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WebService::Cryptsy - implementation of www.cryptsy.com API
use WebService::Cryptsy;
use Data::Dumper;
my $cryp = WebService::Cryptsy->new(
public_key => 'YOUR PUBLICE KEY',
private_key => 'YOUR PRIVATE KEY',
print Dumper( $cryp->getinfo || $cryp->error ) . "\n";
print Dumper( $cryp->marketdatav2 || $cryp->error ) . "\n";
my $generated_address
= $cryp->generatenewaddress( $currency_id, $currency_code )
or die "Error: " . $cryp->error;
my $cryp = WebService::Cryptsy->new; # no need for keys for some methods
my $data = $cryp->marketdatav2
or die "Error: $cryp"; # error checking and using interpolation
# to get the error message
printf "%s: %f\n", @{ $data->{markets}{$_} }{qw/label lasttradeprice/}
for sort keys %{ $data->{markets} };
This module implements the www.cryptsy.com API whose description is available here: https://www.cryptsy.com/pages/api
Depending on your configuration, you might need to install
cpan LWP::Protocol::https Net::SSLeay
Or some such, to make LWP::UserAgent work over HTTPS, as that's what Cryptsy's API requires.
To use this module, you'll need to obtain the API key from www.cryptsy.com. Once logged in, go to account settings page and scroll all the way to the bottom. Click the Generate New Key button to generate new key.
IMPORTANT!!! Ensure to toggle the "API Disabled" button into the "on" position, otherwise your API will be off and this module will give a confusing error message.
my $cryp = WebService::Cryptsy->new(
public_key => 'YOUR PUBLIC KEY',
private_key => 'YOUR PRIVATE KEY',
timeout => 30,
# or if you're only going to use the public methods:
my $cryp = WebService::Cryptsy->new;
Creates and returns a new WebService::Cryptsy
object. Takes three optional arguments as key/value pairs. The public_key
and private_key
are optional only for the Public Methods of the API. They both are required for calling the Authenticated Methods. To obtain your keys, see the "GETTING API KEY" section above.
my $cryp = WebService::Cryptsy->new(
public_key => '479c5eee116f8f5972bdaf12dd0a3f82562c8a7c',
private_key => 'b408e899526142eee13304669a657c8782435ccda2f65dbea05270fe8dfa5d3d2ef7eb4812ce1c35',
This is the key from the Public Key box on Cryptsy's settings page.
my $cryp = WebService::Cryptsy->new(
public_key => '479c5eee116f8f5972bdaf12dd0a3f82562c8a7c',
private_key => 'b408e899526142eee13304669a657c8782435ccda2f65dbea05270fe8dfa5d3d2ef7eb4812ce1c35',
This is the key from the Private Key box on Cryptsy's settings page.
my $cryp = WebService::Cryptsy->new(
timeout => 30,
Optional. Specifies the timeout, in seconds, of the API requests. Default: 60
# these two are equivalent
my $data = $cryp->marketdata
or die "Error: $cryp";
my $data = $cryp->marketdata
or die "Error: " . $cryp->error;
The API methods will return undef
or an empty list, depending on the context, and the human-readable error will be available using the ->error
method. This method is overloaded for object interpolation, thus you can simply interpolate the object in a string to get the error message.
printf "Current API request timeout is %d\n", $cryp->timeout;
$cryp->timeout( 30 );
Gets/sets the timeout
constructor's argument. Takes one optional argument that specifies the new timeout in seconds. Returns the current timeout in seconds.
All methods are named exactly the same as in Cryptsy's API. If the API method takes any arguments, you'd supply them to the method, in the same order (e.g. $cryp->mytrades( $market_id, $limit );
These methods do not require API keys.
