS template (<tmpl_var name="dumper_t">) after the plugins were executed, you will not see the configuration for those plugins that you wrote.



App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Debug::Validator::HTML (version 0.0102)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Debug::Validator::HTML

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Debug::Validator::HTML - debugging plugin for auto validating HTML


In your Main Config file or ZofCMS Template:

plugins => [ 'Debug::Validator::HTML' ]

In your HTML::Template template:

<tmpl_var name="plug_val_html">

Access your page with

Read the validation results \o/


The module is a debugging plugin for App::ZofCMS that provides means to validate the HTML code that you are writing on the spot.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template



plugins => [ qw/Debug::Validator::HTML/ ],

You need to include the plugin in the list of plugins to be executed.


# everything is optional
plug_validator_html => {
    t_name          => 'plug_val_html',
    q_name          => 'plug_val_html',
    validator_uri   => '',
    address         => '', 

The plugin takes its optional configuration from plug_validator_html first-level key that takes a hashref as a value. Plugin will still run even if plug_validator_html key is not present. You can set any of the config options in either Main Config File or ZofCMS Template file. Whatever you set in ZofCMS Template file will override the same key if it was set in Main Config File. Possible keys/values are as follows:


t_name => 'plug_val_html',

Optional. The plugin sets validation results in one of the keys in the {t} special key. The t_name argument specifies the name of that key. See HTML::Template VARIABLES section below for details. Defaults to: plug_val_html


q_name => 'plug_val_html',

Optional. To trigger the execution of the plugin you need to pass a query parameter that is set to a true value. This is to speed up normal development process (because you don't really want to validate on every refresh) but most importantly it is to prevent infinite loops where the plugin will try to execute itself while fetching your HTML for validation. See SYNOPSIS section for example on how to trigger the validator with this query parameter. Defaults to: plug_val_html


validator_uri   => '',

Optional. Plugin accesses a W3C markup validator. The validator_uri argument takes a URI pointing to the validator. It would be REALLY GREAT if you'd download the validator for your system and use a local version. Debian/Ubuntu users can do it as simple as sudo apt-get install w3c-markup-validator, others see If you cannot install a local version of the validator set validator_uri to Defaults to:


address => '',

Optional. The plugin uses needs to fetch your page in order to get the markup to validate. Generally you don't need to touch address argument as the plugin will do its black magic to figure out, but in case it fails you can set it or wish to validate some other page that is not the one on which you are displaying the results, you can set the address argument that takes a string that is the URI to the page you wish to validate.


<tmpl_var name='plug_val_html'>
<tmpl_var name='plug_val_html_link'>

The plugin sets two HTML::Template variables in {t} key; its name is what you set in t_name argument, which defaults to plug_val_html.

If your HTML code is valid, this variable will be replaced with words HTML is valid. Otherwise you'll see either an error message for why validation failed or actual error messages that explain why your HTML is invalid.

The second variable will contain a link to either turn on or turn off validation. The name of that variable is contructed by appending _link to the t_name argument, thus by default it will be <tmpl_var name='plug_val_html_link'>


You'd probably would want to include the plugin to execute in your Main Config File and put the <tmpl_var name=""> in your base template while developing the site. Just don't forget to take it out when you done ;)

PLEASE! Install a local validator. Tons of people already accessing the one that is hosted in, don't make the lag worse.

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::DirTreeBrowse (version 0.0105)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::DirTreeBrowse

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::DirTreeBrowse - plugin to display browseable directory tree



In your Main Config file or ZofCMS Template:

plugins     => [ qw/DirTreeBrowse/ ],
plug_dir_tree => {
    auto_html => 1,
    start     => 'pics',

In you HTML::Template template:

<p>We are at: <tmpl_var escape='html' name='dir_tree_path'></p>
<tmpl_var name='dir_tree_auto'>


In your Main Config file or ZofCMS Template:

plugins     => [ qw/DirTreeBrowse/ ],
plug_dir_tree => {
    start     => 'pics',

In your HTML::Template template:

<p>We are at: <tmpl_var escape='html' name='dir_tree_path'></p>

    <tmpl_if name="dir_tree_back">
        <li><a href="/<tmpl_var escape='html' name='dir_tree_back'>">UP</a></li>
<tmpl_loop name='dir_tree_list'>
        <tmpl_if name="is_file">
        <a href="/<tmpl_var escape='html' name='path'>"><tmpl_var escape='html' name='name'></a>
        <a href="/<tmpl_var escape='html' name='path'>"><tmpl_var escape='html' name='name'></a>


The module is an App::ZofCMS plugin that provides means to display a browseable directory three (list of files and other dirs).

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template



plugins => [ qw/DirTreeBrowse/ ],

First and foremost, you'd obviously would want to add the plugin into the list of plugins to execute.


plug_dir_tree => {
    start                  => 'pics',
    auto_html              => 'ul_class',
    re                     => qr/[.]jpg$/,
    q_name                 => 'dir_tree',
    t_prefix               => 'dir_tree_',
    display_path_separator => '/',

plug_dir_tree => sub {
    my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
    return {
        start                  => 'pics',
        auto_html              => 'ul_class',
        re                     => qr/[.]jpg$/,
        q_name                 => 'dir_tree',
        t_prefix               => 'dir_tree_',
        display_path_separator => '/',

The plug_dir_tree takes a hashref or subref as a value and can be set in either Main Config file or ZofCMS Template file. Keys that are set in both Main Config file and ZofCMS Template file will get their values from ZofCMS Template file. If subref is specified, its return value will be assigned to plug_dir_tree as if it was already there. If sub returns an undef, then plugin will stop further processing. The @_ of the subref will contain (in that order): ZofCMS Tempalate hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object. Possible keys/values of plug_dir_tree hashref are as follows:


plug_dir_tree => {
    start => 'pics',

Mandatory. Specifies the starting directory of the directory three you wish to browse. The directory is relative to your file and must be web-accessible.


plug_dir_tree => {
    start       => 'pics',
    auto_html   => 'ul_class',

Optional. When set to a defined value will cause the plugin to generate directory tree HTML automatically, the value then will become the classname for the <ul> element that holds the list of files/dirs. See SYNOPSIS and HTML::Template VARIABLES sectons for more details. Note: the plugin does not append current query to links, so if you wish to add something to the query parameters


plug_dir_tree => {
    start => 'pics',
    re    => qr/[.]jpg$/,

Optional. Takes a regex (qr//) as a value. When specified only the files matching this regex will be in the list. Note that file and its path will be matched, e.g. pics/old_pics/foo.jpg


plug_dir_tree => {
    start  => 'pics',
    q_name => 'dir_tree',

Optional. The plugin uses one query parameter to reference its position in the directory tree. The q_name key specifies the name of that query parameter. Unless you are using the auto_html option, make sure that your links include this query parameter along with <tmpl_var name="path">. In other words, if your q_name is set to dir_tree you'd make your links: <a href="/<tmpl_var escape='html' name='path'>">. Defaults to: dir_tree


plug_dir_tree => {
    start    => 'pics',
    t_prefix => 'dir_tree_',

Optional. The t_prefix specifies the prefix to use for several keys that plugin creates in {t} ZofCMS Template special key. See HTML::Template VARIABLES section below for details. Defaults to: dir_tree_ (note the trailing underscore (_))


plug_dir_tree => {
    start                  => 'pics',
    display_path_separator => '/',

Optional. One of the {t} keys generated by the plugin will contain the current path in the directory tree. If display_path_separator is specified, every / character in that current path will be replaced by whatever display_path_separator is set to. By default is not specified.


The samples below assume that the plugin is run with all of its optional arguments set to defaults.

When auto_html is turned on

<p>We are at: <tmpl_var escape='html' name='dir_tree_path'></p>
<tmpl_var name='dir_tree_auto'>


<p>We are at: <tmpl_var escape='html' name='dir_tree_path'></p>

The <tmpl_var name='dir_three_path'> variable will contain the current path in the directory tree.


<tmpl_var name='dir_tree_auto'>

The <tmpl_var name='dir_tree_auto'> is available when auto_html option is turned on in the plugin. The generated HTML code would be pretty much as the MORE FLEXIBLE VARIANT section in SYNOPSIS demonstrates.

When auto_html is turned off

<p>We are at: <tmpl_var escape='html' name='dir_tree_path'></p>
    <tmpl_if name="dir_tree_back">
        <li><a href="/<tmpl_var escape='html' name='dir_tree_back'>">UP</a></li>
<tmpl_loop name='dir_tree_list'>
        <tmpl_if name="is_file">
        <a href="/<tmpl_var escape='html' name='path'>"><tmpl_var escape='html' name='name'></a>
        <a href="/<tmpl_var escape='html' name='path'>"><tmpl_var escape='html' name='name'></a>


<p>We are at: <tmpl_var escape='html' name='dir_tree_path'></p>

The <tmpl_var name='dir_three_path'> variable will contain the current path in the directory tree.


<tmpl_if name="dir_tree_back">
    <li><a href="/<tmpl_var escape='html' name='dir_tree_back'>">UP</a></li>

The dir_tree_back will be available when the user browsed to some directory inside the start directory. It will contain the path to the parent directory so the user could traverse up the tree.


<tmpl_loop name='dir_tree_list'>
        <tmpl_if name="is_file">
        <a href="/<tmpl_var escape='html' name='path'>"><tmpl_var escape='html' name='name'></a>
        <a href="/<tmpl_var escape='html' name='path'>"><tmpl_var escape='html' name='name'></a>

The dir_tree_list will contain data structure suitable for <tmpl_loop name="">. Each item of that loop would be an individual file or a directory. The variables that are available in that loop are as follows:


<tmpl_if name="is_file">
    <a target="_blank" href="/<tmpl_var escape='html' name='path'>"><tmpl_var escape='html' name='name'></a>
    <a href="/<tmpl_var escape='html' name='path'>"><tmpl_var escape='html' name='name'></a>

The is_file will be set whenever the item is a file (as opposed to being a directory). As the example above shows, you'd use this variable as a <tmpl_if name=""> to adjust your links to open the file instead of trying to make the plugin "browse" that file as a directory.


<a href="/<tmpl_var escape='html' name='path'>"><tmpl_var escape='html' name='name'></a>

The path variable will contain the path to the directory/file (including the name of that directory/file) starting from the start directory. You'd want to include that as a value of q_name query parameter so the user could traverse the dirs.


<a href="/<tmpl_var escape='html' name='path'>"><tmpl_var escape='html' name='name'></a>

The name variable will contain just the name of the file/directory without it's path. You'd want to use this for for displaying the names of the files/dirs to the user.

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Doctypes (version 0.0101)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Doctypes

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Doctypes - include DOCTYPEs in your pages without remembering how to spell them


In your Main Config file:

template_defaults => {
    plugins => [ qw/Doctypes/ ],

In your HTML::Template files

<tmpl_var name="doctype HTML 4.01 Strict">


If you are like me you definitely don't remember how to properly spell out the DOCTYPE (DOCument TYPE definition) in your pages and always rely on your editor or look it up. Well, fear no more! This little module contains all the common DTDs and will stuff them into {t} ZofCMS template's special key for you to use.


Below are examples of <tmpl_var name=""> that will be substituted into the actual doctypes. The names of the doctypes correspoding to each of those examples are self explanatory. Note: the plugin has two modes (for now). The basic mode is the default one, it will make only DTDs available under BASIC section. The extra mode will include more doctypes.


To enable the extra mode: in your ZofCMS template, but most likely you'd want that in your main config file:

plugin_doctype => { extra => 1 },

This would be the first-level key in ZofCMS template as well as main config file.


<tmpl_var name="doctype HTML 4.01 Strict">
<tmpl_var name="doctype HTML 4.01 Transitional">
<tmpl_var name="doctype HTML 4.01 Frameset">
<tmpl_var name="doctype XHTML 1.0 Strict">
<tmpl_var name="doctype XHTML 1.0 Transitional">
<tmpl_var name="doctype XHTML 1.0 Frameset">
<tmpl_var name="doctype XHTML 1.1">


<tmpl_var name="doctype XHTML Basic 1.0">
<tmpl_var name="doctype XHTML Basic 1.1">
<tmpl_var name="doctype HTML 2.0">
<tmpl_var name="doctype HTML 3.2">
<tmpl_var name="doctype MathML 1.01">
<tmpl_var name="doctype MathML 2.0">
<tmpl_var name="doctype XHTML + MathML + SVG">
<tmpl_var name="doctype SVG 1.0">
<tmpl_var name="doctype SVG 1.1 Full">
<tmpl_var name="doctype SVG 1.1 Basic">
<tmpl_var name="doctype SVG 1.1 Tiny">
<tmpl_var name="doctype XHTML + MathML + SVG Profile (XHTML as the host language)">
<tmpl_var name="doctype XHTML + MathML + SVG Profile (Using SVG as the host)">

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::FileList (version 0.0101)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::FileList

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::FileList - ZofCMS plugin to display lists of files


In your Main Config file or ZofCMS template:

plugins     => [ qw/FileList/ ],
plug_file_list => {
    list => {
        list1 => 'pics',
        list2 => 'pics2',

In your HTML::Template template:

<tmpl_loop name='list1'>
    <li><a href="/<tmpl_var escape='html' name='path'>"><tmpl_var name='name'></a></li>

<tmpl_loop name='list2'>
    <li><a href="/<tmpl_var escape='html' name='path'>"><tmpl_var name='name'></a></li>


Module is a App::ZofCMS plugin which provides means to display lists of files.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template



plugins => [ qw/FileList/ ],

You would definitely want to add the plugin into the list of plugins to execute :)


plug_file_list => {
    name => 0,
    re   => qr/[.]jpg$/i,
    list => {
        list1 => 'pics',
        list2 => [ qw/pics2 pics3/ ],

plug_file_list => {
    list => [ qw/pics pics2/ ],

plug_file_list => {
    list => 'pics',

You can specify the plug_file_list first-level key in either Main Config File or ZofCMS Template file. Specifying the same keys in both will lead to the ones set in ZofCMS Template take precedence.

The plug_file_list key takes a hashref as a value. Possible keys/values of that hashref are as follows:


plug_file_list => {
    list => {
        list1 => 'pics',
        list2 => [ qw/pics2 pics3/ ],

plug_file_list => {
    list => [ qw/pics pics2/ ],

plug_file_list => {
    list => 'pics',

The list key specifies the directories in which to search for files. The value of that key can be either a hashref, arrayref or a scalar. If the value is not a hashref it will be converted into a hashref as follows:

plug_file_list => {
    list => 'pics', # a scalar

# same as

plug_file_list => {
    list => [ 'pics' ], # arrayref

# same as

# hashref with a key that has a scalar value
plug_file_list => {
    list => {
        plug_file_list => 'pics',

# same as

# hashref with a key that has an arrayref value
plug_file_list => {
    list => {
        plug_file_list => [ 'pics' ],

The hashref assigned to list (or converted from other values) takes the following meaning: the keys of that hashref are the names of the keys in {t} ZofCMS Template special key and the values are the lists (arrayrefs) of directories in which to search for files. See SYNOPSIS section for some examples. Note that default {t} key would be plug_file_list as is shown in conversion examples above.


plug_file_list => {
    re   => qr/[.]jpg$/i,
    list => 'pics',

Optional. The re argument takes a regex as a value (qr//). If specified only the files that match the regex will be listed. By default is not specified.


plug_file_list => {
    name => 0,
    list => 'foo',

Optional. Takes either true or false values, specifies whether or not to create the name <tmpl_var name=""> in the output. See HTML::Template TEMPLATES section below. Defaults to: 1 (*do* create)


In HTML::Template templates you'd show the file lists in the following fashion:

<tmpl_loop name='plug_file_list'>
    <li><a href="/<tmpl_var escape='html' name='path'>"><tmpl_var name='name'></a></li>

The name of the <tmpl_loop name=""> is what you specified (directly or indirectly) as keys in the list hashref (see above). Inside the loop there are two <tmpl_var name=""> that you can use:

<tmpl_var name='path'>

The <tmpl_var name='path'> will contain the path to the file, that is the directory you specified . '/' . file name.

<tmpl_var name='name'>

The <tmpl_var name='path'> (providing the name key in plug_file_list hashref is set to a true value) will contain just the filename of the file.

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::FileToTemplate (version 0.0101)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::FileToTemplate

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::FileToTemplate - read or do() files into ZofCMS Templates


In your ZofCMS Template:

plugins => [ qw/FileToTemplate/ ],
t  => {
    foo => '<FTTR:index.tmpl>',

In you HTML::Template template:

<tmpl_var escape='html' name='foo'>


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS; it provides functionality to either read (slurp) or do() files and stick them in place of "tags".. read on to understand more.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template


plugins => [ qw/FileToTemplate/ ],

Unlike many other plugins to run this plugin you barely need to include it in the list of plugins to execute.


t  => {
    foo => '<FTTR:index.tmpl>',
    bar => '<FTTD:index.tmpl>',

Anywhere in your ZofCMS template you can use two "tags" that this plugin provides. Those "tags" will be replaced - depending on the type of tag - with either the contents of the file or the last value returned by the file.

Both tags are in format: opening angle bracket, name of the tag in capital letters, semicolon, filename, closing angle bracket. The filename is relative to your "templates" directory, i.e. the directory referenced by templates key in Main Config file.


t  => {
    foo => '<FTTR:index.tmpl>',

The <FTTR:filename> reads (slurps) the contents of the file and tag is replaced with those contents. You can have several of these tags as values. Be careful reading in large files with this tag. Mnemonic: File To Template Read.


t => {
    foo => '<FTTD:index.tmpl>',

The <FTTD:filename> tag will do() your file and the last returned value will be assigned to the value in which the tag appears, in other words, having foo => '<FTTD:index.tmpl>', and foo => '<FTTD:index.tmpl> blah blah blah', is the same. Using this tag, for example, you can add large hashrefs or config hashrefs into your templates without clobbering them. Note that if the do() cannot find your file or compilation of the file fails, the value with the tag will be replaced by the error message. Mnemomic: File To Template Do.


The plugin requires one non-core module: Data::Transformer

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::FileTypeIcon (version 0.0105)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::FileTypeIcon

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::FileTypeIcon - present users with pretty icons depending on file type


# first of all, get icon images (they are also in the examples/ dir of this distro)

wget;tar -xvvf fileicons.tar.gz;rm fileicons.tar.gz;

In your ZofCMS Template or Main Config File:

plug_file_type_icon => {
    files => [  # mandatory
        qw/ foo.png bar.doc beer.pdf /,
        sub {
            my ( $t, $q, $conf ) = @_;
            return 'meow.wmv';
    # all the defaults for reference:
    resource    => 'pics/fileicons/',
    prefix      => 'fileicon_',
    as_arrayref => 0, # put all files into an arrayref at $t->{t}{ $prefix }
    only_path   => 0, # i.e. do not generate the <img> element
    icon_width  => 16,
    icon_height => 16,
    code_after  => sub {
        my ( $t, $q, $conf ) = @_;
        die "Weeee";
    xhtml       => 0,

In your HTML::Template file:

<tmpl_var name='fileicon_0'>
<tmpl_var name='fileicon_1'>
<tmpl_var name='fileicon_2'>
<tmpl_var name='fileicon_3'>


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS that provides a method to show pretty little icons that vary depending on the extension of the file (which is just a string as far as the module is concerned).

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template


There are 69 icons plus the "unknown file" icon in an archive that is in examples/ directory of this distribution. You can also get it from my website:

tar -xvvf fileicons.tar.gz;
rm fileicons.tar.gz;

As well as the original website from where I got them:

Alternatively, you may want to draw your own icons; in that case, the filenames for the icons are made out as $lowercase_filetype_extension.png. If you draw some icons yourself and would like to share, feel free to email them to me at

These images would obviously need to be placed in web-accessible directory on your website.



plugins => [ qw/FileTypeIcon/ ],

You obviously need to include the plugin in the list of plugins to execute. You're likely to use this plugin with some other plugins, so make sure to get priority right.


plug_file_type_icon => {
    files => [  # mandatory
        qw/ foo.png bar.doc beer.pdf /,
        sub {
            my ( $t, $q, $conf ) = @_;
            return 'meow.wmv';
    # all the defaults for reference:
    resource    => 'pics/fileicons/',
    prefix      => 'fileicon_',
    as_arrayref => 0, # put all files into an arrayref at $t->{t}{ $prefix }
    only_path   => 0, # i.e. do not generate the <img> element
    icon_width  => 16,
    icon_height => 16,
    code_after  => sub {
        my ( $t, $q, $conf ) = @_;
        die "Weeee";
    xhtml       => 0,

# or set config via a subref
plug_file_type_icon => sub {
    my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
    return {
        files => [
            qw/ foo.png bar.doc beer.pdf /,

Plugin won't run if plug_file_type_icon is not set or its files key does not contain any files. The plug_file_type_icon first-level key takes a hashref or a subref as a value. If subref is specified, its return value will be assigned to plug_file_type_icon as if it was already there. If sub returns an undef, then plugin will stop further processing. The @_ of the subref will contain (in that order): ZofCMS Tempalate hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object. The keys of this hashref can be set in either ZofCMS Template or Main Config Files; keys that are set in both files will take their values from ZofCMS Template file. The following keys/values are valid in plug_file_type_icon:


files => [
    qw/ foo.png bar.doc beer.pdf /,
    { 'beer.doc' => 'doc_file' },
    sub {
        my ( $t, $q, $conf ) = @_;
        return 'meow.wmv';

Mandatory. The files key takes either an arrayref, a subref or a hashref as a value. If its value is NOT an arrayref, then it will be converted to an arrayref with just one element - the original value.

The elements of files arrayref can be strings, hashrefs or subrefs. If the value is a subref, the sub will be executed and its return value will replace the subref. The @_ of the sub will contain $t, $q, $conf (in that order) where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref, $q is a hashref of query parameters and $conf is App::ZofCMS::Config object.

If the element is a hashref, it must contain only one key/value pair and the key will be treated as a filename to process and the value will become the name of the key in t ZofCMS special key (see prefix key below). If the element is a regular string, then it will be treated as a filename to process.


resource => 'pics/fileicons/',

Optional. Specifies the path to directory with icon images. Must be relative to file and web-accessible, as this path will be used in generating path/filenames to the icons. Defaults to: pics/fileicons/


prefix => 'fileicon_',

Optional. When the plugin generates path to the icon or the <img> element, it will stick it into t ZofCMS special key. The prefix key takes a string as a value and specifies the prefix to use for keys in t ZofCMS special key. If as_arrayref key (see below) is set to a true value, then prefix will specify the name of the key, in t ZofCMS special key where to store that arrayref. When the element of files arrayref is a hashref, the value of the only key in that hashref will become the name of the key in t special key WITHOUT the prefix; otherwise, the name will be constructed by using prefix and a counter; the elements of files arrayref that are hashrefs do not increase that counter. Defaults to: fileicon_ (note that underscore at the end)


as_arrayref => 0,

Optional. Takes either true or false values. When set to a true value, the plugin will create an arrayref of generated <img> elements (or just paths) and stick it in t special key under prefix (see above) key. Defaults to: 0


only_path   => 0,

Optional. Takes either true or false values. When set to a true value, the plugin will not generate the code for <img> elements, but instead it will only provide paths to appropriate icon image. Defaults to: 0

icon_width and icon_height

icon_width  => 16,
icon_height => 16,

Optional. All the icon images to which I referred you above are sized 16px x 16px. If you are creating your own icons, use icon_width and icon_height keys to set proper dimensions. You cannot set different sizes for individual icons, but you can use Image::Size in the code_after sub (see below). Defaults to: 16 (for both)


code_after => sub {
    my ( $t, $q, $conf ) = @_;
    die "Weeee";

Optional. Takes a subref as a value, this subref will be run after all filenames in files arrayref have been processed. The @_ will contain (in that order) $t, $q, $conf where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref, $q is hashref of query parameters and $conf is App::ZofCMS::Config object. By defaults: is not specified.


xhtml => 0,

Optional. If you wish to close <img> elements as to when you're writing XHTML, then set xhtml argument to a true value. Defaults to: 0


The plugin generates the following HTML code:

<img class="file_type_icon" src="pics/fileicons/png.png" width="16" height="16" alt="PNG file" title="PNG file">

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::FileUpload (version 0.0114)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::FileUpload

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::FileUpload - ZofCMS plugin to handle file uploads


In your ZofCMS template:

file_upload => {
    query   => 'uploaded_file',
plugins => [ qw/FileUpload/ ],

In your HTML::Template template:

<tmpl_if name="upload_error">
    <p class="error">Upload failed: <tmpl_var name="upload_error">
<tmpl_if name="upload_success">
    <p>Upload succeeded: <tmpl_var name="upload_filename"></p>

<form action="" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input type="file" name="uploaded_file">
    <input type="submit" value="Upload">


The module is a ZofCMS plugin which provides means to easily handle file uploads.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template



plugins => [ qw/FileUpload/ ],

First and obvious, you need to stick FileUpload in the list of your plugins.


file_upload => {
    query   => 'upload',
    path    => 'zofcms_upload',
    name    => 'foos',
    ext     => '.html',
    content_type => 'text/html',
    on_success => sub {
        my ( $uploaded_file_name, $template, $query, $conf ) = @_;
        # do something useful

# or

file_upload => [
    { query   => 'upload1', },
    { query   => 'upload2', },
    {}, # all the defaults
        query   => 'upload4',
        name    => 'foos',
        ext     => '.html',
        content_type => 'text/html',
        on_success => sub {
            my ( $uploaded_file_name, $template, $query, $conf ) = @_;
            # do something useful

Plugin takes input from file_upload first level ZofCMS template key which takes an arrayref or a hashref as a value. Passing a hashref as a value is the same as passing an arrayref with just that hashref as an element. Each element of the given arrayref is a hashref which represents one file upload. The possible keys/values of those hashrefs are as follows:


{ query => 'zofcms_upload' },

Optional. Specifies the query parameter which is the file being uploaded, in other words, this is the value of the name="" attribute of the <input type="file".... Defaults to: zofcms_upload


{ path => 'zofcms_upload', }

Optional. Specifies directory (relative to into which the plugin will store uploaded files. Defaults to: zofcms_upload


{ name => 'foos', }

{ name => '[rand]', }

{ name => \1 } # any scalar ref

    name => sub {
        my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
        return 'file_name.png';

Optional. Specifies the name (without the extension) of the local file into which save the uploaded file. Special value of [rand] specifies that the name should be random, in which case it will be created by calling rand() and time() and removing any dots from the concatenation of those two. If a scalarref is specified (irrelevant of its value), the plugin will use the filename that the browser gave it (relying on File::Spec::Functions's splitpath here; also, note that extension will be obtained using ext argument (see below). The name parameter can also take a subref, if that's the case, then the name parameter will obtain its value from the return value of that subref. The subref's @_ will contain the following (in that order): ZofCMS Template hashref, hashref of query parameters and App::ZofCMS::Config object. Defaults to: [rand]


{ ext => '.html', }

Optional. Specifies the extension to use for the name of local file into which the upload will be stored. By default is not specified and therefore the extension will be obtained from the name of the remote file.


{ name_filter => qr/Z(?!ofcms)/i, }

Optional. Takes a regex ref (qr//) as a value. Anything in the path + name + ext final string (regardles of how each of those is obtained) that matches this regex will be stripped. By default is not specified.


{ content_type => 'text/html', }

{ content_type => [ 'text/html', 'image/jpeg' ], }

Optional. Takes either a scalar string or an arrayref of strings. Specifying a string is equivalent to specifying an arrayref with just that string as an element. Each element of the given arrayref indicates the allowed Content-Type of the uploaded files. If the Content-Type does not match allowed types the error will be shown (see HTML TEMPLATE VARS section below). By default all Content-Types are allowed.


on_success => sub {
    my ( $uploaded_file_name, $template, $query, $config ) = @_;
    # do something useful

Optional. Takes a subref as a value. The specified sub will be executed upon a successful upload. The @_ will contain the following elements: $uploaded_file_name, $template, $query, $config where $uploaded_file_name is the directory + name + extension of the local file into which the upload was stored, $template is a hashref of your ZofCMS template, $query is a hashref of query parameters and $config is the App::ZofCMS::Config object. By default is not specified.


Single upload:

<tmpl_if name="upload_error">
    <p class="error">Upload failed: <tmpl_var name="upload_error">
<tmpl_if name="upload_success">
    <p>Upload succeeded: <tmpl_var name="upload_filename"></p>

<form action="" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input type="file" name="upload">
    <input type="submit" value="Upload">

Multi upload:

<tmpl_if name="upload_error0">
    <p class="error">Upload 1 failed: <tmpl_var name="upload_error0">
<tmpl_if name="upload_success0">
    <p>Upload 1 succeeded: <tmpl_var name="upload_filename0"></p>

<tmpl_if name="upload_error1">
    <p class="error">Upload 2 failed: <tmpl_var name="upload_error1">
<tmpl_if name="upload_success1">
    <p>Upload 2 succeeded: <tmpl_var name="upload_filename1"></p>

<form action="" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input type="file" name="upload">
    <input type="file" name="upload2">
    <input type="submit" value="Upload">

NOTE: upload of multiple files from a single <input type="file"... is currently not supported. Let me know if you need such functionality. The folowing <tmpl_var name="">s will be set in your HTML::Template template.


If you are handling only one upload, i.e. you have only one hashref in file_upload ZofCMS template key and you have only one <input type="file"... then the HTML::Template variables described below will NOT have any trailing numbers, otherwise each of them will have a trailing number indicating the number of the upload. This number will starts from zero and it will correspond to the index of hashref of file_upload arrayref.


# single
<tmpl_if name="upload_error">
    <p class="error">Upload failed: <tmpl_var name="upload_error">

# multi
<tmpl_if name="upload_error0">
    <p class="error">Upload 1 failed: <tmpl_var name="upload_error0">

The upload_error will be set if some kind of an error occurred during the upload of the file. This also includes if the user tried to upload a file of type which is not listed in content_type arrayref.


# single
<tmpl_if name="upload_success">
    <p>Upload succeeded: <tmpl_var name="upload_filename"></p>

# multi
<tmpl_if name="upload_success0">
    <p>Upload 1 succeeded: <tmpl_var name="upload_filename0"></p>

The upload_success will be set to a true value upon successful upload.


# single
<tmpl_if name="upload_success">
    <p>Upload succeeded: <tmpl_var name="upload_filename"></p>

# multi
<tmpl_if name="upload_success0">
    <p>Upload 1 succeeded: <tmpl_var name="upload_filename0"></p>

The upload_filename will be set to directory + name + extension of the local file into which the upload was saved.

