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POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::SigFail - make witty error/no result messages
use strict;
use warnings;
use POE qw(Component::IRC Component::IRC::Plugin::SigFail);
my $irc = POE::Component::IRC->spawn(
nick => 'FailBot',
server => 'irc.freenode.net',
port => 6667,
ircname => 'FAIL BOT',
plugin_debug => 1,
package_states => [
main => [ qw(_start irc_001 irc_public _default) ],
sub _start {
$irc->yield( register => 'all' );
'SigFail' =>
$irc->yield( connect => {} );
sub irc_public {
$irc->yield( privmsg => '#zofbot' => '<irc_sigfail:FAIL>' );
sub irc_001 {
$irc->yield( join => '#zofbot' );
This is a silly little module which allows you to spice up your "error" or "no result" messages with a little wit. It is to be used as a plugin for POE::Component::IRC.
# plain
'SigFail' => POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::SigFail->new
# strawberry-vanilla
'SigFail' => POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::SigFail->new(
tag => qr/<irc_sigfail:([^>]+)>/,
messages => [
q|No idea|,
q|No clue|,
extra => [
q|Wtf is that?|,
q|Umm.. Google it|,
sigfail => 1,
Constructs and returns a new POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::SigFail object which is suitable to be fed into plugin_add
method of POE::Component::IRC object.
The constructor takes a few arguments all of which are optional and are passed as key/value pairs. All arguments can be changed dynamically by assigning to them as hashref keys in your plugin's object. In other words, if you want to change the value of sigfail
argument you can simply do $your_sigfail_plugin_object->{sigfail} = 0;
. The possible arguments are as follows:
->new( tag => qr/<irc_sigfail:([^>]+)>/, );
Optional. The way the plugin works is it looks for special "tags" in outgoing privmsg
and notice
messages. The "tag" is a regex (qr//
) which is given as a value to constructor's tag
argument. The regex must have one capturing group of parenthesis. When sigfail
argument (see below) is set to a true value the plugin will replace the entire "tag" with one of the "witty messages". If sigfail
argument is set to a false value, the "tag" will be replaced with whatever was captured by capturing ground of parentheses. This allows you to specify "real" error/no result messages in your tags and dynamically change values of sigfail
argument in case you need to know the actual message. Defaults to: qr/<irc_sigfail:([^>]+)>/
->new( messages => [
q|No idea|,
q|No clue|,
Optional. The messages
argument is the heart of the plugin. It takes an arrayref as a value elements of which are "witty messages" with which the tag will be replaced. The default set of messages
is presented in "MESSAGES" section below. If you want to just add a few more messages see the extra
argument below. If you have some nice and funny messages suitable for this plugin please tell me about them at zoffix@cpan.org
and I will be more than happy to add them to the "core". Defaults to: an arrayref containing all the messages presented in "MESSAGES" section below.
->new( extra => [
q|Wtf is that?|,
q|Umm.. Google it|,
Optional. If you simply to want to add a few messages
of your own instead of completely replacing the messages
arrayref (see above) simply assign them to extra
argument. The extra
argument takes an arrayref as a value elements of which will be appended to messages
arrayref (see description above). Defaults to: []
(empty arrayref).
->new( sigfail => 1, );
Optional. This is the "controlling switch" of the plugin. It takes either true or false values as a value. When set to a true value the "tag" (see above) will be replaced with one of the witty messages given via messages
argument. When set to a false value the "tag" will be replaced with whatever was captured in the first group of capturing parenthesis of the tag
argument's regex (see above). Defaults to: 1
The following are default "witty messages" with which you "tag" will be replaced; i.e. the default elements of messages
argument arrayref.
q|No idea|,
q|No clue|,
q|Wtf is that?|,
q|Umm.. Google it|,
q|Come again?|,
q|Trying to be funny?|,
q|Umm, I gotta run, talk to you later!|,
q|Leave me alone|,
q|Do I have to know that?|,
q|My dum-dum wants gum-gum|,
q|Pay me!|,
q|Hold on a sec... just wait...umm I'll be right back!!|,
q|Yeah, right!! Keep on waiting!|,
q|Don't leave! I'm coming!|,
q|Where is my sugar?|,
q|I'm not that smart :(|,
q|me iz teh suck, ask some1 else|,
q|must.... eat... batteries..|,
q|Something tells me you are trying to fool me...|,
q|NO! I will NOT tell you that!|,
q|Stop picking on bots, you racist!!|,
q|Do you have to bug me so much just because I am a bot?|,
q|01001011101111010000110101100011! Read that!|,
q|Not enough megahurts :(|,
q|Can't tell you, it's a secret!|,
q|Hrooop, something's broke!|,
q|If you don't know, why should I? >:O|,
The examples/
directory of this distribution contains a fail_bot.pl
script which is an IRC bot which responds with a sigfail message everytime there is a public message in the channel.
Zoffix Znet, <zoffix at cpan.org>
(http://zoffix.com, http://haslayout.net)
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-poe-component-irc-plugin-sigfail at rt.cpan.org
, or through the web interface at http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=POE-Component-IRC-Plugin-SigFail. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::SigFail
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Copyright 2008 Zoffix Znet, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.