my $data = $cryp->marketdata
or die "Error: $cryp";
General Market Data (All Markets): (OLD METHOD). Takes no arguments. On failure returns undef
or an empty list, depending on the context, and sets ->error
to the error message. On success returns a data structure that looks something like this:
'markets' => {
'CSC' => {
'primaryname' => 'CasinoCoin',
'volume' => '192807.99239834',
'lasttradeprice' => '0.00006507',
'marketid' => '68',
'secondarycode' => 'BTC',
'primarycode' => 'CSC',
'lasttradetime' => '2013-12-26 01:16:24',
'label' => 'CSC/BTC',
'secondaryname' => 'BitCoin',
'buyorders' => [
'quantity' => '0.00000000',
'price' => '0.00007348',
'total' => '1.17579218'
'sellorders' => [
'quantity' => '0.00000000',
'price' => '0.00005005',
'total' => '0.01253232'
'recenttrades' => [
'time' => '2013-12-26 01:27:33',
'quantity' => '2.69061569',
'price' => '0.00007095',
'id' => '9622421',
'total' => '0.00019090'
my $data = $cryp->marketdatav2
or die "Error: $cryp";
General Market Data (All Markets): (NEW METHOD). Takes no arguments. On failure returns undef
or an empty list, depending on the context, and sets ->error
to the error message. On success returns a data structure that looks something like this:
{ 'markets' => { 'IFC/LTC' => { 'primaryname' => 'InfiniteCoin', 'secondaryname' => 'LiteCoin', 'label' => 'IFC/LTC', 'volume' => '413934622.38106910', 'lasttradeprice' => '0.00000289', 'marketid' => '60', 'primarycode' => 'IFC', 'secondarycode' => 'LTC', 'lasttradetime' => '2013-12-26 01:37:09', 'sellorders' => [ { 'quantity' => '0.00000000', 'price' => '0.00000286', 'total' => '8.64783388' }, ], 'buyorders' => [ { 'quantity' => '0.00000000', 'price' => '0.00000293', 'total' => '2.15336758', }, ], 'recenttrades' => [ { 'time' => '2013-12-26 01:40:36', 'quantity' => '10000.00000000', 'price' => '0.00000292', 'id' => '9626105', 'total' => '0.02920000', }, ], }, }
my $market_id = 60; # IFC/LTC market
my $data = $cryp->singlemarketdata( $market_id )
or die "Error: $cryp";
General Market Data (Single Market). Takes one mandatory argument, which is the market ID. On failure returns undef
or an empty list, depending on the context, and sets ->error
to the error message. On success returns a data structure that looks something like this:
'markets' => {
'IFC' => {
'primaryname' => 'InfiniteCoin',
'volume' => '405825211.07019660',
'lasttradeprice' => '0.00000292',
'marketid' => '60',
'secondarycode' => 'LTC',
'primarycode' => 'IFC',
'lasttradetime' => '2013-12-26 01:45:50',
'label' => 'IFC/LTC',
'secondaryname' => 'LiteCoin',
'buyorders' => [
'quantity' => '0.00000000',
'price' => '0.00000293',
'total' => '2.15336758'
'sellorders' => [
'quantity' => '0.00000000',
'price' => '0.00000286',
'total' => '8.64783388'
'recenttrades' => [
'time' => '2013-12-26 01:45:50',
'quantity' => '100000.00000000',
'price' => '0.00000292',
'id' => '9627226',
'total' => '0.29200000'
my $data = $cryp->orderdata
or die "Error: $cryp";
General Orderbook Data (All Markets). Takes no arguments. On failure returns undef
or an empty list, depending on the context, and sets ->error
to the error message. On success returns a data structure that looks something like this:
'CSC' => {
'primaryname' => 'CasinoCoin',
'secondaryname' => 'BitCoin',
'marketid' => '68',
'secondarycode' => 'BTC',
'primarycode' => 'CSC',
'label' => 'CSC/BTC',
'sellorders' => [
'quantity' => '0.00000000',
'price' => '0.00005005',
'total' => '0.01253232'
'buyorders' => [
'quantity' => '0.00000000',
'price' => '0.00007348',
'total' => '1.17579218'
my $market_id = 68; # CSC/BTC market
my $data = $cryp->singleorderdata( $market_id )
or die "Error: $cryp";
General Orderbook Data (Single Market). Takes one mandatory argument, which is the market ID. On failure returns undef
or an empty list, depending on the context, and sets ->error
to the error message. On success returns a data structure that looks something like this:
'CSC' => {
'primaryname' => 'CasinoCoin',
'marketid' => '68',
'secondarycode' => 'BTC',
'primarycode' => 'CSC',
'label' => 'CSC/BTC',
'secondaryname' => 'BitCoin',
'buyorders' => [
'quantity' => '0.00000000',
'price' => '0.00007348',
'total' => '1.17579218'
'sellorders' => [
'quantity' => '0.00000000',
'price' => '0.00005005',
'total' => '0.01253232'
my $data = $cryp->getinfo
or die "Error: $cryp";
Takes no arguments. On failure returns undef
or an empty list, depending on the context, and sets ->error
to the error message. On success returns a data structure that looks something like this:
'openordercount' => 0,
'servertimestamp' => 1388083631,
'servertimezone' => 'EST',
'balances_available' => {
'DBL' => '0.00000000',
'CMC' => '0.00000000'
'serverdatetime' => '2013-12-26 13:47:11',
'balances_hold' => {
'CSC' => '0.00000000',
'HYC' => '0.00000000',
