WWW::PasteCSSStandardsOrg::Create - create new pastes on website
use strict;
use warnings;
use WWW::PasteCSSStandardsOrg::Create;
my $paster = WWW::PasteCSSStandardsOrg::Create->new;
$paster->paste( 'text to paste', expire => 'day', )
or die $paster->error;
printf "Your paste is located on: %s\n", $paster->uri;
The module provides means of pasting large texts into pastebin site.
my $paster = WWW::PasteCSSStandardsOrg::Create->new;
my $paster = WWW::PasteCSSStandardsOrg::Create->new( timeout => 10 );
my $paster = WWW::PasteCSSStandardsOrg::Create->new(
mech => WWW::Mechanize->new( agent => '007', timeout => 10 ),
Bakes and returns a fresh WWW::PasteCSSStandardsOrg::Create object. Takes two optional arguments which are as follows:
my $paster = WWW::PasteCSSStandardsOrg::Create->new( timeout => 10 );
Takes a scalar as a value which is the value that will be passed to the WWW::Mechanize object to indicate connection timeout in seconds. Defaults to: 30
my $paster = WWW::PasteCSSStandardsOrg::Create->new(
mech => WWW::Mechanize->new( agent => '007', timeout => 10 ),
If a simple timeout is not enough for your needs feel free to specify the mech
argument which takes a WWW::Mechanize object as a value. Defaults to: plain WWW::Mechanize object with timeout
argument set to whatever WWW::PasteCSSStandardsOrg::Create's timeout
argument is set to as well as agent
argument is set to mimic FireFox.
my $uri = $paster->paste('some long text')
or die $paster->error;
my $uri2 = $paster->paste(
'some long text',
name => 'Zoffix',
expire => 'never',
desc => 'some codes',
lang => 'css',
) or die $paster->error;
Instructs the object to create a new paste. If an error occured during pasting the method will return either undef
or an empty list depending on the context and the error will be available via error()
method. On success returns a URI object poiting to the newly created paste (see also uri()
method). The first argument is mandatory content of your paste. The rest are optional arguments which are passed in a key/value pairs. Note: pastebin blocks pastes which are shorter than 20 characters. The module will return an error if your text is shorter. The optional arguments are as follows:
{ name => 'Zoffix' }
Optional. Takes a scalar as an argument which specifies the name of the poster or the titles of the paste. Defaults to: empty string, which in turn results to word Stuff
being the title of the paste. Defaults to: empty string which in turn results to 'Anonymous' as a name.
{ expire => 'never' }
Optional. When your paste should expire. Defaults to: week
. Valid values are:
- day
Expire in 24 hours
- week
Expire in 7 days
- month
Expire in a month
- quarter
Expire in three months
- year
Expire in a year
- never
Paste should never expire.
{ desc => 'some codes' }
Optional. The description of the paste. Defaults to: empty string.
{ lang => 'css' }
Optional. Specifies the (computer) language of the paste, in other words what syntax highlights to use. Defaults to: none
. Valid values are:
- none
No highlights, raw text.
- css
CSS code.
- html4strict
HTML 4.01 Strict code.
- javascript
Javascript code
- xml
XML (XHTML) code
$paster->paste( 'text to paste' )
or die $paster->error;
If an error occured during the call to paste()
method it will return either undef
or an empty list depending on the context and the error will be available via error()
. Takes no arguments, returns a human parsable message explaining why paste()
my $last_uri = $paster->uri;
Must be called after a successfull call to paste()
. Takes no arguments, returns a URI object poiting to the newly created paste, i.e. the return value of the last call to paste()
my $old_mech = $paster->mech;
$paster->mech( WWW::Mechanize->new( agent => 'blah' ) );
Returns a WWW::Mechanize object used for pasting. When called with an optional argument (which must be a WWW::Mechanize object) will use it in any subsequent paste()
Zoffix Znet, <zoffix at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-www-pastecssstandardsorg-create at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc WWW::PasteCSSStandardsOrg::Create
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Copyright 2008 Zoffix Znet, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.