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::FloodControl (version 0.0103)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::FloodControl

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::FloodControl - plugin for protecting forms and anything else from floods (abuse)


In your Main Config File or ZofCMS Template file:

plug_flood_control => {
    dsn             => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",
    user            => 'test',
    pass            => 'test',
    # everything below is optional
    opt             => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 }, 
    create_table    => 0, 
    limit           => 2,
    timeout         => 600,
    table           => 'flood_control',
    run             => 0,
    trigger         => 'plug_flood',
    cell            => 'q',
    t_key           => 'plug_flood',
    flood_id        => 'flood',
    flood_code      => sub {
        my ( $template, $query, $config ) = @_;
    no_flood_code   => sub {
        my ( $template, $query, $config ) = @_;

In your HTML::Template Template:

<tmpl_if name='plug_flood'>
    <form ....

Plugin needs an SQL table to operate. You can either create it by hand or set the create_table option to a true value once so plugin could create the table automatically. The needed table needs to have these three columns:

CREATE TABLE flood_table (host VARCHAR(250), time VARCHAR(10), id VARCHAR(5));

The value type of the id column can be different depending on what flood_id arguments you'd use (see docs below for more).


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS. It provides means to detect flood (abuse) and react accordingly depending on whether or not flood was detected.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template



plugins => [ qw/FloodControl/ ],

You obviously need to the add the plugin in the list of plugins to execute. Along with this plugin you would probably want to use something like App::ZofCMS::Plugin::FormChecker and App::ZofCMS::Plugin::DBI


plug_flood_control => {
    dsn             => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",
    user            => 'test',
    pass            => 'test',
    # everything below is optional
    opt             => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 }, 
    create_table    => 0, 
    limit           => 2,
    timeout         => 600,
    table           => 'flood_control',
    run             => 0,
    trigger         => 'plug_flood',
    cell            => 'q',
    t_key           => 'plug_flood',
    flood_id        => 'flood',
    flood_code      => sub {
        my ( $template, $query, $config ) = @_;
    no_flood_code   => sub {
        my ( $template, $query, $config ) = @_;

plug_flood_control => sub {
    my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
    return {
        dsn             => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",
        user            => 'test',
        pass            => 'test',

Plugin uses plug_flood_control first-level key that can be specified in either (or both) Main Config File or ZofCMS Template file. The key takes a hashref or a subref as a value. If subref is specified, its return value will be assigned to plug_flood_control as if it was already there. If sub returns an undef, then plugin will stop further processing. The @_ of the subref will contain (in that order): ZofCMS Tempalate hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object. If the keys of that hashref are specified in both files will take their values from ZofCMS Template. Most of these keys are optional with sensible defaults. Possible keys/values are as follows:


dsn => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",

Mandatory. Specifies the "DSN" for DBI module. See DBI's docs for connect_cached() method for more info on this one.


user => 'test',

Mandatory. Specifies your username for the SQL database.


pass => 'test',

Mandatory. Specifies your password for the SQL database.


opt => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 },

Optional. Takes a hashref as a value. Specifies the additional options for DBI's connect_cached() method. See DBI's docs for connect_cached() method for more info on this one. Defaults to: { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 }


table => 'flood_control',

Optional. Takes a string as a value that represents the name of the table in which to store flood data. Defaults to: flood_control


create_table => 0,

Optional. Takes either true or false values. When set to a true value will automatically create the table that is needed for the plugin. You can create the table manually, its format is described in the SYNOPSIS section above. Defaults to: 0


limit => 2,

Optional. Specifies the "flood limit". Takes a positive integer value that is the number of times the plugin will be triggered in timeout (see below) seconds before it will think we are being abused. Defaults to: 2


timeout => 600,

Optional. Takes a positive integer value. Specifies timeout in seconds after which the plugin will forget that a certain user triggered it. In other words, if the plugin is triggered when someone submits the form and timeout is set to 600 and limit is set to 2 then the user would be able to submit the form only twice every 10 minutes. Defaults to: 600


trigger => 'plug_flood',

Optional. Takes a string as a value that names the key in a cell (see below). Except for when the cell is set to q, the value referenced by the key must contain a true value in order for the plugin to trigger (to run). Defaults to: plug_flood


cell => 'q',

Optional. The plugin can be triggered either from query, {t} special key, {d} ZofCMS Template special key, or any first-level ZofCMS Template key (also, see run option below). The value of the cell key specifies where the plugin will look for the trigger (see above). Possible values for cell key are: q (query), d ({d} key), t ({t} key) or empty string (first-level ZofCMS Template key). For every cell value but the q, the trigger (i.e. the key referenced by the trigger argument) must be set to a true value in order for the plugin to trigger. When cell is set to value q, then the query parameter referenced by trigger must have length() in order for the plugin to trigger. Defaults to: q


run => 0,

Optional. An alternative to using cell and trigger arguments you can set (e.g. dynamically with some other plugin) the run argument to a true value. Takes either true or false values. When set to a true value plugin will "trigger" (check for floods) without any consideration to cell and trigger values. Defaults to: 0


t_key => 'plug_flood',

Optional. If plugin sees that the user is flooding, it will set t_key in ZofCMS Template {t} special key. Thus you can display appropriate messages using <tmpl_if name="">. Defaults to: plug_flood


flood_id => 'flood',

Optional. You can use the same table to control various pages or forms from flood independently by setting flood_id to different values for each of them. Defaults to: flood


flood_code => sub {
    my ( $template, $query, $config ) = @_;

Optional. Takes a subref as a value. This sub will be run if plugin thinks that the user is flooding. The @_ will contain (in that order) ZofCMS Template hashref, query parameters hashref where keys are params' names and values are their values and App::ZofCMS::Config object. By default is not specified.


no_flood_code   => sub {
    my ( $template, $query, $config ) = @_;

Optional. Takes a subref as a value. This is the opposite of flood_code. This sub will be run if plugin thinks that the user is NOT flooding. The @_ will contain (in that order) ZofCMS Template hashref, query parameters hashref where keys are params' names and values are their values and App::ZofCMS::Config object. By default is not specified.

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::FormChecker (version 0.0341)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::FormChecker

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::FormChecker - plugin to check HTML form data.


In ZofCMS template or main config file:

plugins => [ qw/FormChecker/ ],
plug_form_checker => {
    trigger     => 'some_param',
    ok_key      => 't',
    ok_code     => sub { die "All ok!" },
    fill_prefix => 'form_checker_',
    rules       => {
        param1 => 'num',
        param2 => qr/foo|bar/,
        param3 => [ qw/optional num/ ],
        param4 => {
            optional        => 1,
            select          => 1,
            must_match      => qr/foo|bar/,
            must_not_match  => qr/foos/,
            must_match_error => 'Param4 must contain either foo or bar but not foos',
            param           => 'param2',
        param5 => {
            valid_values        => [ qw/foo bar baz/ ],
            valid_values_error  => 'Param5 must be foo, bar or baz',
        param6 => sub { time() % 2 }, # return true or false values

In your HTML::Template template:

<tmpl_if name="plug_form_checker_error">
    <p class="error"><tmpl_var name="plug_form_checker_error"></p>

<form ......


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS that provides nifteh form checking.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template


The keys can be set either in ZofCMS template or in Main Config file, if same keys are set in both, then the one in ZofCMS template takes precedence.


plugins => [ qw/FormChecker/ ],

You obviously would want to include the plugin in the list of plugins to execute.


# keys are listed for demostrative purposes,
# some of these don't make sense when used together
plug_form_checker => {
    trigger     => 'plug_form_checker',
    ok_key      => 'd',
    ok_redirect => '/some-page',
    fail_code   => sub { die "Not ok!" },
    ok_code     => sub { die "All ok!" },
    no_fill     => 1,
    fill_prefix => 'plug_form_q_',
    rules       => {
        param1 => 'num',
        param2 => qr/foo|bar/,
        param3 => [ qw/optional num/ ],
        param4 => {
            optional        => 1,
            select          => 1,
            must_match      => qr/foo|bar/,
            must_not_match  => qr/foos/,
            must_match_error => 'Param4 must contain either foo or bar but not foos',
        param5 => {
            valid_values        => [ qw/foo bar baz/ ],
            valid_values_error  => 'Param5 must be foo, bar or baz',
        param6 => sub { time() % 2 }, # return true or false values

The plug_form_checker first-level key takes a hashref as a value. Only the rules key is mandatory, the rest are optional. The possible keys/values of that hashref are as follows.


trigger => 'plug_form_checker',

Optional. Takes a string as a value that must contain the name of the query parameter that would trigger checking of the form. Generally, it would be some parameter of the form you are checking (that would always contain true value, in perl's sense of true) or you could always use <input type="hidden" name="plug_form_checker" value="1">. Defaults to: plug_form_checker


ok_key => 'd',

Optional. If the form passed all the checks plugin will set a second level key plug_form_checker_ok to a true value. The ok_key parameter specifies the first level key in ZofCMS template where to put the plug_form_checker key. For example, you can set ok_key to 't' and then in your HTML::Template template use <tmpl_if name="plug_form_checker_ok">FORM OK!</tmpl_if>... but, beware of using the 't' key when you are also using App::ZofCMS::QueryToTemplate plugin, as someone could avoid proper form checking by passing fake query parameter. Defaults to: d ("data" ZofCMS template special key).


ok_redirect => '/some-page',

Optional. If specified, the plugin will automatically redirect the user to the URL specified as a value to ok_redirect key. Note that the plugin will exit() right after printing the redirect header. By default not specified.


ok_code => sub {
    my ( $template, $query, $config ) = @_;
    $template->{t}{foo} = "Kewl!";

Optional. Takes a subref as a value. When specfied that subref will be executed if the form passes all the checks. The @_ will contain the following (in that order): hashref of ZofCMS Template, hashref of query parameters and App::ZofCMS::Config object. By default is not specified. Note: if you specify ok_code and ok_redirect the code will be executed and only then user will be redirected.


fail_code => sub {
    my ( $template, $query, $config, $error ) = @_;
    $template->{t}{foo} = "We got an error: $error";

Optional. Takes a subref as a value. When specfied that subref will be executed if the form fails any of the checks. The @_ will contain the following (in that order): hashref of ZofCMS Template, hashref of query parameters, App::ZofCMS::Config object and (if the all_errors is set to a false value) the scalar contain the error that would also go into {t}{plug_form_checker_error} in ZofCMS template; if all_errors is set to a true value, than $error will be an arrayref of hashrefs that have only one key - error, value of which is the error message. By default is not specified.


all_errors => 1,

Optional. Takes either true or false values. When set to a false value plugin will stop processing as soon as it finds the first error and will report it to the user. When set to a true value will find all errors and report all of them; see HTML::Template VARIABLES section below for samples. Defaults to: 0


no_fill => 1,

Optional. When set to a true value plugin will not fill query values. Defaults to: 0. When no_fill is set to a false value the plugin will fill in ZofCMS template's {t} special key with query parameter values (only the ones that you are checking, though, see rules key below). This allows you to fill your form with values that user already specified in case the form check failed. The names of the keys inside the {t} key will be formed as follows: $prefix . $query_param_name where $prefix is the value of fill_prefix key (see below) and $query_param_name is the name of the query parameter. Of course, this alone wouldn't cut it for radio buttons or <select> elements. For that, you need to set select => 1 in the ruleset for that particular query parameter (see rules key below); when select rule is set to a true value then the names of the keys inside the {t} key will be formed as follows: $prefix . $query_param_name . '_' . $value. Where the $prefix is the value of fill_prefix key, $query_param_name is the name of the query parameter; following is the underscore (_) and then $value that is the value of the query parameter. Consider the following snippet in ZofCMS template and corresponding HTML::Template HTML code as an example:

plug_form_checker => {
    trigger => 'foo',
    fill_prefix => 'plug_form_q_',
    rules => { foo => { select => 1 } },

<form action="" method="POST">
    <input type="text" name="bar" value="<tmpl_var name="plug_form_q_">">
    <input type="radio" name="foo" value="1"
        <tmpl_if name="plug_form_q_foo_1"> checked </tmpl_if>
    <input type="radio" name="foo" value="2"
        <tmpl_if name="plug_form_q_foo_2"> checked </tmpl_if>


fill_prefix => 'plug_form_q_',

Optional. Specifies the prefix to use for keys in {t} ZofCMS template special key when no_fill is set to a false value. The "filling" is described above in no_fill description. Defaults to: plug_form_q_ (note the underscore at the very end)


rules       => {
    param1 => 'num',
    param2 => qr/foo|bar/,
    param3 => [ qw/optional num/ ],
    param4 => {
        optional        => 1,
        select          => 1,
        must_match      => qr/foo|bar/,
        must_not_match  => qr/foos/,
        must_match_error => 'Param4 must contain either foo or bar but not foos',
    param5 => {
        valid_values        => [ qw/foo bar baz/ ],
        valid_values_error  => 'Param5 must be foo, bar or baz',
    param6 => sub { time() % 2 }, # return true or false values

This is the "heart" of the plugin, the place where you specify the rules for checking. The rules key takes a hashref or a subref as a value. If the value is a subref, its @_ will contain (in that order) ZofCMS Template hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object. The return value of the subref will be assigned to rules parameter and therefore must be a hashref; alternatively the sub may return an undef, in which case the plugin will stop executing.

The keys of rules hashref are the names of the query parameters that you wish to check. The values of those keys are the "rulesets". The values can be either a string, regex (qr//), arrayref, subref, scalarref or a hashref; If the value is NOT a hashref it will be changed into hashref as follows (the actual meaning of resulting hashrefs is described below):

a string

param => 'num',
# same as
param => { num => 1 },

a regex

param => qr/foo/,
# same as
param => { must_match => qr/foo/ },

an arrayref

param => [ qw/optional num/ ],
# same as
param => {
    optional => 1,
    num      => 1,

a subref

param => sub { time() % 2 },
# same as
param => { code => sub { time() % 2 } },

a scalarref

param => \'param2',
# same as
param => { param => 'param2' },


The rulesets (values of rules hashref) have keys that define the type of the rule and value defines diffent things or just indicates that the rule should be considered. Here is the list of all valid ruleset keys:

rules => {
    param => {
        name            => 'Parameter', # the name of this param to use in error messages
        num             => 1, # value must be numbers-only
        optional        => 1, # parameter is optional
        either_or       => [ qw/foo bar baz/ ], # param or foo or bar or baz must be set
        must_match      => qr/foo/, # value must match given regex
        must_not_match  => qr/bar/, # value must NOT match the given regex
        max             => 20, # value must not exceed 20 characters in length
        min             => 3,  # value must be more than 3 characters in length
        valid_values    => [ qw/foo bar baz/ ], # value must be one from the given list
        code            => sub { time() %2 }, # return from the sub determines pass/fail
        select          => 1, # flag for "filling", see no_fill key above
        param           => 'param1',
        num_error       => 'Numbers only!', # custom error if num rule failed
        mandatory_error => '', # same for if parameter is missing and not optional.
        must_match_error => '', # same for must_match rule
        must_not_match_error => '', # same for must_not_match_rule
        max_error            => '', # same for max rule
        min_error            => '', # same for min rule
        code_error           => '', # same for code rule
        either_or_error      => '', # same for either_or rule
        valid_values_error   => '', # same for valid_values rule
        param_error          => '', # same fore param rule

You can mix and match the rules for perfect tuning.


name => 'Decent name',

This is not actually a rule but the text to use for the name of the parameter in error messages. If not specified the actual parameter name - on which ucfirst() will be run - will be used.


num => 1,

When set to a true value the query parameter's value must contain digits only.


optional => 1,

When set to a true value indicates that the parameter is optional. Note that you can specify other rules along with this one, e.g.:

optional => 1,
num      => 1,

Means, query parameter is optional, but if it is given it must contain only digits.


optional    => 1, # must use this
either_or   => 'foo',

optional    => 1, # must use this
either_or   => [ qw/foo bar baz/ ],

The optional rul must be set to a true value in order for either_or rule to work. The rule takes either a string or an arrayref as a value. Specifying a string as a value is the same as specifying a hashref with just that string in it. Each string in an arrayref represents the name of a query parameter. In order for the rule to succeed either one of the parameters must be set. It's a bit messy, but you must use the optional rule as well as list the either_or rule for every parameter that is tested for "either or" rule.


must_match => qr/foo/,

Takes a regex (qr//) as a value. The query parameter's value must match this regex.


must_not_match => qr/bar/,

Takes a regex (qr//) as a value. The query parameter's value must NOT match this regex.


max => 20,

Takes a positive integer as a value. Query parameter's value must not exceed max characters in length.


min => 3,

Takes a positive integer as a value. Query parameter's value must be at least min characters in length.


valid_values => [ qw/foo bar baz/ ],

Takes an arrayref as a value. Query parameter's value must be one of the items in the arrayref.


code => sub { time() %2 },

Here you can let your soul dance to your desire. Takes a subref as a value. The @_ will contain the following (in that order): - the value of the parameter that is being tested, the hashref of ZofCMS Template, hashref of query parameters and the App::ZofCMS::Config object. If the sub returns a true value - the check will be considered successfull. If the sub returns a false value, then test fails and form check stops and errors.


param => 'param2',

Takes a string as an argument; that string will be interpreted as a name of a query parameter. Values of the parameter that is currently being inspected and the one given as a value must match in order for the rule to succeed. The example above indicates that query parameter param eq query parameter param2.


select => 1,

This one is not actually a "rule". This is a flag for {t} "filling" that is described in great detail (way) above under the description of no_fill key.


All *_error keys take strings as values; they can be used to set custom error messages for each test in the ruleset. In the defaults listed below under each *_error, the $name represents either the name of the parameter or the value of name key that you set in the ruleset.


num_error => 'Numbers only!',

This will be the error to be displayed if num test fails. Defaults to Parameter $name must contain digits only.


mandatory_error => 'Must gimme!',

This is the error when optional is set to a false value, which is the default, and user did not specify the query parameter. I.e., "error to display for missing mandatory parameters". Defaults to: You must specify parameter $name


must_match_error => 'Must match me!',

This is the error for must_match rule. Defaults to: Parameter $name contains incorrect data


must_not_match_error => 'Cannot has me!',

This is the error for must_not_match rule. Defaults to: Parameter $name contains incorrect data


max_error => 'Too long!',

This is the error for max rule. Defaults to: Parameter $name cannot be longer than $max characters where $max is the max rule's value.


min_error => 'Too short :(',

This is the error for min rule. Defaults to: Parameter $name must be at least $rule-{min} characters long>


code_error => 'No likey 0_o',

This is the error for code rule. Defaults to: Parameter $name contains incorrect data


either_or_error => "You must specify either Foo or Bar",

This is the error for either_or rule. Defaults to: Parameter $name must contain data if other parameters are not set


valid_values_error => 'Pick the correct one!!!',

This is the error for valid_values rule. Defaults to: Parameter $name must be $list_of_values where $list_of_values is the list of the values you specified in the arrayref given to valid_values rule joined by commas and the last element joined by word "or".


param_error => "Two passwords do not match",

This is the error for param rule. You pretty much always would want to set a custom error message here as it defaults to: Parameter $name does not match parameter $rule->{param} where $rule->{param} is the value you set to param rule.


<tmpl_if name="plug_form_checker_error">
    <p class="error"><tmpl_var name="plug_form_checker_error"></p>

# or, if 'all_errors' is turned on:
<tmpl_if name="plug_form_checker_error">
    <tmpl_loop name="plug_form_checker_error">
        <p class="error"><tmpl_var name="error"></p>

If the form values failed any of your checks, the plugin will set plug_form_checker_error key in {t} special key explaining the error. If all_errors option is turned on, then the plugin will set plug_form_checker_error to a data structure that you can feed into <tmpl_loop name=""> where the <tmpl_var name="error"> will be replaced with the error message. The sample usage of this is presented above.

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::FormFiller (version 0.0101)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::FormFiller

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::FormFiller - fill HTML form elements' values.


In Main Config file or ZofCMS Template:

plugins => [ qw/FormFiller/ ],
plug_form_filler => {
    params => [ qw/nu_login nu_name nu_email nu_admin nu_aa nu_mm user/ ],


The module provides filling of form elements from {t} ZofCMS Template special key or query parameters if those are specified.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template



plugins => [ qw/FormFiller/ ],

Your obviously need to specify the name of the plugin in plugins arrayref for ZofCMS to execute the plugin. However, you'll probably be using another plugin, such as App::ZofCMS::Plugin::DBI to fill the {t} key first, thus don't forget to set right priorities.


plug_form_filler => {
    params => [ qw/login name email/ ],

plug_form_filler => {
    params => {
         t_login    => 'query_login',
         t_name     => 'query_name',
         t_email    => 'query_email',

The plug_form_filler takes a hashref as a value. The possible keys/values of that hashref are as follows:


params => {
        t_login    => query_login,
        t_name     => query_name,
        t_email    => query_email,

params => [ qw/login name email/ ],
# same as
params => {
    login => 'login',
    name  => 'name',
    email => 'email',

Mandatory. The params key takes either a hashref or an arrayref as a value. If the value is an arrayref it will be converted to a hashref where keys and values are the same. The keys of the hashref will be interpreted as keys in the {t} ZofCMS Template special key and values will be interpreted as names of query parameters.

The idea of the plugin is that if query parameter (one of the specified in the params hashref/arrayref) has some value that is different from the corresponding value in the {t} hashref, the plugin will put that value into the {t} ZofCMS Template hashref. This allows you to do, for example, the following: fetch preset values from the database (using App::ZofCMS::Plugin::DBI perhaps) and present them to the user, if the user edits some fields you have have the preset values along with those changes made by the user.

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::FormMailer (version 0.0222)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::FormMailer

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::FormMailer - plugin for e-mailing forms


In your Main Config File or ZofCMS Template file:

plug_form_mailer => {
    trigger => [ qw/ d   plug_form_checker_ok / ],
    subject => 'Zen of Design Account Request',
    to      => '',
    mailer  => 'testfile',
    format  => <<'END',
The following account request has been submitted:
First name: {:{first_name}:}
Time:       {:[time]:}
Host:       {:[host]:}

In your HTML::Template file:

<tmpl_if name="plug_form_mailer_ok">
    <p>Your request has been successfully submitted.</p>
    <form action="" method="POST" id="form_account_request">
        <input type="text" name="first_name">
        <input type="submit" value="Request account">


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS that provides means to easily e-mail query parameters.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template



plugins => [ qw/FormMailer/ ],

You need to add the plugin in the list of plugins to execute. Generally you'd want to check query parameters first with, e.g. App::ZofCMS::Plugin::FormChecker. If that's what you're doing then make sure to set the correct priority:

plugins => [ { FormChecker => 1000 }, { FormMailer => 2000 }, ],


    plug_form_mailer => {
        trigger     => [ qw/ d   plug_form_checker_ok / ],
        subject     => 'Zen of Design Account Request',
        to          => '',
        from        => 'Me <>',
        ok_redirect => '',
        mailer      => 'testfile',
        format      => <<'END',
The following account request has been submitted:
First name: {:{first_name}:}
Time:       {:[time]:}
Host:       {:[host]:}

plug_form_mailer => sub {
    my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
    return {
        # set plugin config here

The plugin will not run unless plug_form_mailer first-level key is set in either Main Config File or ZofCMS Template file. The plug_form_mailer first-level key takes a hashref or a subref as a value. If subref is specified, its return value will be assigned to plug_form_mailer as if it was already there. If sub returns an undef, then plugin will stop further processing. The @_ of the subref will contain (in that order): ZofCMS Tempalate hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object. Keys that are set in both Main Config File and ZofCMS Template file will take on their values from ZofCMS Template. Possible keys/values are as follows:


    format  => \'file_name_relative_to_templates',

    # or

    format  => <<'END',
The following account request has been submitted:
First name: {:{first_name}:}
Time:       {:[time]:}
Host:       {:[host]:}

Mandatory. The format key takes a scalar or a scalarref as a value. When the value is a scalarref then it is interpreted as a file name relative to the "templates" dir; this file will be read and its contents will serve as a value for format argument (i.e. same as specifying contents of the file to format as scalar value). If an error occured when opening the file, the plugin will set the plug_form_mailer_error in the {t} special key to the error message and will set the format to an empty string.

When value is a scalar, it represents the body of the e-mail that plugin will send. In this scalar you can use special "tags" that will be replaced with data. The tag format is {:{TAG_NAME}:}. Tag name cannot contain a closing curly bracket (}) in it. Two special tags are {:[time]:} and {:[host]:} (note a slightly different tag format) that will be replaced with current time and user's host respectively.


to => '',
to => [ qw/ ],

Mandatory. Specifies the e-mail address(es) to which to send the e-mails. Takes either an arrayref or a scalar as a value. Specifying a scalar is the same as specifying an arrayref with just that scalar in it. Each element of that arrayref must be a valid e-mail address.


from => 'Me <>',

Optional. Specifies the "From" header to use. Note: in my experience, setting the "From" to some funky address would sometimes make the server refuse to send mail; if your mail is not being sent, try to leave the from header at the default.By default: not specified, thus the "From" will be whatever your server has in stock.


trigger => [ qw/ d   plug_form_checker_ok / ],

Optional. The plugin will not do anything until its "trigger" is set to a true value. The trigger argument takes an arrayref as a value. Each element of this arrayref represent a hashref key in which to find the trigger. In other words, if trigger is set to [ qw/ d plug_form_checker_ok / ] then the plugin will check if the plug_form_checker_ok key inside {d} ZofCMS Template special key is set to a true value. You can nest as deep as you want, however only hashref keys are supported. Defaults to: [ qw/d plug_form_mailer/ ] (plug_form_mailer key inside d first-level key).


subject => 'Zen of Design Account Request',

Optional. The subject key takes a scalar as a value. This value will be the "Subject" line in the e-mails sent by the plugin. Defaults to: FormMailer


mailer  => 'testfile',

Optional. Specfies the "mailer" to use for e-mailing. See DESCRIPTION of Mail::Mailer for possible values and their meanings. If this value is set to a false value (or not specified at all) then plugin will try all available mailers until one succeeds. Specifying testfile as a mailer will cause the plugin to "e-mail" data into mailer.testfile file in the same directory as your file.


ok_key  => 't',

Optional. After sending an e-mail the plugin will set key plug_form_mailer_ok in one of the first-level keys of ZofCMS Template hashref. The ok_key specifies the name of that first-level key. Note that that key's must value must be a hashref. Defaults to: t (thus you can readily use the <tmpl_if name="plug_form_mailer_ok"> to check for success (or rather display some messages).


ok_redirect => '',

Optional. Takes a string with a URL in it. When specified the plugin will redirect the user to the page specified in ok_redirect after sending the mail. By default is not specified.

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::FormToDatabase (version 0.0101)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::FormToDatabase

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::FormToDatabase - simple insertion of query into database


In your Main Config file or ZofCMS template:

plugins => [ qw/FormToDatabase/ ],
plug_form_to_database => {
    go_field   => 'd|foo',
    values   => [ qw/one two/ ],
    table   => 'form',
    dsn     => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",
    user    => 'test',
    pass    => 'test',
    opt     => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 },


The module is a simple drop in to stick query into database. The module does not provide any parameter checking and is very basic. For anything more advanced check out App::ZofCMS::Plugin::DBI

This documentation assumes you have read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template


plug_form_to_database => {
    go_field   => 'd|foo',
    values   => [ qw/one two/ ],
    table   => 'form',
    dsn     => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",
    user    => 'test',
    pass    => 'test',
    opt     => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 },

Plugin uses the plug_form_to_database first-level key in ZofCMS template or your main config file. The key takes a hashref as a value. Values set under this key in ZofCMS template will override values set in main config file. Possible keys/values are as follows.


go_field => 'd|foo',

Optional. Defaults to: d|form_to_database. The go_field key specifies the "go" to the plugin; in other words, if value referenced by the string set under go_field key the plugin will proceed with stuffing your database, otherwise it will not do anything. Generally, you'd do some query checking with a plugin (e.g. App::ZofCMS::Plugin::FormChecker) with lower priority number (so it would be run first) and then set the value referenced by the go_field.

The go_field key takes a string as a value. The string is in format s|key_name - where s is the name of the "source". What follows the "source" letter is a pipe (|) and then they name of the key. The special value of source q (note that it is lowercase) means "query". That is q|foo means, "query parameter 'foo'". Other values of the "source" will be looked for inside ZofCMS template hash, e.g. d|foo means key foo in ZofCMS template special first-level key {d} - this is probably where you'd want to check that for.


# ZofCMS template:
plugins => [ qw/FormToDatabase/ ],
d       => { foo => 1 },
plug_form_to_database => {
    go_field => 'd|foo',
    ..... # omited for brevity

The example above will always stuff the query data into the database because key foo under key d is set to a true value and go_field references that value with d|foo.


values => [ qw/one two/ ],

Mandatory. The values key takes an arrayref as a value. The elements of that arrayref represent the names of query parameters that you wish to stick into the database. Under the hood of the module the following is being called:

    "INSERT INTO $conf{table} VALUES(" . join(q|, |, ('?')x@values) . ');',
    @$query{ @values },

Where @values contains values you passed via values key and $dbh is the database handle created by DBI. If you want something more advanced consider using App::ZofCMS::Plugin::DBI instead.


table => 'form',

Mandatory. Specifies the name of the table into which you wish to store the data.


dsn => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",

Mandatory. Specifies the dsn to use in DBI connect call. See documentation for DBI and DBD::your_database for proper syntax for this string.


user => 'test',

Mandatory. Specifies the user name (login) to use when connecting to the database.


pass => 'test',

Mandatory. Specifies the password to use when connecting to the database.


Optional. Specifies extra options to use in DBI's connect_cached() call. Defaults to: { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 }


DBI, App::ZofCMS::Plugin::DBI

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::GetRemotePageTitle (version 0.0104)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::GetRemotePageTitle

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::GetRemotePageTitle - plugin to obtain page titles from remote URIs


In ZofCMS Template or Main Config File:

plugins => [

plug_get_remote_page_title => {
    uri => '',

In HTML::Template file:

<tmpl_if name='plug_remote_page_title_error'>
    <p class="error">Got error: <tmpl_var escape='html' name='plug_remote_page_title_error'></p>
    <p>Title: <tmpl_var escape='html' name='plug_remote_page_title'></p>


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS that provides means to get page titles from remote URIs which can be utilized when automatically parsing URIs posted in coments, etc.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template



plugins => [

Mandatory. You must specify the plugin in the list of plugins to execute.


plug_get_remote_page_title => {
    uri => '',
    ua => LWP::UserAgent->new(
        agent    => "Opera 9.5",
        timeout  => 30,
        max_size => 2000,

plug_get_remote_page_title => sub {
    my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
    return {
        uri => '',

Mandatory. Takes either a hashref or a subref as a value. If subref is specified, its return value will be assigned to plug_get_remote_page_title as if it was already there. If sub returns an undef, then plugin will stop further processing. The @_ of the subref will contain (in that order): ZofCMS Tempalate hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object. Possible keys/values for the hashref are as follows:


plug_get_remote_page_title => {
    uri => '',

plug_get_remote_page_title => {
    uri => [

plug_get_remote_page_title => {
    uri => sub {
        my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
        return '';

Mandatory. Specifies URI(s) titles of which you wish to obtain. The value can be either a direct string, an arrayref or a subref. When value is a subref, its @_ will contain (in that order): ZofCMS Template hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object. The return value of the sub will be assigned to uri argument as if it was already there.