And according to Cryptsy's API, the meaning of these keys is:
Array of currencies and the balances available for eachbalances_hold
Array of currencies and the amounts currently on hold for open ordersservertimestamp
Current server timestampservertimezone
Current timezone for the serverserverdatetime
Current date/time on the serveropenordercount
Count of open orders on your account
my $data = $cryp->getmarkets
or die "Error: $cryp";
Outputs: Array of Active Markets. Takes no arguments. On failure returns undef
or an empty list, depending on the context, and sets ->error
to the error message. On success returns a data structure that looks something like this:
'current_volume' => '1147913.14033064',
'marketid' => '57',
'created' => '2013-07-04 01:01:09',
'high_trade' => '0.00001638',
'primary_currency_name' => 'AlphaCoin',
'secondary_currency_name' => 'BitCoin',
'last_trade' => '0.00001366',
'primary_currency_code' => 'ALF',
'label' => 'ALF/BTC',
'secondary_currency_code' => 'BTC',
'low_trade' => '0.00001067'
And according to Cryptsy's API, the meaning of these keys is:
Integer value representing a marketlabel
Name for this market, for example:AMC/BTC
Primary currency code, for example:AMC
Primary currency name, for example:AmericanCoin
Secondary currency code, for example:BTC
Secondary currency name, for example:BitCoin
24 hour trading volume in this marketlast_trade
Last trade price for this markethigh_trade
24 hour highest trade price in this marketlow_trade
24 hour lowest trade price in this marketcreated
Datetime (EST) the market was created
my $data = $cryp->mytransactions
or die "Error: $cryp";
Outputs: Array of Deposits and Withdrawals on your account. Takes no arguments. On failure returns undef
or an empty list, depending on the context, and sets ->error
to the error message. On success returns a data structure. Since I don't actually use Cryptsy, I've no transactions and can't see what structure the method returns. If you can, please dump it and submit it as a bug report. My best guess is it returns an arrayref of hashrefs, and according to Cryptsy's API, the meaning of the keys in each hashref is:
Name of currency accounttimestamp
The timestamp the activity posteddatetime
The datetime the activity postedtimezone
Server timezonetype
Type of activity. (Deposit / Withdrawal)address
Address to which the deposit posted or Withdrawal was sentamount
Amount of transaction (Not including any fees)fee
Fee (If any) Charged for this Transaction (Generally only on Withdrawals)trxid
Network Transaction ID (If available)
my $market_id = 68; # CSC/BTC market
my $data = $cryp->markettrades( $market_id )
or die "Error: $cryp";
Outputs: Array of last 1000 Trades for this Market, in Date Decending Order. Takes one mandatory argument, which is the market ID. On failure returns undef
or an empty list, depending on the context, and sets ->error
to the error message. On success returns a data structure that looks something like this:
'quantity' => '73.90140550',
'tradeid' => '9811863',
'initiate_ordertype' => 'Sell',
'total' => '0.00423825',
'tradeprice' => '0.00005735',
'datetime' => '2013-12-26 16:22:52'
And according to Cryptsy's API, the meaning of the keys in each hashref is:
A unique ID for the tradedatetime
Server datetime trade occurredtradeprice
The price the trade occurred atquantity
Quantity tradedtotal
Total value of trade (tradeprice * quantity)initiate_ordertype
The type of order which initiated this trade
my $market_id = 68; # CSC/BTC market
my $data = $cryp->marketorders( $market_id )
or die "Error: $cryp";
Outputs: 2 Arrays. First array is sellorders listing current open sell orders ordered price ascending. Second array is buyorders listing current open buy orders ordered price descending. Takes one mandatory argument, which is the market ID. On failure returns undef
or an empty list, depending on the context, and sets ->error
to the error message. On success returns a data structure that looks something like this:
'sellorders' => [
'sellprice' => '0.00005740',
'quantity' => '212.47116097',
'total' => '0.01219584'
'buyorders' => [
'quantity' => '200.00000000',
'buyprice' => '0.00005737',
'total' => '0.01147400'
And according to Cryptsy's API, the meaning of the keys in each hashref is:
If a sell order, price which order is selling atbuyprice
If a buy order, price the order is buying atquantity
Quantity on ordertotal
Total value of order (price * quantity)
my $market_id = 68; # CSC/BTC market
my $limit = 200;
my $data = $cryp->mytrades( $market_id, $limit )
or die "Error: $cryp";
Outputs: Array your Trades for this Market, in Date Decending Order. Takes one mandatory argument, which is the market ID, and one optional argument, which is the limit of the number of results (defaults to 200
