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POE::Component::WebService::Validator::CSS::W3C - non-blocking access to CSS validator.
use strict;
use warnings;
use POE qw(Component::WebService::Validator::CSS::W3C);
my $poco = POE::Component::WebService::Validator::CSS::W3C->spawn;
package_states => [
main => [ qw( _start validated ) ],
sub _start {
$poco->validate( {
event => 'validated',
uri => 'http://zoffix.com',
sub validated {
my $input = $_[ARG0];
if ( $input->{request_error} ) {
print "Failed to access validator: $input->{request_error}\n";
else {
if ( $input->{is_valid} ) {
printf "%s is valid! See %s for proof\n",
@$input{ qw(uri request_uri) };
else {
printf "%s contains %d error(s), see %s\nErrors are:\n",
@$input{ qw(uri num_errors request_uri) };
printf " %s on line %d\n",
@$_{ qw(message line) }
for @{ $input->{errors} };
Using the event based interface is also possible.
The module is a non-blocking POE wrapper around WebService::Validator::CSS::W3C which provides access to W3C CSS validator ( http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/ )
my $poco = POE::Component::WebService::Validator::CSS::W3C->spawn;
alias => 'val'
The constructor returns a POE::Component::WebService::Validator::CSS::W3C object, though you don't need to store it anywhere if you set the alias
argument (see below). Takes a few optional arguments which are as follows:
alias => 'val'
Optional. Specifies a POE Session alias for the component.
my $poco = POE::Component::WebService::Validator::CSS::W3C->spawn(
ua => LWP::UserAgent->new( timeout => 10 ),
Optional. Takes an LWP::UserAgent object which will be used to access W3C validator. If not specified the LWP::UserAgent with its defaults will be used, with the exception of timeout
which will be set to 30
my $poco = POE::Component::WebService::Validator::CSS::W3C->spawn(
val_uri => 'http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator',
Specifies the URI of the CSS validator to access. Defaults to: http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator
, however you are strongly encouraged install local validator, see http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/DOWNLOAD.html for details.
my $poco = POE::Component::WebService::Validator::CSS::W3C->spawn(
options => {
trace => 1,
default => 1,
Optional. A hashref of POE Session options to pass to the component's session. No options are set by default.
my $poco = POE::Component::WebService::Validator::CSS::W3C->spawn(
debug => 1
When set to a true value turns on output of debug messages. Defaults to: 0
These are the object-oriented methods of the components.
$poco->validate( {
event => 'validated', # mandatory
uri => 'http://zoffix.com', # this or 'string' must be here
$poco->validate( {
event => 'event_to_send_results_to', # mandatory
string => '#foo { display: none; }', # this or 'uri' must be
medium => 'print', # this one and all below is optional
profile => 'css3',
warnings => 2,
language => 'de',
session => 'other_session_to_get_results',
_user => rand(), # user defined args
_any => 'other',
Takes hashref of options. See validate
event below for description.
my $val_session_id = $poco->session_id;
Takes no arguments. Returns component's session ID.
Takes no arguments. Shuts down the component.
$poe_kernel->post( val => validate => {
event => 'validated', # mandatory
uri => 'http://zoffix.com', # this or 'string' must be here
$poe_kernel->post( val => validate => {
event => 'event_to_send_results_to', # mandatory
string => '#foo { display: none; }', # this or 'uri' must be
medium => 'print', # this one and all below is optional
profile => 'css3',
warnings => 2,
language => 'de',
session => 'other_session_to_get_results',
_user => rand(), # user defined args
_any => 'other',
Instructs the component to validate some CSS code, which can be passed either in a form of a scalar or in a form of a URI to the page. Options are passed in a hashref with keys as follows:
{ event => 'validation_result' }
Mandatory. An event to send the result to.
{ uri => 'http://zoffix.com' }
Semi-mandatory. Either uri
or string
(see below) must be specified. The uri
key instructs the validator to validate the page specified in the value.
{ string => '#foo { display: block; }' }
Semi-mandatory. Either string
or uri
(see above) must be specified. The string
key instructs the validator to validate CSS code specified as the value.
{ medium => 'print' }
Optional. Specifies the media type of CSS to check against. Should be one of aural
, braille
, embossed
, handheld
, print
, screen
, tty
, tv
, and presentation
. A special value all
can also be specified which means all media types. Defaults to: undef
which means validator will use its default, which currently is all
{ profile => 'css3' }
Specifies the CSS version to check against. Legal values are css1
, css2
, css21
, css3
, svg
, svgbasic
, svgtiny
, mobile
, atsc-tv
, and tv
. A special value none
can also be used. Defaults to: undef
which tells the W3C validator to use its default, which currently defaults to css21
{ warnings => 2 }
An integer 0 - 10 that determines how many warning messages you want to get back from the CSS Validator, 0 means no warnings, 10 would give most warnings, but is currently effectively the same as 1. The defaut is undef in which case the CSS Validator determines a default value; this is expected to be as if 2 had been specified. NOTE: there seems to be a discrepancy in WebService::Validator::CSS::W3C documentation and '0' defaults to "Most Important", '1' => 'Normal', '2' => 'All' and value no
, or default is "No warnings". The bug report has been submitted and hopefully this will be resolved soon. Use warnings
option with caution until this note is removed.