The single string vs. arrayref values affect the output format (see section below).


plug_get_remote_page_title => {
    ua => LWP::UserAgent->new(
        agent    => "Opera 9.5",
        timeout  => 30,
        max_size => 2000,

Optional. Takes an LWP::UserAgent object as a value; this object will be used for fetching titles from the remote pages. Defaults to:

    agent    => "Opera 9.5",
    timeout  => 30,
    max_size => 2000,


# uri argument set to a string
<tmpl_if name='plug_remote_page_title_error'>
    <p class="error">Got error: <tmpl_var escape='html' name='plug_remote_page_title_error'></p>
    <p>Title: <tmpl_var escape='html' name='plug_remote_page_title'></p>

# uri argument set to an arrayref
    <tmpl_loop name='plug_remote_page_title'>
        <tmpl_if name='error'>
            Got error: <tmpl_var escape='html' name='error'>
            Title: <tmpl_var escape='html' name='title'>

Plugin will set $t->{t}{plug_remote_page_title} (where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref) to either a string or an arrayref when uri plugin's argument is set to a string or arrayref respectively. Thus, for arrayref values you'd use a <tmpl_loop> plugins will use two variables inside that loop: error and title; the error variable will be present when an error occured during title fetching. The title will be the title of the URI. Order for arrayrefs will be the same as the order in uri argument.

If uri argument was set to a single string, then {plug_remote_page_title} will contain the actual title of the page and {plug_remote_page_title_error} will be set if an error occured.

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::GoogleCalculator (version 0.0103)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::GoogleCalculator

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::GoogleCalculator - simple plugin to interface with Google calculator


In ZofCMS Template or Main Config File:

plugins => [
plug_google_calculator => {},

In HTML::Template template:

<form action="" method="POST">
    <label>Enter an expression: <input type="text" name="calc"></label>
    <input type="submit" value="Calculate">

<tmpl_if name='plug_google_calculator_error'>
    <p class="error">Got error: <tmpl_var escape='html' name='plug_google_calculator_error'></p>
    <p>Result: <tmpl_var escape='html' name='plug_google_calculator'></p>


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS that provides a simple interface to Google calculator ( This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template



plugins => [

Mandatory. You need to include the plugin in the list of plugins to execute.


plug_google_calculator => {}, # run with all the defaults

plug_google_calculator => {  ## below are the default values
    from_query => 1,
    q_name     => 'calc',
    expr       => undef,

plug_google_calculator => sub {  # set configuration via a subref
    my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
    return {
        from_query => 1,
        q_name     => 'calc',
        expr       => undef,

Mandatory. Takes a hashref or a subref as a value. If subref is specified, its return value will be assigned to plug_google_calculator as if it was already there. If sub returns an undef, then plugin will stop further processing. The @_ of the subref will contain (in that order): ZofCMS Tempalate hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object. To run with all the defaults, pass an empty hashref. Hashref's keys/values are as follows:


plug_google_calculator => {
    from_query  => 1,

Optional. Takes either true or false values. When set to a true value, the expression to calculate will be taken from query parameters and parameter's name will be derived from q_name argument (see below). When set to a false value, the expression will be taken from expr argument (see below) directly. Defaults to: 1


plug_google_calculator => {
    q_name     => 'calc',

Optional. When from_query argument is set to a true value, specifies the name of the query parameter from which to gather the expression to calculate. Defaults to: calc


plug_google_calculator => {
    expr       => '2*2',

plug_google_calculator => {
    expr       => sub {
        my ( $t, $q, $config ) =  @_;
        return '2' . $q->{currency} ' in CAD';

Optional. When from_query argument is set to a false value, specifies the expression to calculate. Takes either a literal expression as a string or a subref as a value. When set to a subref, subref will be executed and its return value will be assigned to expr as if it was already there (note, undefs will cause the plugin to stop further processing). The sub's @_ will contain the following (in that order): ZofCMS Template hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object. Defaults to: undef


<tmpl_if name='plug_google_calculator_error'>
    <p class="error">Got error: <tmpl_var escape='html' name='plug_google_calculator_error'></p>
    <p>Result: <tmpl_var escape='html' name='plug_google_calculator'></p>


<p>Result: <tmpl_var escape='html' name='plug_google_calculator'></p>

If result was calculated successfully, the plugin will set $t->{t}{plug_google_calculator} to the result string where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref.


<tmpl_if name='plug_google_calculator_error'>
    <p class="error">Got error: <tmpl_var escape='html' name='plug_google_calculator_error'></p>

If an error occured during the calculation, $t->{t}{plug_google_calculator_error} will be set to the error message where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref.

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::GooglePageRank (version 0.0103)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::GooglePageRank

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::GooglePageRank - Plugin to show Google Page Ranks


plugins => [
    { GooglePageRank => 200 },

# all defaults and URI is set to the current page
plug_google_page_rank => {},

# all options set
plug_google_page_rank => {
    uri => '',
    timeout => 20,
    agent   => 'Opera 9.6',
    host    => '',
    cell    => 't',
    key     => 'plug_google_page_rank',


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS that provides means to obtain Google Page Rank. This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template



plugins => [

Mangatory. You need to add the plugin to list of plugins to execute.


plug_google_page_rank => {
    uri     => '',
    timeout => 20,
    agent   => 'Opera 9.6',
    host    => '',
    cell    => 't',
    key     => 'plug_google_page_rank',

plug_google_page_rank => {
    my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
    return {
        uri     => '',
        timeout => 20,
        agent   => 'Opera 9.6',
        host    => '',
        cell    => 't',
        key     => 'plug_google_page_rank',

Mandatory. Takes a hashref or a subref as a value. If subref is specified, its return value will be assigned to plug_google_page_rank as if it was already there. If sub returns an undef, then plugin will stop further processing. The @_ of the subref will contain (in that order): ZofCMS Tempalate hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object. The plug_google_page_rank first-level key can be set in either (or both) ZofCMS Template and Main Config File files. If set in both, the values of keys that are set in ZofCMS Template take precedence. Possible keys/values are as follows:


uri => '',

uri => [

uri => sub {
    my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;

Optional. Takes a string, a coderef or an arrayref of strings each of which would specify the page(s) for which to obtain Google Page Rank. If the value is a coderef, then it will be exectued and its value will be assigned to uri. The @_ will contain (in that order): ZofCMS Template hashref, query parameters hashref, App::ZofCMS::Config object. Defaults to: if not specified, then the URI of the current page will be calculated. Note that this may depend on the server and is made up as: 'http://' . $ENV{HTTP_HOST} . $ENV{REQUEST_URI}


timeout => 20,

Optional. Takes a positive integer as a value. Specifies a Page Rank request timeout in seconds. Defaults to: 20


agent => 'Opera 9.6',

Optional. Takes a string as a value that specifies the User-Agent string to use when making the requests. Defaults to: 'Opera 9.6'


host => '',

Optional. Specifies which google host to use for making requests. Defaults to: (Note: if all your queries failing try to set this on to


cell => 't',

Optional. Specifies the first-level key in ZofCMS Template hashref into which to store the result. Must point to an undef or a hashref. Defaults to: t


key => 'plug_google_page_rank',

Optional. Specifies the second-level key inside cell first-level key into which to put the results. Defaults to: plug_google_page_rank


Depending on whether the uri argument was set to a string (or not set at all) or an arrayref the output will be either a string indicating page's rank or an arrayref of hashrefs - enabling you to use a simple <tmpl_loop>, each of the hashrefs will contain two keys: rank and uri - the rank of the page referenced by that URI.

If there was an error while obtaining the rank (i.e. request timeout) the rank will be shown as string 'N/A'.


plug_google_page_rank => {
    uri => [

't' => {
    'plug_google_page_rank' => [
            'rank' => '3',
            'uri' => ''
            'rank' => '3',
            'uri' => ''
            'rank' => '3',
            'uri' => ''
            'rank' => '9',
            'uri' => ''


plug_google_page_rank => {
    uri => '',

't' => {
    'plug_google_page_rank' => '3'


# URI became http://zcms/ which is a local address and not pageranked
plug_google_page_rank => {},

't' => {
    'plug_google_page_rank' => 'N/A'

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::GoogleTime (version 0.0103)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::GoogleTime

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::GoogleTime - plugin to get times for different locations using Google


In ZofCMS Template or Main Config File:

plugins => [

plug_google_time => {
    location => 'Toronto',

In HTML::Template file:

<tmpl_if name='plug_google_time_error'>
    <p class="error">Got error: <tmpl_var escape='html' name='plug_google_time_error'></p>
    <p>Time: <tmpl_var escape='html' name='plug_google_time'></p>


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS that provides means to obtain times for different locations using Google.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template



plugins => [

Mandatory. You must specify the plugin in the list of plugins to execute.


plug_google_time => {
    location => 'Toronto',
    ua => LWP::UserAgent->new(
        agent    => "Opera 9.5",
        timeout  => 30,
        max_size => 2000,

plug_google_time => sub {
    my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
    return {
        location => 'Toronto',

Mandatory. Takes either a hashref or a subref as a value. If subref is specified, its return value will be assigned to plug_google_time as if it was already there. If sub returns an undef, then plugin will stop further processing. The @_ of the subref will contain (in that order): ZofCMS Tempalate hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object. Possible keys/values for the hashref are as follows:


plug_google_time => {
    location => 'Toronto',

plug_google_time => {
    location => [
        'New York',

plug_google_time => {
    location => sub {
        my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
        return 'Toronto';

Mandatory. Specifies location(s) for which you wish to obtain times. The value can be either a direct string, an arrayref or a subref. When value is a subref, its @_ will contain (in that order): ZofCMS Template hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object. The return value of the sub will be assigned to location argument as if it was already there.

The single string vs. arrayref values affect the output format (see section below).


plug_google_time => {
    ua => LWP::UserAgent->new(
        agent    => "Opera 9.5",
        timeout  => 30,

Optional. Takes an LWP::UserAgent object as a value; this object will be used for accessing Google. Defaults to:

    agent    => "Opera 9.5",
    timeout  => 30,


# location argument set to a string
<tmpl_if name='plug_google_time_error'>
    <p class="error">Got error: <tmpl_var escape='html' name='plug_google_time_error'></p>
    <p>Time: <tmpl_var escape='html' name='plug_google_time'></p>

# location argument set to an arrayref
    <tmpl_loop name='plug_google_time'>
        <tmpl_if name='error'>
            Got error: <tmpl_var escape='html' name='error'>
            Time: <tmpl_var escape='html' name='time'>

Plugin will set $t->{t}{plug_google_time} (where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref) to either a string or an arrayref when location plugin's argument is set to a string or arrayref respectively. Thus, for arrayref values you'd use a <tmpl_loop> plugins will use three variables inside that loop: error, time and hash; the error variable will be present when an error occured during title fetching. The time will be the formated string of the time including the location. The hash variable will contain a hashref that is the output of data() method of WWW::Google::Time module. Order for arrayrefs will be the same as the order in location argument.

If location argument was set to a single string, then {plug_google_time} will contain the formated time of the location, {plug_google_time_error} will be set if an error occured and {plug_google_time_hash} will contain the output of data() method of WWW::Google::Time module.

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::HTMLFactory (version 0.0102)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::HTMLFactory

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::HTMLFactory - notes for modules in App::ZofCMS::Plugin::HTMLFactory:: namespace


This is not a module but explanation and suggestions for modules in App::ZofCMS::Plugin::HTMLFactory:: namespace.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template


The App::ZofCMS::Plugin::HTMLFactory:: namespace is for App::ZofCMS plugins that do nothing special but provide some canned HTML codes that are used a lot and are a PITA to type out over and over again.


The plugins in App::ZofCMS::Plugin::HTMLFactory:: typically would be run when they are included in the list of plugins to run. No special keys in ZofCMS Template are expected.

The plugins would usually set keys in {t} ZofCMS Template special key that would be replaced with canned HTML codes.

These are not laws, however, feel free to experiment.

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::HTMLFactory::Entry (version 0.0101)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::HTMLFactory::Entry

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::HTMLFactory::Entry - plugin to wrap content in three divs used for styling boxes


In your Main Config File or ZofCMS Template file:

plugins => [ qw/HTMLFactory::Entry/ ],

In your HTML::Template template:

<tmpl_var name='entry_start'>
    <p>Some content</p>
<tmpl_var name='entry_end'>


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS. The module resides in App::ZofCMS::Plugin::HTMLFactory:: namespace thus only provides some packed HTML code.

I use the HTML code provided by the plugin virtually on every site, and am sick and tired of writing it! Hence the plugin.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template



plugins => [ qw/HTMLFactory::Entry/ ],

To run the plugin all you have to do is include it in the list of plugins to execute.


<tmpl_var name='entry_start'>
<tmpl_var name='entry_end'>

The plugins creates two keys in {t} ZofCMS Template special keys.


<tmpl_var name='entry_start'>

The entry_start will be replaced with the following HTML code:

<div class="entry">
    <div class="entry_top">
        <div class="entry_bottom">


<tmpl_var name='entry_end'>

The entry_end will be replaced with the following HTML code:


App::ZofCMS::Plugin::HTMLFactory::PageToBodyId (version 0.0102)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::HTMLFactory::PageToBodyId

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::HTMLFactory::PageToBodyId - plugin to automatically create id="" attributes on <body> depending on the current page


In your Main Config file or ZofCMS Template:

plugins => [ qw/HTMLFactory::PageToBodyId/ ],

body_id => 'override', # including the key overrides the plugin's value

In your HTML::Template template:

<tmpl_var escape='html' name='body_id'>


The module is a small plugin for App::ZofCMS. Its purpose is to automatically generate a value for an id="" attribute that is to be put on <body> HTML element; this value would be used to differentiate different pages on the site and is generated from query dir and page parameters.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template



plugins => [ qw/HTMLFactory::PageToBodyId/ ],

You need to add the plugin to the list of plugins to execute. Unlike many other plugins, the HTMLFactory::PageToBodyId does not require an additional key in the template and will run as long as it is included.


The plugin first checks whether or not body_id first-level key was set in either ZofCMS Template or Main Config File. If it exists, plugin stuffs its value under $t->{t}{body_id} (where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref) otherwise, it creates its own from query's dir and page keys and uses that.


To quote HTML specification:

ID and NAME tokens must begin with a letter ([A-Za-z])
and may be followed by any number of letters,
digits ([0-9]), hyphens ("-"), underscores ("_"),
colons (":"), and periods (".").

The plugin replaces any character that doesn't match the criteria with an underscore(_). Most of the time it will be the slashes (/) present in the full page URL.


After doing invalid character replacement (see above) the plugin prefixes the generated value with word "page". Considering that any page URL would start with a slash, the resulting values would be in the form of page_index, page_somedir_about-us and so on.


The plugin sets body_id key in t ZofCMS Template special key, thus you can use <tmpl_var name='body_id'> in any of your HTML::Template templates to obtain the generated ID. The name of the key cannot be changed.


App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config, App::ZofCMS::Template,

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::HTMLMailer (version 0.0102)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::HTMLMailer

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::HTMLMailer - ZofCMS plugin for sending HTML email


plugins => [
    { HTMLMailer => 2000, },

plug_htmlmailer => {
    to          => '',
    template    => 'email-template.tmpl',

    # everything below is optional
    template_params => [
        foo => 'bar',
        baz => 'ber',
    subject         => 'Test Subject',
    from            => 'Zoffix Znet <>',
    template_dir    => 'mail-templates',
    precode         => sub {
        my ( $t, $q, $config, $plug_conf ) = @_;
        # run some code
    mime_lite_params => [
        Auth   => [ 'FOOBAR/foos', 'p4ss' ],
    html_template_object => HTML::Template->new(
        filename            => 'mail-templates/email-template.tmpl',
        die_on_bad_params   => 0,


The module is a ZofCMS plugin that provides means to easily create an email from an HTML::Template template, fill it, and email it as an HTML email.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template



plugins => [ qw/HTMLMailer/ ],

First and obvious, you need to stick HTMLMailer in the list of your plugins.


plug_htmlmailer => {
    to          => '',
    template    => 'email-template.tmpl',

    # everything below is optional
    template_params => [
        foo => 'bar',
        baz => 'ber',
    subject         => 'Test Subject',
    from            => 'Zoffix Znet <>',
    template_dir    => 'mail-templates',
    precode         => sub {
        my ( $t, $q, $config, $plug_conf ) = @_;
        # run some code
    mime_lite_params => [
        Auth   => [ 'FOOBAR/foos', 'p4ss' ],
    html_template_object => HTML::Template->new(
        filename            => 'mail-templates/email-template.tmpl',
        die_on_bad_params   => 0,

Mandatory. Takes either a hashref or a subref as a value. If subref is specified, its return value will be assigned to plug_htmlmailer as if it was already there. If sub returns an undef, then plugin will stop further processing. The @_ of the subref will contain (in that order): ZofCMS Tempalate hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object. Possible keys/values for the hashref are as follows:


plug_htmlmailer => {
    to => '',

plug_htmlmailer => {
    to => [ '', '', ],

plug_htmlmailer => {
    to => sub {
        my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
        return [ '', '', ];

Mandatory. Specifies the email address(es) to which to send the email. Takes a scalar, an arrayref or a subref as a value. If a scalar is specified, plugin will create a single-item arrayref with it; if an arrayref is specified, each of its items will be interpreted as an email address to which to send email. If a subref is specified, its return value will be assigned to the to key and its @_ array will contain: $t, $q, $config (in that order) where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref, $q is the query parameter hashref and $config is the App::ZofCMS::Config object. Default: if the to key is not defined (or the subref to which it's set returns undef) then the plugin will stop further processing.


plug_htmlmailer => {
    template => 'email-template.tmpl',

Mandatory, unless html_template_object (see below) is specified. Takes a scalar as a value that represents the location of the HTML::Template template to use as the body of your email. If relative path is specified, it will be relative to the location of file. Note: if template_dir is specified, it will be prepended to whatever you specify here.


plug_htmlmailer => {
    template_params => [
        foo => 'bar',
        baz => 'ber',

plug_htmlmailer => {
    template_params => sub {
        my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_:
        return [ foo => 'bar', ];

Optional. Specifies key/value parameters for HTML::Template's param() method; this will be called on the HTML::Template template of your email body (specified by template argument). Takes an arrayref or a subref as a value. If subref is specified, its @_ will contain $t, $q, and $config (in that order), where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref, $q is query parameter hashref, and $config is App::ZofCMS::Config object. The subref must return either an arrayref or an undef (or empty list), and that will be assigned to template_params as a true value. By default is not specified.


plug_htmlmailer => {
    subject => 'Test Subject',

Optional. Takes a scalar as a value that specifies the subject line of your email. Default: empty string.


plug_htmlmailer => {
    from => 'Zoffix Znet <>',

Optional. Takes a scalar as a value that specifies the From field for your email. If not specified, the plugin will simply not set the From argument in MIME::Lite's new() method (which is what this plugin uses under the hood). See MIME::Lite's docs for more description. By default is not specified.


plug_htmlmailer => {
    template_dir => 'mail-templates',

Optional. Takes a scalar as a value. If specified, takes either an absolute or relative path to the directory that contains all your HTML::Template email templates (see template above for more info). If relative path is specified, it will be relative to the file. The purpose of this argument is to simply have a shortcut to save you the trouble of specifying the directory every time you use template. By default is not specified.


plug_htmlmailer => {
    precode => sub {
        my ( $t, $q, $config, $plug_conf ) = @_;
        # run some code

Optional. Takes a subref as a value. This is just an "insertion point", a place to run a piece of code if you really have to. The @_ of the subref will contain $t, $q, $config, and $plug_conf (in that order), where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref, $q is query parameters hashref, $config is App::ZofCMS::Config object, and $plug_conf is the configuration hashref of this plugin (that is the plug_htmlmailer hashref). You can use $plug_conf to stick modified configuration arguments to the current run of this plugin (modifications will not be saved past current run stage). The subref will be executed after the to argument is processed, but before anything else is done. Note: if to is not set (or set to subref that returns undef) then the precode subref will NOT be executed at all. By default is not specified.


plug_htmlmailer => {
    mime_lite_params => [
        Auth   => [ 'FOOBAR/foos', 'p4ss' ],

Optional. Takes an arrayref as a value. If specified, the arrayref will be directly dereferenced into MIME::Lite->send(). Here you can set any special send arguments you need; see MIME::Lite docs for more info. By default is not specified.


plug_htmlmailer => {
    html_template_object => HTML::Template->new(
        filename            => 'mail-templates/email-template.tmpl',
        die_on_bad_params   => 0,

Optional. Takes an HTML::Template object (or something that behaves like one). If specified, the template and template_dir arguments will be ignored and the object you specify will be used instead. Note: the default HTML::Template object (used when html_template_object is not specified) has die_on_bad_params argument set to a false value; using html_template_object you can change that. By default is not specified.


This plugin doesn't produce any output and doesn't set any keys.


This plugin doesn't have any error handling. The behaviour is completely undefined in cases of: invalid email addresses, improper or insufficient mime_lite_params values, no from set, etc. For example, on my system, not specifying any mime_lite_params makes it look like plugin is not running at all. If things go awry: copy the plugin's code into your projects dir (zofcms_helper --nocore --site YOUR_PROJECT --plugins HTMLMailer) and mess around with code to see what's wrong (the code would be located in YOUR_PROJECT_site/App/ZofCMS/Plugin/

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::ImageGallery (version 0.0203)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::ImageGallery

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::ImageGallery - CRUD-like plugin for managing images.


In your Main Config File or ZofCMS Template file:

plugins => [ qw/ImageGallery/ ],

plug_image_gallery => {
    dsn        => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",
    user       => 'test',
    pass       => 'test',
    no_form    => 0,
    allow_edit => 1,

In your HTML::Template template:

<tmpl_var name='plug_image_gallery_form'>
<tmpl_var name='plug_image_gallery_list'>

Viola, now you can upload photos with descriptions, delete them and edit descriptions. \o/


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS that allows one to add a CRUD-like functionality for managing photos. The plugin automatically makes thumbnails and can also resize the actual photos if you tell it to. So far, only .jpg, .png and .gif images are supported; however, plugin does not check Content-Type of the uploaded image.

The image file name and description are stored in a SQL database.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template


When create_table option is turned on (see below) the plugin will create the following table where table_name is derived from table argument in plug_image_gallery (see below).

CREATE TABLE table_name (
    photo        TEXT,
    width        SMALLINT,
    height       SMALLINT,
    thumb_width  SMALLINT,
    thumb_height SMALLINT,
    description  TEXT,
    time         VARCHAR(10),
    id           TEXT



plugins => [ qw/ImageGallery/, ],

You obviously need to include the plugin in the list of plugins to execute.


plug_image_gallery => {
    dsn             => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",
    # everything below is optional
    user            => '',
    pass            => '',
    opt             => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 },
    table           => 'photos',
    photo_dir       => 'photos/',
    filename        => '[:rand:]',
    thumb_dir       => 'photos/thumbs/',
    create_table    => 0,
    t_name          => 'plug_image_gallery',
    no_form         => 1,
    no_list         => 0,
    no_thumb_desc   => 0,
    allow_edit      => 0,
    thumb_size      => { 200, 200 },
    # photo_size      => [ 600, 600 ],
    has_view        => 1,
    want_lightbox   => 0,
    lightbox_rel    => 'lightbox',
    lightbox_desc   => 1,

plug_image_gallery => sub {
    my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
    return {
        dsn             => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",

The plugin takes its configuration from plug_image_gallery first-level key that takes a hashref or a subref as a value and can be specified in either (or both) Main Config File and ZofCMS Template file. If the same key in that hashref is specified in both, Main Config File and ZofCMS Tempate file, then the value given to it in ZofCMS Template will take precedence. If subref is specified, its return value will be assigned to plug_image_gallery as if it was already there. If sub returns an undef, then plugin will stop further processing. The @_ of the subref will contain (in that order): ZofCMS Tempalate hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object.

The plugin will NOT run if plug_image_gallery is not set or if both no_form and no_list arguments (see below) are set to true values.

The possible plug_image_gallery hashref's keys/values are as follows:


dsn => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",

Mandatory. Takes a scalar as a value which must contain a valid "$data_source" as explained in DBI's connect_cached() method (which plugin currently uses).


user => '',

Optional. Takes a string as a value that specifies the user name to use when authorizing with the database. Defaults to: empty string


pass => '',

Optional. Takes a string as a value that specifies the password to use when authorizing with the database. Defaults to: empty string


opt => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 },

Optional. Takes a hashref as a value, this hashref contains additional DBI parameters to pass to connect_cached() DBI's method. Defaults to: { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 }


table => 'photos',

Optional. Takes a string as a value, specifies the name of the SQL table in which to store information about photos. Defaults to: photos


create_table => 0,

Optional. When set to a true value, the plugin will automatically create needed SQL table, you can create it manually if you wish, see its format in USED SQL TABLE FORMAT section above. Generally you'd set this to a true value only once, at the start, and then you'd remove it because there is no "IF EXISTS" checks. Defaults to: 0


t_name => 'plug_image_gallery',

Optional. Takes a string as a value. This string will be used as a "base name" for two keys that plugin generates in {t} special key. The keys are plug_image_gallery_list and plug_image_gallery_form (providing t_name is set to default) and are explained below in HTML::Template VARIABLES section below. Defaults to: plug_image_gallery


photo_dir => 'photos/',

Optional. Takes a string that specifies the directory (relative to where the plugin will store photos. Note: plugin does not automatically create this directory. Defaults to: photos/


thumb_dir => 'photos/thumbs/',

Optional. Takes a string that specifies the directory (relative to where the plugin will store thumbnails. Note: plugin does not automatically create this directory. Note 2: this directory must NOT be the same as photo_dir. Defaults to: photos/thumbs/


filename => '[:rand:]',

Optional. Specifies the name for the image file (and its thumbnail) without the extension for when new image is uploaded. You'd obviously want to manipulate this value with some other plugin (e.g. App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Sub) to make sure it's not the same as existing images. Special value of [:rand:] (value includes the brackets) will make the plugin generate random filenames (along with check of whether the generated name already exists). Defaults to: [:rand:]


thumb_size => { 200, 200 }, # resize only if larger
thumb_size => [ 200, 200 ], # always resize

Optional. Takes either an arrayref with two elements or a hashref with one key/value pair. The plugin will generate thumbnails automatically. The thumb_size specifies the dimensions of the thumbnails. The proportions are always kept when resizing. When thumb_size is set to an arrayref, the plugin will resize the image even if its smaller than the specified size (i.e. a 50x50 image's thumb will be scaled to 200x200 when thumb_size is set to [200, 200] ). The first element of the arrayref denotes the x (width) dimension and the second element denotes the y (height) dimension. When the value for thumb_size is a hashref then the key denotes the width and the value denotes the height; the image will be resized only if one of its dimensions (width or height) is larger than the specified values. In other words, when thumb_size is set to { 200, 200 }, a 50x50 image's thumbnail will be left at 50x50 while a 500x500 image's thumbnail will be scaled to 200x200. Defaults to: { 200, 200 }


photo_size => { 600, 600 },
photo_size => [ 600, 600 ],

Optional. When specified takes either an arrayref or a hashref as a value. Everything is the same (regarding values) as the values for thumb_size argument described above except that resizing is done on the original image. If photo_size is not specified, no resizing will be performed. Note: the thumbnail will be generated first, thus it's possible to have thumbnails that are larger than the original image even when hashrefs are used for both photo_size and thumb_size. By default is not specified


no_form => 1,

Optional. Takes either true or false values. When set to a false value, the plugin will generate as well as process an HTML form that is to be used for uploading new images or editing descriptions on existing ones. Note: even if you are making your own HTML form, the plugin will not process editing or deleting of items when no_form is set to a true value. Defaults to: 1


no_list => 0,

Optional. Takes either true or false values. When set to a false value, the plugin will pull the data from the database and generate an HTML list with image thumbnails and their descriptions (unless no_thumb_desc argument described below is set to a true value). Defaults to: 0


no_thumb_desc => 0,

Optional. Takes either true or false values. Makes sense only when no_list is set to a false value. When no_thumb_desc is set to a true value, the plugin will not put descriptions in the generated list of thumbnails. The description will be visible only when the user clicks on the image to view it in large size (providing has_view option that is described below is set to a true value). Defaults to: 0


has_view => 1,

Optional. Takes either true or false values. Makes sense only when no_list is set to a false value. When set to a true value, plugin will generate links for each thumbnail in the list; when user will click that link, he or she will be presented with an original image and a link to go back to the list of thumbs. When set to a false value no link will be generated. Defaults to: 1


allow_edit => 0,

Optional. Takes either true or false values. When set to a true value, both no_list and no_form must be set to false values. When set to a true value, the plugin will generate Edit and Delete buttons under each thumbnail in the list. Clicking "Delete" will delete the image, thumbnail and entry in the database. Clicking "Edit" will fetch the description into the "description" field in the form, allowing the user to edit it. Defaults to: 0


want_lightbox => 0,

Optional. The list of thumbs generated by the plugin can be generated for use with "Lightbox" JavaScript crapolio. Takes true or false values. When set to a true value, the thumb list will be formatted for use with "Lightbox". Note: has_view must be set to a true value as well. Defaults to: 0


lightbox_rel => 'lightbox',

Optional. Used only when want_lightbox is set to a true value. Takes a string as a value, this string will be used for rel="" attribute on links. Defaults to: lightbox


lightbox_desc => 1,

Optional. Takes either true or false values. When set to a true value, the plugin will stick image descriptions into title="" attribute that makes them visible in the Lightbox. Defaults to: 1


The plugin generates two keys in {t} ZofCMS Template special key, thus making them available for use in your HTML::Template templates. Assuming t_name is left at its default value the following are the names of those two keys:


<tmpl_var name='plug_image_gallery_form'>

This variable will contain HTML form generated by the plugin, the form also includes display of errors.