). On failure returns undef
or an empty list, depending on the context, and sets ->error
to the error message. On success returns a data structure. Since I don't actually use Cryptsy, I've no transactions and can't see what structure the method returns. If you can, please dump it and submit it as a bug report. My best guess is it returns an arrayref of hashrefs, and according to Cryptsy's API, the meaning of the keys in each hashref is:
An integer identifier for this tradetradetype
Type of trade (Buy/Sell)datetime
Server datetime trade occurredtradeprice
The price the trade occurred atquantity
Quantity tradedtotal
Total value of trade (tradeprice * quantity)- Does not include feesfee
Fee Charged for this Tradeinitiate_ordertype
The type of order which initiated this tradeorder_id
Original order id this trade was executed against
my $data = $cryp->allmytrades
or die "Error: $cryp";
Outputs: Array your Trades for all Markets, in Date Decending Order. Takes no arguments. On failure returns undef
or an empty list, depending on the context, and sets ->error
to the error message. On success returns a data structure. Since I don't actually use Cryptsy, I've no transactions and can't see what structure the method returns. If you can, please dump it and submit it as a bug report. My best guess is it returns an arrayref of hashrefs, and according to Cryptsy's API, the meaning of the keys in each hashref is:
An integer identifier for this tradetradetype
Type of trade (Buy/Sell)datetime
Server datetime trade occurredmarketid
The market in which the trade occurredtradeprice
The price the trade occurred atquantity
Quantity tradedtotal
Total value of trade (tradeprice * quantity) - Does not include feesfee
Fee Charged for this Tradeinitiate_ordertype
The type of order which initiated this tradeorder_id
Original order id this trade was executed against
my $market_id = 68; # CSC/BTC market
my $data = $cryp->myorders( $market_id )
or die "Error: $cryp";
Outputs: Array of your orders for this market listing your current open sell and buy orders. Takes one mandatory argument, which is the market ID. On failure returns undef
or an empty list, depending on the context, and sets ->error
to the error message. On success returns a data structure. Since I don't actually use Cryptsy, I've no transactions and can't see what structure the method returns. If you can, please dump it and submit it as a bug report. My best guess is it returns an arrayref of hashrefs, and according to Cryptsy's API, the meaning of the keys in each hashref is:
Order ID for this ordercreated
Datetime the order was createdordertype
Type of order (Buy/Sell)price
The price per unit for this orderquantity
Quantity remaining for this ordertotal
Total value of order (price * quantity)orig_quantity
Original Total Order Quantity
my $market_id = 68; # CSC/BTC market
my $data = $cryp->depth( $market_id )
or die "Error: $cryp";
Outputs: Array of buy and sell orders on the market representing market depth. Takes one mandatory argument, which is the market ID. On failure returns undef
or an empty list, depending on the context, and sets ->error
to the error message. On success returns a data structure that looks something like this:
'buy' => [
'0.00005633', # price
'2.70000000' # quantity
'sell' => [
'0.00005641', # price
'73.44390000' # quantity
my $data = $cryp->allmyorders
or die "Error: $cryp";
Outputs: Array of all open orders for your account. Takes no arguments. On failure returns undef
or an empty list, depending on the context, and sets ->error
to the error message. On success returns a data structure. Since I don't actually use Cryptsy, I've no transactions and can't see what structure the method returns. If you can, please dump it and submit it as a bug report. My best guess is it returns an arrayref of hashrefs, and according to Cryptsy's API, the meaning of the keys in each hashref is:
Order ID for this ordermarketid
The Market ID this order was created forcreated
Datetime the order was createdordertype
Type of order (Buy/Sell)price
The price per unit for this orderquantity
Quantity remaining for this ordertotal
Total value of order (price * quantity)orig_quantity
Original Total Order Quantity
my $order_id = $cryp->createorder(
$marketid, # Market ID for which you are creating an order for
$ordertype, # Order type you are creating (Buy/Sell)
$quantity, # Amount of units you are buying/selling in this order
$price, # Price per unit you are buying/selling at
) or die "Error: $cryp";
Takes four mandatory arguments that are (in order): market id, order type (Buy or Sell), quantity, price. On failure returns undef
or an empty list, depending on the context, and sets ->error
to the error message. On success returns the order ID.