{ language => 'de' }
The desired language of the supposedly human-readable messages. The string will passed as an Accept-Language header in the HTTP request. The CSS Validator currently supports en
, de
, fr
, ja
, nl
, zh
, and zh-cn
{ session => $some_other_session_ref }
{ session => 'some_alias' }
{ session => $session->ID }
Optional. An alternative session alias, reference or ID that the response should be sent to, defaults to sending session.
user defined
Optional. Any keys starting with _
(underscore) will not affect the component and will be passed back in the result intact.
$poe_kernel->post( 'calc' => 'shutdown' );
Takes no arguments. Tells the component to shut itself down.
$VAR1 = {
'result' => 1,
'is_valid' => 0,
'num_errors' => '1',
'errors' => [
'uri' => 'google.ca',
'request_uri' => bless( do{\(my $o = 'http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=google.ca&output=soap12')}, 'URI::http' ),
'refer_to_uri' => bless( do{\(my $o = 'http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=google.ca')}, 'URI::http' ),
'http_response' => bless( { blah }, 'HTTP::Response' ),
'som' => bless( { blah }, 'SOAP::SOM' ),
'val_uri' => 'http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator',
'num_warnings' => '0',
'warnings' => [],
The result will be posted to the event and (optional) session specified in the arguments to the validate
(event or method). The result, in the form of a hashref, will be passed in ARG0
. The keys of that hashref are as follows:
{ 'result' => 1 }
Whill contain either a true or false value. The false value will indicate that we failed to access the validator, use request_error
key (see below) to determine the reason. If the value is true - we successfully accessed the validator (note that it doesn't mean that the code was valid)
{ request_error => '500: Request timed out' }
If we could not access the validator (i.e. result
contains a false value) then the request_error
key will contain the description of the error.
{ is_valid => 0 }
Will contain either a true or false value. If contains a true value the CSS code which was validate does not contain errors. If is_valid
key contains a false value - the CSS code is invalid.
{ 'num_errors' => '1' }
Will contain the number of errors found in CSS code which was validated.
printf "%s on line %d\n", @$_{ qw(message line) }
for @{ $_[ARG0]->{errors} };
This will contain an arrayref of hashrefs which represent errors. The possible error hashref might be:
( {
context => 'p',
property => 'color',
expression => { start => '', end => 'not-a-color' }
errortype => 'parse-error',
message => 'not-a-color is not a color value',
line => 0,
} )
However, not all the keys will be present at all times.
{ 'uri' => 'google.ca' }
If the uri
argument was used to the validate
event/method (as opposed to string
) the uri
key in the output will contain whatever you've passed to validate
{ 'string' => '#foo { display: block; }' }
If the string
argument was used to the validate
event/method (as opposed to uri
) the string
key in the output will contain whatever you've passed to validate
{ 'request_uri' => bless( do{\(my $o = 'http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=google.ca&output=soap12')}, 'URI::http' ) }
Will contain a URI object which was used to access the validator.
{ 'refer_to_uri' => bless( do{\(my $o = 'http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=google.ca')}, 'URI::http' ), }
Will contain a URI object which you can use to direct people to the HTML version of the validator output.
{ 'http_response' => bless( { blah }, 'HTTP::Response' ) }
The http_response
key will contain an HTTP::Response object obtained during the access to validator. You could perhaps examine it to find out why you failed to access the validator.
{ 'val_uri' => 'http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator' }
The val_uri
key will contain a URI of the CSS validator which was used for validaton.
{ 'som' => bless( { blah }, 'SOAP::SOM' ), }
The SOAP::SOM object for the successful deserialization, check the result
key (see above) for a true value before using this object.
{ 'warnings' => [], }
The warnings
key will contain an arrayref of warnings found in CSS file (providing the warning level was set appropriately). Note: the docs for WebService::Validator::CSS::W3C read:
Returns a list with information about the warnings found for the style
sheet. This is currently of limited use as it is broken, see
http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=771 for details.
The validator bug shows as "RESOLVED", however I could not get any warnings from WebService::Validator::CSS::W3C. If you can figure it out drop me a line ;)
user defined
{ '_some' => 'other' }
Any arguments beginning with _
(underscore) passed into the validate
event/method will be present intact in the result.
WebService::Validator::CSS::W3C, POE, LWP::UserAgent
Zoffix Znet, <zoffix at cpan.org>
( http://zoffix.com, http://haslayout.net )
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-poe-component-webservice-validator-css-w3c at rt.cpan.org
, or through the web interface at http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=POE-Component-WebService-Validator-CSS-W3C. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc POE::Component::WebService::Validator::CSS::W3C
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Copyright 2008 Zoffix Znet, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.