<tmpl_var name='plug_image_gallery_list'>

This variable will contain the list of photos generated by the plugin.



<form action="" method="POST" id="plug_image_gallery_form" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input type="hidden" name="page" value="photos">
    <input type="hidden" name="dir" value="/admin/">
            <label for="plug_image_gallery_file">Image: </label
            ><input type="file" name="plug_image_gallery_file" id="plug_image_gallery_file">
            <label for="plug_image_gallery_description">Description: </label
            ><textarea name="plug_image_gallery_description" id="plug_image_gallery_description" cols="60" rows="5"></textarea>
    <input type="submit" name="plug_image_gallery_submit" value="Upload">

form when "Edit" was clicked

<form action="" method="POST" id="plug_image_gallery_form" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input type="hidden" name="page" value="photos">
    <input type="hidden" name="dir" value="/admin/">
    <input type="hidden" name="plug_image_gallery_id" value="07537915760568812292592510718228816144752">
            <label for="plug_image_gallery_description">Description: </label
            ><textarea name="plug_image_gallery_description" id="plug_image_gallery_description" cols="60" rows="5">Teh Descripshun!</textarea>
    <input type="submit" name="plug_image_gallery_submit" value="Update">

form when upload or update was successful

<p>Your image has been successfully uploaded.</p>
<p><a href="/;amp;dir=/admin/">Upload another image</a></p>

list (when both allow_edit and has_view is set to true values)

<ul class="plug_image_gallery_list">
        <a href="/;dir=/admin/&amp;plug_image_gallery_photo_id=037142535745273312292651650508033404216754"><img src="/photos/thumbs/0029243203419358812292651650444418525180907.jpg" width="191" height="200" alt=""></a>
            <form action="" method="POST">
                <input type="hidden" name="plug_image_gallery_id" value="037142535745273312292651650508033404216754">
                <input type="hidden" name="page" value="photos">
                <input type="hidden" name="dir" value="/admin/">
                <input type="submit" name="plug_image_gallery_action" value="Edit">
                <input type="submit" name="plug_image_gallery_action" value="Delete">
    <li class="alt">
        <a href="/;dir=/admin/&amp;plug_image_gallery_photo_id=07537915760568812292592510718228816144752"><img src="/photos/thumbs/058156553244134912292592510947564500241668.png" width="200" height="125" alt=""></a>
        <p>Teh Descripshun!</p>
            <form action="" method="POST">
                <input type="hidden" name="plug_image_gallery_id" value="07537915760568812292592510718228816144752">
                <input type="hidden" name="page" value="photos">
                <input type="hidden" name="dir" value="/admin/">
                <input type="submit" name="plug_image_gallery_action" value="Edit">
                <input type="submit" name="plug_image_gallery_action" value="Delete">

original image view

<a class="plug_image_gallery_return_to_image_list" href="/;dir=/admin/">Return to image list.</a>
<div id="plug_image_gallery_photo"><img src="/photos/0029243203419358812292651650444418525180907.jpg" width="575" height="600" alt="">
    <p class="plug_image_gallery_description">Uber hawt chick</p>

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::ImageResize (version 0.0103)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::ImageResize

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::ImageResize - Plugin to resize images


plugins => [

plug_image_resize => {
    images => [
        qw/3300 3300 frog.png/
    # below are all the default values
    inplace     => 1,
    only_down   => 1,
    cell        => 'd',
    key         => 'plug_image_resize',
    path        => 'thumbs',


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS that provides simple image resize capabilities. This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template.



plugins => [

Mangatory. You need to add the plugin to list of plugins to execute.


plug_image_resize => {
    images => [
        qw/3300 3300 frog.png/
    # optional options below; all are the default values
    inplace     => 1,
    only_down   => 1,
    cell        => 'd',
    key         => 'plug_image_resize',
    path        => 'thumbs',

plug_image_resize => sub {
    my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
    return {
        images => [
            qw/3300 3300 frog.png/

Mandatory. Takes a hashref or a subref as a value. If subref is specified, its return value will be assigned to plug_image_resize as if it was already there. If sub returns an undef, then plugin will stop further processing. The @_ of the subref will contain (in that order): ZofCMS Tempalate hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object. The plug_image_resize first-level key can be set in either (or both) ZofCMS Template and Main Config File files. If set in both, the values of keys that are set in ZofCMS Template take precedence. Possible keys/values are as follows:


images => [
    qw/3300 3300 frog.png/

images => {
    image1 => {
        x           => 110,
        y           => 110,
        image       => 'frog.png',
        inplace     => 1,
        only_down   => 1,
        path        => 'thumbs',
    image2 => [ qw/3300 3300 frog.png/ ],

images => [
    [ qw/1000 1000 frog.png/ ],
    [ qw/110 100 frog.png 0 1/ ],
        x           => 110,
        y           => 110,
        image       => 'frog.png',
        inplace     => 1,
        only_down   => 1,
        path        => 'thumbs',

images => sub {
    my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
    return [ qw/100 100 frog.png/ ];

Mandatory. The images key is the only optional key. Its value can be either an arrayref, an arrayref of arrayrefs/hashrefs, subref or a hashref.

If the value is a subref, the @_ will contain (in the following order): ZofCMS Template hashref, query parameters hashref, App::ZofCMS::Config object. The return value of the sub will be assigned to images key; if it's undef then plugin will not execute further.

When value is a hashref, it tells the plugin to resize several images and keys will represent the names of the keys in the result (see OUTPUT section below) and values are the image resize options. When value is an arrayref of scalar values, it tells the plugin to resize only one image and that resize options are in a "shortform" (see below). When the value is an arrayref of arrayrefs/hashrefs it means there are several images to resize and each element of the arrayref is an image to be resized and its resize options are set by each of those inner arrayrefs/hashrefs.

When resize options are given as an arrayref they correspond to the hashref-form keys in the following order:

x  y  image  inplace  only_down  path

In other words, the following resize options are equivalent:

[ qw/100 200 frog.png 0 1 thumbs/ ],

    x           => 110,
    y           => 110,
    image       => 'frog.png',
    inplace     => 1,
    only_down   => 1,
    path        => 'thumbs',

The x, y and image keys are mandatory. The rest of the keys are optional and their defaults are whatever is set to the same-named keys in the plugin's configuration (see below). The x and y keys specify the dimensions to which the image should be resized (see also the only_down option described below). The image key contans the path to the image, relative to file.


inplace => 1,

Optional. Takes either true or false values. When set to a true value, the plugin will resize the images inplace (i.e. the resized version will be written over the original). When set to a false value, the plugin will first copy the image into directory specified by path key and then resize it. Defaults to: 1


only_down => 1,

Optional. Takes either true or false values. When set to a true value, the plugin will only resize images if either of their dimensions is larger than what is set in x or y parameters. When set to a false value, the plugin will scale small images up to meet the x/y criteria. Note: the plugin will always keep aspect ratio of the images. Defaults to: 1


cell => 'd',

Optional. Specifies the name of the first-level key of ZofCMS Template hashref into which to put the results. Must point to either a non-existant key or a hashref. Defaults to: d


key => 'plug_image_resize',

Optional. Specifies the name of the second-level key (i.e. the name of the key inside cell hashref) where to put the results. Defaults to: plug_image_resize


path => 'thumbs',

Optional. Specifies the name of the directory, relative to, into which to copy the resized images when inline resize option is set to a false value. Defaults to: thumbs.


If an error occured during a resize, instead of a hashref you'll have an undef and the reason for error will be set to $t->{t}{plug_image_resize_error} where $t is the ZofCMS Template hashref.


The plugin will place the output into key hashref key inside cell first-level key (see parameters above). The type of value of the key will depend on how the images parameter was set (see dumps below for examples). In either case, each of the resized images will result in a hashref inside the results. The x and y keys will contain image's new size. The image key will contain the path to the image relative to file. If the image was not resized then the no_resize key will be present and its value will be 1. The inplace, path and only_down keys will be set to the values that were set to be used in resize options.

# `images` is set to a hashref with a key named `image1`
'd' => {
    'plug_image_resize' => {
        'image1' => {
            'inplace' => '0',
            'y' => 2062,
            'path' => 'thumbs',
            'only_down' => '0',
            'x' => 3300,
            'image' => 'thumbs/frog.png'

# `images` is set to one arrayref (i.e. no inner arrayrefs)
'd' => {
    'plug_image_resize' => {
        'inplace' => '0',
        'y' => 2062,
        'path' => 'thumbs',
        'only_down' => '0',
        'x' => 3300,
        'image' => 'thumbs/frog.png'

# `images` is set to one arrayref of arrayrefs
'd' => {
    'plug_image_resize' => [
            'inplace' => '0',
            'y' => 2062,
            'path' => 'thumbs',
            'only_down' => '0',
            'x' => 3300,
            'image' => 'thumbs/frog.png'

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::InstalledModuleChecker (version 0.0102)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::InstalledModuleChecker

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::InstalledModuleChecker - utility plugin to check for installed modules on the server


In ZofCMS Template or Main Config File:

plugins => [

plug_installed_module_checker => [
    qw/ Image::Resize

In HTML::Template template:

    <tmpl_loop name='plug_installed_module_checker'>
        <tmpl_var escape='html' name='info'>


The module is a utility plugin for App::ZofCMS that provides means to check for whether or not a particular module is installed on the server and get module's version if it is installed.

The idea for this plugin came to me when I was constantly writing "little testing scripts" that would tell me whether or not a particular module was installed on the crappy server that I have to work with all the time.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template



plugins => [

Mandatory. You need to include the plugin in the list of plugins to execute.


plug_installed_module_checker => [
    qw/ Image::Resize

Mandatory. Takes an arrayref as a value. Can be specified in either ZofCMS Template or Main Config File; if set in both, the value in ZofCMS Template takes precedence. Each element of the arrayref must be a module name that you wish to check for "installedness".


    <tmpl_loop name='plug_installed_module_checker'>
        <tmpl_var escape='html' name='info'>

Plugin will set $t->{t}{plug_installed_module_checker} (where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref) to an arrayref of hashrefs; thus, you'd use a <tmpl_loop> to view the info. Each hashref will have only one key - info - with information about whether or not a particular module is installed.

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::JavaScriptMinifier (version 0.0102)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::JavaScriptMinifier

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::JavaScriptMinifier - plugin for minifying JavaScript files


In your ZofCMS Template or Main Config File:

plugins => [

plug_js_minifier => {
    file => 'main.js',

Now, this page can be linked into your document as a JavaScript file (it will be minified)


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS that provides means to send minified JavaScript files.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template


Minified means that all the useless stuff (which means whitespace, etc) will be stripped off the JavaScript file to save a few bytes. See JavaScript::Minifier for more info.



plugins => [

Mandatory. You need to include the plugin to the list of plugins to execute.


plug_js_minifier => {
    file        => 'main.js',
    auto_output => 1, # default value
    cache       => 1, # default value

plug_js_minifier => sub {
    my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
    return {
        file        => 'main.js',
        auto_output => 1,
        cache       => 1,

Mandatory. Takes a hashref or a subref as a value. If subref is specified, its return value will be assigned to plug_js_minifier as if it was already there. If sub returns an undef, then plugin will stop further processing. The @_ of the subref will contain (in that order): ZofCMS Tempalate hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object. Individual keys can be set in both Main Config File and ZofCMS Template, if the same key set in both, the value in ZofCMS Template will take precedence. The following keys/values are accepted:


plug_js_minifier => {
    file        => 'main.js',

Mandatory. Takes a string as an argument that specifies the name of the JavaScript file to minify. The filename is relative to file.


plug_js_minifier => {
    file        => 'main.js',
    cache       => 1,

Optional. Takes either true or false values. When set to a true value the plugin will send out an HTTP Expires header that will say that this content expries in like 2038, thus set this option to a false value while still developing your JavaScript. This argument has no effect when auto_output (see below) is turned off (set to a false value). Defaults to: 1


plug_js_minifier => {
    file        => 'main.js',
    auto_output => 1,

Optional. Takes either true or false values. When set to a true value, plugin will automatically send text/javascript Content-type header (along with Expires header if cache argument is set to a true value), output the minified JavaScript file and exit(). Otherwise, the minified JavaScript file will be put into $t->{t}{plug_js_minifier} where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref and you can do whatever you want with it. Defaults to: 1

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::LinkifyText (version 0.0110)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::LinkifyText

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::LinkifyText - plugin to convert links in plain text into proper HTML <a> elements


In ZofCMS Template or Main Config File:

plugins => [

plug_linkify_text => {
    text => qq| foo\nbar\|,
    encode_entities => 1, # this one and all below are optional; default values are shown
    new_lines_as_br => 1,
    cell => 't',
    key  => 'plug_linkify_text',
    callback => sub {
        my $uri = encode_entities $_[0];
        return qq|<a href="$uri">$uri</a>|;

In HTML::Template template:

<tmpl_var name='plug_linkify_text'>


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS that provides means convert URIs found in plain text into proper <a href=""> HTML elements.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template



plugins => [

Mandatory. You need to include the plugin to the list of plugins to execute.


plug_linkify_text => {
    text => qq| foo\nbar\|,
    encode_entities => 1,
    new_lines_as_br => 1,
    cell => 't',
    key  => 'plug_linkify_text',
    callback => sub {
        my $uri = encode_entities $_[0];
        return qq|<a href="$uri">$uri</a>|;

plug_linkify_text => {
    text => qq| foo\nbar\|,
    encode_entities => 1,
    new_lines_as_br => 1,
    cell => 't',
    key  => 'plug_linkify_text',
    callback => sub {
        my $uri = encode_entities $_[0];
        return qq|<a href="$uri">$uri</a>|;

plug_linkify_text => sub {
    my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
    return {
        text => qq| foo\nbar\|,

Mandatory. Takes a hashref or a subref as a value; individual keys can be set in both Main Config File and ZofCMS Template, if the same key set in both, the value in ZofCMS Template will take precedence. If subref is specified, its return value will be assigned to plug_linkify_text as if it was already there. If sub returns an undef, then plugin will stop further processing. The @_ of the subref will contain (in that order): ZofCMS Tempalate hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object. The following keys/values are accepted:


plug_linkify_text => {
    text => qq| foo\nbar\|,

plug_linkify_text => {
    text => [

plug_linkify_text => {
    text => sub {
        my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
        return $q->{text_to_linkify};

plug_linkify_text => {
    text  => \[ qw/replies  reply_text/ ],
    text2 => 'post_text',
    text3 => [ qw/comments  comment_text  comment_link_text/ ],

Pseudo-Mandatory; if not specified (or undef) plugin will not run. Takes a wide range of values:


plug_linkify_text => {
    text => sub {
        my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
        return $q->{text_to_linkify};

If set to a subref, the sub's @_ will contain $t, $q, and $config (in that order), where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref, $q is query parameter hashref, and $config is App::ZofCMS::Config object. The return value from the sub can be any valid value accepted by the text argument (except the subref) and the plugin will proceed as if the returned value was assigned to text in the first place (including the undef, upon which the plugin will stop executing).


plug_linkify_text => {
    text => qq| foo\nbar\|,

If set to a scalar, the plugin will interpret the scalar as the string that needs to be linkified (i.e. links in the text changed to HTML links). Processed string will be stored into key key under cell first-level key (see the description for these below).


plug_linkify_text => {
    text => [

# output:
$VAR1 = {
    't' => 'plug_linkify_text' => [
        { text => '<a href=""></a>' },
        { text => '<a href=""></a>' },

If set to an arrayref, each element of that arrayref will be taken as a string that needs to be linkified. The output will be stored into key key under cell first-level key, and that output will be an arrayref of hashrefs. Each hashref will have only one key - text - value of which is the converted text (thus you can use this arrayref directly in <tmpl_loop>)

a ref of a ref

plug_linkify_text => {
    text  => \[ qw/replies  reply_text/ ],
    text2 => 'post_text',
    text3 => [ qw/comments  comment_text  comment_link_text/ ],

Lastly, text can be set to a... ref of a ref (bare with me). I think it's easier to understand the functionality when it's viewed as a following sequential process:

When text is set to a ref of a ref, the plugin enables the inplace edit mode. This is as far as this goes, and plugin dereferences this ref of a ref into an arrayref or a scalarref. Along with a simple scalar, these entities can be assigned to any extra text keys (see below). What inplace edit mode means is that text no longer contains direct strings of text to linkify, but rather an address of where to find, and edit, those strings.

When inplace mode is turned on, you can tell plugin to linkify multiple places. In order to specify another address for a string to edit, simply add another text postfixed with a number (e.g. text4; what the actual number is does not matter, the key just needs to match qr/^text\d+$/). The values of all the extra text keys do not have to be refs of refs, but rather can be either scalars, scalarrefs or arrayrefs.

A scalar and scalarref have same meaning here, i.e. the scalarref will be automatically dereferenced into a scalar. A simple scalar tells the plugin that the value of this scalar is the name of a key inside {t} ZofCMS Template special key, value of which contains the text to be linkified. The plugin will directly modify (linkify) that text. This can be used, for example, when you use App::ZofCMS::Plugin::DBI plugin's "single" retrieval mode.

The arrayrefs have different meaning. Their purpose is to process arrayrefs of hashrefs (this will probably conjure up App::ZofCMS::Plugin::DBI plugin's output in your mind). The first item in the arrayref represents the name of the key inside the {t} ZofCMS Template special key's hashref; the value of that key is the arrayref of hashrefs. All the following (one or more) items in the arrayref represent hashref keys that point to data to linkify.

Let's take a look at actual code examples. Let's imagine your {t} special key contains the following arrayref, say, put there by DBI plugin; this arrayref is referenced by a dbi_output key here. Also in the example, the dbi_output_single is set to a scalar, a string of text that we want to linkify:

dbi_output => [
    { ex => 'foo', ex2 => 'bar' },
    { ex => 'ber', ex2 => 'beer' },
    { ex => 'baz', ex2 => 'craz' },
dbi_output_single => 'some random text',

If you want to linkify all the texts inside dbi_output to which the ex keys point, you'd set text value as text => \[ qw/dbi_output ex/ ]. If you want to linkify the ex2 data as well, then you'd set text as text => \[ qw/dbi_output ex ex2/ ]. Can you guess what the code to linkify all the text in the example above will be? Here it is:

# note that we are assigning a REF of an arrayref to the first `text`
plug_linkify_text => {
    text    => \[
        'dbi_output',  # the key inside {t}
        'ex', 'ex2'    # keys of individual hashrefs that point to data
    text2   => 'dbi_output_single', # note that we didn't have to make this a ref

# here's an alternative version that does the same thing:
plug_linkify_text => {
    text    => \\'dbi_output_single', # note that this is a ref of a ref
    text554 => [  # this now doesn't have to be a ref of a ref
        'dbi_output',  # the key inside {t}
        'ex', 'ex2'    # keys of individual hashrefs that point to data


plug_linkify_text => {
    text => qq| foo\nbar\|,
    encode_entities => 1,

Optional. Takes either true or false values. When set to a true value, plugin will encode HTML entities in the provided text before processing URIs. Defaults to: 1


plug_linkify_text => {
    text => qq| foo\nbar\|,
    new_lines_as_br => 1,

Optional. Applies only when encode_entities (see above) is set to a true value. Takes either true or false values. When set to a true value, the plugin will convert anything that matches /\r?\n/ into HTML <br> element. Defaults to: 1


plug_linkify_text => {
    text => qq| foo\nbar\|,
    cell => 't',

Optional. Takes a literal string as a value. Specifies the name of the first-level key in ZofCMS Template hashref into which to put the result; this key must point to either an undef value or a hashref. See key argument below as well. Defaults to: t


plug_linkify_text => {
    text => qq| foo\nbar\|,
    key  => 'plug_linkify_text',

Optional. Takes a literal string as a value. Specifies the name of the second-level key that is inside cell (see above) key - plugin's output will be stored into this key. Defaults to: plug_linkify_text


plug_linkify_text => {
    text => qq| foo\nbar\|,
    callback => sub {
        my $uri = encode_entities $_[0];
        return qq|<a href="$uri">$uri</a>|;

Optional. Takes a subref as a value. This subref will be used as the "callback" sub in URI::Find::Schemeless's find() method. See URI::Find::Schemeless for details. Defaults to:

sub {
    my $uri = encode_entities $_[0];
    return qq|<a href="$uri">$uri</a>|;

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::LinksToSpecs::CSS (version 0.0104)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::LinksToSpecs::CSS

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::LinksToSpecs::CSS - easily include links to properties in CSS2.1 specification


In your ZofCMS template:

plugins => [ qw/LinksToSpecs::CSS/ ],

In your HTML::Template template:

See: <tmpl_var name="css_text-align"> for text-align property<br>
See: <tmpl_var name="css_display"> for display propery<br>
<tmpl_var name="css_float_p"> is quite neat


The module is a plugin for ZofCMS which allows you to easily link to CSS properties in CSS2.1 specification. Personally, I use it when writing my tutorials, hopefully it will be useful to someone else as well.


plugins => [ qw/LinksToSpecs::CSS/ ],

The only thing you'd need in your ZofCMS template is to add the plugin into the list of plugins to execute.


See: <tmpl_var name="css_text-align"> for text-align property<br>
See: <tmpl_var name="css_display"> for display propery<br>
<tmpl_var name="css_float_p"> is quite neat

To include links to CSS properties in your HTML code you'd use <tmpl_var name="">. The plugin provides four "styles" of links which are presented below. The PROP stands for any CSS property specified in CSS2.1 specification, LINK stands for the link pointing to the explaination of the given property in CSS specification. Note: everything needs to be lowercased:

<tmpl_var name="css_PROP">
<a href="LINK" title="CSS Specification: 'PROP' property"><code>PROP</code></a>

<tmpl_var name="css_PROP_p">
<a href="LINK" title="CSS Specification: 'PROP' property"><code>PROP</code> property</a>

<tmpl_var name="css_PROP_c">
<a href="LINK" title="CSS Specification: 'PROP' property">PROP</a>

<tmpl_var name="css_PROP_cp">
<a href="LINK" title="CSS Specification: 'PROP' property">PROP property</a>

The plugin also has links for :after, :hover, etc. pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements; in this case, the rules are the same except in the output word "property" would say "pseudo-class" or "pseudo-element".


App::ZofCMS::Plugin::LinksToSpecs::HTML (version 0.0101)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::LinksToSpecs::HTML

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::LinksToSpecs::HTML - easily include links to elements in HTML 4.01 specification


In your ZofCMS template:

plugins => [ qw/LinksToSpecs::HTML/ ],

In your HTML::Template template:

See: <tmpl_var name="html_div"> for div element<br>
See: <tmpl_var name="html_blockquote"> for blockquote element<br>
<tmpl_var name="html_a_ce"> is used for links.


The module is a plugin for ZofCMS which allows you to easily link to HTML elements in HTML 4.01 specification. Personally, I use it when writing my tutorials, hopefully it will be useful to someone else as well.


plugins => [ qw/LinksToSpecs::HTML/ ],

The only thing you'd need in your ZofCMS template is to add the plugin into the list of plugins to execute.


See: <tmpl_var name="html_div"> for div element<br>
See: <tmpl_var name="html_blockquote"> for blockquote element<br>
<tmpl_var name="html_a_ce"> is used for links.

To include links to HTML elements in your HTML code you'd use <tmpl_var name="">. The plugin provides four "styles" of links which are presented below. The EL stands for any HTML element specified in HTML 4.01 specification, LINK stands for the link pointing to the explaination of the given element in HTML specification. Note: everything needs to be lowercased:

<tmpl_var name="html_EL">
<a href="LINK" title="HTML Specification: '&amp;lt;EL&amp;gt;' element"><code>&amp;lt;EL&amp;gt;</code></a>

<tmpl_var name="html_EL_e">
<a href="LINK" title="HTML Specification: '&amp;lt;EL&amp;gt;' element"><code>&amp;lt;EL&amp;gt;</code> element</a>

<tmpl_var name="html_EL_c">
<a href="LINK" title="HTML Specification: '&amp;lt;EL&amp;gt;' element">&amp;lt;EL&amp;gt;</a>

<tmpl_var name="html_EL_ce">
<a href="LINK" title="HTML Specification: '&amp;lt;EL&amp;gt;' element">&amp;lt;EL&amp;gt; element</a>


App::ZofCMS::Plugin::NavMaker (version 0.0103)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::NavMaker

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::NavMaker - ZofCMS plugin for making navigation bars


In your Main Config File or ZofCMS Template:

nav_maker => [
    qw/Foo Bar Baz/,
    [ qw(Home /home) ],
    [ qw(Music /music) ],
    [ qw(foo /foo-bar-baz), 'This is the title=""', 'this_is_id' ],
plugins => [ qw/NavMaker/ ],

In your HTML::Template template:

<tmpl_var name="nav_maker">

Produces this code:

<ul id="nav">
        <li id="nav_foo"><a href="/foo" title="Visit Foo">Foo</a></li>
        <li id="nav_bar"><a href="/bar" title="Visit Bar">Bar</a></li>
        <li id="nav_baz"><a href="/baz" title="Visit Baz">Baz</a></li>
        <li id="nav_home"><a href="/home" title="Visit Home">Home</a></li>
        <li id="nav_music"><a href="/music" title="Visit Music">Music</a></li>
        <li id="this_is_id"><a href="/foo-bar-baz" title="This is the title=&quot;&quot;">foo</a></li>


The plugin doesn't do much but after writing HTML code for hundreds of navigation bars I was fed up... and released this tiny plugin.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template



plugins => [ qw/NavMaker/ ],

The obvious one is that you'd want to add NavMaker into the list of your plugins.


nav_maker => [
    qw/Foo Bar Baz/,
    [ qw(Home /home) ],
    [ qw(Music /music) ],
    [ qw(foo /foo-bar-baz), 'This is the title=""', 'this_is_id' ],

nav_maker => sub {
    my ( $template, $query, $config ) = @_;

    return [
        qw/Foo Bar Baz/,
        [ qw(Home /home) ],
        [ qw(Music /music) ],
        [ qw(foo /foo-bar-baz), 'This is the title=""', 'this_is_id' ],

Can be specified in either Main Config File first-level key or ZofCMS template first-level key. If specified in both, the one in ZofCMS Template will take precedence. Takes an arrayref or a subref as a value. If the value is a subref, it must return an arrayref, which will be processed the same way as if the returned arrayref would be assigned to nav_maker key instead of the subref (see description further). The @_ of the sub will contain the following: $template, $query and $config (in that order), where $template is the ZofCMS Template hashref, $query is the query parameters (param names are keys and values are their values) and $config is the App::ZofCMS::Config object.

The elements of the arrayref (whether directly assigned or returned from the subref) can either be strings or arrayrefs, element which is a string is the same as an arrayref with just that string as an element. Each of those arrayrefs can contain from one to four elements. They are interpreted as follows:

first element

nav_maker => [ qw/Foo Bar Baz/ ],

# same as

nav_maker => [
    [ 'Foo' ],
    [ 'Bar' ],
    [ 'Baz' ],

Mandatory. Specifies the text to use for the link.

second element

nav_maker => [
    [ Foo => '/foo' ],

Optional. Specifies the href="" attribute for the link. If not specified will be calculated from the first element (the text for the link) in the following way:

$text =~ s/[\W_]/-/g;
return lc "/$text";

third element

nav_maker => [
    [ 'Foo', '/foo', 'Title text' ],

Optional. Specifies the title="" attribute for the link. If not specified the first element (the text for the link) will be used for the title with word Visit prepended.

fourth element

nav_maker => [
    [ 'Foo', '/foo', 'Title text', 'id_of_the_li' ]

Optional. Specifies the id="" attribute for the <li> element of this navigation bar item. If not specified will be calculated from the first element (the text of the link) in the following way:

$text =~ s/\W/_/g;
return lc "nav_$text";



<tmpl_var name="nav_maker">

Plugin sets nav_maker key in {t} ZofCMS template special key, to the generated HTML code, simply stick <tmpl_var name="nav_maker"> whereever you wish to have your navigation.

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::PreferentialOrder (version 0.0102)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::PreferentialOrder

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::PreferentialOrder - Display HTML snippets in user-controllable, savable order


This plugin was designed to be used in conjunction with JavaScript (JS) code that controls the order of items on the page and submits that information to the server.

If you wish to use a different, your own front-end, please study JS code provided at the end of this documentation to understand what is required.


In your HTML::Template template:

<tmpl_var name='plug_pref_order_form'>
<tmpl_var name='plug_pref_order_list'>
<tmpl_var name='plug_pref_order_disabled_list'>

In your ZofCMS template:

plugins => [ qw/PreferentialOrder/, ],

# except for the mandatory argument `items`, the default values are shown
plug_preferential_order => {
    items => [ # four value type variations shown here
        forum3  => '<a href="#">Forum3</a>',
        forum4  => [ 'Last forum ":)"',   \'forum-template.tmpl', ],
        forum   => [ 'First forum ":)"',  '<a href="#">Forum</a>',  ],
        forum2  => [
            'Second forum ":)"',
            sub {
                my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
                return '$value_for_the_second_element_in_the_arrayref';
    dsn            => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",
    user           => '',
    pass           => undef,
    opt            => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 },
    users_table    => 'users',
    order_col      => 'plug_pref_order',
    login_col      => 'login',
    order_login    => sub { $_[0]->{d}{user}{login} },
    separator      => ',',
    has_disabled   => 1,
    enabled_label  => q|<p class="ppof_label">Enabled items</p>|,
    disabled_label => q|<p class="ppof_label">Disabled items</p>|,
    submit_button  => q|<input type="submit" class="input_submit"|
                        . q| value="Save">|,


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS that provides means to have a sortable list of custom HTML snippets. The order can be defined by each individual user to suit their needs. The order is defined using a form provided by the plugin, the actual sorting is done by MooTools ( JS framework. Use of this framework is not a necessity; it's up to you what you'll use as a front-end. An example of MooTools front-end is provided at the end of this documentation.

The plugin provides two modes: single sortable list, and double lists, where the second list represents "disabled" items, although that can well be used for having two lists with items being sorted between each of them (e.g. primary and secondary navigations).

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template



plugins => [ qw/PreferentialOrder/ ],

Mandatory. You need to include the plugin in the list of plugins to execute.


