WWW::Pastebin::NoMorePastingCom::Retrieve - retrieve pastes from website


my $paster = WWW::Pastebin::NoMorePastingCom::Retrieve->new;

    or die $paster->error;

print "Paste content is:\n$paster\n";


The module provides interface to retrieve pastes from website via Perl.



my $paster = WWW::Pastebin::NoMorePastingCom::Retrieve->new;

my $paster = WWW::Pastebin::NoMorePastingCom::Retrieve->new(
    timeout => 10,

my $paster = WWW::Pastebin::NoMorePastingCom::Retrieve->new(
    ua => LWP::UserAgent->new(
        timeout => 10,
        agent   => 'PasterUA',

Constructs and returns a brand new juicy WWW::Pastebin::NoMorePastingCom::Retrieve object. Takes two arguments, both are optional. Possible arguments are as follows:


->new( timeout => 10 );

Optional. Specifies the timeout argument of LWP::UserAgent's constructor, which is used for retrieving. Defaults to: 30 seconds.


->new( ua => LWP::UserAgent->new( agent => 'Foos!' ) );

Optional. If the timeout argument is not enough for your needs of mutilating the LWP::UserAgent object used for retrieving, feel free to specify the ua argument which takes an LWP::UserAgent object as a value. Note: the timeout argument to the constructor will not do anything if you specify the ua argument as well. Defaults to: plain boring default LWP::UserAgent object with timeout argument set to whatever WWW::Pastebin::NoMorePastingCom::Retrieve's timeout argument is set to as well as agent argument is set to mimic Firefox.



my $results_ref = $paster->retrieve('')
    or die $paster->error;

my $results_ref = $paster->retrieve('10124')
    or die $paster->error;

Instructs the object to retrieve a paste specified in the argument. Takes one mandatory argument which can be either a full URI to the paste you want to retrieve or just its ID. On failure returns either undef or an empty list depending on the context and the reason for the error will be available via error() method. On success returns a hashref with the following keys/values:

$VAR1 = {
      'lang' => 'Perl',
      'content' => 'blah blah.. the content of the paste',


{ 'lang' => 'Perl' }

The lang key will contain the syntax highlighting set for the paste you are retrieving.


{ 'content' => 'blah blah.. the content of the paste' }

The content key will contain the actual content of your paste.


    or die $paster->error;

On failure retrieve() returns either undef or an empty list depending on the context and the reason for the error will be available via error() method. Takes no arguments, returns an error message explaining the failure.


my $paste_id = $paster->id;

Must be called after a successful call to retrieve(). Takes no arguments, returns a paste ID number of the last retrieved paste irrelevant of whether an ID or a URI was given to retrieve()


my $paste_uri = $paster->uri;

Must be called after a successful call to retrieve(). Takes no arguments, returns a URI object with the URI pointing to the last retrieved paste irrelevant of whether an ID or a URI was given to retrieve()


my $last_results_ref = $paster->results;

Must be called after a successful call to retrieve(). Takes no arguments, returns the exact same hashref the last call to retrieve() returned. See retrieve() method for more information.


my $paste_content = $paster->content;

print "Paste content is:\n$paster\n";

Must be called after a successful call to retrieve(). Takes no arguments, returns the actual content of the paste. Note: this method is overloaded for this module for interpolation. Thus you can simply interpolate the object in a string to get the contents of the paste.


my $old_LWP_UA_obj = $paster->ua;

$paster->ua( LWP::UserAgent->new( timeout => 10, agent => 'foos' );

Returns a currently used LWP::UserAgent object used for retrieving pastes. Takes one optional argument which must be an LWP::UserAgent object, and the object you specify will be used in any subsequent calls to retrieve().


LWP::UserAgent, URI


Zoffix Znet, <zoffix at> (,


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-www-pastebin-nomorepastingcom-retrieve at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc WWW::Pastebin::NoMorePastingCom::Retrieve

You can also look for information at:


Copyright 2008 Zoffix Znet, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.