$cryp->cancelorder( $order_id )
or die "Error: $cryp";
Takes one mandatory argument, which is the order ID of the order you wish to cancel. On failure returns undef
or an empty list, depending on the context, and sets ->error
to the error message. On success returns a true value.
my $market_id = 68; # CSC/BTC market
my $data = $cryp->cancelmarketorders( $market_id )
or die "Error: $cryp";
Cancel all open orders in the market. Takes one mandatory argument, which is the market ID. On failure returns undef
or an empty list, depending on the context, and sets ->error
to the error message. According to the API docs, on success returns an arrayref that contains "return information on each order cancelled." I don't have the means to create/cancel orders; if you can dump the returned data structure and submit it to me via a bug report, it would be appreciated. It is likely the return is a hashref with a single key return
whose value is an arrayref.
my $data = $cryp->cancelallorders
or die "Error: $cryp";
Outputs: Array of all open orders for your account. Takes no arguments. On failure returns undef
or an empty list, depending on the context, and sets ->error
to the error message. According to the API docs, on success returns an arrayref that contains "return information on each order cancelled." I don't have the means to create/cancel orders; if you can dump the returned data structure and submit it to me via a bug report, it would be appreciated. It is likely the return is a hashref with a single key return
whose value is an arrayref.
my $data = $cryp->calculatefees(
$ordertype, # Order type you are calculating for (Buy/Sell)
$quantity, # Amount of units you are buying/selling
$price, # Price per unit you are buying/selling at
) or die "Error: $cryp";
Takes three mandatory arguments that are (in order): order type (Buy or Sell), quantity, price. On failure returns undef
or an empty list, depending on the context, and sets ->error
to the error message. On success returns a data structure that looks like this:
'fee' => '11.94000000',
'net' => '3968.06000000'
And according to Cryptsy's API, the meaning of the keys in the hashref is:
The that would be charged for provided inputsnet
The net total with fees
my $address = $cryp->generatenewaddress(
3, # Currency ID for the coin you want to
# generate a new address for (ie. 3 = BitCoin)
'BTC', # Currency Code for the coin you want to generate a new
# address for (ie. BTC = BitCoin)
) or die "Error: $cryp";
my $address = $cryp->generatenewaddress( 3 )
or die "Error: $cryp";
my $address = $cryp->generatenewaddress( undef, 'BTC' )
or die "Error: $cryp";
Takes two optional arguments, but at least one of them must be provided. The first argument is the currency ID, the second is the currency code. If you're providing the currency code but wish not to provide the currency ID, then provide currency ID as undef
. On failure returns undef
or an empty list, depending on the context, and sets ->error
to the error message. On success returns a data structure that looks something like this:
'address' => '16zJ1sR9RBEsWsAzy8uZYM2Lr65691kwqD'
Zoffix Znet, <zoffix at cpan.org>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-webservice-cryptsy at rt.cpan.org
, or through the web interface at http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=WebService-Cryptsy. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc WebService::Cryptsy
You can also look for information at:
RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here)
AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
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Copyright 2013 Zoffix Znet.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the the Artistic License (2.0). You may obtain a copy of the full license at:
Any use, modification, and distribution of the Standard or Modified Versions is governed by this Artistic License. By using, modifying or distributing the Package, you accept this license. Do not use, modify, or distribute the Package, if you do not accept this license.
If your Modified Version has been derived from a Modified Version made by someone other than you, you are nevertheless required to ensure that your Modified Version complies with the requirements of this license.
This license does not grant you the right to use any trademark, service mark, tradename, or logo of the Copyright Holder.
This license includes the non-exclusive, worldwide, free-of-charge patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import and otherwise transfer the Package with respect to any patent claims licensable by the Copyright Holder that are necessarily infringed by the Package. If you institute patent litigation (including a cross-claim or counterclaim) against any party alleging that the Package constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, then this Artistic License to you shall terminate on the date that such litigation is filed.