# except for the mandatory argument `items`, the default values are shown
plug_preferential_order => {
    items => [ # four value type variations shown here
        forum3  => '<a href="#">Forum3</a>',
        forum4  => [ 'Last forum ":)"',   \'forum-template.tmpl', ],
        forum   => [ 'First forum ":)"',  '<a href="#">Forum</a>',  ],
        forum2  => [
            'Second forum ":)"',
            sub {
                my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
                return '$value_for_the_second_element_in_the_arrayref';
    dsn            => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",
    user           => '',
    pass           => undef,
    opt            => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 },
    users_table    => 'users',
    order_col      => 'plug_pref_order',
    login_col      => 'login',
    order_login    => sub { $_[0]->{d}{user}{login} },
    separator      => ',',
    has_disabled   => 1,
    enabled_label  => q|<p class="ppof_label">Enabled items</p>|,
    disabled_label => q|<p class="ppof_label">Disabled items</p>|,
    submit_button  => q|<input type="submit" class="input_submit"|
                        . q| value="Save">|,

# or
plug_preferential_order => sub {
    my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
    return $hashref_to_assign_to_the_plug_key;

Mandatory. Takes either an undef, a hashref or a subref as a value. If subref is specified, its return value will be assigned to plug_preferential_order as if it was already there. If undef is specified or the sub returns one, then plugin will stop further processing. The @_ of the subref will contain $t, $q, and $config (in that order), where $t is ZofCMS Tempalate hashref, $q is query parameter hashref and $config is App::ZofCMS::Config object. Possible keys/values for the hashref are as follows:


plug_preferential_order => {
    items => [ # four value type variations shown here
        forum3  => '<a href="#">Forum3</a>',
        forum4  => [ 'Last forum ":)"',   \'forum-template.tmpl', ],
        forum   => [ 'First forum ":)"',  '<a href="#">Forum</a>',  ],
        forum2  => [
            'Second forum ":)"',
            sub {
                my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
                return '$value_for_the_second_element_in_the_arrayref';

plug_preferential_order => {
    items => sub {
        my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
        return $items_arrayref;

Mandatory. Takes an arrayref, a subref or undef as a value. If set to undef (i.e. not specified), plugin will not execute. If a subref is specified, its return value will be assigned to items as if it was already there. The @_ of the subref will contain $t, $q, and $config (in that order), where $t is ZofCMS Tempalate hashref, $q is query parameter hashref and $config is App::ZofCMS::Config object. This argument tells the plugin the items on the list you want the user to sort and use.

The insides of the arrayref are best to be thought as keys/values of a hashref; the reason for the arrayref is to preserve the original order. The "keys" of the arrayref must NOT contain separator (see below) and need to conform to HTML/Your-markup-language id attribute ( These keys are used by the plugin to label the items in the form that the user uses to sort their lists, the labels for the actual list items when they are displayed, as well as labels stored in the SQL table for each user.

The "value" of the "key" in the arrayref can be a scalar, a scalarref, a subref, as well as an arrayref with two items, first being a scalar and the second one being either a scalar, a scalarref, or a subref.

When the value is a scalar, scalarref or subref, it will be internally converted to an arrayref with the value being the second item, and the first item being the "key" of this "value" in the arrayref. In other words, these two codes are equivalent:

items => [ foo => 'bar', ],

items => [ foo => [ 'foo', 'bar', ], ],

The first item in the inner arrayref specifies the human readable name of the HTML snippet. This will be presented to the user in the sorting form. The second item represents the actual snippet and it can be specified using one of the following three ways:

a subref

items => [
    foo => [
        bar => sub {
            my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
            return 'scalar or scalarref to represent the actual snippet';

If the second item is a subref, its @_ will contain $t, $q, and $config (in that order) where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref, $q is query parameter hashref, and $config is App::ZofCMS::Config object. The sub must return either a scalar or a scalarref that will be assigned to the "key" instead of this subref.

a scalar

items => [
    foo => [
        bar => [ bez => '<a href="#"><tmpl_var name="meow"></a>', ],

If the second item is a scalar, it will be interpreted as a snippet of HTML::Template template. The parameters will be set into this snippet from {t} ZofCMS Template special key.

a scalarref

items => [
    foo => [
        bar => [ bez => \'template.tmpl', ],

If the second item is a scalaref, its meaning and function is the same as for the scalar value, except the HTML::Template template snippet will be read from the filename specified by the scalarref. Relative paths here will be relative to file.


plug_preferential_order => {
    dsn => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",

Optional, but with useless default value. The dsn key will be passed to DBI's connect_cached() method, see documentation for DBI and DBD::your_database for the correct syntax for this one. The example above uses MySQL database called test that is located on localhost. Defaults to: DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost


plug_preferential_order => {
    user => '',

Optional. Specifies the user name (login) for the database. This can be an empty string if, for example, you are connecting using SQLite driver. Defaults to: empty string


plug_preferential_order => {
    pass => undef,

Optional. Same as user except specifies the password for the database. Defaults to: undef (no password)


plug_preferential_order => {
    opt => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 },

Optional. Will be passed directly to DBI's connect_cached() method as "options". Defaults to: { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 }


plug_preferential_order => {
    users_table => 'users',

# This is the minimal SQL table needed by the plugin:
CREATE TABLE `users` (
    `login`           TEXT,
    `plug_pref_order` TEXT

Optional. Takes a scalar as a value that represents the table into which to store users' sort orders. The table can be anything you want, but must at least contain two columns (see order_col and login_col below). Defaults to: users


plug_preferential_order => {
    order_col => 'plug_pref_order',

Optional. Takes a scalar as a value. Specifies the name of the column in the users_table table into which to store users' sort orders. The orders will be stored as strings, so the column must have appropriate type. Defaults to: plug_pref_order


plug_preferential_order => {
    login_col => 'login',

Optional. Takes a scalar as a value. Specifies the name of the column in the users_table table in which users' logins are stored. The plugin will use the values in this column only to look up appropriate order_col columns, thus the data type can be anything you want. Defaults to: login


plug_preferential_order => {
    order_login => sub {
        my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
        return $t->{d}{user}{login};

plug_preferential_order => {
    order_login => 'zoffix',

Optional. Takes a scalar, undef, or a subref as a value. If set to undef (not specified) the plugin will not run. If subref is specified, its return value will be assigned to order_login as it was already there. The @_ will contain $t, $q, and $config (in that order) where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref, $q is query parameter hashref, and $config is App::ZofCMS::Config object. The scalar value specifies the "login" of the current user; this will be used to get and store the order_col value based on the order_login present in the login_col column in the users_table table. Defaults to: sub { $_[0]->{d}{user}{login} }


plug_preferential_order => {
    separator => ',',

Optional. Specifies the separator that will be used to join together sort order before sticking it into the database. IMPORTANT: your JS code must use the same separator to join together the sort order items when user submits the sorting form. Defaults to: , (a comma)


plug_preferential_order => {
    has_disabled => 1,

Optional. Takes either true or false values as a value. When set to a true value, the plugin will present the user with two lists, with the items movable between the two. When set to a false value, the plugin will show the user only one sortable list.

If the order was stored between the two lists, but then the second list becomes disabled, the previously disabled items will be appended to the end of the first list (both in the display list, and in the sorting form). If the second list becomes enabled before the user saves the single-list order, the divisions between the two lists will be preserved.

Originally, this was designed to have "enabled" and "disabled" groups of items, hence the naming of this and few other options; the "enabled" represents the list that is always shown, and the "disabled" represents the list that is toggleable with has_disabled argument. Defaults to: 1 (second list is enabled)


plug_preferential_order => {
    enabled_label => q|<p class="ppof_label">Enabled items</p>|,

Optional. Applies only when has_disabled is set to a true value. Takes HTML code as a value that will be shown above the "enabled" list of items inside the sorting form. Defaults to: <p class="ppof_label">Enabled items</p>


plug_preferential_order => {
    disabled_label => q|<p class="ppof_label">Disabled items</p>|,

Optional. Applies only when has_disabled is set to a true value. Takes HTML code as a value that will be shown above the "disabled" list of items inside the sorting form. Defaults to: <p class="ppof_label">Disabled items</p>


plug_preferential_order => {
    submit_button => q|<input type="submit" class="input_submit"|
                        . q| value="Save">|,

Optional. Takes HTML code as a value that represents the submit button on the sorting form. This was designed with the idea to allow image button use; however, feel free to insert here any extra HTML code you require in your form. Defaults to: <input type="submit" class="input_submit" value="Save">


<tmpl_var name='plug_pref_order_form'>
<tmpl_var name='plug_pref_order_list'>
<tmpl_var name='plug_pref_order_disabled_list'>

The plugin operates through three HTML::Template variables that you can use in any combination. These are as follows:


<tmpl_var name='plug_pref_order_form'>

This variable contains the sorting form.


<tmpl_var name='plug_pref_order_list'>

This variable contains the "enabled" list. If has_disabled is turned off while the user has some items in their "disabled" list; all of them will be appended to the "enabled" list.


<tmpl_var name='plug_pref_order_disabled_list'>

This variable contains the "disabled" list. If has_disabled is turned off while the user has some items in their "disabled" list; all of them will be appended to the "enabled" list, and this ("disabled") list will be empty.


This code relies on MooTools ( JS framework to operate. (Note: this code also includes non-essential bit to make the enabled and disabled lists of constant size)

window.onload = function() {

function setup_sortables() {
    var els_list = $$('.ppof_list li');
    var total_height = 0;
    for ( var i = 0, l = els_list.length; i < l; i++ ) {
        total_height += els_list[i].getSize().y;
    $$('.ppof_list').set({'styles': {'min-height': total_height}});

    var mySortables = new Sortables('#ppof_order, #ppof_order_disabled', {
        'constraint': true,
        'clone': true,
        'opacity': 0.3

    $('ppof_order').zof_sortables = mySortables;
    $('plug_preferential_order_form').onsubmit = add_sorted_list_input;

function add_sorted_list_input() {
    var result = $('ppof_order').zof_sortables.serialize(
        function(element, index){
            return element.getProperty('id').replace('ppof_order_item_','');

    var result_el = new Element ('input', {
        'type': 'hidden',
        'name': 'ppof_order',
        'value': result

    var result_disabled = $('ppof_order').zof_sortables.serialize(
        function(element, index){
            return element.getProperty('id').replace('ppof_order_item_','');

    var result_el_disabled = new Element ('input', {
        'type': 'hidden',
        'name': 'ppof_order_disabled',
        'value': result_disabled
    return true;


This is just a quick and ugly sample CSS code to give your lists some structure for you to quickly play with the plugin to decide if you need it:

#ppof_disabled_container {
    width: 400px;
    float: left;

.ppof_label {
    text-align: center;
    font-size: 90%;
    font-weight: bold;
    letter-spacing: -1px;
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;

.success-message {
    color: #aa0;
    font-weight: bold;
    font-size: 90%;

.ppof_list {
    list-style: none;
    border: 1px solid #ccc;
    min-height: 20px;
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0 0 7px;
    background: #ffd;

.ppof_list li {
    padding: 10px;
    background: #ddd;
    border: 1px solid #aaa;
    position: relative;

#plug_preferential_order_form .input_submit {
    clear: both;
    display: block;


Sorting Form

<!-- Double list (has_disabled is set to a true value) -->
<form action="" method="POST" id="plug_preferential_order_form">
    <input type="hidden" name="page" value="/index">
    <input type="hidden" name="ppof_save_order" value="1">

    <div id="ppof_enabled_container">
        <p class="ppof_label">Enabled items</p>
        <ul id="ppof_order" class="ppof_list">
            <li id="ppof_order_item_forum4">Last forum ":)"</li>
            <li id="ppof_order_item_forum">First forum ":)"</li>

    <div id="ppof_enabled_container">
        <p class="ppof_label">Disabled items</p>
        <ul id="ppof_order_disabled" class="ppof_list">
            <li id="ppof_order_item_forum2">Second forum ":)"</li>
            <li id="ppof_order_item_forum3">forum3</li>

    <input type="submit" class="input_submit" value="Save">

<!-- Single list (has_disabled is set to a false value) -->
<form action="" method="POST" id="plug_preferential_order_form">
    <input type="hidden" name="page" value="/index">
    <input type="hidden" name="ppof_save_order" value="1">

    <div id="ppof_enabled_container">
        <ul id="ppof_order" class="ppof_list">
            <li id="ppof_order_item_forum4">Last forum ":)"</li>
            <li id="ppof_order_item_forum">First forum ":)"</li>
            <li id="ppof_order_item_forum2">Second forum ":)"</li>
            <li id="ppof_order_item_forum3">forum3</li>

    <input type="submit" class="input_submit" value="Save">

This form shows the default arguments for enabled_label, disabled_label and submit_button. Note that id="" attributes on the list items are partially made out of the "keys" set in items argument. The value for page hidden input is derived by the plugin automagically.

"Enabled" Sorted List

<ul class="plug_list_html_template">
    <li id="ppof_order_list_item_forum4">Foo:</li>
    <li id="ppof_order_list_item_forum"><a href="#">Forum</a></li>

The end parts of id="" attributes on the list items are derived from the "keys" in items arrayref. Note that HTML in the values are not escaped.

"Disabled" Sorted List

<ul class="plug_list_html_template_disabled">
    <li id="ppof_order_list_disabled_item_forum2">Bar</li>
    <li id="ppof_order_list_disabled_item_forum3">Meow</li>

The end parts of id="" attributes on the list items are derived from the "keys" in items arrayref. HTML in the values (innards of <li>s) are not escaped.


This plugins lives on these modules:

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Base => 0.0106,
DBI                       => 1.607,
HTML::Template            => 2.9,

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::QueryToTemplate (version 0.0102)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::QueryToTemplate

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::QueryToTemplate - ZofCMS plugin to automagically make query parameters available in the template


In your ZofCMS template, or in your main config file (under template_defaults or dir_defaults):

plugins => [ qw/QueryToTemplate/ ];

In any of your HTML::Template templates:

<tmpl_var name="query_SOME_QUERY_PARAMETER_NAME">


Plugin can be run at any priority level and it does not take any input from ZofCMS template.

Upon plugin's execution it will stuff the {t} first level key (see App::ZofCMS::Template if you don't know what that key is) with all the query parameters as keys and values being the parameter values. Each query parameter key will be prefixed with query_. In other words, if your query looks like this:

In your template parameter foo would be accessible as query_foo and parameter baz would be accessible via query_baz

Foo is: <tmpl_var name="query_foo">
Baz is: <tmpl_var name="query_baz">

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::QuickNote (version 0.0107)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::QuickNote

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::QuickNote - drop-in "quicknote" form to email messages from your site


In your ZofCMS template:

# basic:
quicknote => {
    to  => '',

# juicy
quicknote => {
    mailer      => 'testfile',
    to          => [ '', ''],
    subject     => 'Quicknote from',
    must_name   => 1,
    must_email  => 1,
    must_message => 1,
    name_max    => 20,
    email_max   => 20,
    message_max => 1000,
    success     => 'Your message has been successfuly sent',
    format      => <<'END_FORMAT',
Quicknote from host {::{host}::} sent on {::{time}::}
Name: {::{name}::}
E-mail: {::{email}::}

In your HTML::Template template:

<tmpl_var name="quicknote">


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS which provides means to easily drop-in a "quicknote" form which asks the user for his/her name, e-mail address and a message he or she wants to send. After checking all of the provided values plugin will e-mail the data which the visitor entered to the address which you specified.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template


The only thing you'd want to add in your HTML::Template is a <tmpl_var name="quicknote"> the data for this variable will be put into special key {t}, thus you can stick it in secondary templates.



    plugins => [ qw/QuickNote/ ],

First and obvious is that you'd want to include the plugin in the list of plugins to run.


# basic:
quicknote => {
    to  => '',

# juicy
quicknote => {
    mailer      => 'testfile',
    to          => [ '', ''],
    subject     => 'Quicknote from',
    must_name   => 1,
    must_email  => 1,
    must_message => 1,
    name_max    => 20,
    email_max   => 20,
    message_max => 1000,
    success     => 'Your message has been successfuly sent',
    format      => <<'END_FORMAT',
Quicknote from host {::{host}::} sent on {::{time}::}
Name: {::{name}::}
E-mail: {::{email}::}

The quicknote first-level ZofCMS template key is the only thing you'll need to use to tell the plugin what to do. The key takes a hashref as a value. The only mandatory key in that hashref is the to key, the rest have default values. Possible keys in quicknote hashref are as follows:


to => ''

to => [ '', ''],

Mandatory. Takes either a string or an arrayref as a value. Passing the string is equivalent to passing an arrayref with just one element. Each element of that arrayref must contain a valid e-mail address, upon successful completion of the quicknote form by the visitor the data on that form will be emailed to all of the addresses which you specify here.


mailer => 'testfile',

Optional. Specifies which mailer to use for sending mail. See documentation for Mail::Mailer for possible mailers. When using the testfile mailer the file will be located in the same directory your in which your file is located. By default plugin will do the same thing Mail::Mailer will (search for the first available mailer).


subject => 'Quicknote from',

Optional. Specifies the subject line of the quicknote e-mail. Defaults to: Quicknote

must_name, must_email and must_message

must_name   => 1,
must_email  => 1,
must_message => 1,

Optional. The must_name, must_email and must_message arguments specify whether or not the "name", "e-mail" and "message" form fields are mandatory. When set to a true value indicate that the field is mandatory. When set to a false value the form field will be filled with N/A unless specified by the visitor. Visitor will be shown an error message if he or she did not specify some mandatory field. By default only the must_message argument is set to a true value (thus the vistior does not have to fill in neither the name nor the e-mail).

name_max, email_max and message_max

name_max    => 20,
email_max   => 20,
message_max => 1000,

Optional. Alike must_* arguments, the name_max, email_max and message_max specify max lengths of form fields. Visitor will be shown an error message if any of the parameters exceed the specified maximum lengths. By default the value for name_max is 100, value for email_max is 200 and value for message_max 10000


success => 'Your message has been successfuly sent',

Optional. Specifies the text to display to your visitor when the quicknote is successfuly sent. Defaults to: 'Your message has been successfuly sent'.


on_success => 'quicknote_success'

Optional. Takes a string as a value that representes a key in {t} special key. When specified, the plugin will set the on_success key in {t} special key to a true value when the quicknote has been sent; this can be used to display some special messages when quick note succeeds. Defaults to: quicknote_success.


on_error => 'quicknote_error'

Optional. Takes a string as a value that representes a key in {t} special key. When specified, the plugin will set the on_error key in {t} special key to a true value when the quicknote has not been sent due to some error, e.g. user did not specify mandatory parameters; this can be used to display some special messages when quick note fails. By default is not specified.


    format      => <<'END_FORMAT',
Quicknote from host {::{host}::} sent on {::{time}::}
Name: {::{name}::}
E-mail: {::{email}::}

Optional. Here you can specify the format of the quicknote e-mail which plugin will send. The following special sequences will be replaced by corresponding values:

{::{host}::}        - the host of the person sending the quicknote
{::{time}::}        - the time the message was sent ( localtime() )
{::{name}::}        - the "Name" form field
{::{email::}        - the "E-mail" form field
{::{message}::}     - the "Message" form field

Default format is shown above and in SYNOPSIS.


Below is the HTML code generated by the plugin. Use CSS to style it.

# on successful send
<p class="quicknote_success"><tmpl_var name="success"></p>

# on error
<p class="quicknote_error"><tmpl_var name="error"></p>

# the form itself
<form class="quicknote" action="" method="POST">
    <input type="hidden" name="quicknote_username" value="your full name">
    <input type="hidden" name="page" value="index">
            <label for="quicknote_name">Name:</label
            ><input type="text" name="quicknote_name" id="quicknote_name"
            <label for="quicknote_email">E-mail: </label
            ><input type="text" name="quicknote_email" id="quicknote_email"
            <label for="quicknote_message">Message: </label
            ><textarea name="quicknote_message" id="quicknote_message"
            cols="40" rows="10"></textarea>
    <input type="submit" id="quicknote_submit" value="Send">

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::RandomBashOrgQuote (version 0.0102)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::RandomBashOrgQuote

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::RandomBashOrgQuote - tiny plugin to fetch random quotes from


Include the plugin

plugins => [

In HTML::Template file:

<pre><tmpl_var escape='html' name='plug_random_bash_org_quote'></pre>


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS that provides means to fetch a random quote from

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template


plugins => [

Unlike many other plugins, this plugin does not have any configuration options and will run if it's included in the list of plugins to run.


<pre><tmpl_var escape='html' name='plug_random_bash_org_quote'></pre>

Plugin will set $t->{t}{plug_random_bash_org_quote} to the fetched random quote or to an error message if an error occured; in case of an error the message will be prefixed with Error: (in case you wanna mingle with that).

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::RandomPasswordGenerator (version 0.0102)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::RandomPasswordGenerator

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::RandomPasswordGenerator - easily generate random passwords with an option to use md5_hex from Digest::MD5 on them


# simple usage example; config values are plugin's defaults

plugins => [ qw/RandomPasswordGenerator/ ],
plug_random_password_generator => {
    length   => 8,
    chars    => [ 0..9, 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z' ],
    cell     => 'd',
    key      => 'random_pass',
    md5_hex  => 0,
    pass_num => 1,

# generated password is now a string in $t->{d}{random_pass}
# where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS that provides means to generate one or several random passwords and optionally use md5_hex() from Digest::MD5 on them.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template

Make sure to read FORMAT OF VALUES FOR GENERATED PASSWORDS section at the end of this document.



plugins => [ qw/RandomPasswordGenerator/ ],

Self-explanatory: you need to include the plugin in the list of plugins to run.


plug_random_password_generator => {
    length   => 8,
    chars    => [ 0..9, 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z' ],
    cell     => 'd',
    key      => 'random_pass',
    md5_hex  => 0,
    pass_num => 1,

plug_random_password_generator => sub {
    my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
    return {
        length   => 8,
        chars    => [ 0..9, 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z' ],
        cell     => 'd',
        key      => 'random_pass',
        md5_hex  => 0,
        pass_num => 1,

Mandatory. The plugin won't run unless plug_random_password_generator first-level key is present. Takes a hashref or a subref as a value. If subref is specified, its return value will be assigned to plug_random_password_generator as if it was already there. If sub returns an undef, then plugin will stop further processing. The @_ of the subref will contain (in that order): ZofCMS Tempalate hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object. To run the plugin with all the defaults specify an empty hashref as a value. The plug_random_password_generator key can be set in either (or both) Main Config File and ZofCMS Template; if set in both, the hashref keys that are set in ZofCMS Template will override the ones that are set in Main Config File. Possible keys/values of the hashref are as follows:


plug_random_password_generator => {
    length   => 8,

Optional. Takes a positive integer as a value. Specifies the length - in characters - of password(s) to generate. Defaults to: 8


plug_random_password_generator => {
    chars    => [ 0..9, 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z' ],

Optional. Takes an arrayref as a value. Elements of this arrayref must be characters; these characters specify the set of characters to be used in the generated password. Defaults to: [ 0..9, 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z' ]


plug_random_password_generator => {
    cell     => 'd',

Optional. Takes a string specifying the name of the first-level ZofCMS Template key into which to create key key (see below) and place the results. The key must be a hashref (or undef, in which case it will be autovivified); why? see key argument below. Defaults to: d


plug_random_password_generator => {
    key      => 'random_pass',

Optional. Takes a string specifying the name of the ZofCMS Template key in hashref specified be cell (see above) into which to place the results. In other words, if cell is set to d and key is set to random_pass then generated password(s) will be found in $t->{d}{random_pass} where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref. Defaults to: random_pass


plug_random_password_generator => {
    md5_hex  => 0,

Optional. Takes either true or false values. When set to a true value, the plugin will also generate string that is made from calling md5_hex() from Digest::MD5 on the generated password. See FORMAT OF VALUES FOR GENERATED PASSWORDS section below. Defaults to: 0


plug_random_password_generator => {
    pass_num => 1,

Optional. Takes a positive integer as a value. Specifies the number of passwords to generate. See FORMAT OF VALUES FOR GENERATED PASSWORDS section below. Defaults to: 1


Examples below assume that cell argument is set to d and key argument is set to random_pass (those are their defaults). The $VAR is ZofCMS Template hashref, other keys of this hashref were removed for brevity.

# all defaults
$VAR1 = {
    'd' => {
        'random_pass' => 'ETKSeRJS',

# md5_hex option is set to a true value, the rest are defaults
$VAR1 = {
    'd' => {
        'random_pass' => [
                            '3b6SY9LY',                         # generated password
                            '6e28112de1ff183966248d78a4aa1d7b'  # md5_hex() ran on it

# pass_num is set to 2, the rest are defaults
$VAR1 = {
    'd' => {
        'random_pass' => [
                            'oqdQmwZ5', # first password
                            'NwzRv6q8'  # second password

# pass_num is set to 2 and md5_hex is set to a true value
$VAR1 = {
    'd' => {
        'random_pass' => [
                '9itPzasC',                             # first password
                '5f29eb2cf6dbccc048faa9666187ac22'      # md5_hex() ran on it
                'ytRRXqtq',                            # second password
                '81a6a7836e1d08ea2ae1c43c9dbef941'     # md5_hex() ran on it

There are four different types of values (depending on settings) that plugin will generate. In the following text, word "output value" will be used to refer to the value of the key refered to by key and cell plugin's arguments; in other words, if cell is set to d and key is set to random_pass then "output value" will be the value of $t->{d}{random_pass} where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref.

With all the defaults output value will be a single string that is the generated password.

If md5_hex option is set to a true value, instead of that string the plugin will generate an arrayref first element of which will be the generated password and second element will be the string generated by running md5_hex() on that password.

If pass_num is set to a number greater than 1 then each generated password will be an element of an arrayref instead and output value will be an arrayref.

See four examples in the beginning of this section if you are still confused.

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::RandomPasswordGeneratorPurePerl (version 0.0103)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::RandomPasswordGeneratorPurePerl

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::RandomPasswordGenerator - easily generate random passwords with an option to use md5_hex from Digest::MD5 on them | Pure perl solution


# simple usage example; config values are plugin's defaults

plugins => [ qw/RandomPasswordGeneratorPurePerl/ ],
plug_random_password_generator_pure_perl_pure_perl => {
    length   => 8,
    chars    => [ 0..9, 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z' ],
    cell     => 'd',
    key      => 'random_pass',
    md5_hex  => 0,
    pass_num => 1,

# generated password is now a string in $t->{d}{random_pass}
# where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS that provides means to generate one or several random passwords and optionally use md5_hex() from Digest::MD5 on them.

This plugin is is a drop-in replacement of App::ZofCMS::Plugin::RandomPasswordGenerator that requires modules that require C compiler (this module got simpler logic and does not require anything fancy)

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template

Make sure to read FORMAT OF VALUES FOR GENERATED PASSWORDS section at the end of this document.



plugins => [ qw/RandomPasswordGeneratorPurePerl/ ],

Self-explanatory: you need to include the plugin in the list of plugins to run.


plug_random_password_generator_pure_perl => {
    length   => 8,
    chars    => [ 0..9, 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z' ],
    cell     => 'd',
    key      => 'random_pass',
    md5_hex  => 0,
    pass_num => 1,

plug_random_password_generator_pure_perl => sub {
    my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
    return {
        length   => 8,

Mandatory. The plugin won't run unless plug_random_password_generator_pure_perl first-level key is present. Takes a hashref or a subref as a value. If subref is specified, its return value will be assigned to plug_random_password_generator_pure_perl as if it was already there. If sub returns an undef, then plugin will stop further processing. The @_ of the subref will contain (in that order): ZofCMS Tempalate hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object. To run the plugin with all the defaults specify an empty hashref as a value. The plug_random_password_generator_pure_perl key can be set in either (or both) Main Config File and ZofCMS Template; if set in both, the hashref keys that are set in ZofCMS Template will override the ones that are set in Main Config File. Possible keys/values of the hashref are as follows:


plug_random_password_generator_pure_perl => {
    length   => 8,

Optional. Takes a positive integer as a value. Specifies the length - in characters - of password(s) to generate. Defaults to: 8


plug_random_password_generator_pure_perl => {
    chars    => [ 0..9, 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z' ],

Optional. Takes an arrayref as a value. Elements of this arrayref must be characters; these characters specify the set of characters to be used in the generated password. Defaults to: [ 0..9, 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z' ]


plug_random_password_generator_pure_perl => {
    cell     => 'd',

Optional. Takes a string specifying the name of the first-level ZofCMS Template key into which to create key key (see below) and place the results. The key must be a hashref (or undef, in which case it will be autovivified); why? see key argument below. Defaults to: d


plug_random_password_generator_pure_perl => {
    key      => 'random_pass',

Optional. Takes a string specifying the name of the ZofCMS Template key in hashref specified be cell (see above) into which to place the results. In other words, if cell is set to d and key is set to random_pass then generated password(s) will be found in $t->{d}{random_pass} where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref. Defaults to: random_pass


plug_random_password_generator_pure_perl => {
    md5_hex  => 0,

Optional. Takes either true or false values. When set to a true value, the plugin will also generate string that is made from calling md5_hex() from Digest::MD5 on the generated password. See FORMAT OF VALUES FOR GENERATED PASSWORDS section below. Defaults to: 0


plug_random_password_generator_pure_perl => {
    pass_num => 1,

Optional. Takes a positive integer as a value. Specifies the number of passwords to generate. See FORMAT OF VALUES FOR GENERATED PASSWORDS section below. Defaults to: 1


Examples below assume that cell argument is set to d and key argument is set to random_pass (those are their defaults). The $VAR is ZofCMS Template hashref, other keys of this hashref were removed for brevity.

# all defaults
$VAR1 = {
    'd' => {
        'random_pass' => 'ETKSeRJS',

# md5_hex option is set to a true value, the rest are defaults
$VAR1 = {
    'd' => {
        'random_pass' => [
                            '3b6SY9LY',                         # generated password
                            '6e28112de1ff183966248d78a4aa1d7b'  # md5_hex() ran on it

# pass_num is set to 2, the rest are defaults
$VAR1 = {
    'd' => {
        'random_pass' => [
                            'oqdQmwZ5', # first password
                            'NwzRv6q8'  # second password

# pass_num is set to 2 and md5_hex is set to a true value
$VAR1 = {
    'd' => {
        'random_pass' => [
                '9itPzasC',                             # first password
                '5f29eb2cf6dbccc048faa9666187ac22'      # md5_hex() ran on it
                'ytRRXqtq',                            # second password
                '81a6a7836e1d08ea2ae1c43c9dbef941'     # md5_hex() ran on it

There are four different types of values (depending on settings) that plugin will generate. In the following text, word "output value" will be used to refer to the value of the key refered to by key and cell plugin's arguments; in other words, if cell is set to d and key is set to random_pass then "output value" will be the value of $t->{d}{random_pass} where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref.

With all the defaults output value will be a single string that is the generated password.

If md5_hex option is set to a true value, instead of that string the plugin will generate an arrayref first element of which will be the generated password and second element will be the string generated by running md5_hex() on that password.

If pass_num is set to a number greater than 1 then each generated password will be an element of an arrayref instead and output value will be an arrayref.

See four examples in the beginning of this section if you are still confused.

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Search::Indexer (version 0.0102)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Search::Indexer

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Search::Indexer - plugin that incorporates Search::Indexer module's functionality


plugins => [ qw/Search::Indexer/ ],
plug_search_indexer => {
    # most of these values are optional
    dir         => 'index_files',
    cell        => 'd',
    key         => 'search_indexer',
    obj_args    => [],
    exact_match => 0,
    add   => { id1 => 'text to index', },
    remove => [ qw/id1 id2 id3/ ],
    search => 'foo bar baz',


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS that incorporates (partial) Search::Indexer functionality in a form of ZofCMS plugin. In other words, plugin allows one to create a search index from a bunch of data and later on perform search on that index. See docs for Search::Indexer for more details.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template as well as familiar with Search::Indexer, at least lightly.



plugins => [ qw/Search::Indexer/ ],

You need to add the plugin into the list of plugins to execute.


plug_search_indexer => {
    # most of these values are optional
    dir         => 'index_files',
    cell        => 'd',
    key         => 'search_indexer',
    obj_args    => [],
    exact_match => 0,
    add   => { id1 => 'text to index', },
    remove => [ qw/id1 id2 id3/ ],
    search => 'foo bar baz',

plug_search_indexer => sub {
    my ( $t, $q, $conf ) = @_;
    return {
        add   => { id1 => 'text to index', },

Mandatory. The plug_search_indexer first-level key can be specified in either ZofCMS Template or Main Config File (or both). Its value can be either a subref or a hashref; if the value is a subref it will be evaluated and it must return a hashref (or undef/empty list). This hashref will be treated as if you directly assigned it to plug_search_indexer key. The @_ of that subref will contain the following $t, $q, $conf where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref, $q is a hashref of query parameters and $conf is App::ZofCMS::Config object. Possible keys/values of plug_search_indexer hashref are as follows:


dir         => 'index_files',

Optional. Specifies the directory where index files are located. Corresponds to dir argument of Search::Indexer new() method. Defaults to: index_files (and is relative to file).


obj_args    => [],

Optional. Takes an arrayref as a value, this arrayref will be directly dereferenced into Search::Indexer's constructor (new() method). The writeMode argument will be set by the plugin to a true value if add or remove keys (see below) are set. The dir argument will be derived from plugin's dir key. The arrayref will be dereferenced after the dir and writeMode arguments, thus you can use obj_args to override them. See documentation for Search::Indexer for possible values that you can set in obj_args. Defaults to: [] (empty arrayref).


cell => 'd',

Optional. Specifies first-level ZofCMS Template key into which to put search results (when search is performed). See key argument below. Defaults to: d


key => 'search_indexer',

Optional. Specifies the name of the key inside cell first-level key into which to put search results (when search is performed). See cell argument below. Basically, if cell is set to d and key is set to search_indexer then search results will be stored in $t->{d}{search_indexer} where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref. Defaults to: search_indexer


exact_match => 0,

Optional. Takes either true or false values. Will be given as second parameter to Search::Indexer's search() method; thus if it is set to true all the search words without prefix will have + added to them. Defaults to: 0


add   => {
    id1 => 'text to index',
    id2 => 'other text to index',

Optional. When specified, instructs the plugin to add stuff into index. Takes a hashref as a value where keys are IDs and values are text to index under those IDs.


remove => [ qw/id1 id2 id3/ ],

remove => {
    id1     => 'containing text',
    id2     => 'other containing text'

Optional. Takes either a hashref or an arrayref as a value. Elements of the arrayref would be IDs of records to remove from the index. You'd use the hashref form when positions argument in obj_args arrayref would be set to a false value (by default it's true); when that's the case, the keys of hashref would be IDs and values would be corresponding texts. See remove() method and positions argument to new() method in Search::Indexer


search => 'foo bar baz',

Optional. Takes a string as a value. This string will be given to Search::Indexer's search() method as a first argument, i.e. the text for which to search. The return value will be the same as return value of Search::Indexer's search() method and it will be assigned to $t->{ <cell> }{ <key> } where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref and <cell> and <key> are cell and key plugin's arguments respectively.


App::ZofCMS, Search::Indexer

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::SendFile (version 0.0103)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::SendFile

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::SendFile - plugin for flexible sending of files as well as files outside of web-accessible directory


In your ZofCMS Template or Main Config File:

plugins => [ qw/SendFile/ ],

plug_send_file => [
    '../zcms_site/config.txt',  # filename to send; this one is outside the webdir
    'attachment',               # optional to set content-disposition to attachment
    'text/plain',               # optional to set content-type instead of guessing one
    'LOL.txt',                  # optional to set filename instead of using same as original

In your HTML::Template template:

<tmpl_if name='plug_send_file_error'>
    <p class="error">Got error: <tmpl_var escape='html' name='plug_send_file_error'></p>


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS that provides means for flexible sending of files (e.g. sending it as an attachment (for download) or changing the filename), most important feature of the plugin is that you can use it to send files outside of web-accessible directory which in conjunction with say App::ZofCMS::Plugin::UserLogin can provide user account restricted file sending.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template


plugins and notes on exiting

plugins => [ qw/SendFile/ ],

plugins => [
    { UserLogin => 200 },
    { SendFile  => 300 },

We need to include the plugin in the list of plugins to execute; ensure to get the right priority if you're using other plugins.

NOTE: unless an error occurs, the plugins calls exit() when it's done sending the file, make sure that all the required plugins had their chance to execute BEFORE this one.


plug_send_file => 'foo.txt', # file to send

plug_send_file => [
    '../zcms_site/config.txt',  # filename to send; this one is outside the webdir
    'attachment',               # optional to set content-disposition to attachment
    'text/plain',               # optional to set content-type instead of guessing one
    'LOL.txt',                  # optional to set filename instead of using same as original

plug_send_file => sub {
    my ( $t, $q, $conf ) = @_;
    return 'foo.txt';

Mandatory. Takes either a string, subref or an arrayref as a value, can be specified in either ZofCMS Template or Main Config File; if set in both, the value in ZofCMS Template is used.

When set to a subref, the sub will be executed and its return value will be assigned to the key; returning undef will stop the plugin from execution. The @_ will contain (in that order): ZofCMS Template hashref, query parameters hashref, App::ZofCMS::Config object.

When set to a string it's the same as setting to an arrayref with just one value in it.

Here are how arrayref elements are interpreted:


plug_send_file => [

Mandatory. Specifies the name of the file to send. The filename is relative to and can be outside of webroot. Note that if you're taking this name from the user, it's up to you to ensure that it's safe.


plug_send_file => [

Optional. Specifies Content-Disposition type, which can be inline, attachment or an extension-token. See RFC 2183 for details. Note: this parameter only takes the TYPE not the whole header (which isn't supported by the plugin so you'll have to modify it if you need this). Defaults to: inline, you can set this to undef to take it's default value.


plug_send_file => [

Optional. Specifies the Content-Type to use. When set to undef, the plugin will try to guess the correct type to use using MIME::Types module. Defauts to: undef


plug_send_file => [

Optional. Speficies the filename to use when sending the file. Note that this applies even when content disposition type is set to inline for when the user would want to save the file. When set to undef, the plugin will use the same name as the original file. Defaults to: undef.



<tmpl_if name='plug_send_file_error'>
    <p class="error">Got error: <tmpl_var escape='html' name='plug_send_file_error'></p>

If the plugin cannot read the file you specified for sending, it will set the plug_send_file_error key inside t ZofCMS Template special key to the error message (to the value of $! to be specific) and will stop processing (i.e. won't send any files or exit()).

"default" Content-Type

If plugin was told to derive the right Content-Type of the file, but it couldn't derive one, it will use application/octet-stream

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Session (version 0.0102)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Session

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Session - plugin for storing data across requests


plugins => [
    { Session => 2000 },
    { Sub     => 3000 },

plugins2 => [

plug_session => {
    dsn     => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",
    user    => 'test',
    pass    => 'test',

plug_sub => sub {
    my $t = shift;
    $t->{d}{session}{time} = localtime;


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS that provides means to store data across HTTP requests.

The docs for this plugin are incomplete

This plugin requires ZofCMS version of at least 0.0211 where multi-level plugin sets are implemented

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template



plugins => [

plugins2 => [

Important. This plugin requires to be executed twice. On first execution [currently] it will load the session data into $t->{d}{session} where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref. On second execution, it will save that data into an SQL table.


plug_session => {
    dsn     => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",
    user    => 'test',
    pass    => 'test',
    opt     => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 },
    create_table => 1,

Mandatory. The plug_session key takes a hashref as a value. The possible keys/values of that hashref are described below. There are quite a few more options to come - see source code - but those are untested and may be changed, thus use them at your own risk.


dsn => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",

Mandatory. Specifies the DSN for database, see DBI for more information on what to use here.

user and pass

user    => 'test',
pass    => 'test',

Semi-optional. The user and pass key should contain username and password for the SQL database that plugin will use. Defaults are: user is root and pass is set to undef.


opt => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 },

The opt key takes a hashref of any additional options you want to pass to connect_cached DBI's method.

Defaults to: { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 },


table   => 'session',

Optional. Takes a string as a value. Specifies the name of the SQL table that plugin will use to store data. Defaults to: session


create_table => 1,

Optional. Takes either true or false values. When set to a true value, the plugin will automatically create the database table that it nees for operation. Defaults to: 0. Here is the table that it creates ($conf{table} is the table plugin's argument):

CREATE TABLE `$conf{table}` (
    `id`      TEXT,
    `time`    VARCHAR(10),
    `data`    TEXT


Currently just store your data in $t->{d}{session}. I suggest you use it as a hashref.

More options to come soon!


See source code, much of it is understandable (e.g. that session cookies last for 24 hours). I'll write better documentation once I get more time.

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::SplitPriceSelect (version 0.0103)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::SplitPriceSelect

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::SplitPriceSelect - plugin for generating a <select> for "price range" out of arbitrary range of prices.


In your Main Config File or ZofCMS Template:

plugins => [ qw/SplitPriceSelect/ ],

plug_split_price_select => {
    prices => [ 200, 300, 1000, 4000, 5000 ],

In your HTML::Template file:

    <label for="plug_split_price_select">Price range: </label>
    <tmpl_var name='plug_split_price_select'>


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS that allows you to give several prices and plugin will create a <select> HTML element with its <option>s containing ranges of prices. The idea is that you'd specify how many options you would want to have and plugin will figure out how to split the prices to generate that many ranges.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template



plugins => [ qw/SplitPriceSelect/ ],

You need to add the plugin in the list of plugins to execute.


plug_split_price_select => {
    prices      => [ qw/foo bar baz/ ],
    t_name      => 'plug_split_price_select',
    options     => 3,
    name        => 'plug_split_price_select',
    id          => 'plug_split_price_select',
    dollar_sign => 1,

plug_split_price_select => sub {
    my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
    return {
        prices      => [ qw/foo bar baz/ ],
        t_name      => 'plug_split_price_select',
        options     => 3,
        name        => 'plug_split_price_select',
        id          => 'plug_split_price_select',
        dollar_sign => 1,

The plug_split_price_select first-level key takes a hashref or a subref as a value. If subref is specified, its return value will be assigned to plug_split_price_select as if it was already there. If sub returns an undef, then plugin will stop further processing. The @_ of the subref will contain (in that order): ZofCMS Tempalate hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object. If a certain key in that hashref is specified in both, Main Config File and ZofCMS Template, then the value given in ZofCMS Template will take precedence. Plugin will not run if plug_split_price_select is not specified (or if prices key's arrayref is empty). Possible keys/value of plug_split_price_select hashref are as follows:


prices => [ qw/foo bar baz/ ],

Mandatory. Takes an arrayref as a value, plugin will not run if prices arrayref is empty or prices is set to undef. The arrayref's elements represent the prices for which you wish to generate ranges. All elements must be numeric.


options => 3,

Optional. Takes a positive integer as a value. Specifies how many price ranges (i.e. <option>s) you want to have. Note: if there are not enough prices in the prices argument, expect to have ranges with the same price on both sides; with evel smaller dataset, expect to have less than options <option>s generated. Defaults to: 3


t_name => 'plug_split_price_select',

Optional. Plugin will put generated <select> into {t} ZofCMS Template special key, the t_name parameter specifies the name of that key. Defaults to: plug_split_price_select


name => 'plug_split_price_select',

Optional. Specifies the value of the name="" attribute on the generated <select> element. Defaults to: plug_split_price_select


id => 'plug_split_price_select',

Optional. Specifies the value of the id="" attribute on the generated <select> element. Defaults to: plug_split_price_select


dollar_sign => 1,

Optional. Takes either true or false values. When set to a true value, the <option>s will contain a dollar sign in front of prices when displayed in the browser (the value=""s will still not contain the dollar sign, see PARSING QUERY section below). Defaults to: 1



Now, the price ranges are generated and you completed your gorgeous form... how to parse those ranges is the question. The value="" attribute of each of generated <option> element will contain the starting price in the range followed by a - (dash, rather minus sign) followed by the ending price in the range. Note: the price on each end of the range may be the same if there are not enough prices available. Thus you can do something along the lines of:

my ( $start_price, $end_price ) = split /-/, $query->{plug_split_price_select};
my @products_in_which_the_user_is_interested = grep {
    $_->{price} >= $start_price and $_->{price} <= $end_price
} @all_of_the_products;


This is what the HTML code generated by the plugin looks like (providing all the optional arguments are left at their default values):

<select id="plug_split_price_select" name="plug_split_price_select">
    <option value="200-1000">$200 - $1000</option>
    <option value="4000-6000">$4000 - $6000</option>
    <option value="7000-7000">$7000 - $7000</option>

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::StyleSwitcher (version 0.0102)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::StyleSwitcher

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::StyleSwitcher - CSS Style switcher plugin


In your ZofCMS template but most likely in your Main Config File:

plugins => [ qw/StyleSwitcher/ ],
plug_style_switcher => {
    dsn                     => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",
    user                    => 'test',
    pass                    => 'test',
    opt                     => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 },
    styles => {
        main => 'main.css',
        alt  => [ 'alt.css', '[IE]alt_ie.css' ],

In your HTML::Template template:

    <tmpl_var name="style_switcher_style">

    <tmpl_var name="style_switcher_toggle">


The module provides means to have what is known as "Style Switcher" thingie on your webpages. In other words, having several CSS stylesheets per website.

The describes the concept in more detail. It also provides JavaScript based realization of the idea; this plugin does not rely on javascript at all.



plugins => [ qw/StyleSwitcher/ ],

You need to include the plugin in the list of plugins to execute.


plug_style_switcher => {
    dsn                     => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",
    user                    => 'test',
    pass                    => 'test',
    opt                     => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 },
    create_table            => 0,
    q_name                  => 'style',
    q_ajax_name             => 'plug_style_switcher_ajax',
    t_prefix                => 'style_switcher_',
    table                   => 'style_switcher',
    max_time                => 2678400, # one month
    default_style           => 'main',
    xhtml                   => 0,
    # styles => {}
    styles => {
        main => 'main.css',
        alt  => [ 'alt.css', '[IE]alt_ie.css' ],

plug_style_switcher => sub {
    my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
    return {
        dsn                     => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",
        user                    => 'test',
        pass                    => 'test',

The plugin reads it's configuration from plug_style_switcher first-level ZofCMS Template or Main Config file template. Takes a hashref or a subref as a value. If subref is specified, its return value will be assigned to plug_style_switcher as if it was already there. If sub returns an undef, then plugin will stop further processing. The @_ of the subref will contain (in that order): ZofCMS Tempalate hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object. Keys that are set in ZofCMS Template will override same ones that are set in Main Config file. Considering that you'd want the CSS style settings to be set on an entire site, it only makes sense to set this plugin up in your Main Config file.


dsn => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",

Mandatory. The plugin needs access to an SQL database supported by DBI module. The dsn key takes a scalar as a value that contains the DSN for your database. See DBI for details.

user and pass

user => 'test',
pass => 'test',

Mandatory. The user and pass arguments specify the user name (login) and password for your database.


opt => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 },

Optional. The opt key takes a hashref as a value. This hashref will be directly passed as "additional arguments" to DBI's connect_cached() method. See DBI for details. Defaults to: { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 },


table => 'style_switcher',

Optional. Specifies the name of the table in which to store the style-user data. Defaults to: style_switcher


create_table => 0,

Optional. Takes either true or false values. Defaults to: 0 (false). When set to a true value plugin will automatically create the SQL tables that is needed for the plugin. Just set it to a true value, load any page that calls the plugin, and remove this setting. Alternatively you can create the table yourself: CREATE TABLE style_switcher ( host VARCHAR(200), style TEXT, time VARCHAR(10) );


q_name => 'style',

Optional. Takes a string as a value that must contain the name of the query parameter that will contain the name of the style to "activate". Defaults to: style


q_ajax_name => 'plug_style_switcher_ajax',

Optional. Some of you may want to change styles with JS along with keeping style information server-side. For this plugin supports the q_ajax_name, it must contain the name of a query parameter which you'd pass with your Ajax call (sorry to those who really dislike calling it Ajax). The value of this parameter needs to be a true value. When plugin will see this query parameter set to a true value, it will set the style (based on the value of the query parameter referenced by q_name plugin setting; see above) and will simply exit. Defaults to: plug_style_switcher_ajax


t_prefix => 'style_switcher_',

Optional. The plugin sets two keys in ZofCMS Template {t} special key. The t_prefix takes a string as a value; that string will be prefixed to those two keys that are set. See HTML::Template VARIABLES section below for imformation on those two keys. Defaults to: style_switcher_ (note the underscore (_) at the end).


max_time => 2678400, # one month

Optional. Takes a positive integer as a value that indicates how long (in seconds) to keep the style information for the user. The time is updated every time the user accesses the plugin. The plugin identifies the "user" by contatenating user's User-Agent HTTP header and his/her/its host name. Note that old entries are deleted only when someone sets the style; in other words, if you set max_time to one month and no one ever changes their style and that user comes back after two month the setting will be preserved. Defaults to: 2678400 (one month)


default_style => 'main',

Optional. Takes a string as a value that must be one of the keys in styles hashref (see below). This will be the "default" style. In other words, if the plugin does not find the particular user in the database it will make the default_style style active.


xhtml => 0,

Optional. Takes either true or false values. When set to a true value will close <link> elements with an extra / to keep it XHTML friendly. Defaults to: 0


styles => {
    main => 'main.css',
    alt  => [ 'alt.css', '[IE]alt_ie.css' ],

Mandatory. Takes a hashref as a value. The keys of a that hashref are the names of your styles. The name of the key is what you'd pass as a value of a query parameter indicated by plugin's q_name parameter. The value can be either a string or an arrayref. If the value is a string then it will be converted into an arrayref with just that element in it. Each element of that arrayref will be converted into a <link> element where the href="" attribute will be set to that element of the arrayref. Each element can contain string [IE] (including the square brackets) as the first four characters, in that case the href="" will be wrapped in <!--[if IE]> conditional comments (if you don't know what those are, see:


Note: examples include the default t_prefix in names of <tmpl_var>s.


<tmpl_var name="style_switcher_style">

The style variable will contain appropriate <link> elements. You'd want to put this variable somewhere in HTML <head>


<tmpl_var name="style_switcher_toggle">

The toggle variable will contain a style toggle link. By clicking this link user can load the next style (sorted alphabetically by its name). You don't have to use this one and write your own instead.


App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Sub (version 0.0101)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Sub

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Sub - plugin to execute a subroutine, i.e. sub with priority setting


In your Main Config File or ZofCMS Template file:

plugins => [ { Sub => 1000 }, ], # set needed priority
plug_sub => sub {
    my ( $template, $query, $config ) = @_;
    # do stuff


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS that allows you to execute a sub... by setting plugin's priority setting you, effectively, can set the priority of the sub. Not much but I need this.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template



plugins => [ { Sub => 1000 }, ], # set the needed priority here

You obviously need to add the plugin in the list of plugins to exectute. Since the entire purpose of this plugin is to execute the sub with a certain priority setting, you'd set the appropriate priority in the plugin list.


plug_sub => sub {
    my ( $template, $query, $config ) = @_;

Takes a subref as a value. The plugin will not run unless plug_sub first-level key is present in either Main Config File or ZofCMS Template file. If the key is specified in both files, the sub set in ZofCMS Template will take priority. The sub will be executed when plugin is run. The @_ will contain (in that order): ZofCMS Template hashref, query parameters hashref where keys are parameter names and values are their values, App::ZofCMS::Config object.

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Syntax::Highlight::CSS (version 0.0102)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Syntax::Highlight::CSS

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Syntax::Highlight::CSS - provide syntax highlighted CSS code snippets on your site


In ZofCMS template:

    body        => \'index.tmpl',
    highlight_css => {
        foocss => '* { margin: 0; padding: 0; }',
        bar     => sub { return '* { margin: 0; padding: 0; }' },
        beer    => \ '',
    plugins     => [ qw/Syntax::Highlight::CSS/ ],

In HTML::Template template:

<tmpl_var name="foocss">
<tmpl_var name="bar">
<tmpl_var name="beer">


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS. It provides means to include CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) code snippets with syntax highlights on your pages.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template



    plugins => [ qw/Syntax::Highlight::CSS/ ],

First and obvious is that you'd want to include the plugin in the list of plugins to run.


    highlight_css => {
        foocss  => '* { margin: 0; padding: 0; }',
        bar     => sub { return '* { margin: 0; padding: 0; }' },
        beer    => \ '',

The highlight_css is the heart key of the plugin. It takes a hashref as a value. The keys of this hashref except for two special keys described below are the name of <tmpl_var name=""> tags in your HTML::Template template into which to stuff the syntax-highlighted code. The value of those keys can be either a scalar, subref or a scalarref. They are interpreted by the plugin as follows:


highlight_css => {
    foocss => '* { margin: 0; padding: 0; }'

When the value of the key is a scalar it will be interpreted as CSS code to be highlighted. This will do it for short snippets.


highlight_css => {
    beer    => \ '',

When the value is a scalarref it will be interpreted as the name of a file in the data_store dir. That file will be read and its contents will be understood as CSS code to be highlighted. If an error occured during opening of the file, your <tmpl_var name=""> tag allocated for this entry will be populated with an error message.


highlight_css => {
    bar     => sub { return '* { margin: 0; padding: 0; }' },

When the value is a subref, it will be executed and its return value will be taken as CSS code to highlight. The @_ of that sub when called will contain the following: $template, $query, $config where $template is a hashref of your ZofCMS template, $query is a hashref of the parameter query whether it's a POST or a GET request, and $config is the App::ZofCMS::Config object.

SPECIAL KEYS IN highlight_css

highlight_css => {
    nnn => 1,
    pre => 0,

There are two special keys, namely nnn and pre, in highlight_css hashref. Their values will affect the resulting highlighted CSS code.


highlight_css => {
    nnn => 1,

Instructs the highlighter to activate line numbering. Default value: 0 (disabled).


highlight_css => {
    nnn => 0,

Instructs the highlighter to surround result by <pre>...</pre> tags. Default value: 1 (enabled).


    highlight_css_before => '<div class="my-highlights">',

Takes a scalar as a value. When specified, every highlighted CSS code will be prefixed with whatever you specify here.


    highlight_after => '</div>',

Takes a scalar as a value. When specified, every highlighted CSS code will be postfixed with whatever you specify here.


Given '* { margin: 0; padding: 0; }' as input plugin will generate the following code (line-breaks were edited):

<pre class="css-code">
    <span class="ch-sel">*</span> {
    <span class="ch-p">margin</span>:
    <span class="ch-v">0</span>;
    <span class="ch-p">padding</span>:
    <span class="ch-v">0</span>; }

Now you'd use CSS to highlight specific parts of CSS syntax. Here are the classes that you can define in your stylesheet:

  • css-code - this is actually the class name that will be set on the <pre>> element if you have that option turned on.

  • ch-sel - Selectors

  • ch-com - Comments

  • ch-p - Properties

  • ch-v - Values

  • ch-ps - Pseudo-selectors and pseudo-elements

  • ch-at - At-rules

  • ch-n - The line numbers inserted when nnn key is set to a true value


.css-code {
    font-family: 'DejaVu Sans Mono Book', monospace;
    color: #000;
    background: #fff;
    .ch-sel, .ch-p, .ch-v, .ch-ps, .ch-at {
        font-weight: bold;
    .ch-sel { color: #007; } /* Selectors */
    .ch-com {                /* Comments */
        font-style: italic;
        color: #777;
    .ch-p {                  /* Properties */
        font-weight: bold;
        color: #000;
    .ch-v {                  /* Values */
        font-weight: bold;
        color: #880;
    .ch-ps {                /* Pseudo-selectors and Pseudo-elements */
        font-weight: bold;
        color: #11F;
    .ch-at {                /* At-rules */
        font-weight: bold;
        color: #955;
    .ch-n {
        color: #888;


This plugin requires Syntax::Highlight::CSS. You can use zofcms_helper script to locally place it into ZofCMS "core" directory:

zofcms_helper --nocore --core your_sites_core --cpan Syntax::Hightlight::CSS

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Syntax::Highlight::HTML (version 0.0101)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Syntax::Highlight::HTML

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Syntax::Highlight::HTML - provide HTML code snippets on your site


In ZofCMS template:

    body        => \'index.tmpl',
    highlight_html => {
        foohtml => '<div class="bar">beer</div>',
        bar     => sub { return '<div class="bar">beer</div>' },
        beer    => \ '',
    plugins     => [ qw/Syntax::Highlight::HTML/ ],

In HTML::Template template:

<tmpl_var name="foohtml">
<tmpl_var name="bar">
<tmpl_var name="beer">


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS. It provides means to include HTML (HyperText Markup Lanugage) code snippets with syntax highlights on your pages.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template



    plugins => [ qw/Syntax::Highlight::HTML/ ],

First and obvious is that you'd want to include the plugin in the list of plugins to run.


    highlight_html => {
        foohtml => '<div class="bar">beer</div>',
        bar     => sub { return '<div class="bar">beer</div>' },
        beer    => \ '',

The highlight_html is the heart key of the plugin. It takes a hashref as a value. The keys of this hashref except for two special keys described below are the name of <tmpl_var name=""> tags in your HTML::Template template into which to stuff the syntax-highlighted code. The value of those keys can be either a scalar, subref or a scalarref. They are interpreted by the plugin as follows:


highlight_html => {
    foohtml => '<div class="bar">beer</div>'

When the value of the key is a scalar it will be interpreted as HTML code to be highlighted. This will do it for short snippets.


highlight_html => {
    beer    => \ '',

When the value is a scalarref it will be interpreted as the name of a file in the data_store dir. That file will be read and its contents will be understood as HTML code to be highlighted. If an error occured during opening of the file, your <tmpl_var name=""> tag allocated for this entry will be populated with an error message.


highlight_html => {
    bar     => sub { return '<div class="bar">beer</div>' },

When the value is a subref, it will be executed and its return value will be taken as HTML code to highlight. The @_ of that sub when called will contain the following: $template, $query, $config where $template is a hashref of your ZofCMS template, $query is a hashref of the parameter query whether it's a POST or a GET request, and $config is the App::ZofCMS::Config object.

SPECIAL KEYS IN highlight_html

highlight_html => {
    nnn => 1,
    pre => 0,

There are two special keys, namely nnn and pre, in highlight_html hashref. Their values will affect the resulting highlighted HTML code.


highlight_html => {
    nnn => 1,

Instructs the highlighter to activate line numbering. Default value: 0 (disabled).


highlight_html => {
    nnn => 0,

Instructs the highlighter to surround result by <pre>...</pre> tags. Default value: 1 (enabled).


    highlight_before => '<div class="highlights">',

Takes a scalar as a value. When specified, every highlighted HTML code will be prefixed with whatever you specify here.


    highlight_after => '</div>',

Takes a scalar as a value. When specified, every highlighted HTML code will be postfixed with whatever you specify here.


Given '<foo class="bar">beer</foo>' as input plugin will generate the following code:

    <span class="h-ab">&lt;</span><span class="h-tag">foo</span>
    <span class="h-attr">class</span>=<span class="h-attv">"bar</span>"
    <span class="h-ab">&gt;</span>beer<span class="h-ab">&lt;/</span>
    <span class="h-tag">foo</span><span class="h-ab">&gt;</span>

Now you'd use CSS to highlight specific parts of HTML syntax. Here are the classes that you can define in your stylesheet (list shamelessly stolen from Syntax::Highlight::HTML documentation):

  • .h-decl - for a markup declaration; in a HTML document, the only markup declaration is the DOCTYPE, like: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">

  • .h-pi - for a process instruction like <?html ...> or <?xml ...?>

  • .h-com - for a comment, <!-- ... -->

  • .h-ab - for the characters '<' and '>' as tag delimiters

  • .h-tag - for the tag name of an element

  • .h-attr - for the attribute name

  • .h-attv - for the attribute value

  • .h-ent - for any entities: &eacute; &#171;

  • .h-lno - for the line numbers


Sebastien Aperghis-Tramoni, the author of Syntax::Highlight::HTML, was kind enough to provide sample CSS code defining the look of each element of HTML syntax. It is presented below:

.h-decl { color: #336699; font-style: italic; }   /* doctype declaration  */
.h-pi   { color: #336699;                     }   /* process instruction  */
.h-com  { color: #338833; font-style: italic; }   /* comment              */
.h-ab   { color: #000000; font-weight: bold;  }   /* angles as tag delim. */
.h-tag  { color: #993399; font-weight: bold;  }   /* tag name             */
.h-attr { color: #000000; font-weight: bold;  }   /* attribute name       */
.h-attv { color: #333399;                     }   /* attribute value      */
.h-ent  { color: #cc3333;                     }   /* entity               */

.h-lno  { color: #aaaaaa; background: #f7f7f7;}   /* line numbers         */


Despite the ZofCMS design this module uses Syntax::Highlight::HTML which in turn uses HTML::Parser which needs a C compiler to install.

This module requires Syntax::Highlight::HTML and File::Spec (the later is part of the core)

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::TagCloud (version 0.0103)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::TagCloud

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::TagCloud - generate "tag clouds"


In your ZofCMS template or main config file:

plug_tag_cloud => {
    unit => 'em',
    tags => [ qw(
            foo /foo 2
            bar /bar 1
            ber /ber 3

In your HTML::Template template:

<style type="text/css">
    <tmpl_var name="tag_cloud_css">

<tmpl_var name="tag_cloud">


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS; it generates "tag clouds" (bunch of different-sized links).

This documentation assumes you have read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template


plug_tag_cloud => {
    id          => 'tag_cloud_container',
    class       => 'tag_cloud_tag',
    unit        => 'em',
    shuffle     => 1,
    uri_prefix  => '',
    fg          => '#00d',
    bg          => 'transparent',
    fg_hover    => '#66f',
    bg_hover    => 'transparent',
    fg_visited  => '#333',
    bg_visited  => 'transparent',
    tags => [ qw(
            foo /foo 2
            bar /bar 1
            ber /ber 3

Plugin gets its data through plug_tag_cloud first-level key in either ZofCMS template or main config file. Specifying this key in ZofCMS template will completely override whatever you set under that key in main config file.

The key takes a hashref as a value. Possible keys/values of that hashref are as follows:


tags => [ qw(
        foo /foo 2
        bar /bar 1
        ber /ber 3

# or 

tags => [
    [ qw(foo /foo 2) ],
    [ qw(bar /bar 1) ],
    [ qw(ber /ber 3) ],

Mandatory. The tags key takes an arrayref as a value. Elements of that arrayref can be either either plain strings or arrayrefs. You cannot mix the two. If elements are plain strings they will be converted internally into the "arrayref form" by grouping by three (see examples above, they are equivalent).

The elements of the inner arrayrefs are as follows: first element is the text for the link in the tag cloud. Second element is the URI to which the tag points. Third element is the "weight" of the tag, the larger the number the larger the tag will be. The third element actually also serves for the font-size value in the CSS code generated by the plugin.


id => 'tag_cloud_container',

Optional. The id key takes a string as a value. This sting will be used for the id="" attribute of the tag cloud <ul> element. Defaults to: zofcms_tag_cloud


class => 'tag_cloud_tag',

Optional. The class key takes a string as a value. This sting will be used to generate class names for cloud tags. Defaults to: zofcms_tag_cloud


unit => 'em',

Optional. The unit key takes a string as a value. This string must be a valid CSS unit for font-size property. Whatever you pass in here will be directly used in the generated CSS code and the number for that unit will be taken from the "weight" of the cloud tag (see tags key above). Defaults to: %


shuffle => 1,

Optional. Takes either true or false value. When set to a true value the elements of your tag cloud will be shuffled each and every time. Default to: 0


uri_prefix  => '',

Optional. The uri_prefix takes a string as a value. This string will be prepended to all of the URIs to which your tags are pointing. Defaults to: empty string.


fg => '#00d',

Optional. Specifies the color to use for foreground on <a href=""> elements; will be directly used for color property in generated CSS code. Defaults to: #00d.


bg => 'transparent',

Optional. Specifies the color to use for background on <a href=""> elements; will be directly used for background property in generated CSS code. Defaults to: transparent.


fg_hover => '#66f',

Optional. Same as fg except this one is used for :hover pseudo-selector. Defaults to: #66f


bg_hover => 'transparent',

Optional. Same as bg except this one is used for :hover pseudo-selector. Defaults to: transparent


fg_visited  => '#333',

Optional. Same as fg except this one is used for :visited pseudo-selector. Defaults to: #333


Optional. Same as bg except this one is used for :visited pseudo-selector. Defaults to: transparent


The plugin will stuff two keys into {t} special key in your ZofCMS templates. This means that you can use them in your HTML::Template templates.


<tmpl_var name="tag_cloud">

This one will contain the HTML code for your tag cloud.


<style type="text/css">
    <tmpl_var name="tag_cloud">

This one will contain the CSS code for your tag cloud. You obviously don't have to use this one and instead code your own CSS.


<ul id="tag_cloud">
    <li class="tag_cloud_tag3"><a href="">ber</a></li>
    <li class="tag_cloud_tag2"><a href="">foo</a></li>
    <li class="tag_cloud_tag1"><a href="">bar</a></li>


#tag_cloud li {
    display: inline;
    #tag_cloud a {
        color: #f00;
        background: #00f;
    #tag_cloud a:visited {
        color: #000;
        background: transparent;
    #tag_cloud a:hover {
        color: #FFf;
        background: transparent;
    .tag_cloud_tag1 { font-size: 1em; }
    .tag_cloud_tag2 { font-size: 2em; }
    .tag_cloud_tag3 { font-size: 3em; }

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Tagged (version 0.0252)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Tagged

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Tagged - ZofCMS plugin to fill templates with data from query, template variables and configuration using <TAGS>


Your ZofCMS template:

    cookie_foo  => '<TAG:TNo cookies:{d}{cookies}{foo}>',
    query_foo   => '[<TAG:Q:{foo}>]',
    set_cookies => [ ['foo', 'bar' ]],
    plugins     => [ { Cookies => 10 }, { Tagged => 20 } ],
    conf => {
        base => 'test.tmpl',

In your 'test.tmpl' base HTML::Template template:

Cookie 'foo' is set to: <tmpl_var name="cookie_foo"><br>
Query 'foo' is set to: <tmpl_var name="query_foo">

In ZofCMS template the Cookies plugin is set to run before Tagged plugin, thus on first page access cookies will not be set, and we will access the page without setting the 'foo' query parameter. What do we see:

Cookie 'foo' is set to: No cookies
Query 'foo' is set to: []

No, if we run the page the second time it (now cookies are set with App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Cookies plugin) will look like this:

Cookie 'foo' is set to: bar
Query 'foo' is set to: []

If we pass query parameter 'foo' to the page, setting it to 'beer' our page will look like this:

Cookie 'foo' is set to: bar
Query 'foo' is set to: [beer]

That's the power of Tagged plugin... now I'll explain what those weird looking tags mean.


The module provides means to the user to use special "tags" in scalar values inside ZofCMS template. This provides the ability to display data generated by templates (i.e. stored in {d} first level key), access query or configuration hashref. Possibilities are endless.

This documentation assumes you have read documentation for App::ZofCMS including App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template


First of all, when using App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Tagged with other plugins make sure to set the correct priority. In our example above, we used App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Cookies which reads currently set cookies into {d} special key in ZofCMS template. That's why we set priority of 10 to Cookies plugin and priority of 20 to Tagged plugin - to insure Tagged runs after {d}{cookies} have been filled in.

Note: currently there is no support to run Tagged plugin twice, I'm not sure that will ever be needed, but if you do come across such situation, you can easily cheat. Just copy in your $core/App/ZofCMS/Plugin/ to (and ajust the name accordingly in the package line inside the file). Now you have two Tagged plugins, and you can do stuff like plugins => [ {Tagged => 10}, { SomePlugin => 20 }, { Tagged2 => 30 } ]


foo => '<TAG:Q:{foo}>',
bar => 'beeer <TAG:Qdefault:{bar}>  baz',
baz => 'foo <TAG:T:{d}{baz}[1]{beer}[2]> bar',
nop => "<TAG:NOOP><TAG:T:I'm NOT a tag!!!>",
random => '<TAG::RAND I 100>',

NOTE: everything in the tag is CASE-SENSITIVE

First of all, the tag starts with '<TAG:' and ends with with a closing angle bracket ('>'). The first character that follows '<TAG:' is a cell. It can be either 'Q', 'T' or 'C', which stand for Query, Template and Configuration file. Each of those three cells is a hashref: a hashref of query parameters, your ZofCMS template hashref and your main configuration file hashref.

What follows the cell letter until the colon (':') is the default value, it will be used if whatever your tag references is undefined. Of course, you don't have to define the default value; if you don't - the tag value will be an empty string (not undef). Note: currently you can't use the actual colon (':') in your default variable. Currently it will stay that way, but there are plans to add custom delimiters in the future.

After the colon (':') which signifies the end of the cell and possible default value follows a sequence which would access the value which you are after. This sequence is exactly how you would write it in perl. Let's look at some examples. First, let's define $template, $query and $config variables as T, Q and C "cells", these variables hold respective hashrefs (same as "cells"):

<TAG:Q:{foo}>              same as   $query->{foo}
<TAG:T:{d}{foo}>           same as   $template->{d}{foo}
<TAG:C:{ fo o }{ b a r }>  same as   $config->{"fo o"}{"b a r"}
<TAG:Qnone:{foo}>          same as   $query->{foo} // 'none'
<TAG:Txxx:{t}{bar}>        same as   $template->{t}{bar} // 'xxx'

# arrayrefs are supported as well

<TAG:T:{d}{foo}[0]>        same as   $template->{d}{foo}[0]
<TAG>C:{plugins}[1]>       same as   $config->{plugins}[1]


rand1 => '<TAG:RAND>',
rand2 => '<TAG:RAND 100>',
rand3 => '<TAG:RAND I 200>',
rand4 => '<TAG:RAND100>',
rand5 => '<TAG:RANDI100>',

The RAND tag will be replaced by a pseudo-random number (obtained from perl's rand() function). In it's plainest form, <TAG:RAND>, it will be replaced by exactly what comes out from rand(), in other words, same as calling rand(1). If a letter 'I' follows word 'RAND' in the tag, then int() will be called on the result of rand(). When a number follows word RAND, that number will be used in the call to rand(). In other words, tag <TAG:RAND 100> will be replaced by a number which is obtained by the call to rand(100). Note: the number must be after the letter 'I' if you are using it. You can have spaces between the letter 'I' or the number and the word RAND. In other words, these tags are equal: <TAG:RANDI100> and <TAG:RAND I 100>.


nop => "<TAG:NOOP><TAG:T:I'm NOT a tag!!!>",

The NOOP tag (read no operation) is a special tag which tells Tagged plugin to stop processing this string as soon as it sees this tag. Tagged will remove the noop tag from the string. The above example would end up looking as nop => "<TAG:T:I'm NOT a tag!!!>",

Note: any tags before the noop tag WILL be parsed.


    tagged_options => { no_parse => 1 },

Behaviour options can be set for App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Tagged via tagged_options first level ZofCMS template key. This key takes a hashref as a value. The only currently supported key in that hashref is no_parse which can be either a true or a false value. If it's set to a true value, Tagged will not parse this template.


This plugin requires Data::Transformer module which is not in Perl's core. If your webserver does not allow instalation of modules from CPAN, run the helper script to copy this module into your $core_dir/CPAN/ directory

zofcms_helper --nocore --core your_sites_core --cpan Data::Transformer


If your tag references some element of ZofCMS template which itself contains a tag the behaviour is undefined.


App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config, App::ZofCMS::Template

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::TOC (version 0.0103)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::TOC

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::TOC - Table of Contents building plugin for ZofCMS


In your ZofCMS template, or in your main config file (under template_defaults or dir_defaults):

page_toc    => [
plugins     => [ qw/TOC/ ],

# OR

page_toc    => [
    [ qw/#overview Overview class_overview/ ],
    [ qw/#beginning Beginning/ ],
plugins     => [ qw/TOC/ ],

In your HTML::Template template:

<tmpl_var name="page_toc">


This plugin provides means to generate "table of contents" lists. For example, the second example in the SYNOPSYS would replace <tmpl_var name="page_toc"> with this:

<ul class="page_toc">
    <li class="class_overview"><a href="#overview">Overview</a></li>
    <li><a href="#beginning">Beginning</a></li>
    <li><a href="#something_else">Something Else</a></li>
    <li><a href="#conclusion">Conclusion</a></li>


Aside from sticking TOC in your arrayref of plugins in your ZofCMS template (plugins => [ qw/TOC/ ]) and placing <tmpl_var name="page_toc"> in your HTML::Template template you also need to create a page_toc first level key in ZofCMS template. That key's value is an arrayref each element of which can be either an arrayref or a scalar. If the element is a scalar it is the same as it being an arrayref with one element. The element which is an arrayref can contain either one, two or three elements itself. Which represent the following:

arrayref which contains only one element

page_toc => [

# OR

page_toc => [
    [ '#foo' ],
    [ '#bar-baz' ],

The first (and only) element will be used in href="" attribute of the generated link. The text of the link will be determined automatically, in particular the '#' will be removed, first letter will be capitalized and any dashes '-' or underscores '_' will be replaced by a space with the letter following them capitalized. The example above will place the following code in <tmpl_var name="page_toc">:

<ul class="page_toc">
    <li><a href="#foo">Foo</a></li>
    <li><a href="#bar-baz">Bar Baz</a></li>

arrayref which contains two elements

page_toc => [
    [ '#foo', 'Foos Lots of Foos!' ],
    [ '#bar-baz', 'Bar-baz' ],

The first element will be used in href="" attribute of the generated link. The second element will be used as text for the link. The example above will generate the following code:

<ul class="page_toc">
    <li><a href="#foo">Foos Lots of Foos!</a></li>
    <li><a href="#bar-baz">Bar-baz</a></li>

arrayref which contains three elements

page_toc => [
    [ '#foo', 'Foos Lots of Foos!', 'foos' ],
    [ '#bar-baz', 'Bar-baz', 'bars' ],

The first element will be used in href="" attribute of the generated link. The second element will be used as text for the link. The third elemenet will be used to create a class="" attribute on the <li> element for the corresponding entry. The example above will generate the following code:

<ul class="page_toc">
    <li class="foos"><a href="#foo">Foos Lots of Foos!</a></li>
    <li class="bars"><a href="#bar-baz">Bar-baz</a></li>

Note: the class of the <ul> element is always page_toc

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::UserLogin (version 0.0212)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::UserLogin

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::UserLogin - restrict access to pages based on user accounts


In $your_database_of_choice that is supported by DBI create a table. You can have extra columns in it, but the first five must be named as appears below. login_time is the return of Perl's time(). Password will be md5_hex()ed (with Digest::MD5, session_id is rand() . rand() . rand() and role depends on what you set the roles to be:

create TABLE users (
    login TEXT,
    password VARCHAR(32),
    login_time VARCHAR(10),
    session_id VARCHAR(55),
    role VARCHAR(20)

Main config file:

template_defaults => {
    plugins => [ { UserLogin => 10000 } ],
plug_login => {
    dsn                     => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",
    user                    => 'test', # user,
    pass                    => 'test', # pass
    opt                     => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 },
    table                   => 'users',
    login_page              => '/login',
    redirect_on_restricted  => '/login',
    redirect_on_login       => '/',
    redirect_on_logout      => '/',
    not_restricted          => [ qw(/ /index) ],
    restricted              => [ qr/^/ ],
    smart_deny              => 'login_redirect_page',
    preserve_login          => 'my_site_login',
    login_button => '<input type="submit"
        class="input_submit" value="Login">',
    logout_button => '<input type="submit"
        class="input_submit" value="Logout">',

In HTML::Template template for '/login' page:

<tmpl_var name="plug_login_form">
<tmpl_var name="plug_login_logout">


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS; it provides functionality to restrict access to some pages based on user accounts (which support "roles")

Plugin uses HTTP cookies to set user sessions.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template


Plugin makes the logins lowercased when doing its processing; thus FooBar login is the same as foobar.


There are quite a few options that redirect the user upon a certain event. The exit() will be called upon a redirect so keep that in mind when setting plugin's priority setting.


Plugin needs access to the database that is supported by DBI module. You'll need to create a table the format of which is described in the first paragraph of SYNOPSYS section above. Note: plugin does not support creation of user accounts. That was left for other plugins (e.g. App::ZofCMS::Plugin::FormToDatabase) considering that you are flexible in what the entry for each user in the database can contain.


The "role" of a user can be used to limit access only to certain users. In the database the user can have several roles which are to be separated by commas (,). For example:


The user with that role is member of role "foo", "bar" and "baz".


plug_login => {
    dsn                     => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",
    user                    => 'test',
    pass                    => 'test',
    opt                     => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 },
    table                   => 'users',
    user_ref    => sub {
        my ( $user_ref, $template ) = @_;
        $template->{d}{plug_login_user} = $user_ref;
    login_page              => '/login',
    redirect_on_restricted  => '/login',
    redirect_on_login       => '/',
    redirect_on_logout      => '/',
    not_restricted          => [ qw(/ /index) ],
    restricted              => [ qr/^/ ],
    smart_deny              => 'login_redirect_page',
    preserve_login          => 'my_site_login',
    login_button => '<input type="submit"
        class="input_submit" value="Login">',
    logout_button => '<input type="submit"
        class="input_submit" value="Logout">',

These settings can be set via plug_login first-level key in ZofCMS template, but you probably would want to set all this in main config file via plug_login first-level key.


dsn => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",

Mandatory. The dsn key will be passed to DBI's connect_cached() method, see documentation for DBI and DBD::your_database for the correct syntax of this one. The example above uses MySQL database called test which is location on localhost


user => 'test',

Mandatory. Specifies the user name (login) for the database. This can be an empty string if, for example, you are connecting using SQLite driver.


pass => 'test',

Mandatory. Same as user except specifies the password for the database.


table => 'users',

Optional. Specifies which table in the database stores user accounts. For format of this table see SYNOPSYS section. Defaults to: users


opt => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 },

Optional. Will be passed directly to DBI's connect_cached() method as "options". Defaults to: { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 }


user_ref => sub {
    my ( $user_ref, $template ) = @_;
    $template->{d}{plug_login_user} = $user_ref;

Optional. Takes a subref as an argument. When specified the subref will be called and its @_ will contain the following: $user_ref, $template_ref, $query_ref, $config_obj, where $user_ref will be either undef (e.g. when user is not logged on) or will contain an arrayref with user data pulled from the SQL table, i.e. an arrayref with all the columns in a table that correspond to the currently logged in user. The $template_ref is the reference to your ZofCMS template, $query_ref is the reference to a query hashref as is returned from CGI's Vars() call. Finally, $config_obj is the App::ZofCMS::Config object. Basically you'd use user_ref to stick user's data into your ZofCMS template for later processing, e.g. displaying parts of it or making it accessible to other plugins. Defaults to: (will stick user data into {d}{plug_login_user} in ZofCMS template)

user_ref    => sub {
    my ( $user_ref, $template ) = @_;
    $template->{d}{plug_login_user} = $user_ref;


login_page => '/login',

login_page => qr|^/log(?:in)?|i;

Optional. Specifies what page is a page with a login form. The check will be done against a "page" that is constructed by $query{dir} . $query{page} (the dir and page are discussed in ZofCMS's core documentation). The value for the login_page key can be either a string or a regex. Note: the access is NOT restricted to pages matching login_page. Defaults to: /login


redirect_on_restricted => '/uri',

Optional. Specifies the URI to which to redirect if access to the page is denied, e.g. if user does not have an appropriate role or is not logged in. Defaults to: /


redirect_on_login  => '/uri',

Optional. Specifies the URI to which to redirect after user successfully logged in. By default is not specified.


smart_deny => 'login_redirect_page',

Optional. Takes a scalar as a value that represents a query parameter name into which to store the URI of the page that not-logged-in user attempted to access. This option works only when redirect_on_login is specified. When specified, plugin enables the magic to "remember" the page that a not-logged-in user tried to access, and once the user enters correct login credentials, he is redirected to said page automatically; thereby making the login process transparent. By default is not specified.


preserve_login => 'my_site_login',

Optional. Takes a scalar that represents the name of a cookie as a value. When specified, the plugin will automatically (via the cookie, name of which you specify here) remember, and fill out, the username from last successfull login. This option only works when no_cookies is set to a false value (that's the default). By default is not specified


login_button => '<input type="submit"
        class="input_submit" value="Login">',

Optional. Takes HTML code for the login button, though, feel free to use it as an insertion point for any extra code you might want in your login form. Defaults to: <input type="submit" class="input_submit" value="Login">


logout_button => '<input type="submit"
    class="input_submit" value="Logout">'

Optional. Takes HTML code for the logout button, though, feel free to use it as an insertion point for any extra code you might want in your logout form. Defaults to: <input type="submit" class="input_submit" value="Logout">


redirect_on_logout => '/uri',

Optional. Specifies the URI to which to redirect the user after he or she logged out.


restricted => [
    qw(/foo /bar /baz),
    { page => '/admin', role => 'admin' },
    { page => qr|^/customers/|, role => 'customer' },

Optional but doesn't make sense to not specify this one. By default is not specified. Takes an arrayref as a value. Elements of this arrayref can be as follows:

a string

restricted => [ qw(/foo /bar) ],

Elements that are plain strings represent direct pages ( page is made out of $query{dir} . $query{page} ). The example above will restrict access only to pages and for users that are not logged in.

a regex

restricted => [ qr|^/foo/| ],

Elements that are regexes (qr//) will be matched against the page. If the page matches the given regex access will be restricted to any user who is not logged in.

a hashref

restricted => [
    { page => '/secret', role => \1 },
    { page => '/admin', role => 'customer' },
    { page => '/admin', role => 'not_customer' },
    { page => qr|^/customers/|, role => 'not_customer' },

Using hashrefs you can set specific roles that are restricted from a given page. The hashref must contain two keys: the page key and role key. The value of the page key can be either a string or a regex which will be matched against the current page the same way as described above. The role key must contain a role of users that are restricted from accessing the page specified by page key or a scalarref (meaning "any role"). Note you can specify only one role per hashref. If you want to have several roles you need to specify several hashrefs or use not_restricted option described below.

In the example above only logged in users who are NOT members of role customer or not_customer can access /admin page and only logged in users who are NOT members of role not_customer can access pages that begin with /customers/. The page /secret is restricted for everyone (see note on scalarref below).

IMPORTANT NOTE: the restrictions will be checked until the first one matching the page criteria found. Therefore, make sure to place the most restrictive restrictions first. In other words:

restricted => [
    { page => '/foo', role => \1 },

Will NOT block logged in users from page /foo because qr/^/ matches first. Proper way to write this restriction would be:

restricted => [
    { page => '/foo', role => \1 },

Note: the role can also be a scalarref; if it is, it means "any role". In other words:

restricted => [ qr/^/ ],

Means "all the pages are restricted for users who are not logged in". While:

restricted => [ { page => qr/^/, role \1 } ],

Means that "all pages are restricted for everyone" (in this case you'd use not_restricted option described below to ease the restrictions).


not_restricted => [
    qw(/foo /bar /baz),
    { page => '/garbage', role => \1 },
    { page => '/admin', role => 'admin' },
    { page => qr|^/customers/|, role => 'customer' },

Optional. The value is the exact same format as for restricted option described above. By default is not specified. The purpose of not_restricted is the reverse of restricted option. Note that pages that match anything in not_restricted option will not be checked against restricted. In other words you can construct rules such as this:

restricted => [
    { page => qr|^/admin|, role => \1 },
not_restricted => [
    qw(/ /index),
    { page => qr|^/admin|, role => 'admin' },

The example above will restrict access to every page on the site that is not / or /index to any user who is not logged in. In addition, pages that begin with /admin will be accessible only to users who are members of role admin.


limited_time => 600,

Optional. Takes integer values greater than 0. Specifies the amount of seconds after which user's session expires. In other words, if you set limited_time to 600 and user went to the crapper for 10 minutes, then came back, he's session would expire and he would have to log in again. By default not specified and sessions expire when the cookies do so (which is "by the end of browser's session", let me know if you wish to control that).


no_cookies => 1,

Optional. When set to a false value plugin will set two cookies: md5_hex()ed user login and session ID. When set to a true value plugin will not set any cookies and instead will put session ID into plug_login_session_id key under ZofCMS template's {t} special key. By default is not specified (false).


There are two (or three, depending if you set no_cookies to a true value) keys created in ZofCMS template {t} special key, thus are available in your HTML::Template templates:


<tmpl_var name="plug_login_form">

The plug_login_form key will contain the HTML code for the "login form". You'd use <tmpl_var name="plug_login_form"> on your "login page". Note that login errors, i.e. "wrong login or password" will be automagically display inside that form in a <p class="error">.


<tmpl_var name="plug_login_logout">

This one is again an HTML form except for the "logout" button. Drop it anywhere you want.


<tmpl_if name="plug_login_user">
    Logged in as <tmpl_var name="plug_login_user">.

The plug_login_user will contain the login name of the currently logged in user.


If you set no_cookies argument to a true value, this key will contain session ID.


Below are the snippets of HTML code generated by the plugin; here for the reference when styling your login/logout forms.

login form

<form action="" method="POST" id="zofcms_plugin_login">
    <input type="hidden" name="page" value="/login">
    <input type="hidden" name="zofcms_plugin_login" value="login_user">
            <label for="zofcms_plugin_login_login">Login: </label
            ><input type="text" name="login" id="zofcms_plugin_login_login">
            <label for="zofcms_plugin_login_pass">Password: </label
            ><input type="password" name="pass" id="zofcms_plugin_login_pass">
    <input type="submit" value="Login">

login form with a login error

<form action="" method="POST" id="zofcms_plugin_login">
<div><p class="error">Invalid login or password</p>
    <input type="hidden" name="page" value="/login">
    <input type="hidden" name="zofcms_plugin_login" value="login_user">
            <label for="zofcms_plugin_login_login">Login: </label
            ><input type="text" class="input_text" name="login" id="zofcms_plugin_login_login">
            <label for="zofcms_plugin_login_pass">Password: </label
            ><input type="password" class="input_password" name="pass" id="zofcms_plugin_login_pass">
    <input type="submit" class="input_submit" value="Login">

logout form

<form action="" method="POST" id="zofcms_plugin_login_logout">
    <input type="hidden" name="page" value="/login">
    <input type="hidden" name="zofcms_plugin_login" value="logout_user">
    <input type="submit" class="input_submit" value="Logout">

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::UserLogin::ChangePassword (version 0.0110)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::UserLogin::ChangePassword

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::UserLogin::ChangePassword - UserLogin plugin suppliment for changing user passwords


In your Main Config File or ZofCMS Template:

plugins => [
    { UserLogin                   => 200  },
    { 'UserLogin::ChangePassword' => 1000 },

plug_user_login_change_password => {
    dsn     => "DBI:mysql:database=hl;host=localhost",
    login   => 'test',
    pass    => 'test',

# UserLogin plugin's configuration skipped for brevity

In your HTML::Template template:

<tmpl_var name='change_pass_form'>


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS that provides means to display and process the "change password" form. This plugin was designed with an assumption that you are using App::ZofCMS::Plugin::UserLogin, but that's not a requirement.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template



plugins => [
    { 'UserLogin::ChangePassword' => 2000 },

Mandatory. You need to include the plugin in the list of plugins to execute. By default this plugin is configured to interface with App::ZofCMS::UserLogin plugin, thus you'd include UserLogin plugin with lower priority sequence to execute earlier.


plug_user_login_change_password => {
    dsn     => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",
    user    => 'test',
    pass    => 'test',
    opt     => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 },
    table   => 'users',
    login   => sub { $_[0]{d}{user}{login} },
    key     => 'change_pass_form',
    min     => 4,
    submit_button => q|<input type="submit" class="input_submit"|
        . q| name="plug_user_login_change_password_submit"|
        . q| value="Change password">|,

# or set arguments via a subref
plug_user_login_change_password => sub {
    my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
    return {
        dsn => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",

Mandatory. Takes either a hashref or a subref as a value. If subref is specified, its return value will be assigned to plug_user_login_change_password as if it was already there. If sub returns an undef, then plugin will stop further processing. The @_ of the subref will contain (in that order): ZofCMS Tempalate hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object. To run with all the defaults (which won't be the case for nearly everything but testing environment) set to empty hashref. Possible keys/values for the hashref are as follows:


plug_user_login_change_password => sub {
    dsn => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",

Optional. Specifies DBI's "dsn" (driver, database and host) for the plugin to use. See App::ZofCMS::UserLogin for more details; this one needs to point to the same database that UserLogin plugin uses so the right password could be changed. Defaults to: DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost (as I've said, useful only for testing enviroment)


plug_user_login_change_password => sub {
    user    => 'test',

Optional. Specifies the username for database access. Defaults to: test


plug_user_login_change_password => sub {
    pass    => 'test',

Optional. Specifies the password for database access. Defaults to: test


plug_user_login_change_password => sub {
    opt => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 },

Optional. Specifies additional DBI options. See App::ZofCMS::Plugin::UserLogin's opt argument for more details. Defaults to: { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 }


plug_user_login_change_password => sub {
    table   => 'users',

Optional. Specifies the SQL table used in App::ZofCMS::Plugin::UserLogin. Actually, you do not have to use UserLogin plugin, but the passwords must be stored in a column named password. Defaults to: users


plug_user_login_change_password => sub {
    login   => 'admin',

plug_user_login_change_password => sub {
    login   => sub { $_[0]{d}{user}{login} },

Optional. Specifies the login of the user whose password to chagne. Takes either a string or a subref as a value. If subref is specified, its return value will be assigned to login as if it was already there. The @_ of the subref will contain (in that order): ZofCMS Template hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object. Defaults to: sub { $_[0]{d}{user}{login} } (my common way of storing $user_ref from UserLogin plugin)


plug_user_login_change_password => sub {
    key     => 'change_pass_form',

Optional. Specifies the name of the key inside {t} special key into which the plugin will put the password change form (see PLUGIN'S HTML AND OUTPUT section for details). Defaults to: change_pass_form


plug_user_login_change_password => sub {
    min     => 4,

Optional. Takes a positive intereger or zero as a value. Specifies the minimum length() of the new password. Defaults to: 4


plug_user_login_change_password => sub {
    submit_button => q|<input type="submit" class="input_submit"|
        . q| name="plug_user_login_change_password_submit"|
        . q| value="Change password">|,

Optional. Takes a string of HTML code as a value. Specifies the code for the submit button of the form; feel free to add any extra code you might require as well. Defaults to: <input type="submit" class="input_submit" name="plug_user_login_change_password_submit" value="Change password">


The plugin uses key in {t} special key that is specified via key plugin's configuration argument (defaults to change_pass_form). That key will contain either the HTML form for password changing or the message that password was successfully changed.

If an error occured (such as mismatching passwords), plugin will set $t->{t}{plug_user_login_change_password_error} to a true value (where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref). If password was successfully changed, plugin will set $t->{t}{plug_user_login_change_password_ok} to a true value (where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref). You do not have to use these, as they are set only if you have a large page and want to hide/show different bits depending on what is going on.

Below is the HTML::Template template that plugin uses for the form as well as successfully password changes. It is shown here for you to know how to style your password changing form/success message properly:

<tmpl_if name='change_ok'>
    <p id="plug_user_login_change_password_ok" class="success-message">Your password has been successfully changed</p>
    <form action="" method="POST" id="plug_user_login_change_password_form">
        <tmpl_if name='error'>
            <p class="error"><tmpl_var escape='html' name='error'></p>
        <input type="hidden" name="page" value="<tmpl_var escape='html' name='page'>">
        <input type="hidden" name="dir" value="<tmpl_var escape='html' name='dir'>">
                <label for="plug_user_login_change_password_pass">Current password: </label
                ><input type="password" class="input_password" name="plug_user_login_change_password_pass" id="plug_user_login_change_password_pass">
                <label for="plug_user_login_change_password_newpass">New password: </label
                ><input type="password" class="input_password" name="plug_user_login_change_password_newpass" id="plug_user_login_change_password_newpass">
                <label for="plug_user_login_change_password_repass">Retype new password: </label
                ><input type="password" class="input_password" name="plug_user_login_change_password_repass" id="plug_user_login_change_password_repass">
        <input type="submit" class="input_submit" name="plug_user_login_change_password_submit" value="Change password">


DBI, App::ZofCMS::Plugin::UserLogin

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::UserLogin::ForgotPassword (version 0.0112)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::UserLogin::ForgotPassword

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::UserLogin::ForgotPassword - addon plugin that adds functionality to let users reset passwords


In your HTML::Template template:

<tmpl_var name='plug_forgot_password'>

In your Main Config File or ZofCMS Template:

plugins => [ qw/UserLogin::ForgotPassword/ ],

plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    # mandatory
    dsn                  => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",

    # everything below is optional...
    # ...arguments' default values are shown
    user                 => '',
    pass                 => undef,
    opt                  => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 },
    users_table          => 'users',
    code_table           => 'users_forgot_password',
    q_code               => 'pulfp_code',
    max_abuse            => '5:10:60', # 5 min. intervals, max 10 attempts per 60 min.
    min_pass             => 6,
    code_expiry          => 24*60*60, # 1 day
    code_length          => 6,
    subject              => 'Password Reset',
    email_link           => undef, # this will be guessed
    from                 => undef,
    email_template       => undef, # use plugin's default template
    create_table         => undef,
    login_page           => '/',
    mime_lite_params     => undef,
    email                => undef, # use `email` column in users table
    button_send_link => q|<input type="submit" class="input_submit"|
        . q| value="Send password">|,
    button_change_pass => q|<input type="submit" class="input_submit"|
        . q| value="Change password">|,
    use_stage_indicators => 1,
    no_run               => undef,


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS that adds functionality to App::ZofCMS::Plugin::UserLogin plugin; that being the "forgot password?" operations. Namely, this involves showing the user the form to ask for their login, emailing the user special link which to follow (this is to establish ligitimate reset) and, finally, to provide a form where a user can enter their new password (and of course, the plugin will update the password in the users table). Wow, a mouthful of functionality! :)

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template. Whilst not necessary, being familiar with App::ZofCMS::Plugin::UserLogin might be helpful.


Here's the big picture of what the plugin does: user visits a page, plugin shows the HTML form that asks the user to enter their login in order to request password reset.

Once the user does that, the plugin checks that the provided login indeed exists, checks that there's no abuse going on (flooding with reset requests), generates a special "code" that, as part of a full link-to-follow, is sent to the user inviting them to click it to proceed with the reset.

Once the user clicks the link in their email (and thus ends up back on your site), the plugin will invite them to enter (and reenter to confirm) their new password. Once the plugin ensures the password looks good, it will update user's password in the database.

All this can be enabled on your site with a few keystroke, thanks to this plugin :)



plugins => [
    { 'UserLogin::ForgotPassword' => 2000 },

Mandatory. You need to include the plugin in the list of plugins to execute.


plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    # mandatory
    dsn                  => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",

    # everything below is optional...
    # ...arguments' default values are shown
    user                 => '',
    pass                 => undef,
    opt                  => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 },
    users_table          => 'users',
    code_table           => 'users_forgot_password',
    q_code               => 'pulfp_code',
    max_abuse            => '5:10:60', # 5 min. intervals, max 10 attempts per 60 min.
    min_pass             => 6,
    code_expiry          => 24*60*60, # 1 day
    code_length          => 6,
    subject              => 'Password Reset',
    email_link           => undef, # this will be guessed
    from                 => undef,
    email_template       => undef, # use plugin's default template
    create_table         => undef,
    login_page           => '/',
    mime_lite_params     => undef,
    email                => undef, # use `email` column in users table
    button_send_link => q|<input type="submit" class="input_submit"|
        . q| value="Send password">|,
    button_change_pass => q|<input type="submit" class="input_submit"|
        . q| value="Change password">|,
    use_stage_indicators => 1,
    no_run               => undef,

# or
plug_user_login_forgot_password => sub {
    my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
    return $hashref_to_assign_to_plug_user_login_forgot_password_key;

Mandatory. Takes either a hashref or a subref as a value. If subref is specified, its return value will be assigned to plug_user_login_forgot_password key as if it was already there. If sub returns an undef, then plugin will stop further processing. The @_ of the subref will contain $t, $q, and $config (in that order), where $t is ZofCMS Tempalate hashref, $q is query parameters hashref, and $config is the App::ZofCMS::Config object. The hashref has a whole ton of possible keys/values that control plugin's behavior; luckily, virtually all of them are optional with sensible defaults. Possible keys/values for the hashref are as follows:


plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    dsn => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",

Mandatory. The dsn key will be passed to DBI's connect_cached() method, see documentation for DBI and DBD::your_database for the correct syntax for this one. The example above uses MySQL database called test which is located on localhost. Defaults to: "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost", which is rather useless, so make sure to set your own :)


plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    user => '',

Optional. Specifies the user name (login) for the database. This can be an empty string if, for example, you are connecting using SQLite driver. Defaults to: '' (empty string)


plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    pass => undef,

Optional. Same as user except specifies the password for the database. Defaults to: undef (no password)


plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    opt => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 },

Optional. Will be passed directly to DBI's connect_cached() method as "options". Defaults to: { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 }


plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    users_table => 'users',

Optional. Specifies the name of the SQL table that you're using for storing user records. This would be the App::ZofCMS::Plugin::UserLogin's table argument. If you're not using that plugin, your users table should have logins stored in login column, passwords in password columns. If you're not planning to specify the email argument (see below), your users table need to have email addresses specified in the email table column; these will be the email addresses to which the reset links will be emailed. Defaults to: users


plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    code_table => 'users_forgot_password',

CREATE TABLE `users_forgot_password` (
    `login` TEXT,
    `time`  VARCHAR(10),
    `code`  TEXT

Optional. Specifies the name of SQL table into which to store reset codes. This table will be used when user submits password reset request, and the added entry will be deleted when user successfully enters new password. Above SQL code shows the needed structure of the table, but see create_table argument (below) for more on this. Defaults to: users_forgot_password


plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    create_table => undef,

Optional. Takes true or false values. When set to a true value, the plugin will automatically create the needed table where to store reset codes (see code_table above). Note: if the table already exists, plugin will crap out with an error - that's the intended behaviour, simply set create_table back to false value. Defaults to: undef


plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    q_code => 'pulfp_code',

Optional. Takes a scalar as a value that indicates the name of the query parameter that will be used by the plugin to reteive the "special" code. Plugin uses several query parameter names during its operation, but the code is sent via email and is directly visible to the user; the idea is that that might give you enough reason to wish control the name of that parameter. Defaults to: pulfp_code


plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    max_abuse => '5:10:60', # 5 min. intervals, max 10 attempts per 60 min.

plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    max_abuse => undef, # turn off abuse control

Optional. Defaults to: 5:10:60 (5 minute intervals, maximum 10 attempts per 60 minutes). Takes either undef or specially formatted "time code". This argument is responsible for abuse control (yey); abuse being the case when an idiot enters some user's login in the reset form and then hits browser's REFRESH a billion times, flooding said user. The values for this argument are:


plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    max_abuse => undef, # turn off abuse control

If set to undef, abuse control will be disabled.

first time code number

plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    max_abuse => '5:10:60',

Unless set to undef, the argument's value must be three numbers separated by colons. The first number indicates, in minutes, the interval of time that must pass after a password reset request until another request can be sent using the same login (there's no per-IP protection, or anything like that). Default first number is 5.

second time code number

The second number indicates the maximum number of reset attempts (again, per-login) that can be done in third number interval of time. For example, if the second number is 10 and third is 60, a user can request password reset 10 times in 60 minutes and no more. Default second number is 10.

third time code number

The third number indicates, in minutes, the time interval used by the second number. Default third number is 60.


plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    min_pass => 6,

Optional. Takes a positive integer as a value. Specifies the minimum length (number of characters) for the new password the user provides. Defaults to: 6


plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    code_expiry => 24*60*60, # 1 day

Optional. Takes, in seconds, the time after which to deem the reset code (request) as expired. In other words, if the user requests password reset, then ignores his email for code_expiry seconds, then the link in his email will no longer work, and he would have to request the reset all over again. Defaults to: 86400 (24 hours)


plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    code_length => 6,

Optional. Specifies the length of the randomly generated code that is used to identify legitimate user. Since this code is sent to the user via email, and is directly visible, specifying the code to be of too much length will look rather ugly. On the other hand, too short of a code can be easily guessed by a vandal. Defaults to: 6


plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    subject => 'Password Reset',

Optional. Takes a string as a value, this will be used as the subject line of the email sent to the user (the one containing the link to click). Defaults to: Password Reset


plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    from => undef,

plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    from => 'Zoffix Znet <>',

Optional. Takes a scalar as a value that specifies the From field for your email. If not specified, the plugin will simply not set the From argument in MIME::Lite's new() method (which is what this plugin uses under the hood). See MIME::Lite's docs for more description. Defaults to: undef (not specified)


plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    email_link => undef, # guess the right page

# note how the URI ends with the "invitation" to append the reset
# ... code right to the end
plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    email_link => '',

Optional. Takes either undef or a string containing a link as a value. Specifies the link to the page with this plugin enabled, this link will be emailed to the user so that they could proceed to enter their new password. When set to undef, the plugin guesses the current page (using %ENV) and that's what it will use for the link. If you specify the string, make sure to end it with pulfp_code= (note the equals sign at the end), where pulfp_code is the value you have set for q_code argument. Defaults to: undef (makes the plugin guess the right link)


plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    email_template => undef, # use plugin's default template

plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    email_template => \'templates/file.tmpl', # read template from file

plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    email_template => '<p>Blah blah blah...', # use this string as template

Optional. Takes a scalar, a scalar ref, or undef as a value. Specifies HTML::Template template to use when generating the email with the reset link. When set to undef, plugin will use its default template (see OUTPUT section below). If you're using your own template, the link template variable will contain the link the user needs to follow (i.e., use <tmpl_var escape='html' name='link'>). Defaults to: undef (plugin's default, see OUTPUT section below)


plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    login_page => '/',

plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    login_page => '/my-login-page',

plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    login_page => '',

Optional. As a value, takes either undef or a URI. Once the user is through will all the stuff plugin wants them to do, the plugin will tell them that the password has been changed, and that they can no go ahead and "log in". If login_page is specified, the "log in" text will be a link pointing to whatever you set in login_page; otherwise, the "log in" text will be just plain text. Defaults to: / (i.e. web root)


plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    mime_lite_params => undef,

plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    mime_lite_params => [
        Auth   => [ 'FOO/bar', 'p4ss' ],

Optional. Takes an arrayref or undef as a value. If specified, the arrayref will be directly dereferenced into MIME::Lite->send(). Here you can set any special send arguments you need; see MIME::Lite docs for more info. Note: if the plugin refuses to send email, it could well be that you need to set some mime_lite_params; on my box, without anything set, the plugin behaves as if everything went through fine, but no email arrives. Defaults to: undef


plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    email => undef,

plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    email => ',',

Optional. Takes either undef or email address(es) as a value. This argument tells the plugin where to send the email containing password reset link. If set to undef, plugin will look into users_table (see above) and will assume that email address is associated with the user's account and is stored in the email column of the users_table table. If you don't want that, set the email address directly here. Note: if you want to have multiple email addresses, simply separate them with commas. Defaults to: undef (take emails from users_table table)


plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    button_send_link => q|<input type="submit" class="input_submit"|
        . q| value="Send password">|,

Optional. Takes HTML code as a value. This code represents the submit button in the first form (the one that asks the user to enter their login). This, for example, allows you to use image buttons instead of regular ones. Also, feel free to use this as the insertion point for any extra HTML form you need in this form. Defaults to: <input type="submit" class="input_submit" value="Send password">


plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    button_change_pass => q|<input type="submit" class="input_submit"|
        . q| value="Change password">|,

Optional. Takes HTML code as a value. This code represents the submit button in the second form (the one that asks the user to enter and reconfirm their new password). This, for example, allows you to use image buttons instead of regular ones. Also, feel free to use this as the insertion point for any extra HTML form you need in this form. Defaults to: <input type="submit" class="input_submit" value="Change password">


plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    no_run => undef,

plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    no_run => 1,

Optional. Takes either true or false values as a value. This argument is a simple control switch that you can use to tell the plugin not to execute. If set to a true value, plugin will not run. Defaults to: undef (for obvious reasons :))


plug_user_login_forgot_password => {
    use_stage_indicators => 1,

Optional. Takes either true or false values as a value. When set to a true value, plugin will set "stage indicators" (see namesake section below for details); otherwise, it won't set anything. Defaults to: 1


All of plugin's output is spit out into a single variable in your HTML::Template template:

<tmpl_var name='plug_forgot_password'>

This raises the question of controlling the bells and whistles on your page with regard to what stage the plugin is undergoing (i.e. is it displaying that form that asks for a login or the one that is asking the user for a new password?). This is where stage indicators come into play.

Providing use_stage_indicators argument (see above) is set to a true value, the plugin will set the key with the name of appropriate stage indicator to a true value. That key resides in the {t} ZofCMS Template special key, so that you could use it in your HTML::Template templates. Possible stage indicators as well as explanations of when they are set are as follows:


<tmpl_if name='plug_forgot_password_stage_initial'>
    Forgot your pass, huh?

This indicator shows that the plugin is in its initial stage; i.e. the form asking the user to enter their login is shown.


<tmpl_if name='plug_forgot_password_stage_ask_error_login'>
    Yeah, that ain't gonna work if you don't tell me your login...

This indicator will be active if the user submits the form that is asking for his login, but does not specify his login.


<tmpl_if name='plug_forgot_password_stage_ask_error_no_user'>
    Are you sure you got the right address, bro?

This indicator shows that the plugin did not find user's login in the users_table table.


<tmpl_if name='plug_forgot_password_stage_ask_error_abuse'>
    Give it a rest, idiot!

This indicator shows that the plugin detected abuse (see max_abuse plugin's argument for details).


<tmpl_if name='plug_forgot_password_stage_emailed'>
    Sent ya an email, dude!

This indicator turns on when the plugin successfully sent the user an email containing reset pass link.


<tmpl_if name='plug_forgot_password_stage_code_invalid'>
    Your reset code has expired, buddy. Hurry up, next time!

This indicator is active when the plugin can't find the code the user is giving it. Under natural circumstances, this will only occur when the code has expired.


<tmpl_if name='plug_forgot_password_stage_change_pass_ask'>
    What's the new pass you want, buddy?

This indicator turns on when the form asking the user for the new password is active.


<tmpl_if name='plug_forgot_password_stage_code_bad_pass_length'>
    That pass's too short, dude.

This indicator signals that the user attempted to use too short of a new password (the length is controlled with the min_pass plugin's argument).


<tmpl_if name='plug_forgot_password_stage_code_bad_pass_copy'>
    It's really hard to type the same thing twice, ain't it?

This indicator turns on if the user did not retype the new password correctly.


<tmpl_if name='plug_forgot_password_stage_change_pass_done'>
    Well, looks like you're all done with reseting your pass and what not.

This indicator shows that the final stage of plugin's run has been reached; i.e. the user has successfully reset the password and can go on with their other business.


The plugin generates a whole bunch of various output; what's below should cover all the bases:

Default Email Template

<h2>Password Reset</h2>

<p>Hello. Someone (possibly you) requested a password reset. If that
was you, please follow this link to complete the action:
<a href="<tmpl_var escape='html' name='link'>"><tmpl_var escape='html'

<p>If you did not request anything, simply ignore this email.</p>

You can change this using email_template argument. When using your own, use <tmpl_var escape='html' name='link'> to insert the link the user needs to follow.

"Ask Login" Form Template

<form action="" method="POST" id="plug_forgot_password_form">
    <p>Please enter your login into the form below and an email with
        further instructions will be sent to you.</p>

    <input type="hidden" name="page" value="<tmpl_var escape='html'
    <input type="hidden" name="pulfp_ask_link" value="1">
    <tmpl_if name='error'>
        <p class="error"><tmpl_var escape='html' name='error'></p>

    <label for="pulfp_login">Your login: </label
    ><input type="text"

    <input type="submit"
        value="Send password">

This is the form that asks the user for their login in order to reset the password. Submit button is plugin's default code, you can control it with the button_send_link plugin's argument.

"New Password" Form Template

<form action="" method="POST" id="plug_forgot_password_new_pass_form">
    <p>Please enter your new password.</p>

    <input type="hidden" name="page" value="<tmpl_var escape='html'
    <input type="hidden" name="<tmpl_var escape='html'
        value="<tmpl_var escape='html' name='code_value'>">
    <input type="hidden" name="pulfp_has_change_pass" value="1">
    <tmpl_if name='error'>
        <p class="error"><tmpl_var escape='html' name='error'></p>

            <label for="pulfp_pass">New password: </label
            ><input type="password"
            <label for="pulfp_repass">Retype new password: </label
            ><input type="password"

    <input type="submit"
        value="Change password">

This is the template for the form that asks the user for their new password, as well as the retype of it for confirmation purposes. The code for the submit button is what the plugin uses by default (see button_change_pass plugin's argument).

"Email Sent" Message

<p class="reset_link_send_success">Please check your email
    for further instructions on how to reset your password.</p>

This message is shown when the user enters correct login and the plugin successfully sents the user their reset link email.

"Expired Reset Code" Message

<p class="reset_code_expired">Your reset code has expired. Please try
    resetting your password again.</p>

This will be shown if the user follows a reset link that contains invalid (expired) reset code.

"Changes Successfull" Message

<p class="reset_pass_success">Your password has been successfully
    changed. You can now use it to <a href="/">log in</a>.</p>

This will be shown when the plugin has done its business and the password has been reset. Note that the "log in" text will only be a link if login_page plugin's argument is set; otherwise it will be plain text.


The plugin requires the following modules/versions for healthy operation:

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::Base  => 0.0105
DBI                        => 1.607
Digest::MD5                => 2.36_01
HTML::Template             => 2.9
MIME::Lite                 => 3.027

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::ValidationLinks (version 0.0101)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::ValidationLinks

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::ValidationLinks - plugin for people with bad memory to include Valid HTML/Valid CSS links pointing to validators


In your Main Config File or ZofCMS Template file:

plugins => [ qw/ValidationLinks/ ]

In your HTML::Template template:

<tmpl_var name="val_link_html">
<tmpl_var name="val_link_css">

Produced HTML code:

<a href="" title="Validate HTML code on this page">Valid HTML 4.01 Strict</a>
<a href="" title="Validate CSS code on this page">Valid CSS</a>


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS. It's pretty useless unless you are like me: have a really bad memory on URIs and sick and tired of looking up all those links. The links are for (X)HTML and for CSS.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template



plug_val_links => {
    html_text   => 'Valid HTML 4.01 Strict',
    css_text    => 'Valid CSS',
    xhtml       => 0,

Optional. The plugin takes its configuration via a hashref assigned to a plug_val_links first-level key in either Main Config File or ZofCMS Template. As opposed to many other plugins, this plugin will still execute even if the plug_val_links key is not present; as long as you include the plugin in the list of plugins to execute. Possible keys/values of plug_val_links hashref are as follows:


plug_val_links => {
    html_text   => 'Valid HTML 4.01 Strict',

Optional. Specifies the text for the "validate (X)HTML" link. Defaults to: Valid HTML 4.01 Strict


plug_val_links => {
    css_text    => 'Valid CSS',

Optional. Specifies the text for the "validate CSS" link. Defaults to: Valid CSS


plug_val_links => {
    xhtml       => 0,

Optional. Pretty much the only purpose of this argument is for the title="" attribute of the "validate (X)HTML" link. Takes either true or false values. When set to a true value the link will have title="Validate XHTML code on this page", when set to a false value the link will have title="Validate HTML code on this page". Defaults to: 0 (false)


<tmpl_var name="val_link_html">
<tmpl_var name="val_link_css">

The plugin will set two keys in {t} special keys, thus you'll have two HTML::Template variables to use:


<tmpl_var name="val_link_html">

Will contain the link to HTML validator to validate the current page.


<tmpl_var name="val_link_css">

Will contain the link to CSS validator to validate the current page.


The W3C validator cannot validate pages that are not publicly accessible, i.e. (possibly) your development server; thus clicking the links from your local version of site will make the validator error out.

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::YouTube (version 0.0104)


Link: App::ZofCMS::Plugin::YouTube

App::ZofCMS::Plugin::YouTube - CRUD-type plugin to manage YouTube videos


In your Main Config File or ZofCMS Template template:

plugins => [ qw/YouTube/, ],

plug_youtube => {
    dsn            => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost", # everything below is pretty much optional
    user            => '',
    pass            => '',
    opt             => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 },
    t_name          => 'plug_youtube',
    table           => 'videos',
    create_table    => 0,
    h_level         => 3,
    size            => 1,
    no_form         => 0,
    no_list         => 0,
    allow_edit      => 0,
    ua_args => [
        agent   => 'Opera 9.2',
        timeout => 30,
    filter          => {
        title       => qr/Foo/,
        description => qr/Bar/,
        link        => qr/234fd343/,

In your HTML::Template template:

<h2>Post new video</h2>
<tmpl_var name='plug_youtube_form'>

<h2>Existing Videos</h2>
<tmpl_var name='plug_youtube_list'>


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS. It provides means to have a CRUD-like (Create, Read, Update, Delete) interface for managing YouTube videos. The plugin provides a form where a user can enter the title of the video, its YouTube URI and a description. That form is stored in a SQL database by the plugin and can be displayed as a list.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template

When create_table option is turned on (see below) the plugin will create the following table where table_name is derived from table argument in plug_youtube (see below).

CREATE TABLE table_name (
    title       TEXT,
    link        TEXT,
    description TEXT,
    embed       TEXT,
    time        VARCHAR(10),
    id          TEXT



plugins => [ qw/YouTube/ ],

Without saying it, you need to add the plugin in the list of plugins to execute.


plug_youtube => {
    dsn            => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost", # everything below is pretty much optional
    user            => '',
    pass            => '',
    opt             => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 },
    t_name          => 'plug_youtube',
    table           => 'videos',
    create_table    => 0,
    h_level         => 3,
    size            => 1,
    no_form         => 0,
    no_list         => 0,
    allow_edit      => 0,
    ua_args => [
        agent   => 'Opera 9.2',
        timeout => 30,
    filter          => {
        title       => qr/Foo/,
        description => qr/Bar/,
        link        => qr/234fd343/,

plug_youtube => sub {
    my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
    return {
        dsn => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",

The plugin takes its config via plug_youtube first-level key that takes a hashref or a subref as a value and can be specified in either Main Config File or ZofCMS Template or both. or a subref as a value. If subref is specified, its return value will be assigned to plug_youtube as if it was already there. If sub returns an undef, then plugin will stop further processing. The @_ of the subref will contain (in that order): ZofCMS Tempalate hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object. If a certain key (does NOT apply to subrefs) in that hashref is set in both, Main Config File and ZofCMS Template, the value for that key that is set in ZofCMS Template will take precendence. The possible keys/values are as follows (virtually all are optional and have default values):


dsn => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",

Mandatory. Takes a scalar as a value which must contain a valid "$data_source" as explained in DBI's connect_cached() method (which plugin currently uses).


user => '',

Optional. Takes a string as a value that specifies the user name to use when authorizing with the database. Defaults to: empty string


pass => '',

Optional. Takes a string as a value that specifies the password to use when authorizing with the database. Defaults to: empty string


opt => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 },

Optional. Takes a hashref as a value, this hashref contains additional DBI parameters to pass to connect_cached() DBI's method. Defaults to: { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 }


table => 'videos',

Optional. Takes a string as a value, specifies the name of the SQL table in which to store information about videos. Defaults to: videos


create_table => 0,

Optional. When set to a true value, the plugin will automatically create needed SQL table, you can create it manually if you wish, see its format in USED SQL TABLE FORMAT section above. Generally you'd set this to a true value only once, at the start, and then you'd remove it because there is no "IF EXISTS" checks. Defaults to: 0


t_name => 'plug_youtube',

Optional. Takes a string as a value. This string will be used as a "base name" for two keys that plugin generates in {t} special key. The keys are plug_youtube_list and plug_youtube_form (providing t_name is set to default) and are explained below in HTML::Template VARIABLES section below. Defaults to: plug_youtube


h_level => 3,

Optional. When generating a list of YouTube videos, plugin will use HTML <h?> elements (see GENERATED HTML CODE section below). The h_level takes an integer between 1 and 6 and that value specifies what <h?> level to generate. Defaults to: 3 (generate <h3> elements)


size => 1,
# or
size => [ 300, 200 ],

Optional. Takes either an integer from 0 to 3 or an arrayref with two elements that are positive intergers as a value. When the value is an arrayref the first element is treated as the value of width="" attribute and the second element is treated as the value for height="" attribute. These two control the size of the video. You can also use integers from 0 to 3 to specify a "prefabricated" size (sort'f like a shortcut). The relation between the integers and the sizes they represent is shown below. Defaults to: 1 ( size 425x344)

0 => [ 320, 265 ],
1 => [ 425, 344 ],
2 => [ 480, 385 ],
3 => [ 640, 505 ],


no_form => 0,

Optional. Plugin generates an HTML form to input videos into the database, besides that, it also processes that form and makes sure everything is right. When no_form is set to a true value, the plugin will NOT generate the form and most importantly it will NOT process anything; so if you are making your own form for input, make sure to leave no_form as false. Defaults to: 0s


no_list => 0,

Optional. Plugin automatically fetches all the available videos from the database and prepares an HTML list to present them. When no_list is set to a true value, plugin will not generate any lists. Defaults to: 0


allow_edit => 0,

Optional. Applies only when both no_form and no_list are set to false values. Takes either true or false values. When set to a true value, plugin will add Edit and Delete buttons under every video with which the user will be able to (duh!) edit and delete videos. Defaults to: 0

Note: the "edit" is not that smart in this plugin, what actually happens is the video is deleted and its information is filled in the "entry" form. If the user never hits "Add" button on the form, the video will be lost; let me know if this creates a problem for you.


filter => {
    title       => qr/Foo/,
    description => qr/Bar/,
    link        => qr/234fd343/,

Optional. You can set a filter when displaying the list of videos. The filter argument takes a hashref as a value. All keys take a regex (qr//) as a value. The field referenced by the key must match the regex in order for the video to be put in the list of videos. By default is not specified. You can specify either 1 or all 3 keys. Possible keys and what they reference are as follows:


filter => {
    title => qr/Foo/,

Optional. The title key's regex matches the titles of the videos.


filter => {
    description => qr/Bar/,

Optional. The description key's regex matches the descriptions of the videos.


filter => {
    link => qr/234fd343/,

Optional. The link key's regex matches the links of the videos.


ua_args => [
    agent   => 'Opera 9.2',
    timeout => 30,

Optional. Under the hood plugin uses LWP::UserAgent to access YouTube for fetching the "embed" code for the videos. The ua_args takes an arrayref as a value. This arrayref will be directly derefrenced into LWP::UserAgent's constructor (new() method). See LWP::UserAgent for possible options. Defaults to: [ agent => 'Opera 9.2', timeout => 30, ]


The plugin generates two keys in {t} ZofCMS Template special key, thus making them available for use in your HTML::Template templates. Assuming t_name is left at its default value the following are the names of those two keys:


<tmpl_var name='plug_youtube_form'>

This variable will contain HTML form generated by the plugin, the form also includes display of errors.


<tmpl_var name='plug_youtube_list'>

This variable will contain the list of videos generated by the plugin.



<form action="" method="POST" id="plug_youtube_form">

    <p class="error">Incorrect YouTube link
    <input type="hidden" name="page" value="videos">
    <input type="hidden" name="dir" value="/admin/">
            <label for="plug_youtube_title">Title: </label
            ><input type="text" id="plug_youtube_title" name="plug_youtube_title" value="xxx">

            <label for="plug_youtube_link">Link: </label
            ><input type="text" id="plug_youtube_link" name="plug_youtube_link" value="">
            <label for="plug_youtube_description">Description: </label
            ><textarea id="plug_youtube_description" name="plug_youtube_description" cols="60" rows="10"></textarea>
    <input type="submit" name="plug_youtube_submit" value="Add">


Note: the <form> will not be there if allow_edit option is set to a false value.

<ul id="plug_youtube_list">
        <h3><a href="">Some club</a></h3>
        <p class="plug_youtube_time">Posted on: Wed Dec 10 21:14:01 2008</p>
        <div class="plug_youtube_video"><object width="200" height="165"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="200" height="165"></embed></object></div>
        <p class="plug_youtube_description">Description</p>
            <form action="" method="POST">
                <input type="hidden" name="plug_youtube_vid_edit_id" value="03716801501150291228961641000660045686842636">
                <input type="hidden" name="page" value="videos">
                <input type="hidden" name="dir" value="/admin/">
                <input type="submit" class="submit_button_edit" name="plug_youtube_vid_edit_action" value="Edit">
                <input type="submit" class="submit_button_delete" name="plug_youtube_vid_edit_action" value="Delete">
    <li class="alt">
        <h3><a href="">Some club</a></h3>
        <p class="plug_youtube_time">Posted on: Wed Dec 10 21:13:30 2008</p>
        <div class="plug_youtube_video"><object width="200" height="165"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="200" height="165"></embed></object></div>
        <p class="plug_youtube_description">Description</p>
            <form action="" method="POST">
                <input type="hidden" name="plug_youtube_vid_edit_id" value="051156628115950712289616100613964522347914">
                <input type="hidden" name="page" value="videos">
                <input type="hidden" name="dir" value="/admin/">
                <input type="submit" class="submit_button_edit" name="plug_youtube_vid_edit_action" value="Edit">
                <input type="submit" class="submit_button_delete" name="plug_youtube_vid_edit_action" value="Delete">


'Zoffix, <'zoffix at'> (,,


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-app-zofcms-pluginreference at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc App::ZofCMS::PluginReference

You can also look for information at:


Copyright 2008 'Zoffix, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.